"Paul [cannot be] both claimant and witness [for himself]." Tertullian, Against Marcion 207 A.D.


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Websites & Videos To Visit

Inspirational Videos

Butterfly Lesson - youtube video making point that without struggles we do not reach maturity

Yahweh as The Name - youtube video presented by Karaite Jew Nehemiah Gordon and why Jews erroneously earlier were taught since 100s-400s not to print or utter the Name. He comes on after a brief introduction. After Gordon, there is an inspirational song time of Hebrew-English songs for Hannukah service. Well worth it for worship time.

The Visual Bible - Gospel of Matthew - over 4 hours --- high quality presentation on YouTube

Inspirational Websites

Bible Study cannot save you (2011) -- only the Words of Jesus -- tells you that obeying Jesus' words is the path of life. Obeying Paul or anyone else is not the criteria of God's judgment.

Links to studies on Paul at http://www.tshuva.us/Paul/resources.html

Websites & Videos on Paul

Paul  - the Self-Proclaiming Apostle - (Repairing the Breach, 2010) - Part 1 and Part 2

The Porkchop Series is insightful -- Part 1 - highlights contradiction in vision accounts.

"Spies & Apostles" (Discovery Channel 2010) - brief highlights. See this link discussion.

"Questioning Paul" by CW.

Valid Teaching Ministries

John MacArthur (generally) - grace to you broadcasts in MP3 Grace to you - Archives


Peter Cartwright and the Great Awakening - summarized


Websites & Videos I don't Recommend

Somewhat Off-Base Anti-Paul Videos

Trustin JC "Apostle Paul is a Ravening Wolf Part 1" September 2011 (12 min 57 sec)

Sounds logical and appropriate through 85%. Says something is not right in pulpit. Many teach Jesus' words are for Jews only and Paul is for everyone else. One proof Paul was prophesied by Jesus is when Jesus said "beware yeast of the Pharisees." Paul was a Pharisee. A hint who one of the false prophets is going to be. Jesus also said "beware the sheep in wolf's clothing." Look into different tribes of Israel. Look at each tribe what is their insignia -- some use a deer, ox, etc. But the tribe of Benjamin uses as emblem a wolf. Paul tells us he comes from the tribe of Benjamin. These are aspects of Paul -- Benjamite and Pharisee -- that we should focus upon. At 12:57, he quotes the non-canonical book (which I never have heard of) entitled Last Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs. He says there is a prophecy from Benjamin himself called "Testament of Benjamin" within that book. He is quoting from modern book entitled "Lost Books of the Bible." At Ch. 2 verse 18, speaking of Savior and end-times, it discusses God will come in the flesh of a man, and Benjamin will say at one point he will no longer be called a "ravening wolf." This author misses the better quote which is Genesis 49:27. Then he discusses Jesus mentions the ravening wolf in sheep's clothing. He defends alot of scripture outside Bible exists. But then he goes in the correct direction that Paul contradicts the teachings of Jesus. Hence, it is ok for much of it, but alot of it treats as authoritative non-Scriptural sources.

Trustin JC Apostle Paul as a Ravening Wolf Part 2 (September 2011) -15 minutes

He points out that Church was paganized at time the canon process was being completed. The pagan highest day became Christ's birthday; Sabbath was banned, etc. Let's look at fruit of Paul and see if contradicts self or lies. In Philemon, Paul says "I am not going to mention you owe me your very soul." But this is false that another owes you their soul if you led them to Christ. We only owe our soul to Jesus, but not to Paul. Second, Paul says when around Jews he will follow the Jews, and when he is around pagans, he will act differently. When Peter does a similar thing, Paul calls Peter a hypocrite. This is essentially ok. I just think loosely makes claim that the church was entirely paganized at time canon process completed. I would say canon never decided even in that period -- it was not until Council of Trent it was agreed upon -- in 1500s!

Completely Off Anti-Paul Videos:

"False Apostle Paul and Apostate Church of Today" - Unstitched Mouth 9/18/2011

  • This author begins well -- saying it is not faith alone that saves. If you don't follow up by obedience, it is as if dead, as James said. The good news - Gospel -- Yahshua -- God in the flesh to remarry his bride had to die to fulfill that part of the Law. He believes God had to die to fullfill the Law, and this is how he could remarry Israel whom he 'divorced.' (I think this accepts Paul's flawed Christology in Romans 7:1-7.) But this does not change God's doctrine. Jesus came for the lost sheep of Israel, his bride, and not Gentiles. (Then why did Jesus tell the apostles to "teach the nations everything that I commanded"?) Christianity offers adoptionism where everyone can be adopted, and this author says no one else can enter into the faith but Jews. (I think this goes too far, and if true, Jesus should have said so. The Mosaic covenant was obligatory on sojourners / Gentiles who lived in community with Jews, so if that is true on its face, its benefits do not extend solely to Jews.)

Pro Paul Videos

The Pauline Paradox - Part 1 - Is the Majority Ever Wrong? (50 min) "works have no relationship to salvation" At 5:42, however, they question whether the Law could truly lose validity later. Would God have to free us from Laws that give freedom? Mainstream doctrine teaches us that we are freed by getting rid of the Law, making the freedom offered by Jesus different from that freedom offered by the Father. The Law is "perfect" and then how can it be later more "perfect." They cite and quote Paul as the word of God. This video helps prove to those who know the Bible's definition of apostasy that Paul's teachings directly lead to such an outcome.