The Problem of Paul for All Faiths and Outlooks from Following Jesus
- Paul is a problem for Jews from following Jesus.
- Paul is a problem for Atheists from following Jesus.
- Paul is a problem for Muslims from following Jesus.
- Paul is a problem for Deists like Jefferson from following Jesus.
- Paul is a problem for Christians from following Jesus.
When there are so many people who would take Jesus' claims more seriously BUT FOR THE PRESENCE OF PAUL in canon/doctrine, is not this a good reason to critically examine why so many who profess Christ insist on Paul's doctrines being held onto despite the encumbrance they represent on Jesus' messsage?
If you are interested to see how everyone but Pauline Christians recognize Paul is blocking the world from accepting Jesus with His full authority, please read this PDF file entitled the Problem of Paul.
Below is a news article that further confirms our PDF article Problem of Paul.
Israel Today (Feb. 2014) - Israeli Professor: Our Problem Is With Paul, Not Jesus
Professor Admiel Kosman after teaching as a professor at Bar Llan University in Israel is now professor of religion at Potsdam University, and heads the first Reform rabinnical college in Germany. (See link.) He has written some of modern Judaism's liturgy. He claims Paul, not Jesus, is the problem in Jews viewing Christianity favorably. That should give us pause then to examine whether Paul is essential to Jesus' misssion being accomplished, especially in light of the obstacle Paul places in the path of Jews to accept Jesus.
Israeli Professor: Our Problem is With Paul, Not Jesus
Friday, February 07, 2014 | Israel Today Staff
 In a recent article for Israel's Ma'ariv daily newspaper, a renowned Israeli-born professor of Talmud, Admiel Kosman, explained that mainstream Judaism doesn't so much have a problem with Jesus as it does with the teachings of the Apostle Paul.
Exploring the early history of the Church, Kosman asserted that Paul intentionally worked to undo the Jewish character of the early community of believers to pave the way for Christianity to become its own religion.
"It is Paul who founded Christianity, and not Jesus," he wrote.
The professor pointed out that even in the pages of the New Testament, the rest of the early church leadership was opposed to Paul moving in a non-Jewish direction, and believed that anyone wanting to follow the Jewish Messiah needed to join the Jewish faith.
According to Kosman, Paul wasn't a true follower of Jesus, but rather used the platform provided by Jesus to advance his own teachings. That being the case, Kosman concluded that Jesus, himself a law-abiding Jew, would not have been pleased with Paul's activities.
Influential Rabbi in Israel Sees Judaism Can Embrace 'The Nazarene' Without Paul
In a 2013 book by a Jewish Rabbi, Avraham Feld, entitled Jewish Secrets Hidden in the New Testament (Jerusalem, Eldad, 2013), he argues that the Nazarene (Jesus / Yahshua) can be embraced by Jews as one who led them back to the Law, as long as Paul is not added into the mix as a teacher. He concludes Paul is lawless, confusing, ambiguous, and simply a man of 'like passions' as the rest of us. He evidently has read some of my writings, and restates the points from a Jewish perspective, with some interesting new points about Paul.
I did a review of his book at this link, and excerpted the entirety of his chapter 13 on Paul. This way we can see how those of a Jewish persuasion are offering to us, a means of reconciliation. As long as we are willing to just follow Yahshua, they may be willing to join with us. I say let's follow only Jesus and try to win them to Christ.