“If you believe, unbelievable things can sometimes be possible.” Tim Tebow 2011


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Only Jesus (great song by Big Daddy)

Just Jesus: His Living Words (2011)

Jesus' Words on Church Structure by S. Rives



holy-book-in-divine-lightThe Problem of Paul for All Faiths
and Outlooks from Following Jesus

  • Paul is a problem for Jews from following Jesus.
  • Paul is a problem for Atheists from following Jesus.
  • Paul is a problem for Muslims from following Jesus.
  • Paul is a problem for Deists like Jefferson from following Jesus.
  • Paul is a problem for Christians from following Jesus.

When there are so many people who would take Jesus' claims more seriously BUT FOR THE PRESENCE OF PAUL in canon/doctrine, is not this a good reason to critically examine why so many who profess Christ insist on Paul's doctrines being held onto despite the encumbrance they represent on Jesus' messsage?

If you are interested to see how everyone but Pauline Christians recognize Paul is blocking the world from accepting Jesus with His full authority, please read this PDF file entitled the Problem of Paul.