James v. Paul
Did James write his epistle to address flaws in Paul's writings, as we said in Jesus Words Only?
James' Words Responding to Paul
Gal 2:16; Romans 3:28: Justification is by faith not works of the Law.
James 2:24: Justification is by works not faith alone
Gal 3:6; Romans 4:3: Quotes Genesis 15:6, Faith made Abraham right with God.
James 2:22-23: Quotes Genesis 15:6, his faith and deeds worked together
Gal 3:20; Romans 3:30: God is one.
James 2:14-19: You believe God is one, good but even demons believe that!
Gal 3:23: We were captive under the law.
James 1:25: The law makes people free
Gal 5:18, Rom 8:2 & 10:4: We are not under the law.
James 2:10-13: We will be judged according to the law, but there is mercy for the merciful
Romans 5:20: God sent the law to increase sin
Romans 7 5: law works in our members to bring sin and death
Romans 7:7, not know to covet had law not told me not to covet
1 Cor. 15:56 "sinful passions...[are] coming into active exercise through the law"
James 1:13-15: God tempts no one. Desire causes sin which causes death
Gal 5:10-12 The one troubling you will bear the penalty, no matter who he is
James 4:11: He who judges his brother, judges the law
Gal 1:12-16, 2 Cor.12:1-7 Paul did not learn from the other apostles but by direct revelation from Christ above
James 3:14-15: If you are jealous & ambitious, do not boast & lie. This isn't the wisdom that comes down from above.
Gal 1:20 "before God, I do not lie!"
James 5:12 Do not Swear an Oath, let your "yes" be yes and your "no" be no
1Cor 9:15, 2 Cor 10:14-15, 11:21-23, 2 Cor 12:11-12, Phil 3:8-9, I Thes2:7-12
James 3:5: Don't Boast!
Gal 1:8-9: Paul curses the one preaching "a different Gospel"
James 3:9: Don't curse!