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<h2>Chapter Four Did Jesus Warn of False Prophets Who Would Negate the Law?</h2>
<p class="BodyAfterHead">[Paul in 2 Cor. 12:12 said what proved his validity: "The things that mark an apostle—<strong><em>signs, wonders</em></strong> and miracles—were done among you with great perseverance." Paul in Romans 15:19 likewise said: "Through mighty<strong><em> signs and wonders</em></strong>, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ." The Greek roots were "semeion" and "teraton"]</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead">Jesus was concerned about the "<em><strong>signs and wonders</strong></em>" prophets misleading  Christians. (<a name="marker=464096"></a> Matt. 7:15-23, viz., v. 22; 24:11, 24.) Jesus warns of the false  prophets in <a name="marker=464097"></a> Mark <a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=mark%2013:22&amp;version=KJV">13:22</a>. They "shall show <a name="marker=464098"></a> signs and wonders to <a name="marker=464099"></a> seduce, if possible, even the elect." [The Greek roots were "semeion" and "teraton"] They will be "ravening wolves" in "sheep's clothing" (Matt.<a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=matthew%207:15&amp;version=KJV"> 7:15</a>.) - that is "false prophets" pretending to be Christians. Jacob in warned in Genesis of the "ravening wolf" from the tribe of Benjamin to come in the latter days. Gen.<a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=genesis%2049:27&amp;version=KJV"> 49:27</a>.]</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464103"></a> In Deuteronomy, these signs-and-wonders prophets are false not because  their prophecies are untrue. Rather, their signs and wonders are  extraordinary. Indeed, their prophecy comes true. (<a name="marker=464104"></a> Deut. 13:2, "the <em><strong>sign or the wonder</strong></em> come to pass, whereof he spake unto  thee.") Rather, the proof they are false is in the content of their  message as subversive of the Torah (<em>i.e</em>., the Five Books of Moses).  These prophets try to "<em><strong>draw thee aside out of the way which Jehovah thy  God commanded thee to walk in</strong></em>." (<a name="marker=464105"></a> Deut. 13:5. Cf. Deut. 4:2.)</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464106"></a> When Deuteronomy was written, all there was of Scripture was Genesis,  Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Thus, even a prophet with  true prophecy must be rejected if he seduces you to "draw aside" from  the commandments in them. The supposed prophet's validity turns on  whether, contrary to Deuteronomy 4:2, he diminishes the Law God has  already given. <a name="marker=464107"></a> Balaam is an example from the Bible of someone who was once a true  prophet who later was found false based solely on these principles.  Thus, even though <em><strong>Balaam believed in Christ and truly prophesied of Him </strong></em> with the Holy Spirit (so says Moses), <em><strong>Balaam later became a false  prophet</strong></em>. This fall was merely because he diminished the Law by teaching  certain violations of it were permissible. (Numbers 24:1 <em>et seq</em>; Rev.  2:14.)</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464109"></a> Jesus in <a name="marker=464108"></a> Matthew 7:15-24 is clearly alluding to these same "signs and wonders"  prophets. Jesus says they are lost. He will deny He ever knew them even  though on Judgment Day they are able to say they did "marvelous works in  Your name," and many "prophecies in Your name." (<a name="marker=464110"></a> Matt. 7:22.) Jesus tells us He will reject them. It is not because they  lacked true prophecy or marvelous wonders. Rather, the sole reason to  reject them is they are workers of "<a name="marker=464111"></a> <em>anomia</em>." (<a name="marker=464112"></a> Matt. 7:23.)</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464114"></a> This <a name="marker=464113"></a> Greek word <em>anomia</em> here means "<em><strong>negators of the Law (of Moses)</strong></em>." This is  one of its two lexicon definitions. In choosing this definition over <em> lawless</em>, we do so primarily because Jesus' warning was obviously  paralleling Deuteronomy 13:1-5. See discussion in the next section.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464118"></a> If you agree on choosing this dictionary definition, then we can easily  anticipate that<em><strong> Paul is not going to fare well.</strong></em> Paul's doctrine that the  Law of Moses was abolished by Jesus' coming is well known. See chapter  five.</p>
<h3><a name="28303"></a>Why Anomia Means Negator of Mosaic Law</h3>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464121"></a> Jesus tells us we can identify the false prophets because they are  workers of "<a name="marker=464122"></a> <em>anomia</em>." (<a name="marker=464123"></a> Matt. 7:23.) What does this Greek word <em>anomia</em> mean?</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464125"></a> <a name="marker=464124"></a> In Greek, <em>anomia</em> is a feminine noun, related to the adjective <em>a-nomos</em>.  <em>Nomos</em> is the Greek word to identify the Law or Torah, <em>i.e</em>., the Five  Books of Moses. (Strong's #3551.) The prefix <em>a</em> is a negative particle in  Greek. Putting the parts together, it should mean <em>negation of the Law  (Torah)</em>.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464126"></a> Do the lexicons agree? What does <em>anomia </em>precisely mean in Matthew 7:23?  The best lexicon of ancient Greek (which is free online) is Henry George  <a name="marker=464127"></a> Liddell's and Robert Scott's <em>A Greek-English Lexicon</em>.<a href="file://///tsclient/C/Writings%20in%20Process/JWO%20Redo%20Formatting/Final%20Framemaker%20Archive/chapter%204html.html#pgfId=464130" class="footnote"> 1</a> It defines<em> anomia</em><a href="file://///tsclient/C/Writings%20in%20Process/JWO%20Redo%20Formatting/Final%20Framemaker%20Archive/chapter%204html.html#pgfId=464133" class="footnote"> 2</a> as one of two meanings:</p>
<li class="Bulleted"> <a name="pgfId=464134"></a> "the negation of the law"</li>
<li class="Bulleted"> <a name="pgfId=464135"></a> "lawlessness, lawless conduct."</li>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464137"></a> The common rendering of <a name="marker=464136"></a> Matthew 7:23 opts for the second meaning. (See ALT, KJV, and ASV  translations.) These texts ignore entirely the first option. These  translations do not reveal these workers practiced the "<strong>negation of the  Law</strong>." Yet, this is the meaning Jesus' intended in this context.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464138"></a> Jesus is talking about workers of the negation of the Law because He is  paraphrasing <a name="marker=464139"></a> Deuteronomy 13:1-5. Let's see how by comparing the concepts in <a name="marker=464140"></a> Matthew 7:15-23 with Deuteronomy 13:1-5. When put side by side, we find <a name="marker=464141"></a><em> lawlessness</em> is an incongruent break from the paraphrase by Jesus of  Deuteronomy. However, "negation of the Law" would be in line if Jesus'  intended a <a name="marker=464142"></a> paraphrase of Deuteronomy.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464170"></a></p>
<p class="CellHeading"><a name="pgfId=464145"></a> <em> Deuteronomy 13:1-5</em></p>
</th> <th>
<p class="CellHeading"><a name="pgfId=464147"></a> <em> Matthew 7:15-23</em></p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464149"></a> "prophet...give thee a sign or wonder" (v. 1)</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464151"></a> "Beware of false prophets.... (v. 15)</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464153"></a> "and the <em><strong>sign or wonder</strong></em> come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee" (v.2)</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464155"></a> "Many will say to me in that day, `Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by  thy name? and by thy name cast out demons? and by thy name do <em><strong>mighty  works</strong></em>?" (v. 22) cf. Mark 13:21 ("false prophets will arise and will make  signs and wonders in order to seduce, if possible, the elect.")</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464157"></a> "that prophet...has spoken....to <em><strong>seduce you from the way which Jehovah  thy God commanded thee to walk in</strong></em>" (v. 5)</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464159"></a> "And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye  that work ANOMIA." (v. 23)</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464161"></a> "thou shall not hearken unto the words of the prophet...." (v. 3)</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464163"></a> "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work ANOMIA." (v. 23)</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464165"></a><strong> Match</strong></p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464166"></a> "<em><strong>seducing you from the way which Jehovah thy God commanded thee to walk  in</strong></em>...." (Deut. 13:5.)</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464168"></a><strong> Match</strong></p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464169"></a> Anomia def#2 = <em><strong>negation of the Law</strong></em> (Torah). It matches a parallel to  Deuteronomy 13:5, and is thus the correct meaning between two  definitions of anomia.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464171"></a></p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464172"></a> Thus, if you read Matthew 7:23 as workers of the negation of the Law (of  Moses), then it <a name="marker=464173"></a> parallels Deuteronomy 13:1-5. Both involve true prophets with<em><strong> true signs  and wonders</strong></em>. Yet, they are still false. Why? Because their preaching  seduces you from following the Law (of Moses). (<a name="marker=464174"></a> Deut. 13:1-5.) Their preaching works negation of the Law (of Moses). (<a name="marker=464175"></a> Matt. 7:23.)</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464176"></a> Furthermore, the alternative reading makes the test so broad that Jesus'  words are potentially meaningless. In fact, the translation as <em>lawless</em> or <em>iniquity</em> would make any human prophet a false prophet by definition.  How so?</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464177"></a> If the test is whether these people are workers of<a name="marker=464178"></a> <a name="marker=464179"></a> <em>iniquity</em> or <em>lawlessness</em>, then since all of us sin, there would never be  a true prophet you could trust as long as he is human. Thus, if you  accept Paul's truism that "all have sinned, and fall short of the glory  of God..." (Rom. 3:23), then Paul and all prophets are workers of iniquity merely by being human.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464196"></a> Thus, everyone is a worker of iniquity at some point. If we apply  iniquity as the meaning of <em>anomia</em> in <a name="marker=464197"></a> Matthew 7:15-23, as it commonly is translated, it ends up making Jesus  give a meaningless warning. That is, the verse becomes pointless because  we all work iniquity. There could never be true prophecy we trust if a  true human prophet is rendered false merely because he is like us who  sins from time-to-time. <em>Iniquity</em> never was the proper translation of  anomia. Only <em>workers of negation of the Law (of Moses)</em> fits Jesus'  intended meaning.</p>
<h3>What If Anomia Did Mean Iniquity? Was Paul a Worker of Iniquity?</h3>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464199"></a> However, if one insists the traditional translation of <em>anomia</em> as  iniquity is correct, Paul is encompassed by the verse anyway.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464200"></a> Paul's letters reveal very egregious behavior. He even flaunts this in  front of Christian congregations. Paul did not leave his sins for  private evaluation. Paul shamelessly put them on public display.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464203"></a> For example, <a name="marker=464201"></a> Luther admits that <a name="marker=464202"></a> Paul's letter to the Galatians includes <em><strong>curses</strong></em> on others (Gal. 1:9).<a href="file://///tsclient/C/Writings%20in%20Process/JWO%20Redo%20Formatting/Final%20Framemaker%20Archive/chapter%204html.html#pgfId=464207" class="footnote"> <sup>3</sup></a> Furthermore, Paul also tells us he "<em><strong>condemned</strong></em>" Apostle Peter in front  of a big crowd of people. (<a name="marker=464208"></a> Gal. 2:11.) Paul also called the "brethren" of  Galatia "<em><strong>foolish</strong></em>" ones.  (Gal. 3:1.) Another time Paul listed off a series of accomplishments,  confessing repeatedly he was "<em><strong>boasting</strong></em>." (<a name="marker=464209"></a> 2 Cor. 11:16-18.)</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464210"></a> Yet, Jesus and the Bible prohibit such curses, condemnations of others  without private personal confrontation first, labelling brothers as  fools, and boasting. (See the Table below for Bible references.)</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464212"></a> Therefore, if one insists Jesus' words in <a name="marker=464211"></a> Matthew 7:23 require proof someone was a worker of iniquity, Paul is  caught again. The list in the table below is not only long, but also  appears in teaching letters to a spiritual community! As <a name="marker=464213"></a> James 3:1 says, teachers will receive a "heavier judgment" for their  errors.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead">[We are not condemning Paul for his sins - God knows we have enough beams in our own eyes. Rather, we are testing Paul's validity as an inspired voice. And if the test is indeed whether Paul was a worker of iniquity, as some claim, then these facts must be elucidated to see whether JESUS, not ourselves, warned us about Paul as one with "signs and wonders" to seduce "if possible, the elect," as a wonder-work of <em>anomia</em>.]</p>
<p class="CellHeading"><a name="pgfId=464216"></a> <em> Paul's</em></p>
<p class="CellHeading"><a name="pgfId=464217"></a> <em> Letters</em></p>
</th> <th>
<p class="CellHeading"><a name="pgfId=464219"></a> <em> Violation of God's Commands?</em></p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464223"></a> <a name="marker=464221"></a> <em><strong>Cursing Others</strong></em>. <a name="marker=464222"></a> Galatians 1:8, 9: "Anathema" (cursed) is anyone or angel if preaches "a  different gospel" than Paul preaches. See also, <a name="marker=464224"></a> 1 Cor. 16:22: "anathema" (cursed) is "anyone who does not love the Lord  Jesus."</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464227"></a> <a name="marker=464226"></a> James 3:10: "Out of the same mouth comes forth praise and cursing; my  brothers [and sisters], these [things] ought not to be happening in this  way" -- emphatic "It's wrong!"</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464228"></a> Prov. 10:7 "[Evil man's] mouth is full of cursing..." Cf. Nu 23:8</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464237"></a> <em><strong>Calling Others Fools</strong></em>. Gal. 3:1: "O foolish Galatians...." Paul calls  them "brethren." (Gal. 1:11; 3:15.)</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464240"></a> <a name="marker=464239"></a> Matthew 5:22 "whosoever shall say to his brother, Thou fool, shall be in  danger of the hell of fire."</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464243"></a> <a name="marker=464242"></a> <em><strong>Boasting</strong></em>. 2 Cor. 11: "(16) let no man think me foolish; but if ye do,  yet as foolish receive me, that I also may boast a little. (17) That  which I speak, I speak not after the Lord, but as in foolishness, in  this confidence of boasting.(18) Seeing that many boast after the flesh,  I will boast also." (ALT). [Greek kauchaomai = boasting.]<a href="file://///tsclient/C/Writings%20in%20Process/JWO%20Redo%20Formatting/Final%20Framemaker%20Archive/chapter%204html.html#pgfId=464246" class="footnote"> 4</a></p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464250"></a> <a name="marker=464249"></a> James 4:16: "But now you boast in your pretentious pride; all such  boasting is evil." (ALT) [Greek kauchaomai = boasting.]; 1 John <a name="marker=464251"></a> James 2:16: "the boasting (alazoneia)<a href="file://///tsclient/C/Writings%20in%20Process/JWO%20Redo%20Formatting/Final%20Framemaker%20Archive/chapter%204html.html#pgfId=464255" class="footnote"> 5</a> of life is not of the Father but of the world."</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464257"></a> <a name="marker=464256"></a> Prov. 29:23 "pride/arrogance" (gauth) shall bring a man low."</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464258"></a> Prov.27:2 "Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth; A  stranger and not your own lips."</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464262"></a> <a name="marker=464260"></a> <em><strong>Condemning Others</strong></em>. <a name="marker=464261"></a> Galatians 2:11: "But when Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to [his]  face, because he had been condemned [by me]." v. 12 (text of the  outspoken condemnation of Peter in front of audience). (kataginosko =  condemned).</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464265"></a> <a name="marker=464264"></a> Matthew 7:1 "Stop judging [<em>i.e.</em>, condemning], so that you shall not be  judged...." (krino = condemn or judge)<a href="file://///tsclient/C/Writings%20in%20Process/JWO%20Redo%20Formatting/Final%20Framemaker%20Archive/chapter%204html.html#pgfId=464269" class="footnote"> 6</a> Matthew 18:15: "if they brother sin against thee, go, show him his  fault between thee and him alone."</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464272"></a></p>
<h3><a name="pgfId=464273"></a><a name="32807"></a>Paul Admits He Is Anomos</h3>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464274"></a> There is a more significant reason why Jesus' words against wonder  workers of <em>anomia</em> are not translated correctly in <a name="marker=464275"></a> Matthew 7:23. It is because <a name="marker=464276"></a> Paul admits he practiced <em>anomos</em> in <a name="marker=464277"></a> 1 Cor. 9:20-21. Thus, if Jesus' word <em>anomia</em> were correctly translated in  Matthew 7:23, it would lead to an instantaneous proof of Paul's  invalidity by Paul's own admission.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464279"></a> What does <a name="marker=464278"></a> <em>anomos</em> mean in 1 Cor. 9:20-21?</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464280"></a> <em>Anomos</em> is the adjective form of the noun <em>anomia</em>. (The word <em>anomia</em> is  the word at issue in Matthew 7:23.) <em>Nomos</em> is the word one would use to  indicate the Torah of Moses. (Strong's #3551.) The particle <em>a</em> in Greek  is the negation of whatever follows. <em>A-Nomos</em> should mean negation of  Torah/Law/law. Without looking at a lexicon, one can anticipate <em>anomos</em> might have some meaning bearing on the Torah. Strong's Lexicon says <em> anomos</em> has two meanings: either a violator of the Law/law or "one  destitute of the (Mosaic) Law." <a name="marker=464281"></a> Liddell Scott likewise say <em>anomos</em> means either "lawless, impious" or  "without the (Mosaic) Law." It specifically cites the latter meaning as  what Paul means in <a name="marker=464282"></a> 1 Cor. 9:21.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464283"></a> Indeed, when you read Paul's remarks, it is clear he means he practices  to be "<em><strong>without the Mosaic Law</strong></em>." Paul says the following in 1 Cor.  9:20-21:</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;" class="Quote"><a name="pgfId=464284"></a> (20) And to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain Jews; to them  that are under the law [<em>i.e</em>., <em><strong>Nomos</strong></em>], as under the law, not being myself  under the law [<em>i.e</em>. <strong><em>Nomos</em></strong>], that I might gain them that are under the  law; (21) to them that are without law, [I became] as without law [Greek  <em><strong>anomos</strong></em>], not being without law to God, but under law to Christ, that I  might gain them that are without law. (ASV)</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464285"></a> In verse 20, Paul is clearly using <em>Nomos</em> to mean Torah, <em>i.e</em>., the books  of Moses. He equates becoming as a Jew as practicing being under <em>Nomos</em>.  His usage of <em>Nomos</em> thus starts out clearly meaning Torah (the Mosaic Law). He practiced  being Torah submissive as an evangelical tool.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464286"></a> Then, still in verse 20, Paul says he behaves as if under the Mosaic law  even though he is "not...myself under the [Mosaic] Law..." His  expression in Greek is expressly "not being under the Law"-- <em>me on autos  hupo numon</em>. The word <em>me</em> in Greek means <em>not</em>. It serves an equivalent  function as the prefix <em>a</em> in front of Nomos. Paul is plainly saying  therefore he is not under the Law that applies to Jews. Paul accordingly  is announcing he is Not under <em>Nomos</em>.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464287"></a> Paul then emphasizes this by saying in verse 21 that to those who are  not under the <em>Nomos</em>--here he uses the word <em>anomos</em>, Paul "becomes"<a href="file://///tsclient/C/Writings%20in%20Process/JWO%20Redo%20Formatting/Final%20Framemaker%20Archive/chapter%204html.html#pgfId=464290" class="footnote"> 7</a> as one "not under <em>Nomos</em>"--again using the word <strong><em>anomos</em></strong>. Paul thus not  only says in verse 20 he is not under <em>Nomos</em>, but also says he works to  appear this way, <em>i.e</em>., <em>Anomos</em>, as a tool of evangelism.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464304"></a></p>
<p class="CellHeading"><a name="pgfId=464293"></a> <em> Matthew 7:23</em></p>
</th> <th>
<p style="padding-left: 60px;" class="CellHeading"><a name="pgfId=464295"></a> <em> 1 Cor. 9:21</em></p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464297"></a> <em>ergozomai anomia</em></p>
<p style="padding-left: 150px;" class="CellBody"><em> ginomai anomos</em></p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464301"></a> workers of negating the Law</p>
<p style="padding-left: 150px;" class="CellBody">[I,<a name="pgfId=464303"></a>Paul] work to become without (Mosaic) Law</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464305"></a></p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464306"></a> What about verse 21 where Paul does assert that he is under the <a name="marker=464307"></a> Law of Christ? It is clear Paul does not mean he is under the Law of  Moses. In verse 20 he just said he is not under <em>Nomos</em> (<em>i.e</em>., the Torah).  We will explore in the next chapter precisely what Paul means by the  Law of Christ. Briefly, he means he is under a new moral system. It is  not based on Torah. It is based on other principles that Paul explains  are guided by conscience. See the discussion in the next chapter.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464311"></a> Yet,<em><strong> what Paul is admitting in 1 Cor. 9:20-21 is what Jesus is warning  about in Matthew 7:23</strong></em>. Jesus is warning about those who will come in His  name, and come with true signs and wonders. Yet they are workers of  <em>A-nomia</em>. This is the noun form of the related word <em>A-Nomo</em>s, an  adjective, that appears in 1 Cor. 9:20-21. Jesus is warning of someone  who will uproot the Torah. This someone will replace the Torah with what  is in essence merely the commandments of men. See, <a name="marker=464312"></a> Matt. 15:6 ("thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by  your tradition.")</p>
<h3>How Jesus' View of Mosaic Law Aids Translation of Matthew 7:23</h3>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464314"></a> Jesus by Paul's own admission is on a different page than Paul. Jesus  made it clear that His use of the term <em>anomia</em> in <a name="marker=464315"></a> Matthew 7:23 is to identify those who will negate the Law (of Moses). In  Matthew 5:18-29, Jesus expels any idea that He intends to introduce any  new morality that would supplant the Torah (Law of Moses). In <a name="marker=464316"></a> <a name="marker=464317"></a> Matthew 5:18-19, Jesus explains that anyone who "shall teach" others not  to follow the least command of the Law of Moses will be least in the  kingdom of heaven:</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;" class="Quote"><a name="pgfId=464318"></a> (18) For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass away, one jot  or one tittle shall in no wise pass away from the Law [i.e., Nomos],  till all things be accomplished. (19) Whosoever therefore shall <em><strong>break  one of these least commandments</strong></em>, and shall <em><strong>teach men so</strong></em>, shall be called  <em><strong>least in the kingdom of heaven</strong></em>: but whosoever <em><strong>shall do and teach them</strong></em>,  he shall be called <em><strong>great in the kingdom of heaven</strong></em>. (ASV)</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464319"></a> One would be hard pressed to find a more direct way of saying a  Christian must teach and keep the Law of Moses. We should clearly see  Jesus had every intention that the Law continued in the New Testament  community. This passage is not isolated.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464320"></a> Jesus emphasized repeatedly keeping the letter of the Law, while not  exaggerating it. Law-keeping was a constant theme of His teachings.  Besides Matthew 5:18-19, Jesus taught that traditions of men should not  be accepted which supplant the Law. (Matt. 15:3-6.) He emphasized  keeping the Ten Commandments as part of His gospel of salvation. (Matt.  19:17.) In Revelation 2:14, Jesus is upset with those teaching contrary  to Exodus that you are permitted to eat meat sacrificed to idols. If you  read with care Jesus' correction of the Pharisees, it is always about  their exaggerated or misguided interpretations of the Law. Jesus never  faults their desire to obey the Law. They set aside the "weightier"  matters of the Law to follow the less "weighty" matters of the Law.  Jesus wanted them to follow both aspects of the Law. (Matt. 23:23.)</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464321"></a> Those who glibly have tried to make Jesus out to attack keeping the Law  have failed to weigh the consequences of their argument. <em><strong>While they  shield Paul, they end up making Jesus a false messiah</strong></em>. For any prophet  who would seduce Israel from keeping the Law would be, even if he had  miracles and signs, a false prophet. (Deut. 4:2,13:5.)</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464322"></a> These Law-keeping passages should impel a Christian to come to grips  with the question of where Jesus would have stood in the debate over the  Law in the early church. Jesus was insistent on conformity with the Law  which many Paulinists have ignored. Such a conclusion, if recognized, would  have revolutionary implications on modern Christian doctrine. When we  think about the hue and cry if we should quote Jesus to answer the  question, we must remember Jesus' pro-Law keeping view is a truth  staring back at us from the pages of Scripture. We cannot lightly  dismiss it. The revolutionary implication is that Jesus' warning of the  false prophet to come who would negate the Law means <em><strong>He was warning us  about Paul.</strong></em></p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464323"></a> Now one can see why the translators of Matthew 7:23 who assume Paul's  validity elected to use a nonsensical translation of<em> anomia </em>as<em> lawlessness</em> or<em> iniquity</em>. If <em>lawless</em> or <em>lawlessness</em> were the test of a  prophet who comes with signs and wonders to deceive Christians, everyone  is suspect. Jesus' warning would then be <em><strong>so broad that it is rendered  meaningless</strong></em>. This makes it nonthreatening to Paul's validity. However <a name="marker=464324"></a> <em>anomia</em>'s other meaning, according to Liddell-Scott, is <em><strong>negation of the  law (of Moses)</strong></em>. That meaning <a name="marker=464325"></a> parallels Deuteronomy 4:2 &amp; 13:1-5. Those with true signs and  wonders but whose purpose is to seduce us from following the Torah are  false prophets. (<a name="marker=464326"></a> Deut. 13:1-5.) Paul is instantly in the hot seat. He even admits in <a name="marker=464327"></a> 1 Cor. 9:20-21 of practicing to be <em>anomos</em>, <em>i.e.</em>, one who negates the Law  (of Moses) by dismissing it.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464328"></a> Given Jesus' repeated emphasis on keeping the Law, Jesus must have  intended us to understand those who would undermine His emphasis on  keeping the Law of Moses were going to be the mark of the false prophet  to come. Jesus intended <em>anomia</em> in Matthew 7:23 to mean <em><strong>negator of the  Law of Moses.</strong></em></p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464329"></a> However, let's keep an open mind. Did Paul actually ever teach that the  `least commandment' in the Law of Moses was abrogated for a follower of  Jesus? If so, then Jesus tells us Paul is a false prophet by Jesus' very  blunt words in Matthew 7:15-23. <em><strong>To follow Paul would mean we are  disobeying Christ</strong></em>. To follow Paul in such a circumstance would also mean  we are violating God's command in Deuteronomy 4:2 against diminishing  from God's word. To follow Paul would also mean we are violating  Deuteronomy 13:1-5 wherein God tells you to not fear or listen to the  prophet who tries to seduce you from following God's commands in the  Law. God specifically commands us to not add such a prophet to  inspired canon. Or is there even the slightest chance Paul did not  negate the Law of Moses?</p>
<h3><a name="pgfId=464372"></a> A Passage to Meditate Upon: What Causes Empty Worship?</h3>
<p class="CellHeading"><a name="pgfId=464425"></a> <em> Jesus on Negation of The Law by Traditional Religious Doctrine. Says  Leads to Vain Worship.</em></p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;" class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464429"></a> (1) Then there come to Jesus from Jerusalem Pharisees and scribes,  saying, (2) Why do thy disciples transgress [<em>i.e.</em>, parabaino, go  contrary to] the <em><strong>tradition of the elders</strong></em>? for they wash not their hands  when they eat bread. (3) And he answered and said unto them, Why do ye  also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? (4)  For God said, Honor thy father and thy mother: and, He that speaketh  evil of father or mother, let him die the death. (5) But ye say,  whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, That wherewith thou  mightest have been profited by me is given to God [<em>i.e</em>., the korban  payment to the Temple created by the religious leaders as a substitution  for directly supporting destitute parents]; (6) he shall not honor his  father. And ye have <em><strong>made void</strong></em> [<em>i.e.</em>, akuroo, invalidate, make of none  effect] t<em><strong>he word of God because of your tradition</strong></em>. (7) Ye hypocrites,  well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying, (8) This people honoreth me  with their lips; But their heart is far from me. (9) But in vain do they  worship me, <em><strong>Teaching as their doctrines the precepts of men</strong></em>. (Matt  15:1-9, ASV)</p>
<p class="CellBody"><a name="pgfId=464427"></a></p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464521"></a> Jesus in this passage says that the Pharisees were teaching "for  doctrines [about God] the commandments of men." (Matt. 15:9, KJV.) The  Greek version of Matthew is a paraphrase of Isaiah 29:13, which Jesus is  in substance quoting. In Isaiah, what Jesus describes as men's  doctrines is called in Hebrew <em>mitzvat anashim melumada</em>. According to  Hebrew scholar Nehemiah Gordon, it means "a learned commandment of men."  (N. Gordon, <em>Hebrew Yeshua v. Greek Jesus</em> (2006) at 23-24.) Gordon  further explains this means a commandment of men that is recognized as  law by performing it over and over again. This is reflected in the RSV  and JPS versions that translate Isaiah as saying, "commandment of men  learned by rote." What is Jesus' point?</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464596"></a> This passage in Isaiah was commented upon by later Karaite Jews in the  ninth century. Their application of Isaiah appears to be identical to  Jesus' point.</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464530"></a> First, who were the Karaites? Nehemiah Gordon is a modern Karaite Jew.  This is a Jew who rejects man-made accretions to the Law of Moses.  Karaites represent a movement founded in the ninth century within  Judaism. When Nehemiah Gordon read Jesus' words in Matthew 15, he was  both "impressed and surprised." For Gordon explains Isaiah 29:13 became  the "battle cry of the Karaites against Rabbinic innovations and this  phrase appears countless times in medieval Karaite writings." (N.  Gordon, <em>Hebrew Yeshua v. Greek Jesus</em> (2006) at 24.) Thus, Jesus brought  this message first!</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464534"></a> Finally, Nehemiah Gordon quotes the ninth century Karaite commentary on  Isaiah 29:13. It sounds familiar.</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;" class="Quote"><a name="pgfId=464535"></a> Abandon the learned commandments of men that are not from the Torah; do  not accept anything from anyone except that which is written in the  Torah of the Lord alone. (Daniel al-Kumisi, <em>Epistle to the Dispersion</em>.)</p>
<p class="BodyAfterHead"><a name="pgfId=464548"></a> Jesus had the same explanation of Isaiah. Jesus took it one step  further. He explained when you teach the learned commandments of men so  as to diminish from the Law given to Moses, you have "empty worship."  Thus, by violating Deuteronomy 4:2, which prohibits diminishing the Law,  Jesus said you violate the Second Commandment -- you are now taking the  "Lord's name in vain." Your worship is now in vain. Thus, Jesus said  that when the Pharisees taught God's personal command to honor your  mother and father could be substituted with a special payment to the  temple (Matt. 15:5 <em>supra</em>), they were negating the Fourth Commandment.  They caused the worshipper who used God's name to now be worshipping in  vain, thus violating the Second Commandment. The consequence? Jesus  later explained in Matthew 23:23 that the Pharisees' teachings which  diminished the "weightier matters of the Law" thereby made their pupils  become "twice the sons of hell" as their teachers. (Matt. 23:15.)</p>
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<div class="footnotes">
<div class="footnote">
<p class="Footnote"><span class="footnoteNumber"> 1.</span> <a name="pgfId=464130"></a> Logos Software describes LSJ (its acronym) as "the world's most  comprehensive and authoritative dictionary of ancient Greek...."  http://www.logos.com/products/details/1772 (visited 2005). It explains  the 1940 edition is the core of the 1996 edition. As to the 1940  edition, Logos explains LSJ is the "central reference work for all  scholars of ancient Greek authors and texts discovered up to 1940...."  <em>Id.</em></p>
<div class="footnote">
<p class="Footnote"><span class="footnoteNumber"> 2.</span> <a name="pgfId=464133"></a> The least expensive way to verify this is online. To do so, go to Tuft  University's online version of the Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament at <a href="http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0155%3Abook%3DMatthew%3Achapter%3D7%3Averse%3D23">http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0155%3Abook%3DMatthew%3Achapter%3D7%3Averse%3D23</a> Then find in Matthew 7:23 where the last word is <em>anomian</em>. Click anomian and  then select the<em><strong> LSJ </strong></em>link for this lexicon.</p>
<p class="Footnote">Or you can purchase this  lexicon in book and computer form from Logos at www.logos.com.</p>
<div class="footnote">
<p class="Footnote"><span class="footnoteNumber"> 3.</span> <a name="pgfId=464207"></a> Luther admits Paul's cursing in Luther's lecture on Galatians in 1531.  In commenting on Galatians 1:9, Luther says: "Paul repeats the curse,  directing it now upon other persons. Before, he cursed himself, his  brethren, and an angel from heaven."</p>
<div class="footnote"><span class="footnoteNumber"> 4.</span> <a name="pgfId=464246"></a> Paul goes on and makes boasts of his background and achievements:          <a name="marker=464247"></a> 1 Cor. 11: "(22) Are they Hebrews? so am I. Are they Israelites? so am  I. Are they the seed of Abraham? so am I. (23) Are they ministers of  Christ?... I more; in labors more abundantly, in prisons more  abundantly, in stripes above measure, in deaths oft."<ol> </ol></div>
<div class="footnote"><span class="footnoteNumber"> 5.</span> <a name="pgfId=464255"></a> The <a name="marker=464254"></a> Greek word <em>alazoneia</em> is often incorrectly translated as <em>pride</em>. (ASV,  ALT, KJV, GSB.) However, the meaning of the Greek is boasting or a  synonym, not <em>pride</em>. The definition <em>pride</em> is not even listed by Liddell  Scott. The Liddell Scott Lexicon defines it solely as "boastfulness"  "false pretension" or "imposture." <ol> </ol></div>
<div class="footnote"><span class="footnoteNumber"> 6.</span> <a name="pgfId=464269"></a> Jesus orders us to evaluate whether someone is a false prophet (<a name="marker=464268"></a> Matthew 7:11-23). <a name="marker=464270"></a> Jesus commends the Ephesians for finding someone to be a "liar" who said  he was an apostle but was not. (Rev. 2:2.) Thus unless Paul was  accusing Peter of being a false prophet/apostle, Paul is violating  Jesus' prohibition against condemning others publicly without first  having a private confrontation. (Matt. 18:15.) Such findings (False  Prophet/False Apostle) are not, in fact, `condemnations' per se. They  are necessary findings to fulfill our duty to "not harken unto the words  of that [false] prophet" (<a name="marker=464271"></a> Deut. 13:3). The findings are not intended to condemn such a person  without a private confrontation, but rather to distinguish true  Scripture from false. <ol> </ol></div>
<div class="footnote">
<p class="Footnote"><span class="footnoteNumber"> 7.</span> <a name="pgfId=464290"></a> The Greek is <em>ginomai</em>. It also means make. Paul made himself as one not  under the Law, i.e., anomos. This entire expression parallels "workers  of negation of the Law" in Matthew 7:23 which is <em>ergozomai anomia</em>, <em>i.e.</em>,  work<em> anomia</em>.</p>


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