"Paul [cannot be] both claimant and witness [for himself]." Tertullian, Against Marcion 207 A.D.


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Only Jesus (great song by Big Daddy)

Just Jesus: His Living Words (2011)

Jesus' Words on Church Structure by S. Rives



The Author of Jesus' Words Only (2007).

The author is a California litigation attorney, in practice for thirty years. In school, he studied Classical Greek and Latin and achieved designation as a Classical Language Scholar. He is also fluent in Spanish and Italian. He graduated law school cum laude in 1981, and was on the board of Law Review.

The author became a Christian at age 15 at a campout of Faith Bible Church on a visit to Florida. Back home in New York City, he was baptized in a Baptist church, and attended a Baptist church for several years. Later, in Los Angeles, he joined the Westwood Hills Christian Church for several years and then for 15 years he belonged to a conservative Presbyterian Church. At each church in California, he served as legal advisor.

A true scholar and prolific author, the author approaches his extensive treatises on spiritual faith from a truly unique perspective. As an accomplished attorney for many years, he advances each quest-to-substantiate through exhaustive research, meticulous analysis, thorough presentation of opposing points-of-view, and indisputable verifications in defining his own interpretations of Christianity and the Bible. In the end, he presents a faithful answer, providing an incomparable bottom-line truth of what is conveyed in the inspired Bible. (Written by K. Atred.)

To contact the author, go to the "Contact Us" tab.

The Author's Beliefs

The author regards himself today as an evangelical Christian whose doctrine is Sole Christus -- only what the words of Jesus teach -- which includes

  • that we hallow the true name of God -- Yahweh (Matt 6:9);
  • that the "Father dwells in" Jesus (John 14:10, "Father...dwells in me") which renders Jesus Divine;
  • that Jesus died for our sins in fulfillment of the atonement principle of the Torah-Law;
  • that we can go to heaven maimed by repenting of sin or we can go to hell whole, i.e., by not repenting of sin, as Jesus taught (Matt 18:6-9; Mark 9:42-47);
  • that the sin we commit or "every word we speak" (Matt 12:36) are judged by Jesus' Words (John 12:48) and the Law of which Jesus said "not one jot or title will be removed" until all things are accomplished; and that the "greatest in the kingdom" are those who teach the principles of the Law (Matt 5:17-19) - without man-made additions or subtractions, as the Pharisees wrongfully did. (Matt 15:6; 23:23);
  • And that as we walk in the light by repentance and obedience, the blood of Christ keeps us clean. (1 John 1:7,9.)

The author believes that only the Law's provisions which apply to "sojourners" or "foreigners" are intended to apply to Gentiles, viz., most of the 10 commandments are repeated as applicable to them, e.g., Sabbath observance. The author believes provisions which are stated in the Law as applicable only to Israelites are thereby not applicable to Gentiles, e.g., Lev. 12:1-3 (circumcision). See Law Applicable to Gentiles. Yet, it is no sin to seek to please God by obeying such Laws, for even the Law said "sojourners" / Gentiles could participate in Passover if they were voluntarily circumcised. (Ex. 12:49.) Thus, obviously a Gentile does not sever himself from God by seeking to enjoy Jewish festivals and complying with Laws otherwise applicable only to the children of Israel. The author thus participates in Passover, and urges others to do so.

The author promotes non-denominationalism and home churches whose only recognized pastor and teacher is Christ in conformance with Jesus' doctrine that He was the "sole teacher" (Matt 23:8, 10) and "sole pastor" (John 10:16.)

The author also exhorts adherents of Jesus to support widows and orphans as the primary beneficiaries of their charity -- a virtue which Jesus exhorted as essential in the Parable of the Sheep & The Goats. Several orphan charities unaffiliated with the author are identified here.

The author does not seek / request or facilitate donations ever for his benefit. His ministry is 100% as a volunteer. As Jesus said, 'freely you recieved, freely give.' (Matt 10:8.) Nor does the author run a church nor leads any group of believers in a 'movement,' nor desires to do so. Yet, the author enjoys inquiries about the Bible, or requests for prayer.

The author's primary purpose is to educate more people to find Christ, and those who find Christ to remain loyal to Him as King Messiah over them. The author believes a follower of Christ cannot become allegiant to doctrines from Paul which are not tied directly and exclusively to Christ's words. The author has also come to believe it is also important to remember and worship God by His true name -- Yahweh. See this link. And the author also supports the view that Jesus' true name was Yashua. See this link.

The author has made available free online all his materials. For those who seek a printed-book or e-book, the author has made them available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble, but they are not necessary to purchase if one utilizes the online materials.