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Only Jesus (great song by Big Daddy)

What Did Jesus Say? (2012) - 7 topics 

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Matthew 19:17 to End based upon multiple Hebrew Matthew sources from Original Gospel of Matthew (2012) by Standford Rives, pages 149-153


The colors of text correspond to different sources on the Hebrew Matthew. The color codes are explained in the beginning of the free Reconstructed Original Gospel of Matthew, volume III of Original Gospel of Matthew (2012) hosted at our site at this link.


(17.2) But if you would come / enter into life of the world to come , perform / do the Law and the Prophets 1 / keep the commandments (Heb. ha-mitzvot (plural)2 / keep the commandments / keep the commandments / keep the commandments .”

(18) He said to him, “ What are they? Which? ” And Jesus said, “Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor ,

(19) Honor thy father and mother; and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”3

(20) The young man said to him, “ All these things have I observed / All these things have I observed from my youth . What lack I yet? So yet what do I lack?”

(21) Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell that which you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me.”

(22) But when the rich / young man heard this teaching, he scratched his head, and it displeased him / he went away angry / sorrowful ; for he  had much property 4 / he had great wealth / had great possessions / was one that had great possessions . And the Lord said to him “How do you say ‘I have performed the law and the prophets?’ seeing that it is written in the Law ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself,’ but many of your brothers, sons of Abraham, are clad with filth, dying for hunger, and your house is full of many goods, and nothing at all goes out of it to them.” 5

(23) And Jesus said to Simon, son of John ,6 his disciples , who was sitting by Him , “Truly I tell you, It is hard for a rich man to come / enter into the kingdom of the heaven s .”

(24) “And again I tell you, it is easier for camel-rope [i.e., a thick rope made from camel’s hair] / a camel to go through the eye of a needle than to bring the rich / for a rich man to enter / into the kingdom of the heavens 7 / heavens / God . Jesus then prayed: Save now on high! 8 [i.e., One in the heavens, grant salvation. ]

(25) And when the disciples heard it, they were very astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?”

(26) And Jesus looking upon them said, “With men the matter is difficult / this is impossible ; but with God ( Elohim ) all things are easy / possible / possible .”

(27) Then Peter answered and said to him, “We have left all, and followed you. What then shall we have?”

(28) And Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you that you who have followed me, in the second birth [i.e., resurrection] / day of judgement / regeneration when the Provost 9 (McDaniel) / Son of Man (Howard) / Son of Man shall sit on the / his throne of his glory, you also shall sit upon the twelve thrones and judging / judge the twelve tribes of Israel.

(29) And every one that has left his home s , or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or / and his wife / and his wife or / or / and his / children, or lands / or lands , for my name’s sake, shall receive a hundred fold like them and shall inherit the kingdom of heaven the sublime life / eternal life .

(30) Many of the first ones shall be last . And many of the last ones shall be first. But many shall be last that are first; 10 and first that are last. / But many of the first shall be last; and the last shall be first .”


1. In the Latin version of Origen’s Commentary on Matthew (Commentaria in Matthaeum) at XV, 14 (now often called Pseudo-Origen because of Rufinus' free revisions to correct 'heresy,' we read: “It is written in a certain Gospel which is called ‘According to the Hebrews’ (if at least any one care to accept it, not as authoritative, but to throw light on the question before us), as follows, ‘The second of the rich men said unto him: ‘Master, what good thing can I do and live?’ He said unto him: ‘O man, fulfil (do) the law and the prophets....” http://www.globalserve.net/~yuku/bbl/richman.htm.

   Nicholson renders it “perform the law and the prophets.” (Nicholson: 50.)

2. A Messianic evangelist advised me the word in Howard’s parallel Hebrew text is ha-Mitzvot. This is the plural for command.

3. In the account by Origen of the Gospel “styled ‘according to the Hebrews,’” Origen omits mention of the specific commands. (Origen in Matt. 15:14.) Baring-Gould believes this is more authentic because Jesus would not have to repeat the obvious. (Pick:8, quoting Baring-Gould at 141.) However, Origen never tells us that the commands are not present. We do not even know the man was Jewish, so Baring-Gould is relying upon speculative assumptions.

4. The Gospel according to the Hebrews. See Nicholson: 50. However, the Shem-Tob says instead he “did not have much property.” This is an error. See verses 23-24.

5. The source is Origen and the Latin version of Matthew 15:14 (de Santos 33), per http://www.textexcavation.com/gospelhebrews.html#clement. It is quoted also in Nicholson: 50 and Pick:7 (from which translated items are borrowed); see also http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Gospel_of_the_Nazaraeans citing Pseudo-Origen and the Latin version of On Matthew 15.14 (accessed 10/28/2010).

6. Nicholson: 51. Cf. Matt. 16:17 supra.

7. Nicholson: 51. Here note the Gospel according to the Hebrews matches the Shem-Tob, and is equally in the plural.

8. Jerome ca. 383 A.D. in Letter 20:5 to Pope Damasus wrote: “Finally, Matthew who wrote the Gospel in Hebrew put it in the following way ‘osianna barrama,’....” (Albertus Frederik Johannes Klijn, Jewish-Christian Gospel Tradition (Brill: 1992) at 120.) For further discussion on what “osianna barrama” meant, see et seq.

9. McDaniel at 10 says that the Shem-Tob uses in 19:28 “Provost,” as in Matthew 8:9 and 19:28. Howard has simply “man.”

10. Contrast Howard’s text with Tjitze Baarda who listed as a Shem-Tob feature that it lacked “the last first.” See “Thomas en Tatianus,” in R. Schippers and T. Baarda, Het evangelie van Thomas (Kampen: Kok, 1960) at 135-55. An English translation is T. Baarda, Early Transmission of the Words of Jesus: Thomas, Tatian and the Text of the New Testament (ed. Helderman and S.J. Norda)(Amsterdam: VU Boekhandl, 1983) at 37-49. See also Howard: 1995 at 203-05. Howard still retains “the last first,” and it is unclear what Shem-Taub mss. Baarda references. Howard in the 1995 edition of the Hebrew Matthew provides a list of 22 agreements between Shem-Tob and the Gospel of Thomas from the 100s, and this is one of them. See Howard: 1995 at 204.