"For we apostles are sent to expound the sayings of Him who has sent us; we are not commissioned to say anything of our own." (Peter Recognitions XXXIV)


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Only Jesus (great song by Big Daddy)

Just Jesus: His Living Words (2011)

Jesus' Words on Church Structure by S. Rives



calvinDid Calvin Murder Servetus?

In the 1540s, Miguel Servetus wrote Calvin a scribbled insult on a page of the Institutes. It said anyone who held Calvin's doctrine of infant baptism "had a demon." In 1546, Calvin announced that he would not let Servetus leave alive if he set foot in Geneva. Was Calvin's decision to kill Servetus based upon spiritual principles, or revenge? Standford Rives, a lawyer of many years in a Calvinist congregation, carefully examines the case, and finds out the terrible and shocking truth.

Ordering Print book information Now available in Kindle for $9.99

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Free chapters online (from Standford Rives, Esq.)

Rive's Knol "Servetus & Calvin"

Background Information on The Servetus Affair