Music Picks
At the links in Section I below, you can play clips of each of the recommended songs through Amazon's website and purchase them to keep the song in use throughout the week. (Or you can go to our Amazon music store, and buy them from within the store we assembled of these picks.)
In Section II below, I also found You Tube versions with lyrics of many of these songs (but not all). You can use these lyric-plus-song videos for church convocations at home.
I also provide in Section III Yahweh-centric songs in English. Section IV are songs worth an "Honorable Mention" for personal spiritual enjoyment but probably do not belong in a worship-service.
I. Amazon Samples with Direct Purchase Links
Big Daddy Weave "Only Jesus"

Casting Crowns "Jesus Friend of Sinners" - "heart divided" now turns to Jesus / "break our heart for what breaks yours"
Christine Young "I am Forgiven" because "my King would die for me"
Rich Mullins "Awesome God"
Matt Redman "Blessed Be The Name of the Lord"
Chris Tomlin "Indescribable" (Amazing God)
Chris Tomlin "Our God" (is Greater, None Like Him)
Newsboys "Way Beyond Myself"
Newsboys "Born Again" - a repentance-based experienced dramatically sung!
Newsboys "Live with Abandon" - committing all to follow Christ
U2 "Psalm 40" - verbatim quoted set to light rock tune
U2 "Yahweh"
Faith Hill "There Will Come A Day"
Chris Sligh "Only You Can Save"
Chris Tomlin "Holy is the Lord" Almighty
Sadit Hadad "S'hma Israel" (Hear Oh Israel) - Hebrew stirring modern Psalm in worship to Almighty. Click the blue title, and this will bring you to our webpage with You Tube links and Hebrew transliteration for sing-along, and English translation.
II. You Tubes With Lyrics
Chris Tomlin: Our God
Chris Tomlin: Holy Is The Lord
Chris Tomlin: Indescribable
Casting Crowns: Jesus, Friend of Sinners
Newsboys: Way Beyond Myself
Newsboys: Born Again
Newsboys "Live with Abandon" - committing all to follow Christ
Matt Redmon: Blessed Be Your Name (sung by Matt Redmon - a little subdued)
Matt Redmon: Blessed Be Your Name (sung live by Matt Redmon - far less subdued!)
Rich Mullins: Awesome God
U2: Psalm 40 (Psalm of Thanksgiving) - sung live by Bono
U2: Yahweh
Chris Sligh: Only You Can Save
YouTube With No Lyrics Necessary -- Memorable Lyrics
Michelle Williams (with Beyonce) When Jesus Say Yes, Nobody Can Say No! -- a JWO Anthem-type song (released June 23, 2014)
Big Daddy Weave - Only Jesus You Tube without Lyrics (June 2014) - so start it, and then read lyrics here.
= Amazon Purchase Link =
Who could ever find the words to describe the Indescribable Limited vocabulary falls so short of depicting You, God Yet, I'm distracted; the things of this world threaten to pull me apart But in Your mercy, You hear the cry of my heart
Only Jesus, only Jesus Lord, I'm tired of all the rest When my heart knows You are the best Only Jesus, only Jesus
Son of God and Son of Man who came to destroy the work of sin And it's work in me was crushed when You became the Way for me Help me surrender and stop pretending that I can live on my own I'll find who I am, wrapped up in You alone
Only Jesus, only Jesus Lord, I'm tired of all the rest When my heart knows You are the best Only Jesus Come and change, Lord, rearrange every part of me until You are all that can be seen Come and be seen in me
Only Jesus, only Jesus Lord, I'm tired of all the rest When my heart knows You are the best Only Jesus, only Jesus Lord, I'm tired of all the rest When my heart knows You are the very best Only Jesus, only Jesus Only Jesus, only Jesus
Only Jesus
More lyrics:
III. Hebraic "Yahweh" Centric Songs
Give Thanks to Yahweh -- YouTube wonderful! (Designed for Shabbat reading).
You Love Yahweh -- You Tube
Sing to Yahweh a New Song - YouTube
Sing to Yahweh website - MP3s for download
IV. Honorable Mention
Sanchez, I am Forgiven -- You Tube no lyrics , live performance-- exciting and upbeat
U2, Yahweh and Psalm 40 - Praises to God in Concert (no lyrics)
Newsboys, Live with Abandon - youtube with no lyrics
Inspiring Songs I collected -- songs that do not mention God, but whose themes / words are uplifting spiritually. I love, for example, Stood Up by Fine Frenzy -- an encouraging song when right now the movement to defend Christ's status against Paulinism is small -- perhaps just "two of us," but how the battle will be won with love and grace to our present foes. While they fight with ships they send out to destroy us, we will win with weapons not made of steel and concrete. That is the great message of that song. "In kindness there is strength," it sweetly ends.
China Songs - for our friends in China
What a Beautiful Name