"The apostle (Paul) lied [about Peter not] walking uprightly...." (Jerome, quoted by Augustine 397 A.D.)


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Did Calvin Murder Servetus? - Table of Contents

Was Calvin's decision to kill Servetus based upon spiritual principles or revenge? Standford Rives, a lawyer of Reformed training, carefully examines the case. You can buy the book at Amazon or download the ebook for $13.44 at google books, and read:

Preface (books.google - page v et seq.
Chapter One: Reopening the Question (books.google.com - page 1 et seq.
Chapter Two: Servetus' Doctrines (books.google - page 51 et seq.)
Chapter Three: Malicious Accusations (books.google - page 69 et seq.
Chapter Four: The Issue of Murder (books.google - page 85 et seq.)
Chapter Five: Why the Death Penalty? (books.google - page 99 et seq.)
Chapter Six: Betrayal of Principles (books.google - page 105 et seq.)
Chapter Seven: Can A Witness Murder? (books.google - page 109 et seq.)
Chapter Eight: Why Examine Whether Calvin's Fruits Included Murder? (books.google - page 119 et seq.)
Chapter Nine: Church History on Treatment of Heresy (books.google - page 141 et seq.)
Chapter Ten: Others Charging Murder Against Calvin (books.google - page 155 et seq.)
Chapter Eleven: Calvin's Biography (books.google - page 163 et seq.)
Chapter Twelve: Geneva's Law (books.google - page 167 et seq.)
Chapter Thirteen: Biography of Servetus (books.google.com - page 183 et seq.)
Chapter Fourteen: Luther and Calvin Were Impacted Positively by Servetus (books.google - page 193 et seq.)
Chapter Fifteen: Servetus Was a Protestant (books.google - page 227 et seq.)
Chapter Sixteen: The Conscious Pursuit of an Unjustified Killing (books.google - page 237 et seq.)
Chapter Seventeen: Was Servetus Reasonable in His Dispute Over the Trinity Doctrine? (page 263 et seq.)
Chapter Eighteen: Did Geneva Have Jurisdiction? (books.google - page 277 et seq.)
Chapter Nineteen: The Cerberus Quotation (books.google - page 281 et seq.)
Chapter Twenty: Did Calvin Have Murderous Intent? (books.google - page 291 et seq.)
Chapter Twenty-one: Calvin Knew It Was Unchristian To Kill Heretics (books.google - page 299 et seq.)
Chapter Twenty-two: Blasphemy Under The Mosaic Law (books.google - page 323 et seq.)
Chapter Twenty-three: Servetus Objects To The Death Penalty (books.google - page 333 et seq.)
Chapter Twenty-four: Calvin's Improper Pressure On The Verdict (books.google - page 341 et seq.)
Chapter Twenty-five: Castellio's Plea (books.google - page 343 et seq.)
Chapter Twenty-six: How The Input From The Four Swiss Cities Relates (books.google - page 359 et seq.)
Chapter Twenty-seven: Appeal Denied & Servetus' Last Words (books.google - page 365 et seq.)
Chapter Twenty-eight: Standard Excuses for Calvin (books.google - page 373 et seq.)
Chapter Twenty-nine: An Insanity Defense? (books.google - page 403 et seq.)
Chapter Thirty: A Provocation Defense? (books.google - page 421 et seq.)
Chapter Thirty-one: Self-Defense? (books.google - page 425 et seq.)
Chapter Thirty-two: Proofs of Murder Summarized (books.google - page 427 et seq.)
Chapter Thirty-three: The Hole in Calvin's Conscience (books.google - page 433 et seq.)
Chapter Thirty-four: Conclusion (books.google - page 457 et seq.)

Appendix A: The Official Complaint By Calvin's Cook/Student (books.google - page 459 et seq.)
Appendix B: The Verdict on Servetus (books.google - page 465 et seq.)
Appendix C: The Justinian Codex as Respects Anti-trinitarianism (books.google - page 467 et seq.)
Appendix D: Treatment of Heretics in the Justinian Codex (books.google - page 485 et seq.)
Appendix E: Geneva, An Independent Republic (books.google - page 497 et seq.)
Appendix F: Justinian's Novella, 538 A.D. Dealing With Jews and Words Worthy of Death (books.google - page 513 et seq.)
Appendix G: Geneva Confession of Faith of 1536 (books.google - page 517 et seq.)
Appendix H: Athanasian Creed, Ninth Century A.D. (books.google - page 519 et seq.)
Appendix I: Calvin's Institutes on Freedom of Conscience (books.google - page 521 et seq.)
Appendix J: "This Day I Have Begotten Thee"-A Verse in Servetus' Favor (books.google - page 527et seq.)
Appendix K: Trinitarians' Fouls (books.google - page 535 et seq.)
Appendix L: The Nature of Caiaphas' Responsibility for a Judicial Murder of Jesus (page 536 et seq.)
Appendix M: Calvin's' 1555 Subversion of Geneva's Democracy (books.google - page 539 et seq.)
Appendix N: Subversion of the Dutch Republic, Turning It Murderous of 
Christians Of Different Viewpoints (books.google - page 552 et seq.)
Appendix O: Was Servetus A Pantheist? (books.google - page 561 et seq.)
Appendix P: The U.N. Resolution Against The Defamation of Religion (books.google - page 562 et seq.)

Bibliography (books.google - page iii et seq.)
Index (books.google - page xvii et seq.)

A synopsis is at Rives' Knol (Google's encyclopedia) article entitled Servetus & Calvin.