The obvious search solution that no one is examining
September 2015 update introduction: just as I suspected in the March 2015 article below, the plane took a western path over the Indian Ocean. The French Airbus manufacturer confirmed the part recently discovered was from a wing that belonged to flight 370 found in this path. Incidentally, a wing part in the ocean does not prove it crashed. It means simply what it looks like: a wing part from flight 370 was found in the ocean. Thus, we are still missing any explanation why this part, and no other, is floating on the surface.
Original article of March 2015
For this article, I suggest the reader watch the 45 minute Smithsonian Channel analysis and summary of the evidence about missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. See this Youtube Link. (Another important documentary -- Why Planes Vanish -- was done in 2015 by PBS, which you can find at this link. In addition, the Discovery Channel did a documentary entitled the Missing Malaysian Plane, available at this link.)
The Smithsonian's 370 documentary summarizes the evidence quite well.
First, it was a Boeing 777. The 777 is a very safe airplane, second to none. This would suggest that a catastrophic failure wouldn't be a likely explanation.
Second, the pilots had just left Malaysian air space after taking off an hour earlier. They were about to be switched over to the Vietnam air traffic controllers. But that transfer never took place. The co-pilot said good night to the Malaysian air traffic controllers (near a controller-waypoint called Igari), and then someone on the flight deck of MH370 deliberately turned off the transponders. (There is a backup one if the first fails.) This was timed perfectly to be before Vietnam air traffic controllers would have made contact.
Two experts were quoted and interviewed for the Smithsonian channel special. They each indicated it would be highly unlikely that both transponders could have been damaged and turned off by any other means than a deliberate act of someone on the flight deck. (The PBS 2015 documentary is even more emphatic that this was a deliberate act of someone on the flight deck.)
Then a few minutes later the ACARS system - the satellite-based communications -- was turned off as well. Another deliberate act. (This was explained on the documentary Air Crash Investigation - Where is Flight 370 at 20:15 et seq.) The ACARS system itself was not damaged because the pinging portion came back on for an unknown reason, and tracked the plane for six hours thereafter -- proving the plane flew for 7 total hours after the left turn at Igari, as explained below.
Third, it was also observed in this Smithsonian documentary that the pilots thereafter deliberately maintained radio silence for hours despite the aircraft flying for several more hours at flight normal speed. (This speed factor was detectible via the Inmarstat satellite system based on the pings.) Had there been a mechanical problem, it evidently did not bring the plane down and obviously radio communications remained possible, yet the pilots said nothing to anyone for those same hours.
Fourth, the plane made a sharp left turn after the transponders were turned off. The experts in the documentary said that too was also a deliberate act. Autopilot does not make those types of very sharp turns, the experts opined. It was a very tight turn that a commercial plane does not ordinarily make. So an experienced pilot was flying the plane during that tight turn -- whether in a pilot's chair on the flight deck or via some cyberhijack (if possible which the documentary discounted as highly unlikely). And that was after the transponders and ACARS systems had already been turned off by a conscious act by someone on the flight deck who wanted to make the plane invisible to radar and satellite.
What is also important, but was left out in the Smithsonian channel account, was that before the plane made this left turn, the plane deliberately ascended to an altitude over 46,000 feet, which would have the effect of knocking out all the passengers due to decompression / lack of oxygen. Then after knocking them out, the plane descended to normal heights and then continued to descend below ordinary radar. This going up to this height and then coming back down where oxygen levels are normal would not affect the pilots because the pilots could maintain consciousness by using special oxygen masks.
At that point the plane began a path that one expert pilot stated could be in the direction of the civilian airport other than at Kuala Lumpur. His theory is that the aircraft suffered a catastrophic failure prior to the left turn. This is what knocked out the transponder, so he speculates. Then the aircraft turned left to find a different airport than Kuala Lumpur. He speculated that the reason it would do that is that to get back to Kuala Lumpur airport would require to go over a high Mountain Ridge. So based upon his assumption that the aircraft was damaged prior to the left turn, it thus had to go back in a direction towards a different more approachable airport because Kuala Lumpur was difficult to access for a damaged plane due to a mountain range.
However, that expert's comment was noted by the narrator of the Smithsonian channel documentary to be without any evidence or support. But what the Smithsonian channel narrator did not directly note in this context was that it would be highly unlikely because, as the narrator also mentions at a different point, the pilots were maintaining radio silence during that entire time. Why would they do that? If there was a catastrophic mechanical failure but the plane could fly several more hours, it wouldn't have knocked out the radio communications. (There are 5 radio devices on the plane according to the PBS documentary. It concludes that absent a 100% demise of the aircraft, radio communication was possible, and hence this silence was deliberate.) So the pilots in this hypothesis should have been alerting the airport that they were intending to arrive at a particular time if an electrical problem caused both transponders to fail at the same time.
Obviously, a deliberate active hijack by the pilots -- one or both -- whether willing or forced, is the only thing that explains the radio silence that clearly was being maintained after the sharp left turn which was deliberately made just after someone deliberately turned the transponders off and shortly after the plane was taken up to 46,000 feet which knocked out all the passengers due to decompression.
The evidence of several more hours of flight proven by the Inmarstat satellite actually proves there was no catastrophic failure that caused the transponder or any other part of the aircraft to fail. This means the transponder was working just fine and someone in the cockpit wanted to make this left turn. It was not to go to a different airport in the particular direction but instead to follow that landing track so that the military radar which would track MH370 for only 19 minutes (which does not depend upon transponders) only as it headed south would see 370 following normal civilian flight routes. The one piloting the aircraft had a different agenda altogether than landing in Malaysia, and ultimately after it was beyond military radar's reach, it turned west toward the Indian Ocean. Flight 370 never landed at the civilian airport as its original heading after the left turn would have suggested. (NOTE: The Discovery Channel documentary linked above at 30:55 says that military radar tracking can do so without a working transponder, and did so for 19 minutes after 370 went off primary civilian radar. This is how we know of the sharp left turn and the subsequent turn down the corridor of civilian traffic which, after military radar could no longer track it, then the aircraft headed out over the Indian ocean.)
The documentary has substantial discussion about various pings that were monitored for some time. These proved the aircraft clearly continued to be flown several hours after the turn left. It was being pinged and hence tracked by two different satellites at the time. One satellite could tell that the speed of the aircraft was several hundred miles an hour, while the other one could not tell the speed but could prove 4 hours after the left turn that the aircraft was still in flight. The plane flew at least 7 extra hours at several hundreds of miles of hour according to the other ping that measured flight speed as well.
However, what is also key, and only revealed in the PBS Documentary, is that the every-hour ping to the Inmarstat satellite missed the ping due after the plane turned west toward the Indian ocean. Then for no apparent reason, the second hour ping thereafter showed up, and so it did for the next several hours -- showing 7 hours of flight time total. But again, the first hour's ping was missed. The satellite device is in the rear ceiling fuselage of the plane. May I suggest someone turned it off to cloak the aircraft's continued flying. Why did it turn back on? Perhaps a mistake in the plan. Or a co-pilot's dissenting behavior emerged. Whatever the reason, this means, if my theory that the plane landed on an island in the Indian Ocean is correct, then upon landing, the satellite transceiver was permanently disabled, and pinging was no longer happening. It is not because the plane is on the bottom of the ocean.
Turning back to the sequence of events, we thus know the direction of travel turned away from an alternative airport landing heading, and instead went in the direction of the broad Indian Ocean beyond military radar and with transponders switched off beyond civilian radar. As the PBS documentary says, this reflects a high degree of piloting knowledge in the area to "thread a needle" that no radar would cover the aircraft in the narrow corridor it flew in.
Where was it going according to the secondary satellite data? The heading was toward an area in the Indian Ocean where there are over 300 islands that a 777 could feasibly land. So in other words, Malaysian Airlines flight 370 by-passed any effort to land in Malaysia, and instead continued on into the Indian Ocean where the only landing sites were small islands -- but many of them with emergency landing sites available.
Why is this ignored now? Because as explained in the PBS documentary, the Inmarstat satellite company tried to obtain a quasi-fix on 370's direction of travel by means of a doppler analysis of data on the decay imperfections in an aging satellite's inability to maintain a perfectly stationary geosynchrynous orbit. In doing so, the Inmarstat company was forced to add speculative assumptions that were never thought of before to measure something that was never intended to be measured.
The Inmarstat company's goal was to determine whether a northern or southern route was signalled in those 7 hours of pings. They spent hours on it, and could not come up with anything, but finally, with many assumptions, and admission that they were reading very small variances to interpret the data, said the route was a southern one. There are apparently no islands in the southern Indian ocean. Now the PBS documentary says that long months of searching the southern route has turned up zero - not a life vest, not a piece of debris, nothing -- and it declares this was in reliance on "ambiguous" data.
Time To Change Theories
It is time to realize that Inmarstat company was trying to be helpful, but the extrapolation that any data is better than no data is a poor foundation to hold onto the southern route theory. The pilots never acted suicidally up to the point they started heading due West. The PBS Documentary says it took a skilled pilot knowledgeable of military radar-free corridors to take the passage he did. The speculative formula that deduced a southern turn later is contradicted by the scouring of the southern Indian ocean. It means attention should be turned instead to what the pilot's home PC's flight simulator turned up: maps of the western and northern Indian ocean where he could practice landing on the over 300 islands in which a 777 could land.
One alternative theory that the Smithsonian documentary discussed was that the pilot-captain was depressed, whose wife just left him that morning just before flying Flight 370. So it is suggested as a reasonable possibility that he was depressed, and decided to kill himself and over 200 people.
Other pilots who knew him said he was too professional to do that.
That does not make sense that he killed himself, and murdered over 200 people. He had an easy solution much earlier... just go into a nose dive and its over. Why go through this cat-and-mouse of turning off transponders, engaging in radio silence, turning off the Inmarstat satellite ping (but it found its way back on after missing one ping), taking a perfect route to avoid military radar, etc., just to turn on auto pilot in a southern route and allow the plane to crash there. That does not make sense.
But the answer to this puzzle is staring everyone in the face, and everyone pretends that the solution is to find this aircraft somewhere crashed in the southern Indian Ocean. That possibility has been fairly exhausted as many nations attempted to do so by means of hundreds of aircraft and ships. The Doppler algorithim was applied using admittently billionths of a fraction-type data to deduce a direction -- not what Inmar satellite data is supposed to be able to do -- and thus simply it obviously made a wrong deduction.
What is being ignored is that on the 777 cockpit mock up that the captain had made in his home, his computer program had numerous landing sites in the southern Indian Ocean. We read in the Huffington Post:
Pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah (pictured top right next to co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid) had no social plans or engagements after March 8, the day the plane vanished. Shah also programmed flights far into the southern Indian Ocean - the plane's most likely resting place - on the flight simulator at his home.
On March 18th, 2014, investigators found 5 mapped landings on islands in the Indian Ocean on the simulator in Shah's home:
Investigators have discovered the runways of five airports near the Indian Ocean loaded into Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah’s home-made flight simulator, a Malay daily reported today - See more at:
The London Telegraph in June 2014 had reported similarly:
Sources close to the investigation confirmed to The Telegraph on Sunday that a deleted flight path had been recovered from Capt Zaharie's simulator which had been used to practice landing an aircraft on a small runway on an unnamed island in the far southern Indian Ocean.
There are several hundred landing sites at which a 777 could actually land in the western or southern Indian Ocean within the duration and radius of the actual flight. Each one of those islands should be searched systematically to see if the plane was landing there.
This is the only answer that makes sense of all the evidence. Yet no one ever has suggested publicly to employ this search criteria: one by one, visit each island listed in the captain's computer. Just like in the movie Thunderball, a plane can be deliberately hidden in a small island chain by covering it with a jungle-looking tarp so it blends into the background.
Unlike reality, however, in the movie Thunderball, the pilot was replaced with a person who looks like the true pilot due to plastic surgery. The imposter's motive is easy to see - pure money. The problem here is what could motivate a sensible, upstanding pilot to do something so uncharacteristic, as what we are suggesting.
It may remain a mystery and only conjecture can serve us now, yet the facts above prove the captain specifically was the most likely person who made all the above decisions to turn off the transponder, make a hard left to avoid Vietnamese controllers, took a civilian flight route southward to throw off military radar's suspicion of anything out of the ordinary, then flying out toward one of 300 island landing sites, many of which were in his flight simulator at home of the 777 flight deck, etc.
But if I were to suggest what motivated the flight crew that fits the captain's stature and integrity, cinema again lends a hand to work out a theory. In the movie Star Trek by Abrams, it gives us a perfect example of what can happen to a normal person of high stature and integrity when faced with a life and death dilemma. In Abrams' Star Trek, a poison is given to a daughter of an employee at a library of the Federation. A sick maniac wants to blow up the library. He death-mails a civil servant who works at the library. If on a certain morning the library does not get blown up using a device the maniac provides the civil servant, the employee's daughter will die an hour later. Thus, the civil servant cooperates, and he takes the bomb into the library. It blows up, killing himself in the process. Yet, the heroic father presumes the antedote will be given his daughter due to his self-sacrifice. A good man of noble stature and integrity becomes a mass murderer to save his daughter's life. It is plausible.
Why couldn't fiction mimic reality here?
The very fact that the MH370 captain's wife left him that day can be a clue. If she says her husband was nervous, anxious, not himself, and trying to insist she move out, leave him, etc., it could be that he was being death-mailed that unless he handed over a 777 in-tact on one of over 300 islands in the Indian Ocean at which a 777 can land, his wife would be harmed. But he did not share this part with his wife, or she would panic. He tried to handle it on his own. He was forced into doing something everyone agrees is out of his character. Further examination of what the wife says precipitated her leaving may give a clue as to the motivation.
But indubitably, the best avenue given the evidence is to search each island in the Indian Ocean where a 777 could land that was in the captain's home PC flight simulator.
The goal of the death-mailer? Who knows? To sell the 487 lbs of lithium batteries on board? To sell 777 parts as salvage to countries who don't care on using manufacturer certified parts? We don't have enough information to know.
What about the lives of the persons on board? I don't want to give anyone false hope. But the pilot may have justified this because simply knocking the people all out by going above 46,000 feet did not kill anyone as the plane came quickly back down into a safe oxygen level. The brief episode would make everyone docile, and then willing to accept a captain's reassurance of a malfunction, and everyone would want to get off the plane in some island in the Indian Ocean.
Again, cinema provides a clue to this strategy. In Hunt for Red October, Captain Ramius has to figure out a means to have a sub crew "want" to get off a sub that the captain has secretly hijacked to hand over to the USA (to prevent a first-strike weapon). He fakes a nuclear accident in the reactors, and now the crew gladly get off into the safety of the arms of the US Navy who they trust are better than drowning at sea. The same strategy explains why the 370 pilot took the plane up to 46,000 -- knocking out the passengers -- and then coming back down, thus not killing the passengers by the odd maneuver.
The problem is how can the passengers have survived an entire year now on such an island? If there is good fruits on trees, and fresh water, then one cannot rule out that there are survivors. Perhaps this is why no one openly discusses this theory in public: the fear of giving false hope. The problem is this concern should be outweighed by letting the families know that EVERYTHING possible is being done to find their family members. If the public were told a decent theory is the captain was coerced somehow to land the plane on a small island in the Indian Ocean, that the authorities will search each of the over 300 islands in a reasonable search vector, starting with the one's on the captain's PC Flight Simulator. It took 2 years to find a plane that crashed in the Atlantic, and it might take that long to find this plane and the passengers -- some of whom hopefully have survived.
In summary, there is clear evidence that the captain at least was planning on landing a 777 in a small island on the Indian Ocean. He practiced it on a regular basis on his home PC. All the evidence indicates that a pilot in the cockpit turned the transponder off, then 19 minutes later the ACARS system was deliberately turned off; then a pilot flew the plane over 46,000 feet, knocking out all the passengers out so there be evidently no resistance from them and cooperation later getting off thinking an emergency had happened. The pilot then avoided contact with Vietnam air-traffic controllers by making a left turn sharply which is very out of the ordinary for a commercial jet to do. It is also not how an autopilot would operate either. So a pilot is clearly deliberately turning directly left. Then the pilot doing this took a flight path heading as if to a civilian airport, which would have caused military radar -- the only radar tracking him -- not to be concerned. But then when beyond its reach, he turned directly toward the Indian ocean where the over 300 islands where he could land were all in front of him -- fresh from his practice runs on his home flight-simulator for a 777. Now flying low and out over the Indian Ocean where no one is tracking him any longer on radar, he can pick a pre-agreed spot where his death-mailer told him to land.
That is a decent theory that should be explored by examining each and every island that the captain-pilot had in his home PC to see whether the pilot landed on any of those islands that are in his home computer.
I'm sure someone's going to say that but of course they're doing that. However, no one ever says that. They keep treating as gospel the Inmarstat team's conjectural projection of a southern turn despite not a shred of debris has surfaced in over one year. [UPDATE: IT SHOWED UP FAR WEST, AND NOWHERE NEAR THE SOUTH, JUST AS THIS ARTICLE PROJECTED WAS THE DIRECTION.] So until someone says that they're investigating the "Island theory" as I call it, I think it's a worthwhile thing to shout out this Island theory for the benefit of those families who need closure that the authorities are indeed doing this – that they're going to look at each and every island that was in the radius that the pilot could've reached and it was in his mock-up at home.
As Christians, we should pray for those families that they will have peace about this by being 100% sure everything reasonable is being done. That includes throwing out faulty conclusions about flight 370 heading over the far southern Indian ocean rather than heading toward hundreds of landing sites in the last military tracked direction that 370 was heading upon.
Huffington Post carries a story of an expert Jeff Wise who says there is a clue being overlooked. This involves the turning back on of the Inmarstat satellite. It cannot go on again any more accidentally than anything else in this story. We learn:
It then slipped off radar entirely over the Andaman Sea at 2.25am.
Three minutes later, the plane began to send a series of electronic signals to an Inmarsat communications satellite, totaling seven over the course of seven hours.
Wise says: “These would constitute the only evidence of what happened to the plane, and though slim, would allow scientists using novel mathematical techniques to roughly determine where the plane must have gone.”
But Wise describes the reason as to why the plane sent the signals as “the core enigma”.
He points out that a feature of the Inmarsat satellite communications system is that if a customer does not use it for a certain amount of time then the satellite will transmit a signal asking the user if they are still logged on.
The request is known as a “handshake” in the aviation industry.
Analysts who subscribe to the theory Captain Shah was carrying out a suicide plot have suggested he turned off the communication systems in an attempt to evade detection, but did not realise the hourly satellite “handshakes” were still occurring.
Wise writes: “That’s incorrect… Whoever was in charge of the plane didn’t leave the satellite system on. It was turned off or in some other way compromised.
“What happened at 2.25am was that MH370 logged back on to the Inmarsat system. I count this as the central, crucial clue for the simple reason that turning the satellite communication system off and on is something that few airline pilots know how to do.
“And it’s not easy to accomplish. For the log-on to have occurred, someone had to either turn off half the electrical system of the plane or else climbed into the electronics bay and tampered with the power data line feeding the satellite communication system.
“This small, easy-to-overlook piece of data, then, has some fairly jaw-dropping implications. It suggests that whoever took MH370 was technically very savvy. And it suggests that the Inmarsat data, the only clue that we have about the plane’s final six hours, was not immune from tampering.”
Wise expanded on this theory in a piece for New York Magazine entitled How Crazy Am I To Think I Actually Know Where That Malaysia Airlines Plane Is, published last month.
“They turned on the satcom in order to provide a false trail of breadcrumbs leading away from the plane’s true route,” he writes.
He continues: “I spent a great deal of time trying to figure out how a person could physically turn the satcom off and on.
“The only way, apart from turning off half the entire electrical system, would be to go into the E/E bay and pull three particular circuit breakers. It is a maneuver that only a sophisticated operator would know how to execute, and the only reason I could think for wanting to do this was so that Inmarsat would find the records and misinterpret them.”
Wise theorizes that Putin was behind this airplane's disappearance. He agrees that is a guess - bolstered by photographic satellite evidence of Russia's space military base -- but then comments:
“Someone tampered with the satellite communication system and the data derived from it is not impeachable.”
In April 2015, Huffington Post carried a story that the residents of the Maldives Islands continue to ask international attention be paid to their claim that a low-flying jumbo jet flew over their island in the exact time frame of the route of M370 would have been had it flown in their direction. See this link. The residents in particular of the Maldives' island of Kuda Huvadhooo are "adamant" of this fact. Id.

This is the account recorded by Huffington Post:
One told the local Haveeru news website: “I’ve never seen a jet flying so low over our island before. We’ve seen seaplanes, but I’m sure that this was not one of those. I could even make out the doors on the plane clearly.”
Now, one newspaper has revisited the tiny Indian Ocean island of Kuda Huvadhoo to speak once again to the same villagers who believe they saw the plane make its final descent into the ocean.
The Western Australian has gathered fresh testimonies from the following people, who believe they saw something very out of the ordinary on the morning of 8 March 2014.
If they are correct, the final resting place of the plane could be over 5,000km away from where the official search is currently ongoing.
Abdu Rasheed Ibrahim, 47, a court official:
“I watched this very large plane bank slightly and I saw its colours — the red and blue lines — below the windows, then I heard the loud noise.
“It was unusual, very unusual. It was big and it was flying low. It was a holiday (Saturday) and most people had gone to bed after praying.
“First, I saw the plane flying towards me over water. When it was over my head I saw it starting to turn away. At first glance, I did not know it was a missing plane. I didn’t know that a plane was missing. I went straight home and told my wife about it. I told my family, ‘I saw this strange plane’. This is the biggest plane I have ever seen from this island. My family says, ‘It might be the Malaysian plane’. I have seen pictures of the missing plane — I believe that I saw that plane. At the time it was lost, I strongly felt those people who were searching should come here.”
Humaam Dhonmamk, 16, student:
“I saw the blue and red on a bit of the side. I heard the loud noise of it after it went over. I told the police this too.”
Ahmed Shiyaam, 34, IT manager at the local medical clinic:
“I’m very sure of what I saw on a very clear and bright day, and what I saw was not normal — the plane was very big, and low. I did not know until later that other people saw it too.”
Ahmed Ibrahim, 40:
“This was not a normal sight — the plane was different. It was very big, very noisy, flying low. Later that afternoon on the beach I was told the news about the missing plane. I think this is the same flight.”
However, the news as of 6/27/2015 is that the Maldives' authority dismisses the witnesses who said they saw a large aircraft fly overhead as mistaking a much smaller aircraft (90 passenger) for the one they claimed to have seen. See link.
This article identifies an international aviation expert who claims M370 did take a route other than toward Australia. We read:
Andre Milne, an aviation technology expert, claimed that the flying of aircraft over Maldives was a deliberate attempt by the person who was in the control of the aircraft and according to him the plane was actually flying towards one remote US military island, Diego Garcia, as an open and planned provocation.
When you follow up, you find that Asove Global Human Righs is disputing the recent Australian theory of a nose dive crash, which would leave a small footprint of debris (but which Australia says possibly could leave no debris),and Asove suggests an alternative theory:
With respect to the investigation of MH 370 there is but little doubt that without a full and comprehensive explanation to all of the questions that have yet to be answered, and with the now almost desperate claims by The Government of Australia that MH 370 disintegrated upon high speed impact into the SIO inspite of never producing one single piece of corroborative physical evidence, there is no doubt in my mind that MH 370 did a soft ditch landing and then slowly sank while drift gliding to an unknown site whereby using the most basic standards of probability is likely still fully intact precisely where Russian satellite technology identified a corroborative aerospace structure physically present at the depth of 1000 meters in The Bay of Bengal two days after MH 370 vanished with all passengers and crew.
The basis of the concern that MH 370 was used as a provocative action towards the USA is that whom ever was in control of the flight wanted MH 370 to be observed flying south towards Base Diego Garcia by the inhabitants of the Maldive Atolls during daylight hours as reported by witnesses.
In order to achieve this whomever was in control simply had to slow the airspeed of MH 370 down to an average controllable airspeed of 250kn to get to the Maldives to cover the multiple night time zone distance slow enough to pass by the Maldives when the sun was up with ample fuel to back track and make a soft ditch landing at area F as marked on the Flight Signature Data on the Asove website.
The most basic calculations relative to fuel flow rate versus distance flown versus time aloft as taught at any credible flight school easily demonstrate that the Flight Signature Data on the Asove website fits 100% perfectly into the amount of fuel MH 370 had on board with the flight route marked from A to F with ample fuel still being on board when MH 370 was evidently detected by Russian satellite technology as marked at site G on the Asove website.
Any suggestion that MH 370 ever landed at Base Diego Garcia is utterly delusional when considering that the Russians would not have hesitated one second to settle the score from the Cuban missile crisis by showing the world the evidence that would have been generated by the three (3) Russian spy satellites directly over Diego Garcia in geostationary position.
Whom ever planned the disappearence of MH 370 under-calculated the drift / glide / sink ratio from the site of the soft ditch at F because had MH 370 not made it to the 1000 meter depth at site G the Russian satellite technology would have never detected MH 370 at the 3000 meter depth just south of the G site.
Being fully aware of the limitations of international law enforcement, there is also zero doubt in my mind that said unknown person(s) and or the entity of Inmarsat and or any officials aparty to the MH 370 investigation will in any way ever be held accountable for any negligence and or criminal liability for the suppression of the discovery and the recovery of the remaims of MH 370
As such, any further efforts in the matter of MH 370 other then the examination of the precise coordinates of the site in question in the Bay of Bengal are technically redundent.

The following alphabetic sequence is calculated in a cumulative flight time line via Malaysian Time Zone.
A – MH 370 departs from Kuala Lumpur at 00:35 March 8th 2015 tracked by secondary radar signatures.
B – MH 370 vanishes from secondary radar at 01:21 yet detected on primary radar signatures engaging in an unauthorized flight path returning towards the restricted airspace of FPDA Base Butterworth.
C – MH 370 vanishes from primary radar at 02:22 after passing directly over FPDA Base Butterworth.
D – MH 370 is witnessed at 09:15 by Abdu Rasheed Iberahim, Zuhuriyaa Ali, Humaam Dhonmamk, Ahmed Shiyaam and Ahmed Iberahim all of whom observed MH 370 flying from the north to the south at a very low altitude over the Maldives Atolls heading directly towards the island of Diego Garcia. ASOVE estimates MH 370 changed course at 09:30 to reverse initial flight path towards Maldive Islands.
E – Diego Garcia is a military base operated by the US DOD for the US Navy, US Air Force and the AFSPC
F – MH 370 is witnessed half submerged at 14:30 by Latife Dalelah while flying from Mecca to Malaysia.
G – Site of scientific discovery of identical size proportion and primary material substances of aluminum, titanium, copper, engine alloys, hydrocarbons and steel alloys as that of MH 370 located in a depth of 1100 meters as first appearing on remote satellite imaging technology 52 hours after 14:30 March 8th.