"But if we must focus on Paul's letters to establish the Christian faith, then truly the servant has become greater than his Master." (BercotTheologians (2010) at 40.)


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Bible Verse Memorization Techniques

I found an app on the IOS and Android systme called Trello. It syncs across all your apps. You can create a Board for anything you want, e.g., shopping. And you can stagger the steps to accomplish, and log the steps.

I applied this to Bible Memorization. I found you can put in Verse Wallpaper, and you can copy in the version to memorize. I like the ESV, so I put that text in.

Then I create a Checklist -- one format you can do -- and then I put it Day One (first memorization effort), Day Two and so on. I can keep adding days if necessary, and log their completion. 

I can share links, and invite others to participate.

You can view my Bible vese board at this link: https://trello.com/b/WOGdgpqc

Here is my google search to find more Bible memorization verse photos to help pick verses:  link

To view updates on Trello's feature, look at its blog here - http://blog.trello.com/

A fun feature is to add in Calendar due dates, and then look at the Calendar activation, and this creates a Calendar button on the screen. You can then look at the calendar and see your verse progress on a calendar.