Much contemporary preaching proceeds as if all that counts is selected sections or verses of the apostle Paul and the cross of Jesus. (Minister Anthony Buzzard, 1998)


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Jesus' Words On Salvation

JesusWordsSalv-crop2The 584-page book, Jesus' Words on Salvation, is a clear easily read presentation analyzing carefully every reference by Jesus on the topic of salvation. The author, a Christian attorney, proves Jesus' doctrine of salvation involved more than just faith. Jesus reiterated a believer must have works. "The tree without good fruit is cast in the fire." (Matt. 7:19.) The branch "in me" that bears no fruit is "cut off" (harpazo'ed) and "thrown in the fire." (John 15:2, 6). These verses are corroborated in numerous other passages. The Preface reviews how the Reformers Tyndale, Melancthon, Bucer, and even the mature Luther made a course correction, and taught "double justification" to incorporate this truth. This doctrine taught that initial salvation is by faith alone for the non-believer. However, once one was a believer, salvation depended upon a secondary justification by works. This is what persuaded Bonhoeffer to teach the same. This book is an effort at a scholarly review which is intended to be readable by anyone. It is designed to be fair, by including all significant sides of the interpretation of the words of Jesus so that the reader can make a fully informed decision on what the final judge, Jesus, will require on Judgment Day. For reviews and reader comments, see the "Reviews" tab at the top of the page.