Have I feared the crowd or the contempt of the masses, so that I kept quiet and stayed indoors? (Job 31:34 NLT)


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Only Jesus (great song by Big Daddy)

What Did Jesus Say? (2012) - 7 topics 

None above affiliated with me


The Entire Jesus' Words on Salvation - Free

This book will always be available online free. It is available for your convenience as well through Amazon and other online stores.  Also, and without my involvement, Google Books just made an EPUB version for Kindle or Nook, and you can download it at Google's price from Google.books at this link!

Preface (PDF) or (HTML).
Chapter One: Atonement: Be Reconciled First To The One You Sinned Against (PDF) or (HTML)
Chapter Two: The Repentant Goes Home Justified (PDF) or (HTML).
Chapter Three: Hell Whole or Heaven Maimed (PDF) or (HTML).
Chapter Four: The Parable of the Good Servant Turned Evil (PDF) or (HTML).
Chapter Five: Those Who Endure To The End (PDF) or (HTML).
Chapter Six: Repent Or Perish (PDF) or (HTML)
Chapter Seven: Saying But Not Doing (PDF) or (HTML)
Chapter Eight: Jesus' Answer To The Direct Question On How To Obtain Eternal Life (PDF) or (HTML)
Chapter Nine: Exceeding The Righteousness of the Shallowly Righteous (PDF) or (HTML)
Chapter Ten: The Sermon On The Mount (PDF) or (HTML)
Chapter Eleven: The Parable Of The Sheep And The Goats (PDF) or (HTML)
Chapter Twelve: Parable Of The Purchase of the Field (PDF)
Chapter Thirteen: Forgiven But Not Forgiving (PDF
Chapter Fourteen: Parable Of The Virgins (PDF
Chapter Fifteen: The Prodigal Or Lost Son (PDF)
Chapter Sixteen: Parable Of The Unprofitable Servant (PDF)
Chapter Seventeen: Count The Cost (PDF)
Chapter Eighteen: The Parable Of The Sower (PDF)
Chapter Nineteen: Every Tree Without Good Fruit (PDF)
Chapter Twenty: The Metaphor of the Vine (PDF)
Chapter Twenty One: John 8:51 -- Obedience Should Save (PDF)
Chapter Twenty Two: The Right To The Tree of Life (PDF) or (HTML)
Chapter Twenty Three: Those Who Have Done Good Things Are Resurrected (PDF)
Chapter Twenty Four: Incomplete And Lukewarm Works (PDF) or (HTML)
Chapter Twenty Five: Eternal Life: Based On Good Works Or Faith Alone? (PDF)
Chapter Twenty Six: John 3:16: Obeying Unto Christ Should Save? (PDF) or HTML at these links:
  • Part 1 Dictionary Meanings of Pisteuo (typically rendered "believes")
  • Part 2 Obey, Trust & Believe Possibilities for Pisteuo
  • Part 3 Eis Follows Pisteuo - Proves "obey" Meaning to Pisteuo in John 3:16
  • Part 4 Context of John 3:14-15 Proves "obey" is Meaning of Pisteuo in John 3:16
  • Part 5 John 3:36's Importance in Proving "obey" Intended in John 3:16
  • Part 6 Paul's Use of Pistis & Pisteuo Prove His "faithfulness" & "obey" Usage
  • Part 7 Genesis 15:6 - Does It Overturn Jesus' View of Justification?
  • Part 8 What To Do If Choice Comes Down to Paul v. Jesus?
  • Part 9 Recap on Issues of Tense; Conclusion
Chapter Twenty Seven: Faith Alone (PDF) or (HTML)
Chapter Twenty Eight: Conclusion (PDF) or (HTML)

Extra Materials

Chronology of Faith Alone Movement (PDF)
George Major's defense of the necessity of good works in Reformation (link)
Von Kampen on John 3:16 As About Obedience - link