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<h2>Jesus Words on Salvation Reviews</h2>
<h2>Amazon Book Reviews</h2>
<p><strong>John Parton, Dec. 2008</strong><br />I discovered the author's work when a friend gave me a copy of his book on Paul. I found that book to be very helpful and was amazed at the amount of research, documentation and organization that went into that book. I liked that book so much that I read his book, <em>Jesus's Words on Salvation</em> and was pleased to see that it was written the same way. What a wonderful and insightful book. It should be a must read for every Christian that is serious about being a Christian and desires to be in the Kingdom. I am afraid that "cheap grace" teaching has blinded the eyes of most and they are going to be surprised that they were deceived by the very thing that they had put their faith and trust in, (the Christian religion) A very good book. I recommend it to everyone to read and give to their loved ones. (John Parton, <a href="http://www.bookhills.com/Jesus-Words-on-Salvation-0741443570.htm">12/2008</a>).</p>
<hr />

<p><strong>DS George, June 2008</strong><br /> I applaud the author for writing this book. While this book is both spiritually challenging and even at times disturbing, it is very, very refreshing. Out of all the books I have read outside the Bible, the author's books have provoked the most thought. The chapters are logical and quickly read, but the questions and concepts presented will follow you for years.</p>
<p>The author's main focus is in pointing out the dangers of modern cheap grace theology and how its proponents need to destroy or contort Jesus' words in order to sustain its doctrines. Perhaps what is most interesting is that the concept of cheap grace is not new. The author in "J<em>esus' Words on Salvation</em>" and his previous book "<em>Jesus Words Only</em>" outlines in detail the struggles within the Christian church's history to keep Jesus' true message of salvation pure. From the beginning of the Church, through its growth over the centuries, through the reformation, and to today, there has been an attempt (successfully) to marginalize Jesus' message. The author's works, like those in the centuries before him, are an effort to win back Christians to the message of Christ. The history presented by the author is eye opening. The book's preface documenting the changes of Tyndale and Martin Luther's theology from youth to maturity is fascinating. I recommend that the readers of this book take the time to read all of the author's footnotes.</p>
<p>Though the author challenges the concepts and doctrines of cheap grace, his call for believers to follow the words of Jesus are for every Christian and denomination. All of us need to be honest with ourselves and put our Lord and Savior, and his teachings, first. As Christians, we need to ask ourselves who we are following, do the writings of men, or our interpretations of those writings - even of Paul - take precedence over the clear words of our Savior? Do we filter Jesus words through Paul or our modern teachers, or should we filter their words through Jesus'? And if the messages differ, whose words should we follow? For me it's a simple answer, I will follow Jesus' words. For many Christians, however, the author's work is calling them to challenge their security and redirect their worship and devotion to God not man. A hard step for many to make in light of Jesus' message being obscured by today's Christianity. Nevertheless, honest consideration needs to be given to the arguments presented by the author. Everyone who calls himself a Christian should read this book.</p>
<hr />
<p><strong>C.M.Jones July 2008</strong><br /> The author has composed a very logical and good follow-up to his work in "<em>Jesus Words Only</em>." After exposing a major wound of the traditional Christian establishment with his work in "<em>Jesus Words Only</em>," this book, "<em>Jesus Words on Salvation</em>" provides the student (and hopefully all Christians are students) with a large amount of detailed information which offers answers to most questions which may arise after the almost certain reverberations one experiences upon accepting the "non-traditional" truth which is the crux of "<em>Jesus Words Only</em>."</p>
<p>"<em>Jesus Words on Salvation</em>" proves to be a quite scholarly effort by the author, and an effort which provides the reader with insight into some of the more thought provoking scriptures from the first century. The author's work is detailed, well-researched and worthy of the attention of all followers of the Messiah. I highly recommend that this book is one which has a place in any Christian library.</p>
<h3>Writer's Digest Review 16th Annual International Self-Published Book Awards (Nov. 2008)</h3>
<p>This is an amazing academic study of the Bible on Salvation. Itemizing and explaining every reference to the subject, the author proves his point or premise convincingly, comprehensively and with authenticity. A lifelong student of the Bible, Mr. Tondo writes decidedly, following his heartfelt challenge of Bonhoeffer's longheld belief. Students of the Bible will be mesmerized by this author's scholarship, his knowledge of the Bible, and his identification of Satan's subtle influences. Few would dispute his findings--or find an author more knowledgeable.</p>
<p><span><span style="font-size: 10pt;"></span></span></p>
<div>I just find it amazing that I've been given (freely received - freely given) this amazing source of material on all these teachings based solely upon the teachings of the master - Jesus.</div>
<div>They are not corrupted by Paul's teachings and seek to refute the adversary. P.S. Anyone who believes Jesus and not Paul, I will recommend reading this book! Jesus' Word on Salvation! (S. 9/10/2012.)</div>
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<div><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><span style="font-family: tahoma, 'new york', times, serif;">My mom is still holding the studies and has actually started a second class during the week! The second one is for couples or males.  My dad is sitting through this one : )</span></span></div>
<div><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><span style="font-family: tahoma, 'new york', times, serif;">She is teaching from <em>Jesus Words on Salvation</em>(currently on chapter ten) and everyone is learning a lot. (Liz. June 30, 2011)</span></span></div>
<hr />
<p>I wrote to you a few months ago requesting a Spanish translation of your book Jesus' Words on Salvation for my sweet mother.  So much has happened since then (good and bad), I wanted to update you on some of those events.</p>
<p>First of all, my mother has been holding bible studies every week at her home where 20-25 ladies have been gathering to learn what our Messiah had to say on salvation.  My mom provided all of them with notebooks and they have been very faithful to bring them every week  and have been taking notes on every lesson given.  There is a great hunger for truth! I was the chosen one to help her translate every chapter of your book (currently on chapter 5) while my sister in law has joined the cause and has created a power point presentation for every lesson with all the bible verses and charts that you provide in your work.  The ladies keep coming back every week because their eyes are being open to the truth!  Unfortunately, something they have never been exposed to.</p>
<p>My mother and I have learned so much too through the painstaking work of translating every word in your book while preparing for her class.  We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your excellent work.  (Liz. April 27, 2011.)</p>
<hr />
<p><span>Everyone should also read Jesus Words Only on Salvation by Mr. Tondo!!!!' (Mary Frank R. at Facebook "<a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jesus-Words-Only/146365622086647">Jesus Words Only</a>" Website 4/4/2011 (not affiliated with me)</span></p>
<hr />
<div>Jesus' Words on Salvation...It has been such a blessing in my life. (Liz. December 30, 2010).</div>
<hr />
<p>I am reading your book "<em>Jesus Words Only on Salvation</em>" It is very good  and well written. Bravo! I am recommending it to people.........Will (May 27, 2010).</p>
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<p>My wife and I did some digging concerning your John 3:16 study and have been very excited.  We began by looking at John 3:16, 36.  We then found 1Peter 4:17.  1Peter ties these together nicely as it is translated in the KJV as "obey not", as compared to "believe not".  The significance being it proves the thesis (peithos) must properly mean "obey" if the antithesis (apitheio) means "obey not".  When we began looking at the clever translational words used by Luke (in Acts) and by Paul (in Romans and others) and in the letters of John and in The Revelation, we found that the word faith (pistis) is rooted in (peithos) and means also, "obey".  When this was then applied to John 2:11 as one of many examples we have found exceptional clarity, Messiah manifested His Glory and the apostles (the first 6) obeyed. I hope you don't mind I'm only combing over chapter 26 [of <em>Jesus' Words on Salvation</em>].  It is sometimes a struggle to temper my appetite for reading with the depth of testing we are convicted to pursue....I'll continue to pass along anything I come across and would love to discuss the elements of your work we have particular thoughts on. (Kevin G. May 14, 2010.)</p>
<p>[This blog exchange below makes my point that Jesus is blatantly marginalized by those claiming to be Christians due to their adherence to Paul. Here is the pro-Paul blogger first, and then the answer by the pro-JWO blogger. First, Raelyn [pro-Paul participant] criticizes my view of relying upon Jesus' lessons in messages like this:]</p>
<p style="text-decoration: underline;">Don't waste your time with the parables. I am not interested and pretty much done with the legalism on this thread. (Raelyn)</p>
<p>[In response, Christy who instead accepts Jesus' Words Only says:]</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;">This is the website I was referring to --- <a target="_blank" href="/JWOS/jesuswordssalvation.html" rel="nofollow"><span style="color: #0066cc;">http://www.jesuswordsonly.com/JWOS/jesuswordssalvation.html</span></a> It's an awesome site and nothing but scripture is used....Jesus words only. Christy (<a href="http://www.city-data.com/forum/christianity/862318-salvation-through-faith-alone-christ-alone-35.html#ixzz0cvVonEJ7">1/15/2010</a>)</p></td>

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