"A young girl...having a Spirit of [the demon] Python...having followed Paul and us, was crying [to the public many days], saying, 'These men...declare to us a way of salvation.'" Acts 16:16-17


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Only Jesus (great song by Big Daddy)

Just Jesus: His Living Words (2011)

Jesus' Words on Church Structure by S. Rives



Erica's Email of September 5, 2007

It is nice seeing your book out there!
I came to the same conclusion about Paul a few years ago and I have since been shunned by a family member. I presented her (a Christian) with my research on Paul.  I asked her if she read the Bible-based facts what I wrote and she didn't.
How did you first come to realize Paul was not a follower of Jesus?

My Response to Erica September 7, 2007

Hi Erica,
Thank you for writing. I think the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats turned my mind around. I could not reconcile it to Paul. Much other frustration preceded that, as I tried to translate Paul from the Greek  to see whether translations were the problem. While I found translators skewed Paul to sound more Pauline, there was a core language in the original Greek that permitted no escape. Thus, compelled by what I knew Paul said in Greek and what Jesus said in the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, I began thinking 'why are we dealing with Paul?.' Then one thing led to another.
What led you to question Paul?
Incidentally Erica, I have a new book ...It is free online --it is called Jesus' Words on Salvation. You can download it chapter by chapter at www.jesuswordsonly.com -- and you will see the link for the new book.
Hope to hear from you soon back.

My Second Response of September 8, 2007

Hi Erica,
I want to congratulate you for suffering shunning by a family member. You should read Soren Kierkegaard. He was like us -- he saw through Paul. (Read my article online about Kierkegaard).
Kierkegaard had a theory that one way to become a Christian (perhaps the best proof of it) is when you suffer defending the validity ofJesus against any challenger (such as Paul). Jesus said you will inherit the earth if you suffer for righteousness sake for His sake. So it is great!
I suffer ridicule from friends. Unbeknowst to them, it has the opposite affect than they suppose. I drive harder to make sure my points and arguments are that much stronger, and irrefutable. This is a battle to vindicate Jesus, and it will take courage!
Blessings to you,