"If the Apostles taught anything contrary to the authenticated revelation of God, they were to be rejected." Charles Hodge, Syst. Theology (1871) at 763.


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Only Jesus (great song by Big Daddy)

What Did Jesus Say? (2012) - 7 topics 

None above affiliated with me



Prayers and Edification

Websites and Videos We Recommend

Bible Lesson on Debt

Bible Lesson on Anger

Bible Lesson on Putdown Humor

Bible Lesson on Oaths

Bible Study on "Workers of Iniquity" in the Original Testament

Bible Study on Improper Argument Over Bible Texts - Arrogant 'Double Standards.'

Bible Study on Jesus' Lessons on Virtues to Keep

Bible Study in Spanish by Bro. JoseLA PERSECUCIÓN TE PUEDE HACER RICO

The Sabbath Command -- with lots of worship tips

T. Allen, What Did Jesus Say -- The Seven Messages from the Master (2012) - $9.99 as ebook /$19.95 as book. (I have no affiliation with the author. I like the book's focus on words of Jesus.)

Duron Davis, On National Economic Sins 

Bible In MP3 - World English (public domain)

Librivox - World English in MP3