"Christendom has done away with Christianity without being quite aware of it." Soren Kierkegaard


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Only Jesus (great song by Big Daddy)

Just Jesus: His Living Words (2011)

Jesus' Words on Church Structure by S. Rives



You Tube Videos

Go to our sub-page where alll our You Tubes are accessible.

Audio Messages in MP3

A new project for 2011 is to put Jesus' Words Only completely in MP3 format. Some have told me that they read it out loud as part of weekly devotions. I want to help. Thus, below are chapters 1-4 as the beginning of placing the entire book, piece by piece onto the Internet in MP3.

Another new effort is to place these messages on Podcasts with Pod-o-Matic. Our link -- under construction -- is at this link: http://jesuswordsonly.podomatic.com . There are only 5 small audios there at present. I will continue working on it. (8/20/2011.)

A new message is a 10 minute summary of the proofs that Jesus warns us not to follow Paul. Jesus did so in several prophecies. (It is in 1 page pamphlet available in PDF at this link.) Here is link to Podomatic:

Jesus' Words Only

Chapter One - links to 15 mp3 files
Chapter Two - links to 8 mp3 files
Chapter Three - links to 7 mp3 files
Chapter Four -- links to mp3 files
Chapter Five -- links to mp3 files

Driving Messages

Introduction to Bentham's book Not Paul But Jesus  (3 min)

Renan's claim that Revelation was intended to refute Paul (3 min)

Paley & Others See Paul Inimical to Jesus' Doctrine (19 min)


Jesus' Words on Salvation

Tyndale - Surprising Opponent of Faith Alone Doctrine (18 min.)

Tyndale - Extraordinay Education & Translation Skills Yet Rejects Faith Alone (12 min)

Repentance or Faith: Which Is To Come First - Part I (7 minutes)

Repentance or Faith: Which Is To Come First - Part II (11 minutes)