“I am not talking as the Lord would, but as a fool” (Paul, 2 Cor 11:17)


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Only Jesus (great song by Big Daddy)

What Did Jesus Say? (2012) - 7 topics 

None above affiliated with me


Sarit Hadad Shma Israel - "Hear Oh Israel"

Sarit has rendered a stirring and beautiful modern Psalm in the same spirit of David for suffering, turning to God for strength, etc. Here is a Link to one You Tube video. (I could not find it on Amazon, Itunes or Google play or for download through any music service anywhere. Truly a lost gem.) Here is another Link to a Spanish-translation subtitle version with Sarit herself singing dressed as an angel.

You can sing along using the Hebrew transliteration below, and if you rely upon the English "Machine" Translation from Lyrics Translate at this link, which is copied below, you can appreciate the sentiments:

Shma Israel

Kshehalev bohe rak elokim shomea
Hake-ev ole metoh haneshama
Adam nofel lifne shehu shokea
Vetfilat ktana hoteh et hadmama

Shma Israel elohay ata hakol yahol
Natata li et hayay natata li hakol
Beenay dima halev bohe besheket
Oo'kshe halev shotek haneshama zo-eket
Shma Israel elohay ahshav ani levad
Hazek oti elokay asse shelo efhad
Hake-ev gadol veen lean livroah
Asse shehigamer ki lo notar bi koah

Kshehalev bohe hazman omed milehet
Adam roeh et kol hayav pitom
El halo noda hu lo rotse lalehet
Le elokav kore al saf tehom

Shma Israel elokay ata hakol yahol
Natata li et hayay natata li hakol
Beenay dima halev bohe besheket
Ookshe halev shotek haneshama zo-eket
Shma Israel elohay ahshav ani levad
Hazek oti elohay asse shelo efhad
Hake-ev gadol ve-en lean livroah
Asse shehigamer ki lo notar bi koah

Read more at http://lyricstranslate.com/en/Shma-Israel-Shma-Israel.html#fdgaXysxe6kyeMj2.99


Shma Israel

When the heart cries

only God hears
The pain rises out of the soul
A man falls down before he sinks down
With a little prayer (he) cuts the silence

Shma (Hear) Israel my God,
you're the omnipotent
You gave me my life,
you gave me everything

In my eyes a tear,
the heart cries quietly
And when the heart is quiet,
the soul screams

Shma (Hear) Israel my God,
now I am alone
Make me strong my God;
make it that I won't be afraid

The pain is big,
and there's no where to run away
End it because I can't take it anymore
(make the end of it because I have no more energy left within me)

When the heart cries,
Time stands still
All of a sudden, the man sees his entire life
He doesn't want to go to the unknown
He cries to his God right before a big fall

Read more at http://lyricstranslate.com/en/Shma-Israel-Shma-Israel.html#fdgaXysxe6kyeMj2.99