"A young girl...having a Spirit of [the demon] Python...having followed Paul and us, was crying [to the public many days], saying, 'These men...declare to us a way of salvation.'" Acts 16:16-17


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Salvation By Giving Birth to a Child

One of the strangest statements by Paul is: 

"Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.“  (1 Tm 2:15 KJV)

"But she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety." (1 Tim 2:15 NIV)

As one Nigerian pastor puts it: "This is a most bizarre doctrine of salvation."

First, please notice that WORKS play a role in this method of salvation, thereby contradicting what Paul teaches elsewhere, e.g., Eph. 2:8-9. So what happened to faith alone?

And this contradiction is not Paul simply affirming childbirth saves. Other numerous actions are required (whether from her or her children) -- "charity, and holiness with sobriety." 

Is there any escape from this reading? From admitting Paul contradicts himself? No.

The Greek verb sothesetai (“will be saved”) denotes “salvation” and not simply 'preservation.' The mention of charity, holiness and sobriety as other virtuous deeds make this clear. Payne agrees in context that this is speaking of "spiritual salvation," as it comes on the heals of Paul talking about the Fall. And Paul never uses the word "saved" for anything but spiritual salvation in every other use Paul employed in the NT. Paul used a different word when he meant physical preservation. See Philip Barton Payne, Man and Woman: One in Christ (Zondervan: 2009) at 418-422.

Second,  the Greek says a woman is saved dia tes teknogonias (“through the childbirth”). Pretty unambiguous stuff. But some contend this means women are saved by means of the birth of Jesus. ("How are women saved?"; Payne, id., at 422.) Yet, this does not fit the rest of the sentence, which again extols other acts of virtue that are necessary for salvation, whether by her or her children.

This passage is a true dilemma.

In my view, what it really says is that a woman is saved by childbirth if her children exhibit faith, charity and holiness with sobriety. For the subject is singular feminine with sothesetai -- "she will be saved" and then "childbirth" arises, and the subject changes to "they," implying the children she produces. Thus, Paul teaches a woman's salvation hinges upon the obedience of her children -- their faith, charity, holiness and sobriety.

Very strange stuff indeed for Paul who elsewhere teaches salvation is by faith alone! See Romans 3:4-5; Eph. 2:8-9. P.C. Spicq found this passage so "bizarre" he said Paul could not have uttered it. See Philip Barton Payne, Man and Woman (Zondervan: 2009) at 417.

Thus, Paulinists have a very strange hero -- self-contradictory and bizarre unless they edit him down to tolerable limits, or distort his words to avoid their plain meaning.