Doctrine based on the witness of Jesus' words is the one hope for unity in the present chaotic division in the churches. (Minister, A. Buzzard, 1998)


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Only Jesus (great song by Big Daddy)

What Did Jesus Say? (2012) - 7 topics 

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You Tube Videos

You can click the links below. Or you can see our You Tube Home Page.

The You Tube channel Yeshua King of Kings says of them "very powerful videos!" 

1. Did Jesus warn us of Paul as the "Least Man" in Matthew 5:19?


2. Did Jesus Warn us in Matt. 24:4-5 of The Christ Paul Met in the Wilderness?

REVIEWS: R. Brian wrote on 11/4/2014: "

"I believe this video plainly explains the truth about Paul's experience on the Road to Damascus. This video breaks it down, so that anyone with eyes to see and ears to hears will see and hear the truth."

3. A Pauline Pastor Seeks Entry into the Kingdom at the Pearly Gates (i.e., Jesus examines the pastor about the Law he taught his congregation)

Part 1


Part 2 (end)