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<h1>The Original Gospel Of Matthew</h1>
<div id="content">
<h2>Final Reconstruction for Devotions</h2>
<p class="intro">It is assumed the reader has read volumes one and two,
and thus already knows that forty-nine times that the leaders of the
Christian church from 125-400 AD quoted what they regarded as the
original </p>
<p class="intro">Gospel of Matthew in Hebrew. Our effort to recreate
the original Hebrew Matthew using these quotes combined with other
ancient sources, we call the Original Gospel of Matthew, or the OGM for
short. </p>
<p class="intro">So if one agrees with the premise of OGM, this final
volume of the three volume series--Final Reconstruction of
Matthew--gives you a version of the OGM you can read for spiritual
devotions. This volume is our best estimation of the likely original.
If you wish to question this, you can still go back to OGM volume one,
and see all the variants that pertain to a passage, and make a
different decision. You can handwrite in your changes, and keep the
OGM: Final Reconstruction which you believe is closest to the original.
The color codes are retained in volume three here to remind you of the
origin of variants we selected. Thus, if you do not agree on using the
Didache, for example, you can simply cross out the matching color-coded
portions in this Devotional Edition. You then will still have a version
which you personally believe is closest to the original Matthew.</p>
<h2>The Color Codes</h2>
<p class="GospHebrews">This color represents the Gospel according to
the Hebrews of Matthew quoted by Jerome, Origen, Justin Martyr
(103-165AD), Eusebius, and the `scholia' of marginal notes left by
scholars on early manuscripts, etc. </p>
<p class="Luke">
This color represents the portions of Luke that Edwards deduces was Luke's effort to use the Gospel According to the Hebrews.</p>
<p class="Agrapha">This color in underline font represents the Agrapha
of Jesus--quotations by respected early church sources of Jesus from a
gospel that is unspecified but which quote cannot be found in the Greek
canon. </p>
<p class="Ebionite">This color represents the Ebionite version of the
Gospel according to the Hebrews of Matthew quoted by Epiphanius, even
though it is likely the same as the Hebrew Gospel of which Jerome,
Origen, Justin &amp; Eusebius identified. Epiphanius was hostile to the
<p class="HebMatt">
This color represents the Hebrew Mathew of Shem-Tob with my own translation or McDaniel's or Howard's translation into English</p>
<p class="HebMatt-nccg">
For variants in translation by Nccg, the font changes to
this font. </p>
<p class="HebMatt-yaha">
For variants in translation by <a href="http://www.scripture.net.nz">http://www.scripture.net.nz</a>, the font changes to
this font.<br>
<p class="HebMattCross">If you see this same color but with a cross-out
of the text, it is because it is missing or conflicting with the Hebrew
Matthew of the Shem-Tob.</p>
<p class="Tillet">This color represents the Du Tillet Matthew. Any text
in conflict with the Du Tillet, if Du Tillet appears the more
authentic, will be in this: <span class="Tillet-cross">cross-out font</span></p>
<p class="AramaicGosp">
This color represents the Aramaic Matthew.</p>
<p class="Thomas">This color and typeface represents the recently
discovered Gospel of Thomas from circa 100 AD when it contains passages
almost identical to our Greek canonical Matthew. Other readings of
Thomas which are not comparable to the canonical Matthew are not
offered for consideration as likely inauthentic. We offer no quote from
the Gospel of Thomas of the heretical Naasenes whose Gospel does not
match the recently discovered Gospel of Thomas. See Hippolytus ca. 236
AD, Anti-Nicene Fathers Vol.&nbsp;, ch. 2. </p>
<p class="Oxyr">This color with this underline represents Oxyrhyncus
Papyrus 655 discovered between 1897-1907. This fragment is regarded as
a fragment of the "Gospel according to the Hebrews" (per Wikipedia
"Oxyrhyncus Papyrus"). Oxy 655 also overlaps with the Gospel of Thomas,
containing logion 36 to 40 of what was discovered at Nag Hammadi. This
section 655 "seems to belong to a Gospel which was closely similar in
point of form to the Synoptists...and the portion preserved consists
mainly of discourses which are to a large extant parallel to passages
in Matthew and Luke...." (The Oxyrhynchus papyri, Volume 4, Issues
654-839 (edited by Bernard Pyne Grenfell, Arthur Surridge Hunt) (Egypt
Exploration Fund, 1904) at 27.)</p>
<p class="Oxy-840">Oxyrhyncus Papyrus 840, according to Harnack, was
also likely from the Gospel according to the Hebrews. Thus, text in
this font type is from that source.</p>
<p class="Oxyr-all_other">Other Oxyrhyncus papyri from the second or
third century are presumably more authentic, and are included here in
this Type face and font color unless we reject them as likely
inauthentic agrapha.</p>
<p class="GreekVariants">Greek Variants from the earliest sources are
presumably closer to the original source, that is the Hebrew Gospel
written by Matthew. Thus, they are in this font and color.</p>
<p class="Didach">The DidachE which dates between 50 ad and 200 ad
(found in 1875) contains portions that apparently belong to the gospel
according to the hebrews of matthew.</p>
<p class="Coptic">The Coptic Matthew from the Schoyen Collection was
first published in 2001 by Hans-Martin Schenke. The Coptic Matthew
dates to the first half of the fourth century. (Evans: Jewish Versions,
etc.) </p>
<p class="M&uuml;nster">
This is the color for the Sebastian M&uuml;nster edition of a Hebrew Matthew published in 1537 in Latin.</p>
<p class="Codex-D">
Codex D Variants have numerous Semitisms, reflecting a Hebrew or Aramaic underlying more original text. </p>
<p>Any text that is simply underlined represents either (1) an addition
to make the grammar clear; or (2) an insert to express what is clearly
implied or (3) an obvious correction to the Greek translator's work for
reasons set forth in a footnote to the same text in Volume I.</p>
<p class="title">The Original Gospel of Matthew</p>
<h2>Chapter One</h2>
(1.1)<span class="Ebionite">
There was a certain man named Jesus about thirty years old</span>,<span class="Tibetan"> who chose us.</span>
(1) <span class="HebMatt">
These are the generations</span>
of Jesus, the son of Abraham. (2) Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat
Jacob; and Jacob begat Judah and his brethren; (3) and Judah begat
Perez and Zerah of Tamar; and Perez begat Hezron; and Hezron begat Ram;
(4) and Ram begat Amminadab; and Amminadab begat Nahshon; and Nahshon
begat Salmon; (5) and Salmon begat Boaz from Rachab the harlot; and
Boaz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse; (6) and Jesse begat
David the king. And David begat Solomon of her that had been the wife
of Uriah; (7) and Solomon begat Rehoboam; and Rehoboam begat Abijah;
and Abijah begat Asa; (8) and Asa begat Jehoshaphat; and Jehoshaphat
begat Joram; and Joram begat Uzziah; (9) and Uzziah begat Hezekiah;
(10) and Hezekiah begat Manasseh; and Manasseh begat Amon; and Amon
begat Josiah; (11) and Josiah begat Jehoiakim and his brethren, at the
time of the carrying away to Babylon. (12) And after the carrying away
to Babylon, Jehoiakim begat Shealtiel; and Shealtiel begat Zerubbabel;
(13) and Zerubbabel begat Abiud; and Abiud begat <span class="Tillet">
Abner who beget</span>
Eliakim; and Eliakim begat Azor; (14) and Azor begat <span class="HebMatt">
adoc; and <span class="HebMatt">
adoc begat <span class="Tillet">
and Achim begat Eliud; (15) and Eliud begat Eleazar; and Eleazar begat
Matthan; and Matthan begat Jacob; (16) Jacob begot Joseph. This<span class="GospHebrews">
<span class="GreekVariants">
<span class="GospHebrews">
<span class="GreekVariants">
begat Jesus who is called the Christ.</span>
(18) Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: (20) Behold, an angel of the Lord, <span class="GospHebrews">
Michael</span>, <span class="GospHebrews">
to whom the Father commended this enterprise</span>, appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, "Joseph, you son of David, Mary your wife (21) shall <span class="GreekVariants">
<span class="GreekVariants">
a son. And you shall call his name Jesus for he shall save <span class="HebMatt">
people from their sins. (22) Now all this is come to pass, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by <span class="M&uuml;nster">
Yahweh</span>, the Lord, through the prophet, saying, (23) Behold, <span class="Ebionite">
a young woman</span>
shall be with child, and shall give birth to a son, And they shall call his name <span class="HebMatt">
mmanuel; <span class="HebMatt">
that is</span>
God with us." (24) And Joseph arose from his sleep, and did as the angel of <span class="M&uuml;nster">
Yahweh</span>, the Lord, commanded him, and took to himself his wife. (25) <span class="GreekVariants">
And she bore him a first-born</span>
<span class="GreekVariants">
son, and he called his name Jesus</span>.</p>
<h2>Chapter Two</h2>
<p>(1) Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, <span class="Tillet">
a city</span>
of the land of <span class="Ebionite">
in the days of Herod the king, <span class="GospHebrews">
from <span class="GospHebrews">
came to Jerusalem, saying (2) "Where is <span class="HebMatt">
the </span>
<span class="AramaicGosp">
<span class="HebMatt">
of the Jews <span class="HebMatt">
who has</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
been born</span>
? For we saw <span class="HebMatt-nez">
<span class="HebMatt-nez">
from their rising</span>
pointing his star <span class="HebMatt-nez">
toward Jerusalem</span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
in the east</span>
and we have come <span class="HebMatt">
with important gifts </span>
to <span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
(3) And when Herod the king heard it, he was troubled, and all
Jerusalem with him. (4) And gathering together all the chief priests
and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the <span class="HebMatt">
should be born. (5) And they told him, "In Bethlehem of <span class="GospHebrews">
for it is written through the prophet, (6) And you Bethlehem, <span class="HebMatt">
Ephratah</span>, land of Judah, <span class="HebMatt">
you are insignificant</span>
among the <span class="HebMatt">
of Judah: For out of you shall come <span class="HebMatt">
to me</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
one to be</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
ruler and </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
lord</span>, <span class="AramaicGosp">
a king</span>
of Israel." (7) Then Herod met in private with the Magi and learned from them exactly what <span class="AramaicGosp">
date </span>
the <span class="M&uuml;nster">
appeared. (8) And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, "Go and search
out exactly concerning the young child. And when you have found him,
bring me word, that I also may come and bow down before him." (9) And
they, having heard the king, went their way. The stars <span class="M&uuml;nster">
which they saw in the east</span>
were <span class="HebMatt">
going </span>
before them <span class="HebMatt">
until they stopped before</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
the place</span>
where the young child was. (10) And when they saw the stars, they
rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. (11) And they came into the house
and saw the young child with Mary his mother. And they fell down and <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
bowed down before</span>
him. And opening their <span class="HebMatt">
sacks</span>, they offered him gifts, gold, frankincense and myrrh. (12) And being warned <span class="HebMatt">
by an angel </span>
in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into
their own country by another way. (13) Now when they were departed, an
angel of <span class="HebMatt">
appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, "Arise and take the young child
and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and stay there until I tell you.
For Herod will seek the young child to destroy him." (14) And Joseph
took the young child and his mother to Egypt; (15) And they were there
until the death of Herod that it might be fulfilled which was spoken
through the prophet, saying, "<span class="GospHebrews">
Out of Egypt have I called my son</span>." (16) Then Herod, when he saw that he was <span class="AramaicGosp">
outwitted by </span>
the Magi was very angry, and sent orders <span class="HebMatt">
to all his princes</span>
to slay all the male children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the
borders thereof, from two years old and under, according to the <span class="Tillet">
set time</span>
which he had exactly learned of the birth from the Magi. (17) This then
fulfilled that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet (<span class="Tillet">upon whom be peace</span>), saying, (18) "A voice was heard in Ramah, Weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children; <span class="HebMatt">
etc." </span>
(19) But when Herod was dead, an angel of <span class="HebMatt">
appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying, (20) "Arise and take
the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for
they are dead who sought the young child's life." (21) And he arose and
took the young child and his mother, and <span class="HebMatt">
returned to</span>
the land of Israel. (22) But when he heard <span class="HebMatt">
that Horcanus, his name</span>
is Archelaus, was reigning over <span class="HebMatt">
in the <span class="HebMatt">
of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. And being <span class="HebMatt">
urged by</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
an angel</span>
in a dream, he withdrew into the region of <span class="HebMatt">
(23) And came and lived in a city called <span class="GreekVariants">
that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet, "<span class="GospHebrews">
For He will be called a Nazarene.</span>" </p>
<h2>Chapter Three</h2>
<p>(1.1) <span class="Ebionite">In the days of King Herod of Judea,
during the high-priesthood of Caiaphas, a certain man named John came
baptizing with a baptism of repentance in the river Jordan. He was of
the family of Aaron the priest, son of Zechariah and Elizabeth, and all
went out to him. </span>
(1) And in those days John the Baptist was <span class="Tillet">
<span class="Tillet">
and he cried</span>
in the wilderness of <span class="HebMatt">
, saying, (2) "<span class="HebMatt">
Turn in repentance, </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="Tillet">
over your lives</span>
for the kingdom of heaven is <span class="HebMatt">
about to come</span>
." (3) For this is he that was spoken about through Isaiah the prophet, saying, `The voice of one crying in the <span class="HebMatt">
Make ready the way of <span class="HebMatt">
Make straight <span class="HebMatt">
in the wilderness</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
a path for our </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nez">
God</span>.'" (4.1) <span class="Ebionite">
It so happened that John came baptizing, and Pharisees and all Jerusalem came out to him to get baptized</span>
. (4) Now John himself had clothes of camel's hair, and a <span class="HebMatt">
leather <span class="M&uuml;nster">
girdle about his <span class="Ebionite">
and his food was wild honey of the <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="GospHebrews">
which<span class="Ebionite">
<span class="GospHebrews">
tasted like sweet </span>
<span class="Ebionite">
<span class="GospHebrews">
cakes cooked in oil.</span>
(5) Then people went out to him from Jerusalem, and all <span class="HebMatt">
and all the region round about the Jordan. (6) And they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins <span class="HebMatt">
because of his word</span>. (7) But when he saw many of the <span class="HebMatt-nez">
and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, "You offspring of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come<span class="HebMatt">
from God</span>? (8) <span class="HebMatt">
Produce the fruits of perfect repentance </span>
(9) and do not think to say within yourselves, `We have as our <span class="HebMatt">
Father Abraham</span>
for I tell you, that God is <span class="HebMatt">
able to raise up his son Abraham from these stones.</span>
(10) And even now the axe lies at the root of the trees: every tree
therefore that does not produce good fruit is cut down, and cast into
the fire." <span class="HebMatt">
The crowds asked him "If so, what shall we do?" John answered them. "He
who has two shirts let him give to the one who has none."</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
So the people came to be baptized. </span>
(10.1)<span class="HebMatt">
Many </span>
<span class="Luke">
<span class="HebMatt"> asked him: "What shall we do?" And he answered
them: "Do not be anxious to lay your hands violently upon any man and
do not chastise them, and be</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
pleased with </span>
your <span class="Luke">
<span class="HebMatt">." </span>
(10.2)<span class="HebMatt">
All the people were thinking and reckoning in their heart with affection whether John is </span>
the Messiah. (11) "I indeed baptize you <span class="HebMatt">
in the </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nez">
<span class="HebMatt">
repentance: but <span class="Oxyr-all_other">
the coming one</span>
is <span class="Oxyr-all_other">
than me, <span class="HebMatt-nez">
the latchet of whose sandal I am not worthy to loosen</span>. He shall baptize you in the <span class="HebMatt">
fire of the </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
Spirit <span class="HebMatt-nez">
of the one who is holy</span>
(12) whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his threshing-floor; and he will gather his wheat into <span class="HebMatt">
his granary</span>
but the <span class="HebMatt">
he will burn up with unquenchable fire." (12.1) Now <span class="GospHebrews">
behold the mother of the Lord </span>
Jesus<span class="GospHebrews">
and his brothers said to </span>
Jesus,<span class="GospHebrews">
"John the Baptist baptizes for the forgiveness of sins. Let us go and
be baptized by him." But Jesus said to them, "in what way have I sinned
that I should go and be baptized by him? Unless perhaps, what I have </span>
just<span class="GospHebrews">
said is </span>
the sin of<span class="GospHebrews">
ignorance.</span>" (13.1) <span class="Ebionite">
When the people had been baptized, Jesus also came to be baptized by John.</span>
(14) But John <span class="HebMatt">
was doubtful about baptizing him </span>
saying, "<span class="M&uuml;nster">
I ought to be baptized by you</span>
and yet you come to me." (15) But Jesus answering said to him, "<span class="M&uuml;nster">
It must be this way only because it is proper to fulfill all requirements of justice</span>. Thus, permit it now. <span class="HebMatt">
For we are obliged </span>
to fulfill all righteousness." <span class="Tillet">
He thereby gave him permission, and</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nez">
then they immersed him</span>. <span class="GospHebrews">
And when Jesus was being baptized a great light flashed from the water, so that all who had gathered there were afraid. </span>
(16) And Jesus when he was baptized, went up immediately from the water, and the heavens were opened <span class="M&uuml;nster">
him. <span class="GospHebrews">
The whole fount of the Spirit of God descended </span>
out of heaven<span class="GospHebrews">
<span class="Ebionite">
in the shape of a dove </span>
and it<span class="Ebionite">
<span class="HebMatt-nez">
ministered over him </span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
<span class="Ebionite">
entered him</span>
<span class="GospHebrews">, and a voice from heaven said to Him, "My
son, in all the prophets I was waiting for you, that you might come,
and I might rest in you. For you are my rest; and you are my firstborn
son who reigns forever."</span>
(17) And behold, <span class="Ebionite">
a voice out of the heavens said: "<span class="Ebionite">
Today I have begotten you</span>. <span class="GospHebrews">
You my son, I bear witness of my joy that this day you have descended from me.</span>" (18)<span class="Ebionite">
And immediately a great light shone around the place, </span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
a fire</span>
<span class="Ebionite">
<span class="AramaicGosp">
<span class="Ebionite">
<span class="GospHebrews">
on the water</span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
and was kindled in the Jordan River</span>
<span class="Ebionite">. John, seeing it, said to Jesus, "Who are you,
Lord?" And again a voice from heaven said to him, "This is my beloved
Son in whom I am well pleased. </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nez">
This Son of mine is loved by Me very much, and I am loving and delighting in Him.</span>
<span class="Ebionite">
Oh how <span class="GospHebrews">
the glory of this child pleases me. </span>
Indeed, <span class="M&uuml;nster">
this is my beloved son in whom my spirit delights</span>." <span class="Ebionite">Then
John falling down before Jesus said, "I beseech you, Lord, baptize me!"
But Jesus forbade John, saying: "Let it be the way it is, for it is
fitting that all things be fulfilled.</span>"</p>
<h2> Chapter Four</h2>
<p>(1) Then was Jesus led up by the <span class="HebMatt">
Spirit into the wilderness <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
of Judah</span>
to be tempted of <span class="HebMatt">
Satan</span>. (2) And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he afterward hungered. (3) And the tempter came <span class="HebMatt">
and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command that these stones
become bread." (4) But he answered and said, "It is written, `Man shall
not live by bread alone, but <span class="Tillet">
shall live</span>
by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of <span class="HebMatt">
Yahweh</span>.'" (5) Then <span class="HebMatt">
took him into <span class="GospHebrews">
And he set him on the <span class="M&uuml;nster">
of the temple, (6) and said to him, "If you are <span class="Tillet">
the Son of</span>
God, then throw yourself down, for it is written, `He shall give his angels charge over you' <span class="HebMatt">
to keep you in all your ways</span>
and, `On <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
the palms of</span>
their hands they shall bear you up, so that you will not strike your
foot against a stone.'" (7) Jesus said to him, "Again it is written, <span class="HebMatt">
you shall not tempt </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
Yahweh</span>,<span class="HebMatt">
your </span>
God." (8) Again, <span class="HebMatt">
took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the <span class="HebMatt">
and the glory of them. (9) And he said to him, "All this power I will
give you, and the glory of them. All these things will I give you if
you will fall down and <span class="HebMatt">
bare your head to me</span>." (10) <span class="GospHebrews">
Then Jesus said to him, "Even likewise my mother, the Holy Spirit, compelled me, and carried me to the great Mount Tabor.</span>
Thus go away, Satan, that is <span class="HebMatt">
for it is written, `<span class="HebMatt">
I will pray to </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
Yahweh</span>,<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
the Lord God</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
and Him only you shall </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
worship</span>.'" (11) Then <span class="HebMatt">
left him. And angels came and ministered to him. (12) Now when he heard that John was delivered up, he withdrew into <span class="HebMatt">
(13) and <span class="HebMatt">
passed by </span>
<span class="GreekVariants">
<span class="HebMatt">
and he came and dwelt in Capernaum-<span class="HebMatt">
Raithah </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
on the outskirts of Zebulun and Naftali. This is a city by the sea,</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
(14) that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through Isaiah, the
prophet, saying, (15) "The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, <span class="HebMatt">
the way of</span>
the Sea, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles, (16) the people who <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
in darkness saw a great light, and to them that sat in the region and shadow of death, <span class="HebMatt">
a light has shined upon them.</span>"<span class="HebMatt">
(17) From that time began Jesus to <span class="Tillet">
aloud,"<span class="Tillet">
Turn, turn in repentance!</span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
Turn around!</span>
For the kingdom of the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
and is <span class="HebMatt">
near</span>." (18) And walking by the sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers -- Simon who is <span class="HebMatt">
called <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
or Peter, and Andrew, his brother. They were casting a net into the sea
for they were fishermen. (19) And he said to them, "Come follow me, and
I will make you <span class="HebMatt">
fish for men</span>
." (20) And <span class="HebMatt">
in that hour</span>
they left their nets, and followed him. (21) And going on from there he
saw two other brothers -- James and John his brother, the sons of <span class="Tillet">
Zabdi</span>. They were in the boat <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
Zabdi</span>, their father, <span class="HebMatt">
setting up</span>
their nets. And Jesus called them. (22) And they <span class="HebMatt">
hastened </span>
and <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
left the<span class="Tillet">
boat and their father, and followed <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Ebionite">
Coming to Capernaum, </span>
Jesus <span class="Ebionite">
entered the house of Simon</span>
<span class="Ebionite">
who is called Peter or </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Kefa</span>, <span class="Ebionite">
and said, "As I passed by the lake of Tiberias (that is the Sea of Galilee), I chose out John and James (</span><span class="HebMatt">called Jimi</span>),<span class="Ebionite">
sons of </span>
Zabdi<span class="Ebionite">, and Simon, and Andrew, Thaddaeus, </span>
Philip, and Nathaniel<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Bar-Talami</span>; <span class="HebMatt">
Thomas</span>, <span class="Ebionite">
Simon </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
the Canaanite</span>; <span class="Ebionite">
Judas Iscariot; and you Matthew, sitting at the tax office. I called and you </span>
all<span class="Ebionite">
followed me. You therefore, I want to be the Twelve</span>
<span class="Ebionite">
Apostles for a testimony to Israel.</span>" (23) And Jesus went about in all Galilee, teaching in their <span class="HebMatt">
assemblies</span>, and preaching the <span class="HebMatt">
good gift</span>
of the kingdom <span class="HebMatt">
of the Heaven</span><span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>, and healing all manner of disease and all manner of sickness <span class="Tillet">
and pain</span>
among the people. (24) And the report of him went forth among all the<span class="Tillet">
people</span>: and they brought to him all that were sick, suffering from diverse diseases and those <span class="HebMatt">
terrified by an evil spirit</span>, and <span class="HebMatt">
those who shook</span>, and had palsy; and he healed them. (25) And he was followed by great crowds from Galilee and <span class="HebMatt">
and Jerusalem and Judaea and from beyond the Jordan.</p>
<h2>Chapter Five</h2>
<p>(1) And seeing the crowds, he went up into the mountain. And when he
had sat down, his disciples came to him. (2) And he opened his mouth
and taught them, saying, (3) "Blessed are the <span class="HebMatt">
in spirit. For theirs is the kingdom of the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>. (4) Blessed are those who <span class="HebMatt">
for they shall be comforted. (5) Blessed are <span class="Didach">
the meek</span>
for they shall inherit the earth. (6) Blessed<span class="Tillet">
are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness. For they shall be</span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
satisfied</span>. (7) Blessed <span class="Tillet">
are the merciful </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
for mercy shall be done to them</span>. (8) Blessed are<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
those who </span>
are the <span class="HebMatt">
innocent of heart</span>. For they shall see God. (9) Blessed<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
are those <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
who </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
pursue peace, </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
shalom</span>, for they shall be called sons of God.<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
(10) Blessed are they that have been persecuted for righteousness'
sake. For the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. (11) Blessed<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
are you when men shall <span class="Tillet">
reproach you, and persecute you, and falsely say all manner of evil against you, for my sake. (12) Rejoice, and be <span class="M&uuml;nster">
jubilant and exalted!</span>
For <span class="HebMatt">
great is your reward in heaven. For they likewise persecuted the prophets." (13) <span class="HebMatt">
At that time, Jesus said to his disciples</span>: "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt <span class="HebMatt">
has been neutralized in regard to its taste</span>
how shall it be salted? It is then good for nothing, but to be thrown out<span class="Tillet">
and trampled under the feet of men. (14) You are <span class="Tillet">
light <span class="HebMatt">
the world. <span class="M&uuml;nster">
You cannot hide a city situated on a hill</span>. (15) Neither do men light a lamp, and put it <span class="HebMatt">
in a hidden place</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
where it cannot shine</span>
but <span class="HebMatt">
they put it</span>
on the <span class="HebMatt">
stand, and it shines on all that are in the house. (16) Even so let your light shine before <span class="HebMatt">
every man</span>
that they may see your good works <span class="Tillet">
to honor</span>
your Father who is in heaven. (16.1)<span class="Tibetan">
<span class="Didach">
Be patient, merciful, harmless, quiet, and good, trembling continually at the words that you have heard.</span>" (17) <span class="HebMatt">
At that time, Jesus said to his disciples</span>: "Do not think that I came to <span class="HebMatt">
annul </span>
or <span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
the Torah, </span>
that is the Law given Moses, or the prophets. I came not to<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
abolish</span>, but to satisfactorily <span class="HebMatt-nez">
perform </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
it</span>. (18) For <span class="HebMatt">
I tell you, until the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>
and earth pass away, not one <span class="HebMatt">
letter</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
dot</span>, or <span class="AramaicGosp">
<span class="HebMatt">
shall be abolished from</span>
the <span class="HebMatt">
Torah</span>, that is the Law given Moses, <span class="HebMatt">
or the Prophets</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
all things will be <span class="HebMatt">
fulfilled</span>. (19) Whoever therefore shall <span class="HebMatt">
annul </span>
or <span class="M&uuml;nster">
one <span class="HebMatt">
of these <span class="Tillet">
commandments, and shall teach <span class="Tillet">
the children of</span>
men so, shall be called the <span class="M&uuml;nster">
man and <span class="AramaicGosp">
smallest person </span>
by those in the kingdom of the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
s</span>. But whoever shall <span class="M&uuml;nster">
and teach them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>. (20) For I tell you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the <span class="HebMatt">
and Pharisees, you shall not in any way enter into the kingdom of the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>. (21) You have heard it was said to them who lived long ago, `You shall not <span class="HebMatt">
murder</span>; and whoever <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
is guilty of a judgment of death</span>.' (22) But I say to you, that every one <span class="GospHebrews">
who has caused sorrow to the spirit of his brother</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
angers his companion</span>
shall be in danger of the judgment. <span class="HebMatt">
He who calls his brother Raka! (that is, a good for nothing) shall be guilty of judgment before </span>
<span class="Tillet">
the council of </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
the congregation,</span>
and whoever shall say, You <span class="HebMatt">
fool! shall be in danger of the <span class="HebMatt">
fires of </span>
hell. (23) If therefore you are <span class="Tillet">
presenting your </span>
sacrificial<span class="Tillet">
for atonement at the altar, and there you remember that <span class="HebMatt">
you have an </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">
with a </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">, and he is complaining about you because of this matter</span>, (24) leave there your sacrificial <span class="Tillet">
before the altar, and <span class="HebMatt">
go </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
first to atone to </span>
<span class="Tillet">
your brother</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
to appease him</span>, and then come and <span class="Tillet">
your sacrificial <span class="Tillet">
as gift<span class="HebMatt">s </span>
for atonement." (25) <span class="HebMatt">
Then Jesus said to his disciples: "See that you hasten to </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
atone to</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
your enemy </span>
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
while you are still walking with him in the way</span>; or <span class="HebMatt">
will deliver you to the judge, and the judge will deliver you to his <span class="HebMatt">
servant</span>, and you are thrown into prison. (26) <span class="M&uuml;nster">
I tell you, you shall by no means come out from there <span class="HebMatt">
until the last piece of money is given</span>. (27) You have heard that it was said <span class="HebMatt">
to those of long ago</span>, `You shall not commit adultery.' (28) But I tell you, that every one that <span class="HebMatt">
a <span class="HebMatt">
woman</span>, a wife
<span class="HebMatt">
and covets her</span>
has committed adultery with her already in his heart. (29) And if your right eye <span class="HebMatt">
seduces you</span>,
pluck it out, and throw it from yourself. For it is better for you that
one of your members should perish, than your whole body should be
thrown into <span class="HebMatt">
Gehenna</span>, that is the fire of hell. (30) And if your right hand <span class="HebMatt">
seduces you</span>, cut it off, <span class="M&uuml;nster">
and cast it from yourself</span>. For it is <span class="HebMatt">
better for you to lose one of your limbs than lose your whole body in Gehenna." </span>
(31) <span class="HebMatt">
And Jesus said to his disciples</span>: "It was said also <span class="HebMatt">
to those of long ago</span>, `Whoever shall <span class="HebMatt">
leave his wife and divorces her</span>
is to give her a <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">, </span>
a certificate of divorce. (32) But I tell you that every one that <span class="HebMatt">
leaves his wife is to give her a </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">, that is a </span>
divorce certificate,<span class="HebMatt">
and he who fails to do so<span class="HebMatt">
commits adultery and he who takes her commits adultery.</span>
(33) Again, you have heard that it was said to them of long ago, `You shall not take an oath <span class="HebMatt">
by my Name falsely </span>
but shall perform your oath to <span class="M&uuml;nster">
Yahweh</span>.' (34) However, I tell you, do not swear at all <span class="HebMatt">
or <span class="HebMatt">
in vain</span>
neither by the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>, for it is the throne of God, (35) nor by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet nor by <span class="M&uuml;nster">
for it is the city of <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
in the</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
heavens</span>. (36) Neither shall you swear by your head, for you <span class="Tillet">
have no power to whiten one hair or to turn it black again</span>. (37) But your words should be, `Yes, yes; No, no,' and whatever is more than these is of <span class="Tillet">
evil</span>. (37.1) <span class="Didach">
You shall not be double-minded nor double-tongued for the double tongue
is a snare of death. your word shall not be false or empty, but
fulfilled by action</span>. (38) You have heard that it was said <span class="HebMatt">
in the</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
Torah</span>, `An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' (39) But I tell you, <span class="HebMatt">
do no repay evil for evil</span>
but whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn to him the <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Didach">
and you shall thus be perfect</span>. (40) And if any man <span class="HebMatt">
opposes you in judgment</span>
and <span class="Didach">
takes away your coat, give him also your shirt</span>. (41) And whoever shall compel you to go <span class="HebMatt">
one thousand steps</span>, go with him two<span class="HebMatt">
thousand</span>. (42) Give to him that asks to borrow from you, and from him that <span class="HebMatt">
wishes to</span>
borrow of you, <span class="HebMatt">
do not hold back</span>. (42.1) <span class="Agrapha">
It is more blessed to give than receive</span>. <span class="Didach">
Do not be found holding out your hands to receive, but instead draw your hands inward to give</span>. (42.2) <span class="Didach">
And if a man takes away something of yours, do not ask for it back</span>. <span class="Didach">
For the Father desires that gifts be given to all from His riches.
Blessed is he who gives according to the commandmentS, for he is
BLAMELESS. </span>
BUT<span class="Didach">
that until HE SHALL HAVE PAID back the last penny. But concerning this
it has been said: let your gifts to the poor stay in your hand long
enough for you to learn to whom to give.</span>" (43) <span class="HebMatt">
Again Jesus said to his disciples</span>: "You have heard that it was said <span class="HebMatt">
to those of long ago</span>, 'You shall love <span class="M&uuml;nster">
your neighbor</span>
and <span class="Tillet">
hate your enemy</span>. (44) But I tell you, love your enemies and <span class="HebMatt">
do good to the one who hates you</span>
and pray for them that persecute you <span class="HebMatt">
and oppress </span>
and<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
despitefully use</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
you</span>. (44.1) <span class="Didach">
Bless them that curse you, and pray for your enemies and fast for them that persecute you</span>. (44.2) <span class="Oxyr-all_other">
For the one who is far away today, tomorrow will be near you.</span>
(45) <span class="GospHebrews">
Be kind and merciful, as your Father is kind and merciful</span>. In this way you may be<span class="Tillet">
sons of your Father who is in the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>. For He makes His sun to <span class="HebMatt">
on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. (46) <span class="Didach">
for what thankS </span>
do you deserve<span class="Didach">
if you love them that love you? Do not even other men do the same? But
Love them that hate you, and YOU shall not have an enemy. </span>
For if you love them that love you, what reward have you? Do not even the <span class="Tillet">
transgressors </span>
do the same? (47)<span class="GospHebrews">
And if you ask after the Peace (the Shalom) of only your brothers, what do you exceed </span>
over what others do<span class="GospHebrews">?</span>"<span class="GospHebrews">
And He said, "You never should be joyful except when you behold your</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="GospHebrews">
brothers with love</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
and<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="GospHebrews">
charity</span>. (47.1) <span class="Didach">
You shall not hate any man, but some you shall reprove, and for others
you shall pray, and others you shall love more than YOUR life</span>. (48) <span class="HebMatt">
Be perfect even as your Father </span>
<span class="Tillet">
who is in heaven</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
is perfect</span>.<span class="HebMatt">
<h2>Chapter Six</h2>
<p>(1.1) <span class="Didach">You shall never forsake the commandments
of the Lord; but shall keep those things which you have received,
neither adding to them nor taking away from them</span>. (1) &gt;<span class="HebMatt">
that you do not your <span class="Tillet">
gifts to the poor</span>
before men <span class="HebMatt">
that they might </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
and<span class="HebMatt">
praise you</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
If you do,</span>
you have no reward with your Father who is in the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>. (2) When therefore you <span class="Tillet">
give gifts to the poor</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
do not desire to make a proclamation or </span>
sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the <span class="HebMatt">
and in the streets, that <span class="HebMatt">
men may see them</span>. <span class="M&uuml;nster">
I tell you, they have <span class="HebMatt">
already </span>
received their reward. (3) But when you <span class="Tillet">
give gifts to the poor</span>, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing (4) that your <span class="Tillet">
gifts to the poor</span>
may be in secret. And your Father, <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
the One </span>
who sees <span class="HebMatt">
hidden things</span>
shall repay you <span class="M&uuml;nster">
and <span class="Tillet">
in public</span>." (5) <span class="HebMatt">
At that time Jesus</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
said to his disciples</span>: "<span class="HebMatt">
And when you pray, do not raise your voice</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
do not be like</span>
the <span class="HebMatt">
hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the <span class="HebMatt">
courtyards</span>, and <span class="HebMatt">
pray with </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
haughty </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
speech that men might hear and praise them</span>. <span class="M&uuml;nster">
I tell you, they have <span class="HebMatt">
received their reward. (6) But you, when you pray, <span class="HebMatt">
go to your couch </span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
close your doors upon you</span>, and pray to your Father in secret, and your Father, <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
the One</span>
who sees in secret, shall reward you. (7) When praying, do not use <span class="HebMatt">
many words</span>
as the <span class="HebMatt">
do. For they think that they shall be heard for their <span class="HebMatt">
multitude of words.</span>
(8) <span class="Tillet">
Do not be like them</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
Don't you see that </span>
your Father who is in the heavens knows <span class="HebMatt">
your words</span>
and <span class="Tillet">
what you need </span>
<span class="Codex-D">
before you open your mouth</span>? (9) <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
And so</span>
<span class="HebMatt">, you shall pray</span>
`Our Father, <span class="HebMatt">
may Your Name be </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">
and sanctified</span>. (10) <span class="HebMatt">
May Your Kingdom </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
be blessed </span>
and<span class="HebMatt">
attain its proper time</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
May your will be done, </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
in the heaven</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
on earth.</span>
(11) <span class="GospHebrews">
Give us this day our bread for tomorrow. </span>
(12) And forgive us <span class="HebMatt">
the debt of</span>
our <span class="HebMatt">
sins</span>, as we <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
the debt of those who sin against us</span>. (13) <span class="HebMatt">
And do not lead us into the hands of a test but keep us</span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
from all evil. </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
For yours is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever and ever</span>. <span class="M&uuml;nster">
Amen</span>. (14) For if you forgive men their <span class="HebMatt">
sins</span>, your Father in the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>
will also forgive <span class="HebMatt">
your sins</span>. (15) But if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive <span class="HebMatt">
your <span class="HebMatt">
sins</span>." (16) <span class="HebMatt">
And again He said to them</span>: "Moreover when you fast, do not act as the <span class="HebMatt">
sad </span>
hypocrites <span class="HebMatt">
who make themselves appear sad and who </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
their faces to show their fastings before men</span>. <span class="M&uuml;nster">
I tell you, they have <span class="HebMatt">
already </span>
received their reward. (17) But you, when you fast, <span class="HebMatt">
your <span class="HebMatt">
head</span>, <span class="Tillet">
and your face</span>
(18) that you do <span class="HebMatt">
not appear to men</span>
to fast, but to your Father who is in secret, and your Father, who <span class="HebMatt">
in secret, shall reward you <span class="M&uuml;nster">
openly</span>." (19) <span class="HebMatt">
And again he said to them</span>: "<span class="HebMatt">
Don't keep heaping up treasures on earth so that they decay and the grub devour it</span>, and where thieves <span class="HebMatt">
through and steal. (20) But <span class="HebMatt">
for yourselves treasures in the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>, where <span class="HebMatt">
neither the worm nor grub</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
devours</span>, and where thieves do not <span class="HebMatt">
through <span class="HebMatt">
and </span>
steal. (21) For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be. (22) The lamp of the body is <span class="HebMatt">
eye<span class="HebMatt">s</span>. If therefore <span class="HebMatt">
your eyes look straight ahead</span>
then <span class="HebMatt">
your body shall not be </span>
in the<span class="HebMatt">
but <span class="Tillet">
shall be </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
full of light</span>. (23) But if your eye <span class="HebMatt">
grows dim</span>, your whole body shall <span class="HebMatt">
become dark</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
And </span>
if the light that is in you <span class="HebMatt">
darkness, <span class="HebMatt">
all your ways will be dark</span>." (24) <span class="HebMatt">
At that time Jesus said to His disciples</span>: "No man can serve two <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
lords</span>. For either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
stay close to</span>
one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and <span class="HebMatt">
wealth</span>. (24.1) <span class="Agrapha">
Except you fast to the world, you shall in no wise find the kingdom of God</span>. (24.2)&gt;<span class="Thomas">
If you do not observe the sabbath as sabbath, you will not see the Father.</span>
(25) Therefore I say to you, do not be anxious <span class="Tillet">
for your souls in what you shall eat or what you shall drink, or for your bodies in what you shall wear</span>,
<span class="HebMatt"> because the soul is more precious than food and the body than clothing</span>. (26) <span class="Tillet">
the birds of the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>, that they do not sow <span class="M&uuml;nster">
seed</span>, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns. And your <span class="HebMatt">
Father <span class="M&uuml;nster">
of the heavens</span>
feeds them. Are you <span class="HebMatt">
not more precious</span>
than they? (27) And which of you by being anxious can add twenty inches <span class="HebMatt">
to </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
your height</span>? (28) <span class="HebMatt">
If this is the case</span>, why are you anxious concerning your clothing? Consider the lilies of the <span class="HebMatt">
Sharon </span>
field<span class="HebMatt">,</span>
how they grow <span class="Tillet">
they do not <span class="M&uuml;nster">
or <span class="HebMatt">
weave</span>, neither do they spin. (29) <span class="Tillet">
Of a truth</span>, I tell you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not <span class="HebMatt">
like one of these. (30) But if God <span class="HebMatt">
clothes the straw which is in the standing grain</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
to-day, and tomorrow it is <span class="HebMatt">
dried up and</span>
thrown into the oven, <span class="HebMatt">
so </span>
much the more <span class="HebMatt">
shall He</span>
<span class="Oxyr-all_other">
give you your clothing</span>, Oh you of little faith<span class="HebMatt">.</span>
(30.1) Thus, <span class="Oxyr">
if you have one garment, what do you lack? Who can add years to your life </span>
by worrying about such things<span class="Oxyr">? </span>
God<span class="Oxyr">
Himself will provide you with clothing!</span>
(31) <span class="HebMatt">
If God so thinks of you</span>, do not therefore be anxious <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
to say</span>, `What shall we eat?' Or, `What shall we drink?' (32) <span class="HebMatt">
because all these things bodies </span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
<span class="HebMatt">.</span>
For your Father <span class="M&uuml;nster">
who is in the heavens</span>
knows that you have need of all these things. (33) But <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
pray first on behalf of</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
God </span>
and His righteousness; and all these things shall be <span class="HebMatt">
given to</span>
you. So if you <span class="GospHebrews">
ask for the Great Things, God will add to you the little things</span>. (34) Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow. Tomorrow will be anxious about itself. <span class="M&uuml;nster">
The trouble of today is enough </span>
to worry about.</p>
<h2>Chapter Seven</h2>
<p>(1) <span class="Tillet">
Judge not and you shall not be judged</span>. (1.1)<span class="Tillet">
Condemn not and you shall not be condemned. </span>
(2) For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged, <span class="HebMatt">
and </span>
with<span class="HebMatt">
what measure you use</span>, it shall be measured to you <span class="Tillet">
again</span>. (3) And why do you see the <span class="Tillet">
that is in your brother's eye, but <span class="HebMatt">
do not see</span>
the beam that is in your own eye? (4) Or how can you say to your <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
fellowman</span>, `Permit me to take out the <span class="Tillet">
of your eye' when there is a beam in your own <span class="HebMatt">
eyes</span>? (5) <span class="HebMatt">
ypocrite! First take the beam out of your own <span class="HebMatt">
eyes</span>; and then you shall see clearly to remove the <span class="Tillet">
from your<span class="HebMatt">
eye." (6) <span class="HebMatt">
Again he said to them</span>: "Give not that which is holy <span class="HebMatt">
to the dogs, neither cast your pearls before the swine. Otherwise, <span class="HebMatt">
they will chew them</span>, and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
the dogs</span>
turn and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
at you. (7) Ask <span class="HebMatt">
from God</span>,
and it shall be given you. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and it
shall be opened to you. (8) For every one that asks receives; and he
that seeks will find; and to him that <span class="HebMatt">
calls</span>, it shall be opened. (8.1) <span class="GospHebrews">
He who seeks shall not cease until he finds, and finding he shall marvel, and having marveled he shall </span>
<span class="Thomas">
reach the kingdom</span>
<span class="GospHebrews">, and having </span>
<span class="Thomas">
reached the</span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
<span class="Thomas">
<span class="GospHebrews">
he shall rest. </span>
(9) Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks him for <span class="HebMatt">
a piece of bread</span>, will give him a stone? (10) Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? (11) If you <span class="M&uuml;nster">
who are</span>
evil <span class="M&uuml;nster">
know how to <span class="Tillet">
seek to</span>
give good gifts among<span class="HebMatt">
yourselves</span>, how much more shall your Father who is in the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>
give <span class="M&uuml;nster">
good requests</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
His good spirit</span>
to them that <span class="HebMatt">
Him? (12) All things therefore whatever you would that men should do for you, <span class="HebMatt">
do to them</span>. For this is the <span class="HebMatt">
(that is the Law given Moses) and the <span class="HebMatt">
words of the</span>
Prophets. Thus <span class="Oxyr-all_other">
as you prove yourself kind, so you will experience kindness</span>. (13) <span class="HebMatt">
At the time Jesus</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
said to his disciples</span>: "Enter in by the narrow gate. For wide <span class="HebMatt">
and deep</span>
is the gate <span class="HebMatt">
of destruction</span>, and many are they that <span class="HebMatt">
are going through it</span>. (14) For narrow is the gate, and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="Tillet">
is </span>
the way, that leads <span class="HebMatt">
to life, and few are they that find it. (15) Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
they are as full of deceit as</span>
ravening wolves. (16) By their <span class="M&uuml;nster">
fruits</span>, that is their <span class="HebMatt">
you shall <span class="Tillet">
them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of <span class="HebMatt">
briars</span>? (17) Even so every good tree produces good fruit. But <span class="HebMatt">
every bad</span>
tree produces evil fruit. (18) A good tree cannot produce evil fruit. Neither can a <span class="HebMatt">
tree produce good fruit. (19) Every tree that does not produce good
fruit is cast into the fire. (20) Therefore by their fruits, <span class="HebMatt">
that is by their deeds</span>,
you shall know them. (21) Not every one that says to me, `Lord, Lord,'
shall enter into the kingdom of heavens. But he that does the will of
my Father who is in heaven <span class="HebMatt">
will enter </span>
<span class="Tillet">
with me into</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
the kingdom of the heaven</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>. (22) Many will say to me in that day, `Lord, Lord, did we not <span class="GospHebrews">
eat and drink in your name,</span>
and prophesy <span class="HebMatt">
your name, and <span class="HebMatt">
your name cast out demons, and do many <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="GospHebrews">
<span class="HebMatt">
in your name</span>? (23) And then I will profess to them `<span class="M&uuml;nster">
I do not know you</span>. Depart from me, <span class="HebMatt">
you that work iniquity.'" (23.1) <span class="GospHebrews">
And the Master said: "If you be with me gathered in my bosom, and do
not the will of the Father who is in the heavens, and you do not keep
my commandments, I shall cast you away, out of my bosom, and say to
you, `Depart from me. I know not where you come from, you workers of
wickedness. For if you keep not the lesser mysteries, who shall give
you the greater?</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
(24) Every one therefore that hears these words of mine, and does them,
is like a wise man who built his house upon the rock. (25) And the rain
descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that
house. And it did not fall for it was founded upon the rock. (26) And
every one that hears these words of mine, and does not do them, is like
a foolish man who built his house upon the sand. (27) And the rain
descended, and the floods came, <span class="Tillet">
and the winds blew, and beat upon the house</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
and fell against it,</span>
and it fell. And great was its fall." (28) <span class="HebMatt">
While Jesus</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
was speaking these words</span>, the crowds were astonished at his <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
leadership behavior</span>
(29) for <span class="HebMatt">
he was preaching to them</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
with great power</span>, <span class="Tillet">
as one having ability of his own,</span>
and not as <span class="M&uuml;nster">
the scribes and the Pharisees</span>.</p>
<h2>Chapter Eight</h2>
<p>(1) And when he had come down from the mountain, great crowds followed him. (2) And there came to him a leper who <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
bowed unto</span>
him, saying, "Lord, <span class="M&uuml;nster">
if you wish, you can heal me.</span>" (3) And Jesus extended his hand, and touched him, saying, "<span class="HebMatt">
I wish that you</span>
are made clean." And <span class="M&uuml;nster">
his leprosy was cleansed. (4) And Jesus said to him, "<span class="HebMatt">
Strive vigorously</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
not to tell any man</span>. But go, show yourself to the priest, and offer, <span class="M&uuml;nster">
as a testimony</span>, the gift <span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Yahweh commanded Moshe</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
in your law</span>. (4.1)<span class="Luke">
Now some people were showing up at that very time reporting to Him
about the Galileans whose blood Pilate mixed with the sacrifices. </span>
(4.2)<span class="Luke">
And answering, Jesus</span>
<span class="Luke">
said to them: "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners
than all the Gaileans, because they have suffered such things? </span>
(4.3)<span class="Luke">
Not at</span>
<span class="Luke">
all for I tell you that unless you are repenting, you will all likewise
perish. Or those of the eighteen on whom the lookout tower of Siloam
fell and killed them, do you think that these were more debtors than
all the other people dwelling in Jerusalem? Not at all for I tell you
that unless you are repenting, you will all likewise perish."</span>
(5) And when he entered Capernaum-<span class="HebMatt">
hamartha</span>, a <span class="HebMatt">
captain of hundreds</span>
came to him, begging him, and saying, "<span class="HebMatt">
Lord, <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
Adoniy</span>, my <span class="HebMatt">
lays in the house sick of <span class="HebMatt">
contraction </span>
and he is <span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
weak with the illness</span>." (7) And he said to him: "I will come and heal him." (8) And the <span class="HebMatt">
captain of hundreds</span>
answered and said: "Lord, I am not <span class="Tillet">
that you should come under my roof; but only <span class="HebMatt">
make the decision</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
shall be healed. (9) For I am a <span class="HebMatt">
man and <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
am the provost, the one in charge</span>
and having under myself <span class="HebMatt">
horses and riders, </span>
<span class="Tillet">
valiant men</span>, and I say to this one, `Go,'
and he goes; and to another, `Come,' and he comes; and to my servant,
`Do this,' and he does it." (10) And when Jesus heard it, he marvelled,
and said to them that were following him, "<span class="M&uuml;nster">
Indeed</span>, I tell you, I have not found <span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
faith in Israel. (11) And I tell you that many shall come from the east and the west, and shall <span class="HebMatt">
with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>, (12) but the sons of the kingdom shall be cast <span class="Tillet">
outside </span>
into the <span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
darkness of Gehenna</span>; there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth." (13) And Jesus said to the <span class="HebMatt">
captain of hundreds</span>, "Go your way.<span class="HebMatt">
As you have believed, it will be done to you</span>." And the <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
young boy</span>
was healed <span class="Tillet">
the same hour</span>. (14) And when Jesus had come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother lying sick <span class="Tillet">
in a continual burning</span>
fever. (15) And he touched her hand, and the <span class="Tillet">
fever left her. And she arose, and ministered to <span class="Tillet">
them</span>. (16) And when evening came, they brought to him many possessed with demons. And <span class="Tillet">
by his word alone cast out the spirits for them</span>, and <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
healed every sickness</span>
(17) that it might be <span class="Tillet">
which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet <span class="HebMatt">
of blessed memory</span>, saying: "<span class="HebMatt">
Surely our sicknesses he bore and our pains he suffered</span>." (18) Now when Jesus saw great crowds around him, he gave commandments <span class="Tillet">
to go to the other side of the sea</span>. (19) And there came a <span class="HebMatt">
and said to him, "Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go." (20) And
Jesus said to him, "The foxes have holes, and the birds have nests, but
the Son of man has <span class="Tillet">
no floor</span> where to lay
his head." (21) And another of the disciples said to him, "Lord, Suffer
me first to go and bury my father." (22) But Jesus said to him, "Follow
me, and leave the dead to bury their dead." (23) And when he entered
into a boat, his disciples followed him. (24) And there arose a great <span class="HebMatt">
in the sea, so much so that <span class="HebMatt">
waves were coming into the boat</span>, and <span class="HebMatt">
the boat was thought to be breaking up</span>
<span class="Tillet">
but he himself was asleep. </span>
(25) And <span class="HebMatt">
the disciples</span>
came to him, and <span class="HebMatt">
him, saying, "Save <span class="HebMatt">
us</span>, <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
our Master</span>, <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
Adon</span>; <span class="HebMatt">
lest </span>
<span class="Tillet">
we will perish." (26) And he said to them, "<span class="Tillet">
Why are you fearful</span>, O you little <span class="HebMatt">
faith?" Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea. And<span class="HebMatt">
immediately </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
the large waves</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
became calm</span>. (27) And <span class="HebMatt">
when the </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
men who were there</span>
saw this, <span class="HebMatt">
marvelled, saying, "<span class="HebMatt">
Who is </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
that even the winds and the sea obey him!" (28) And when he <span class="HebMatt">
crossed over </span>
to the other side <span class="HebMatt">
of the sea</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
into the </span>
country of the <span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">,</span> two possessed with demons met him,
coming out of the tombs, and were very fierce, so that no man could
pass by that way. (29) And they cried out, saying, "What have we to do
with you Jesus, Son of God? Did you come here to torment us before the <span class="Tillet">
time?" <span class="HebMatt">
Jesus said to them, "Come out from there, evil host</span>." (30) Now there was <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
them a herd of many pigs feeding. (31) And the demons asked him, saying, "If you cast us out, <span class="HebMatt">
grant us authority to go</span>
into the herd of pigs." (32) And he said to them, "Go!" And they came
out, and went into the pigs. And the whole herd rushed down <span class="Tillet">
with a great commotion</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
and slipped off</span>
into the sea, and perished in the <span class="M&uuml;nster">
sea</span>. (33) And they that fed them <span class="HebMatt">
were afraid</span>
and fled, and went away into the city, and told everything that had happened to them who were possessed with demons. (34) <span class="HebMatt">
So the whole city was afraid.</span>
And behold, all the city came out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they begged him <span class="HebMatt">
not to pass into their border</span>.</p>
<h2>Chapter Nine</h2>
<p>(1) And <span class="Tillet">
entered into a boat, and <span class="HebMatt">
set sail</span>, and <span class="HebMatt">
returned to</span>
his own city that is Capernaum-by-the-Sea where Jesus then was living. (2) And behold, they brought to him a man sick of <span class="HebMatt">
contractions</span>, lying on a bed. And Jesus seeing their faith said to the sick <span class="HebMatt">
man</span>, "<span class="Tillet">
son, <span class="HebMatt">
have </span>
<span class="Tillet">
confidence</span>.<span class="HebMatt">
It is by the faith of </span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
the Mighty One</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
that your sins have been forgiven</span>." (3) And certain of the <span class="HebMatt">
said to themselves, "This man blasphemes." (4) And Jesus <span class="Tillet">
their thoughts and said, "Why do you think evil in your hearts? (5) For
which is easier to say, `Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, `Arise,
and walk'? (6) But <span class="HebMatt">
to inform you</span>
that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins" (then he spoke to the sick <span class="HebMatt">
man</span>), "Arise, and take up your bed <span class="HebMatt">
and walk</span>." (7) And he arose and <span class="Tillet">
walked into</span>
his house. (8) But when the crowds saw it, they were <span class="HebMatt">
afraid and <span class="AramaicGosp">
struck with awe</span>, and <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
the Mighty One</span>, who had given such authority to men. (9) **** (10) Then I, Matthew, his disciple <span class="HebMatt">
brought </span>
Jesus<span class="HebMatt">
to </span>
my<span class="HebMatt">
house to eat</span>
and it came to pass, as he sat at meat in the house, many <span class="HebMatt">
affluent sinners were at the table</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
were dining</span>
with Jesus and his disciples. (11) And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to his disciples, "Why does your Teacher <span class="HebMatt">
and eat with <span class="HebMatt">
affluent sinners and evil men</span>?" (12) But when <span class="M&uuml;nster">
heard it, he said, "<span class="Tillet">
There is no need of a physician to heal the healthy but </span>
only<span class="Tillet">
to heal them that are sick</span>. (13) But go and learn <span class="HebMatt">
that which is written</span>, `I desire <span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
kindness</span>, and not sacrifice,' for I came not to <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
the righteous, but to convert sinners <span class="GospHebrews">
to repentance</span>.'"
(14) Then the disciples of John came to him, saying, "Why do we and the
Pharisees fast often, but your disciples do not fast?" (15) And Jesus
said to them, "Can the <span class="HebMatt">
of the <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
weep and fast</span>
as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the
bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then they will fast. (16)
And no man <span class="HebMatt">
a piece of <span class="HebMatt">
cloth upon an old garment; for <span class="HebMatt">
the force of the piece stretches the worn out garment</span>, and a worse tear is made <span class="Tillet">
than before</span>.
(17) Neither do men put new wine into old wine-skins. For if they do
the skins burst, and the wine is spilled, and the skins are ruined: but
they put new wine into <span class="HebMatt">
wine-skins, and both are preserved." (18) While he said these things to them, there came a <span class="HebMatt">
who <span class="HebMatt">
bowed down to</span>
him, saying, "<span class="HebMatt">
Master</span>, My daughter<span class="HebMatt">
just died</span>, but <span class="HebMatt">
and please come and lay your hand upon her, and <span class="HebMatt">
restore her to life</span>."
(19) And Jesus arose, and followed him, and his disciples did likewise.
(20) And a woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years came behind
him, and touched the <span class="HebMatt">
of his garment. (21) For she said to herself, "If I <span class="Tillet">
only </span>
touch his garment, I shall <span class="HebMatt">
be made whole." (22) But Jesus turning and seeing her said, "<span class="Tillet">
Have confidence</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
Daughter. <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
May you have a long life</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
through Yahweh, blessed be He. </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
Your faith has made you whole</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
and thus<span class="HebMatt">
your healing is because of your faith</span>." And the woman was made whole from that hour. (23) And when Jesus came into the <span class="HebMatt">
house, and <span class="Tillet">
saw the pipers and dirge makers</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
many people weeping</span>, (24) he said, "<span class="HebMatt">
Go outside</span>
for the <span class="HebMatt">
is not dead, but she is sleeping." <span class="HebMatt">
But in their eyes he was as one who jests</span>
and <span class="Tillet">
they derided him</span>. (25) But when the crowd was put outside, he entered in, and <span class="Tillet">
took her by the hand</span>, <span class="Tillet">
and said, </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
"Young girl, arise!"</span>
<span class="Tillet">
And the <span class="HebMatt">
arose. (26) And <span class="HebMatt">
this report</span>
went into all that land. (27) And as Jesus passed by from there, two blind men <span class="HebMatt">
were begging</span>,
crying out, and saying, "Have mercy on us, son of David." (28) And when
he came into the house, the blind men came to him. And Jesus said to
them, "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" They said him, "Yes,
Lord."<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
(29) Then he touched their eyes, saying,<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
</span>"<span class="M&uuml;nster">
According to your faith it will be done unto you.</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
And thus <span class="HebMatt">
your faith will heal you.</span>"<span class="HebMatt">
(30) And their eyes were <span class="HebMatt">
immediately </span>
opened. And Jesus strictly charged them, saying, "<span class="HebMatt">
Be careful lest the matter be made known</span>."
(31) But they went out, and spread abroad his fame in all that land.
(32) And as they went out, a dumb man possessed with a demon was
brought to him. (33) <span class="HebMatt">
He cast out the demon</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
so that</span>
the dumb man spoke. And the crowds marvelled, saying, "Nothing like
this has ever been seen in Israel." (34) But the Pharisees said, "<span class="HebMatt">
In the name of </span>
the prince of <span class="HebMatt">
--<span class="Coptic">
--he casts out demons." (35) And Jesus went about all the cities and <span class="HebMatt">
regions</span>, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the <span class="HebMatt">
good tidings</span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
of the kingdom</span>,
and healing all manner of disease and all manner of sickness. (36) But
when he saw the crowds, he was moved with compassion for them, because
they were <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="HebMatt">
lying </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
down</span>, as sheep not having a shepherd. (37) Then he said to his disciples, "The <span class="HebMatt">
standing grain</span>
indeed is plentiful, but the <span class="HebMatt">
are few. (38) Pray the Lord, the <span class="HebMatt-disc">
Adona</span>, of the <span class="HebMatt">
standing grain</span>
sends <span class="HebMatt">
many reapers</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
to harvest his grain</span>."</p>
<h2>Chapter Ten</h2>
<p>(1) And he called to himself his twelve disciples, and gave them
authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all
manner of disease and <span class="HebMatt">
sickness and <span class="HebMatt">
every plague</span>. (2) Now the names of the twelve <span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
called </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
are these: the first, Simon, who is called <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
or Peter, and Andrew his brother; James <span class="HebMatt">
called Jimi</span>
and John his brother, the son of <span class="Tillet">
Zabdi</span>, (3) Philip, and Nathaniel Bar-tholomew; Thomas, and Matthew, <span class="HebMatt">
a lender for interest</span>
<span class="Tillet">
and who was a transgressor</span>; James <span class="HebMatt">
Aluphei</span>, and <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Taddai</span>; (4) Sim<span class="Tillet">
on <span class="Tillet">
the merchant</span>
from <span class="HebMatt">
Canaan</span>, and <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
who delivered him up to death</span>.
(5) Jesus sent out these twelve, and charged them, saying, "Do not go
into any way of the Gentiles, and do not enter into any city of the
Samaritans. (6) But go rather to those sheep <span class="HebMatt">
who strayed</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
from </span>
the <span class="M&uuml;nster">
of Israel. (7) And as you go, preach, saying, <span class="Tillet">
Turn, Turn</span>, the kingdom of the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s </span>
is at hand. (8) Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, <span class="Tillet">
cast out demons. <span class="HebMatt">
Do not take wages</span>. Freely you received. Freely give. For <span class="Tillet">
you received for nothing.</span>
And <span class="Tillet">
for nothing you shall give</span>. (9) <span class="M&uuml;nster">
Possess neither gold nor silver nor money in your </span>
money <span class="M&uuml;nster">
belts</span>. (10) <span class="Tillet">
Neither pack for your journey</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
a change of clothes</span>
nor shoes <span class="HebMatt">
nor staff in your hand</span>. For the <span class="HebMatt">
workman is worthy to receive enough for his food</span>. (11) And into whatever city or <span class="HebMatt">
you shall enter, <span class="HebMatt">
ask who is good </span>
and<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
among them</span>, and there live until you leave. (12) And as your enter into the house, <span class="HebMatt">
give them a Shalom</span>, a salutation of Peace, <span class="HebMatt">
saying `Shalom to this house, Shalom to all who in dwell in it</span>.' (13) If the house is <span class="Tillet">
honorable</span>, <span class="Tillet">
it will return to you your peace,</span>
that is, your <span class="HebMatt">
Shalom. </span>
(14) But any man who will not welcome you<span class="Tillet">, </span>
nor listen to<span class="Tillet">
the sound of </span>
your words<span class="Tillet">, </span>
go out from that house<span class="Tillet">
or city,<span class="Tillet">
and shake off<span class="Tillet">
even </span>
the dust of your feet. (15) <span class="M&uuml;nster">
I tell you, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in <span class="HebMatt">
day <span class="Tillet">
of doom </span>
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
of judgment</span>, than for that city. (16) I send you out as sheep among wolves. Be therefore <span class="GospHebrews">
wiser </span>
and more<span class="GospHebrews">
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="GospHebrews">
than serpents</span>, and as <span class="GospHebrews">
harmless </span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="GospHebrews">
as doves</span>. (17) But beware of men. <span class="Tillet">
They will</span>
deliver you up <span class="HebMatt">
in their </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
and scourge you with whips </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
in their houses of assembly</span>
<span class="Tillet">
and you shall be led before </span>
(18) governors and kings. <span class="HebMatt">
You will be able to bear witness on my behalf</span>, for a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. (19) But when they deliver you up, <span class="HebMatt">
do not consider</span>
and <span class="Tillet">
take no thought</span>
how or what you will say. In that hour the <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
you need</span>
shall <span class="HebMatt">
come to you</span>. (20) For it is not you who speaks, but the <span class="HebMatt">
Spirit of <span class="HebMatt">
Father that speaks <span class="HebMatt">
you. (21) And brother shall deliver up brother to death, and the father his child, and <span class="HebMatt">
the sons shall rise up against their fathers</span>, and cause them to be put to death. (22) And you shall be<span class="HebMatt">
come a derision and a fright</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
all the nations</span>
for my name's sake. But he that endures to the <span class="Tillet">
end</span>, the same shall be saved. <span class="Oxyr-all_other">
As often as you fall, rise up, and you will be saved</span>." (23) <span class="HebMatt">
Again Jesus said to his disciples</span>, "But when they persecute you in <span class="Tillet">
city, flee <span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
another</span>. <span class="M&uuml;nster">
I tell you, you shall not have <span class="HebMatt">
gone through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes. (24) A disciple is not <span class="HebMatt">
greater than</span>
his teacher, nor <span class="HebMatt">
a servant <span class="HebMatt">
greater than</span>
his <span class="HebMatt">
his <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
Adon</span>. (25) It is enough for the disciple that he should be <span class="HebMatt">
his teacher, and the servant <span class="HebMatt">
to be like</span>
his <span class="HebMatt">
master</span>, his <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
Adon</span>. If they have called the <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
of the house <span class="HebMatt">
Baalzebub</span>, that is Lord of Tricks, how much more will they do so to <span class="HebMatt">
the </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
of his household! (26) Therefore do not fear them. For there is nothing
covered that shall not be revealed. And nothing hid that shall not be
made known. (27) What I tell you in the darkness, declare it in the
light. And what you hear in the ear, proclaim <span class="M&uuml;nster">
upon the rooftops</span>
<span class="HebMattCross">
. </span>
(28) And do not be afraid of them who kill the body, but <span class="HebMatt">
have no power</span>
to kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to <span class="M&uuml;nster">
cause to be perished</span>
both soul and body in <span class="HebMatt">
Gehenna</span>, that is hell. (29) Are not two sparrows sold for <span class="Tillet">
the smallest coin</span>? And not one of them shall fall on the ground <span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
the will of</span>
your Father who is in the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>. (30) But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. (31) Therefore do not fear. You <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
are more valueable than <span class="M&uuml;nster">
sparrows. (32) Every one therefore who shall <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
me <span class="M&uuml;nster">
in the sight of</span>
men, I will also <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
him before my Father who is in the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>. (33) <span class="Tillet">
But whoever shall deny me </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
in the sight of</span>
<span class="Tillet">
men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heavens.</span>" (34.1) <span class="HebMatt">
In that hour, Jesus said to his disciples</span>: (34.2) <span class="Thomas">
"Perhaps people think that I have come to cast peace upon the world. They do not know that I have come to cast </span>
<span class="Luke">
<span class="Thomas">
upon the earth: fire, sword, war</span>. (34.3)<span class="Thomas">
For there will be five in a house: there'll be three against two and
two against three, father against son and son against father, and they
will stand alone.</span>
(35) I came to <span class="HebMatt">
separate mankind</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
the son from his father, and the daughter from her mother</span>, a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, (36) and <span class="HebMatt">
the enemy</span>
shall be <span class="HebMatt">
loved ones</span>. (37) He that loves his father or mother more than me or whoever loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy <span class="M&uuml;nster">
of me</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
I am not suitable for him</span>. (38) <span class="Tillet">
And whoever does not take up his cross and follow me, the same is not worthy of me</span>. (39) He that <span class="HebMatt">
his life shall lose it. And he that loses <span class="HebMatt">
for my sake shall find it. (40) <span class="GospHebrews">
He who hears me, hears Him who sent Me</span>. He that receives you receives me, and he that receives me receives <span class="HebMatt">
the One</span>
that sent me. (41) He that receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive <span class="HebMatt">
a reward of the prophet</span>
and he that receives a righteous<span class="HebMatt">
in the name of a righteous <span class="HebMatt">
shall receive <span class="HebMatt">
the reward of the</span>
righteous <span class="HebMatt">
one</span>. (42) And whoever shall give a <span class="Tillet">
cup of cold water to drink to one of <span class="HebMatt">
little <span class="HebMatt">
in the name of <span class="HebMatt">
disciple, <span class="HebMatt-disc">
Amen</span>, I tell you he shall in no way lose his reward."</p>
<h2>Chapter Eleven</h2>
<p>(1) And it came to pass when Jesus had finished commanding his twelve disciples, he departed <span class="HebMatt">
on from there</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
and commanded them</span>
to teach and <span class="HebMatt">
in their <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Coptic">
synagogues</span>. (2) Now when John heard in the <span class="Tillet">
prison the works of Jesus, he sent <span class="HebMatt">
two of</span>
his disciples (3) and they said to him, "Are you <span class="HebMatt">
the one who is to come</span>,
or should we look for another?" (4) And Jesus answered and said to
them, "Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: (5) the blind<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
--they see</span>, and the lame<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
walk, the lepers<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
are cleansed, and the deaf<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
hear, and the dead--<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
they are now the living</span>, and the poor<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">
are aquitted</span>
and <span class="Tillet">
made happy</span>. (6) And <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
and <span class="HebMatt">
is <span class="HebMatt">
the one who</span>
<span class="HebMatt-disc">
has no doubt about</span>
me." (7) And as these went their way, Jesus began to say to the crowds concerning John, "<span class="M&uuml;nster">
What did you go into the desert to see? A reed shaken in the wind?</span>
(8) But what did you go out to see? A man clothed in <span class="HebMatt">
noble garments</span>? They that wear <span class="HebMatt">
noble garments</span>
are in king's houses. (9) But why did you go out to see him? To see a
prophet? Yes, I tell you, and much more than a prophet. (10) This is
he, of whom it is written, `I send my messenger who shall <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
way <span class="HebMatt">
before <span class="HebMatt">
me</span>.'" (11) <span class="HebMatt">
Again Jesus</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
said to his disciples</span>:
"Truly I tell you, among them that are born of women there has not
arisen a greater one than John the Baptist. (12) And from the days of
John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and <span class="HebMatt">
has been oppressed </span>
and <span class="Tillet">
the forceful</span>
and <span class="HebMatt-disc">
senseless persons</span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
plunder it</span>
and<span class="HebMatt">
have been </span>
<span class="HebMatt-disc">
tearing it apart</span>. (13) For all the prophets and the law <span class="HebMatt">
spoke concerning John</span>. (14) And if <span class="HebMatt">
you </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
to receive it, <span class="HebMatt">
is Elijah, that is to come. (15) He that has ears to hear, let him hear." (16) <span class="HebMatt">
Again Jesus said</span>: "But to what shall I compare this generation? It is like <span class="HebMatt">
sitting in the marketplaces who call to their companions (17) and say, `We <span class="HebMatt">
to you, and you did not dance; we wailed, and you did not <span class="HebMatt">
(18) For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, `He has a
demon.' (19) The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say `A
gluttonous man and a drinker of wine, a friend of <span class="HebMatt">
affluent sinners</span>
!' <span class="HebMatt">
So fools judge the wise</span>. <span class="M&uuml;nster">
But wisdom is proven correct by her children.</span>
" (20) Then began he to reprove the cities where most of his mighty works were done, because they <span class="Tillet">
did not turn from their evil deeds</span>. (21) "Woe to you, <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
! Woe to you, Beth Saida! For if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and <span class="HebMatt">
which were done in you, they would have repented <span class="Tillet">
from evil</span>
<span class="Tillet">
long ago</span>
in sackcloth and ashes. (22) But I tell you, it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and <span class="HebMatt">
in the day of judgment than for you. (23) And you, Capernaum, shall you be exalted to heaven? <span class="HebMatt">
From there</span>
you shall go down: for if the mighty works had been done in Sodom which were done in you, <span class="HebMatt">
it would have remained until this day. <span class="HebMatt">
Unto Sheol you will be brought down</span>. (24) But I tell you that it shall be <span class="HebMatt">
for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for you." (25) At that <span class="HebMatt">
Jesus <span class="HebMatt">
raised himself up</span>
and said, "<span class="GospHebrews">
I thank you</span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
Father</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
Be praised</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
Father, <span class="HebMatt">
of heaven and earth, that you did hide these things from the wise and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
prudent</span>, and revealed them to <span class="Tillet">
the lightly esteemed</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
the humble</span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
young children</span>. (26) <span class="HebMatt">
Truly this was because it was upright before you, my Father</span>. <span class="Tillet">
Yes, Oh Father, for so was your will before you</span>." (27) Then turning to the disciples, Jesus said: "All things have been delivered to me of my Father. (27) And no one knows <span class="Tillet">
son except <span class="Tillet">
father. Neither does any know <span class="Tillet">
father except <span class="Tillet">
son, and he to whomever <span class="Tillet">
son <span class="HebMatt">
to reveal him. (28) Come to me, all you who <span class="HebMatt">
are weary and enduring labor</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
I will help you bear your yoke.</span>
<span class="Tillet">
I will satisfy you</span>. (29) Take my yoke <span class="HebMatt">
as your yoke</span>, and <span class="HebMatt-disc">
learn</span>.<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Know </span>
<span class="HebMatt-disc">
I am <span class="HebMatt">
humble, good</span>, <span class="Tillet">
driven out</span>
to break up the soil as cattle do for planting of seed. And I am <span class="HebMatt">
pure </span>
and <span class="Tillet">
downcast in</span>
heart. And you shall find rest for your souls. (30) For my yoke is <span class="Tillet">
and <span class="HebMatt">
soft</span>, and my burden is <span class="Tillet">
<h2>Chapter Twelve</h2>
<p>(1) At that <span class="HebMatt">
time</span> Jesus went on the
Day of Rest (that is the Sabbath Day) through the grainfields. His
disciples were hungry and began to pluck ears <span class="M&uuml;nster">
of corn</span>
<span class="Tillet">
from the stalks</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
to crush them between their hands</span>
and to eat. (2) But the Pharisees when they saw it said to him, "Your disciples do that which it is not <span class="HebMatt">
or <span class="M&uuml;nster">
to do upon the Sabbath." (3) But Jesus said to them, "Have you not read
what David did, when he was hungry, and they that were with him? (4)
How he entered into the house of God, and ate <span class="HebMatt">
the showbread of the <span class="HebMatt">
(<span class="HebMatt">
that is holy bread</span>
) <span class="HebMatt">
which is not to be eaten</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
except by the priests alone</span>? (5) Or have you not read in the <span class="HebMatt">
(that is the Law) that on the Day of Rest that the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and yet are <span class="HebMatt">
without sin</span>? (6) But I tell you that the temple <span class="HebMatt">
is greater</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
than this </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
that is, this cornfield. (7) But if you had known what this means, `I desire mercy and not sacrifice,' you would not have <span class="Tillet">
the innocent. (8) For the Son of Man is <span class="HebMatt-disc">
<span class="Tillet">
of the Day of Rest." (9) And <span class="HebMatt">
it came to pass at the end of the days that</span>
he departed from there, and went into their synagogue<span class="HebMatt">
s</span>. (10) And a man <span class="HebMatt">
was there</span>
who had a withered hand and asked Jesus: <span class="GospHebrews">
"I was a mason, seeking a livelihood by my hands. I beg you Jesus that
you restore me to health, that I may not shamefully beg for food." </span>
And the sages asked Jesus, saying, "Is it <span class="HebMatt">
to heal <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
the Day of Rest?" <span class="Tillet">
And they said all of this so that they might accuse him before the court of justice</span>. (11) And he said to them, "What man among you, if his sheep falls into a pit <span class="HebMatt">
the Day of Rest would not grab it and lift it out? (12) <span class="HebMatt">
So much the more is man better than that</span>. Thus, it is <span class="HebMatt">
permissible and necessary</span>
to do <span class="HebMatt-disc">
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
the Day of Rest." (13) Then he said to the man, "Stretch out your
hand." And he stretched it out; and it was restored whole as the other.
(14) But the Pharisees went out, and took counsel against Jesus, how
they might <span class="HebMatt">
put him to death</span>. (15) <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
And it was after this, because</span>
Jesus <span class="HebMatt">
it, <span class="HebMatt">
withdrew from there. And many <span class="HebMatt">
followed him, and he healed them all, (16) and charged them that they
should not make him known (17) that the word spoken through Isaiah <span class="M&uuml;nster">
the prophet</span>
would be fulfilled, who prophesied: (18) "My servant whom I <span class="Tillet">
uphold</span>, My <span class="HebMatt">
chosen one</span>
in whom my soul is <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
delighted</span>, I <span class="Tillet">
put my Spirit upon him, And he shall declare <span class="HebMatt">
to the <span class="HebMatt">
nations</span>. (19) <span class="HebMatt">
He shall not <span class="HebMatt">
or <span class="Tillet">
nor<span class="HebMatt">
will he <span class="Tillet">
lift up</span>
his heal to <span class="HebMatt">
run</span>. Neither shall any one hear his voice in the streets. (20) A bruised reed shall he not break, And <span class="HebMatt">
a dim wick</span>
shall he not put out<span class="HebMatt-disc">. He will not fail or be discouraged until he establishes justice in the earth</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
according to truth</span>. (21) <span class="Tillet">
And the isles shall wait for his Law</span>." (22) Then one who was blind and unable to speak as well as possessed with a demon was brought to him. He healed him <span class="Tillet">
so that he was able both to speak and see</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
and the crowds saw </span>
it (23) and were amazed, and said, "<span class="HebMatt">
Is this not the son of David?</span>
" (24) But the Pharisees <span class="HebMatt">
were quick to hear this</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
they said, "This man casts out demons by <span class="HebMatt">
Baalzebub</span>, <span class="HebMatt-disc">
the </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
of the demons." (25) And Jesus knowing their thoughts said to them <span class="HebMatt">
in a parable</span>, "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation. And every city or house divided against itself <span class="HebMatt">
shall fall</span>. (26) And if Satan casts out <span class="HebMatt">
Satan, he is divided against himself. How then shall his kingdom stand? (27) And if I cast out demons by <span class="HebMatt">
Baalzebub </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
who belongs to your sons</span>, then why<span class="HebMatt">
don't your sons cast them out?</span>
Therefore they shall be your judges. (28) But if I by the Spirit of God cast out demons, then <span class="HebMatt">
is <span class="HebMatt">
the end of his kingdom come</span>. (29) Or how can one enter into the house of the strong man, and rob his goods, except he binds <span class="HebMatt">
first? And then he will rob his house. (30) He that is not with me is against me. <span class="Tillet">
And whoever does not gather with me the same scatters</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
Whoever does not join himself to me denies me</span>. (31) Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven <span class="HebMatt">
the sons of</span>
men. However, the blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven.
(32) And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be
forgiven him. However, whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall
not be forgiven him, neither in this world, nor in the world which is
to come. (33) <span class="HebMatt-disc">
whether the tree is good, <span class="HebMatt">
according to good</span>
fruit; or <span class="HebMatt-disc">
whether the tree is corrupt <span class="HebMatt-disc">
according to</span>
its <span class="HebMatt">
fruit. For the tree is known by its fruit. (34) <span class="HebMatt">
Family of vipers</span>, how can you being evil speak good things? <span class="HebMatt">
Surely the mouth awakens, the heart speaks.</span>
(35) The good man produces out of <span class="HebMatt">
treasure <span class="HebMatt">
of a good heart</span>
good things. And the evil man produces out of <span class="HebMatt">
the treasure of an evil heart</span>
evil things. (36) And I tell you that every <span class="M&uuml;nster">
and <span class="Tillet">
word that men shall speak, they shall give an account in the day of judgment. <span class="Agrapha">
In whatever things I find you </span>
saying<span class="Agrapha">, in those I shall judge you</span>. (37) For by your words you shall be<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
and by your <span class="HebMatt">
and words you shall be <span class="M&uuml;nster">
condemned</span>." (38) Then certain of the <span class="HebMatt">
and Pharisees answered him, saying, "<span class="Tillet">
Rabbenu</span>, we <span class="HebMatt">
wish to </span>
see a sign <span class="HebMatt">
from heaven</span>
by you." (39) But he answered and said to them, "An evil <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt-nez">
hypocritcal </span>
generation seeks after a sign. And there shall no sign be given it but the sign of Jonah <span class="Tillet">
the prophet</span>. (40) For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so shall the Son of Man be <span class="HebMatt">
in the <span class="HebMatt-nez">
belly of the earth. </span>
(41) The men of Nineveh shall stand up in the judgment <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
this generation, and shall condemn it. For <span class="HebMatt">
they turned in repentance</span>
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
made penance</span>
at the <span class="HebMatt">
of Jonah. <span class="M&uuml;nster">
And behold, one greater than Jonah is here</span>. (42) The queen of<span class="HebMatt">
shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn
it. For she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of
Solomon. <span class="M&uuml;nster">
And behold, one greater than Solomon is here.</span>
(43) But the unclean spirit, when he is gone out of the man, passes
through waterless places, seeking rest, and does not find it. (44) Then
he says, `I will return to my house where I came out.' And when he
returns, he finds it empty, <span class="Tillet">
cleaned out with shovels, </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="Tillet">
and <span class="HebMatt">
(45) Then he goes and takes with himself seven other spirits more evil
than himself, and they enter in and dwell there. And the last state of
that man is worse than the first. Even so, it shall happen similarly to
this evil generation." (46) While he was yet speaking to the crowds,
his mother and brothers stood outside, seeking to speak to him. (47)
And one said to him, "Your mother and brothers stand outside, seeking
to speak to you." (48) But he answered and said to the one who had
spoken to him, "Who is my mother? And who are my brothers?" (49) And he
stretched out his hand <span class="Ebionite">
his disciples, and said, "<span class="HebMatt">
These are</span>
my mother and my brothers! (50) For whoever <span class="HebMatt">
the <span class="Ebionite">
of my Father who is in <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
they are</span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
my brother and my sister and</span>
<span class="Tillet">
<h2>Chapter Thirteen</h2>
<p>(1) On that day Jesus went out <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
the house, and sat <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
on the shore of the sea</span>. (2) And there were gathered around him a great crowd <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
until he needed to enter a boat</span>, and the crowds stood on the beach. (3) And he spoke to them many things in parables, saying, "Behold, the sower went out <span class="HebMatt">
from his house</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
in the morning</span>
to sow <span class="HebMatt">
his seed</span>. (4) And as he sowed, some seeds fell <span class="HebMatt">
on the road</span>, and the birds came and devoured them. (5) And others fell upon <span class="HebMatt">
where they had not much soil. And quickly they sprang up, because they had no depth of soil. (6) And when the sun <span class="M&uuml;nster">
and <span class="HebMatt">
above it became warm</span>, they <span class="M&uuml;nster">
withered</span>. And because they had no root, they <span class="HebMatt">
dried up</span>. (7) And others fell upon the thorns. And the thorns grew up and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
and <span class="HebMatt">
them. (8) And others fell upon the good ground, and yielded fruit, <span class="HebMatt">
the first</span>
a hundred times, <span class="HebMatt">
the second</span>
sixty, and <span class="HebMatt">
the third</span>
thirty. (9) He that has ears, let him hear." (10) And the disciples came <span class="HebMatt">
near </span>to
him, and said to him, "Why do you speak to them in parables?" (11) And
he answered and said to them, "To you it is given to know the kingdom
of heaven, but to them it is not given. <span class="GospHebrews">
My secret is for me and the offspring of my house</span>. (12) For whoever has <span class="Thomas">
in their hand</span>, to him it shall be given <span class="HebMatt">
again</span>, <span class="Tillet">
and he shall abound</span>. But whoever has nothing, from him it shall be taken away even that <span class="Thomas">
which he <span class="HebMatt">
thinks he</span>
has. (13) Therefore I speak to them in parables because seeing they see
not, and hearing they hear not. (14) And to them is fulfilled <span class="HebMatt">
what was said through Isaiah the prophet</span>: `<span class="HebMatt">
Go and say to this people, </span>
"<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">, </span>
<span class="Tillet">
you </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
hear but do not comprehend. </span>
<span class="Tillet">
Seeing</span>, <span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
but do not understand.</span>
(15) <span class="HebMatt">
Make the heart of this people fat and make their ears heavy and blind their eyes, </span>
<span class="Tillet">
otherwise, it sees with its eyes, and</span>
<span class="Tillet">
hears with its ears, and understands with its heart and returns, and is healed.</span>
"<span class="Tillet">
(16) But <span class="HebMatt">
are your eyes, for they see. And your ears for they hear. (17) For <span class="M&uuml;nster">
I tell you, that many prophets and righteous men desired to see the things which you <span class="Tillet">
are seeing</span>, and saw them not. And to hear the things which you <span class="Tillet">
are hearing</span>, and heard them not. (17.1) <span class="Thomas">
I will give you what no eye has seen and no ear has heard and no hand has touched and what has never arisen in the human heart.</span>
(18) <span class="HebMatt">
hear then the parable of the sower. (19) <span class="HebMatt">
The Sower</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">? He</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
is the Son of Man</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
And the seed which fell on the road</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">? All those</span>
who hear <span class="Tillet">
the word</span>
of the kingdom of heaven and do not understand it so <span class="HebMatt">
the Adversary </span>
comes, and snatches away that which has been sown in his heart. This is what <span class="HebMatt">
the example</span>
of the seed sown on the road represents. (20) And he that was sown upon the <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">?</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
He is the one</span>
who hears the word <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
of the Mighty One</span>, and quickly with joy receives it; (21) <span class="Tillet">
but is like the seed which has no root</span>
and is in <span class="HebMatt">
confusion</span>, but endures for <span class="Tillet">
an hour</span>. And when <span class="HebMatt">
a little trouble</span>
and <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
or<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
comes to them</span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
because of the word</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
Satan causes them to forget from their heart </span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
the word of the Mighty One</span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
and he makes no fruit</span>
and <span class="Tillet">
is offended</span>. (22) And he that was sown among the thorns<span class="HebMatt-nccg">?</span>
This is he that hears the word, and <span class="HebMatt">
in his desire to gather wealth</span>
-- <span class="M&uuml;nster">
unfair mammon,</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
the Adversary </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
causes him to forget the word of God</span>
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
suffocates the word</span>, and <span class="HebMatt">
he </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">
make </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">
fruit</span>. (23) And he that was sown upon the good ground<span class="HebMatt-nccg">?</span>
This is he that hears the word, and understands it; who truly bears fruit,<span class="HebMatt">
that is, from good works</span>, and produces <span class="HebMatt">
from the first</span>
a hundred times, <span class="HebMatt">
and from the second</span>
sixty,<span class="HebMatt">
and from the third</span>
thirty. <span class="HebMatt">
As for the hundred, this is the one purified in heart and sanctified in
body; as for the sixty, this is the one separated from women. As for
this thirty, this is the one sanctified in matrimony, in body and in
"<span class="HebMatt">
(24) Another parable <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
he placed</span>
before them, saying, "The kingdom of heaven is <span class="M&uuml;nster">
similar to</span>
a man that sowed good seed in his field. (25) However, while his men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares also <span class="HebMatt">
the wheat, and went away. (26) But when the <span class="HebMatt">
herb </span>
sprang up and produced fruit, then <span class="HebMatt">
he saw the tares</span>
also. (27) And the servants of the owner of the house came and told
him, `Sir, didn't you sow good seed in your field? Why does it have
tares <span class="Tillet">
come into it</span>?' (28) And he answered them, `<span class="HebMatt">
My </span>
enemy has done this.' And the servants replied to him, `<span class="HebMatt">
We will uproot the tares.</span>' (29) But he said <span class="HebMatt">
to them</span>, `No. For <span class="M&uuml;nster">
as you collect the tares</span>, you might at <span class="M&uuml;nster">
the same time</span>
root up the wheat with them. (30) Let both grow together until the
harvest. And in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers,
"Gather up first the tares, and bind them in <span class="HebMatt">
bundles to burn them; but gather the wheat into my barn."'" (31) Another parable <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
he placed </span>
before them, saying, "The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard <span class="Thomas">
seed</span>, which a man took, and sowed in his field. (32) It indeed <span class="HebMatt">
is smaller than all garden herbs</span>. However, when <span class="Thomas">
it falls on the tilled ground, it produces a large branch</span>, and it becomes a <span class="Thomas">
for the birds of the sky." (33) He told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is <span class="M&uuml;nster">
similar to</span>
leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of <span class="HebMatt">
flour</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
and it leavens all of it.</span>"
(34) All these things Jesus spoke in parables to the crowds, and he did
not speak anything except parables to them (35) that it might be
fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet, saying, "I will open my
mouth in parables. I will utter <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
from <span class="HebMatt">
ancient times</span>."
(36) Then he left the crowds, and went into the house. And his
disciples came to him, saying, "Explain to us the parable of the tares
of the field." (37) And he answered and said, "<span class="HebMatt">
In this example</span>, he that sows the good seed is <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
the Son of Man</span>. (38) And the field<span class="HebMatt-nccg">?</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
the world--<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
this age</span>. And the good <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">? T</span>
hese are the <span class="HebMatt">
righteous</span>. And the tares<span class="HebMatt-nccg">? They</span>
are the <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
ungodly, </span>
sons of <span class="Tillet">
Belial</span>. (39) And the enemy that sowed them? <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
is <span class="HebMatt">
the Adversary</span>, <span class="M&uuml;nster">
the devil</span>. And the <span class="HebMatt">
standing grain </span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
at the end</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">?</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
is the <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
of the <span class="HebMatt">
world to come</span>. And the reapers<span class="HebMatt-nccg">? They</span>
are the angels. (40) As <span class="HebMatt">
the reapers gather the tares to burn</span>, so it shall be in the end of <span class="HebMatt">
days</span>. (41) The Son of Man shall send out his angels and they shall <span class="HebMatt">
uproot from</span>
his kingdom all <span class="HebMatt">
ones that <span class="M&uuml;nster">
cause offence</span>, and them that do iniquity. (42) And they shall cast them into the <span class="Tillet">
furnace of fire</span>. (43) Then shall the righteous shine as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He that has ears <span class="HebMatt">
to hear</span>, let him hear." (44) <span class="HebMatt">
Again Jesus said to his disciples</span>: "The kingdom of <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
is like a treasure hidden in the field which a man found, and hid. And in his joy <span class="HebMatt">
over the value</span>
he went and sold all that he had, and bought that field. (45) Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a man who is a merchant <span class="Thomas">
who possessed merchandise </span>
and was<span class="Thomas">
seeking <span class="M&uuml;nster">
to buy good pearls</span>. (46) <span class="Thomas">
The merchant was prudent. </span>
Having found <span class="Tillet">
one precious pearl</span>, he went and sold all his<span class="Thomas">
merchandise</span>, and bought <span class="Thomas">
the pearl alone himself</span>. (46.1) <span class="Thomas">
You, too, are to seek for the treasure that does not fail, that
endures, where no moth comes near to devour and where no worm destroys.
(47) Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a <span class="Tillet">
drag </span>
net that was cast into the sea and gathered of every kind <span class="HebMatt">
of fish</span>
(48) which, when it was filled, they <span class="HebMatt">
drew it out</span>
up on the beach. And <span class="HebMatt">
the fishermen</span>
sat down <span class="Tillet">
on the sea shore</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
the good <span class="Tillet">
and put them</span>
into vessels, <span class="M&uuml;nster">
ut the bad they threw away. (49) So it shall be in the end of <span class="HebMatt">
days</span>. The angels shall come, and <span class="HebMatt">
the wicked from the <span class="HebMatt">
midst of</span>
the righteous, (50) and shall throw them into the <span class="Tillet">
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
of fire</span>. There shall be the weeping and the gnashing of <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
teeth. (51) Have you understood all these things?" They said, "Yes." (52) And he said to them, "Therefore every <span class="M&uuml;nster">
or<span class="HebMatt">
wise man</span>
who has been made a disciple to the kingdom of heaven is like a man that is a <span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
who brings out of his treasure things new and old." (53) And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished these parables, <span class="Tillet">
he passed over from there</span>. (54) And coming into his own <span class="Tillet">
native land</span>
he taught them in their synagogue<span class="HebMatt">s</span>, and they were astonished, and said <span class="HebMatt">
in their hearts</span>, "From where did this man get this wisdom, <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
power</span>, <span class="Tillet">
and might</span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
and virtue</span>
to do these works? (55) Is not this the <span class="HebMatt">
blacksmith's </span>
son? Is not his mother Mary? And his brothers <span class="Tillet">
James</span>, Joseph, and Simon, and <span class="HebMatt">
Judah</span>? (56) And <span class="Tillet">
are not</span>
his sisters <span class="Tillet">
all with us</span>? <span class="HebMatt">
Do you not know all these that are with us</span>? <span class="HebMatt-disc">
So how did all these things come to this one?"</span>
(57) And they were <span class="HebMatt">
confused about</span>
him. But Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his <span class="Tillet">
native place,</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
and city</span>, and in his own house. In other words, <span class="Agrapha">
a prophet is not acceptable in his own country, neither does a physician work cures upon them that know him</span>. As a result, <span class="Thomas">
no physician heals those who know him."</span>
(58) And he did not <span class="HebMatt">
wish to </span>
do<span class="HebMatt">
there any sign</span>
because of their <span class="Tillet">
and <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
little belief</span>.</p>
<h2>Chapter Fourteen</h2>
<p>(1) At that <span class="HebMatt">
Herod the Tetrarch heard the report concerning Jesus, (2) and said to his servants, "<span class="HebMatt">
Behold I believe that John the Baptizer is doing these miracles</span>
and therefore these powers work in him." (3) For Herod had arrested John, and bound him in prison<span class="HebMatt">. This was because </span>
John<span class="HebMatt">
was reproving him that </span>
Herod<span class="HebMatt">
should not take as his wife</span>
Herodias <span class="HebMatt">
because she was</span>
his brother's wife. (4) John <span class="HebMatt">
was saying</span>
to him, "It is not <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
for you to have her." (5) And <span class="HebMatt">
then Herod wished to kill him</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
he feared the people because they believed John was a prophet. (6) But on Herod's birthday,<span class="HebMatt">
he called the nobles of his kingdom to eat with him, and while they were eating</span>, the daughter of Herod danced among them, and <span class="HebMatt">
it </span>pleased
Herod. (7) He promised with an oath to give her whatever she should
ask. (8) And she, being urged by her mother, said, "Give me here the
head of John the Baptist <span class="M&uuml;nster">
on a plate</span>." (9) And the king was <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
very sad</span>. However, because of his oath he made before his dinner guests, he commanded it to be given. (10) And he sent the command <span class="HebMatt">
to kill</span>
John in the prison. (11) And <span class="HebMatt">
they brought John's</span>
head <span class="M&uuml;nster">
in a dish</span>, and gave it to the <span class="HebMatt">
girl</span>. And she brought it to her mother. (12) And <span class="HebMatt">
disciples of <span class="HebMatt">
came, and took up the body, and buried him. And they went and told
Jesus. (13) Now when Jesus heard it, he left there in a boat, to a
place <span class="HebMatt">
in the </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
wilderness of Judah</span>. And when the crowds heard about this, they followed him on foot from <span class="HebMatt">
the cities. (14) And he came out, and saw a great crowd, and <span class="HebMatt">
he extended kindness</span>
on them, and healed their sick. (15) And when evening was come, the disciples came to him, saying, "This place is <span class="M&uuml;nster">
a desert</span>, and the time is <span class="HebMatt">
advancing</span>. Send the crowds away, that they may go into the <span class="HebMatt">
surrounding regions</span>
and <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
towers</span>, and buy themselves <span class="HebMatt">
for <span class="M&uuml;nster">
(16) But Jesus said to them, "They have no need to go away. You will
give them something to eat." (17) And they said to him, "We have here
only five loaves and two fishes." (18) And he said, "Bring them to me."
(19) And he commanded the crowds to sit down on the grass. And he took
the five loaves and the two fishes, and <span class="HebMatt">
as he looked</span>
up to heaven, he blessed <span class="HebMatt">
them</span>, and brake and gave the loaves to the disciples. And the disciples <span class="HebMatt">
made distributions</span>
to the crowds. (20) And they all ate the bread, and were <span class="M&uuml;nster">
satisfied</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
They also ate the fish according to what they desired</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
After they finished</span>,
that which remained over of the broken pieces of bread was twelve
baskets full. (21) And those who ate were about five thousand men
besides women and children. (22) And soon thereafter he <span class="HebMatt">
the disciples to enter into the boat, and to go ahead of him <span class="HebMatt">
to the city to which the crowds were going</span>. (23) And after he had <span class="HebMatt">
the crowds, he went up into the mountain to pray <span class="HebMatt">
And when evening had come, he was <span class="HebMatt">
there alone. (24) But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, <span class="HebMatt">
being driven</span>
by the waves because the wind was against them. (25) About three o'clock in the morning, he came to them, walking upon the <span class="Coptic">
waters of the</span>
sea. (26) And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were <span class="HebMatt">
alarmed</span>, saying, "It is a <span class="M&uuml;nster">
or a <span class="HebMatt">
demon</span>." And they cried out<span class="HebMatt">
from the greatness of their</span>
fear. (27) But right then Jesus said to them, "<span class="HebMatt">
Let faith be among you!</span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
Be confident!</span>
And be <span class="M&uuml;nster">
rest assured</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
it is I. <span class="M&uuml;nster">
Do not</span>
be afraid!" (28) And Peter <span class="HebMatt">
answered him and said to him, "Master, if it is you, command me to come </span>
<span class="Tillet">
over </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
to you on the water</span>." (29) Jesus<span class="HebMatt">
said </span>
"Come!" So Peter went down from the boat, and walked upon the waters to come to Jesus. (30) But when he saw <span class="HebMatt">
the </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
strength of</span>
the wind, he was afraid <span class="Tillet">
that he should sink</span>; and he cried out, saying, "<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
<span class="HebMatt">
Master</span>, save me." (31) And immediately Jesus stretched out his hand, and took hold of him, and said to him, "<span class="HebMatt">
Man of</span>
little<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
belief</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
did you doubt?" (32) And when they were gone up into the boat, the wind <span class="Tillet">
ceased. (33) And they that were in the boat <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
bowed down before</span>
him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of the <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
Mighty One</span>." (34) <span class="Tillet">
And they departed from over the sea, and came into the land of Ge-nossar.</span>
(35) And when the men of that place <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
him, they went into all the surrounding region and brought to him all that were sick <span class="HebMatt">
with various kinds of diseases</span>. (36) And they <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
him that they might only touch the border of his garment. And as many as touched <span class="HebMatt">
him </span>
were <span class="Tillet">
<h2>Chapter Fifteen</h2>
<p>(1) Then Pharisees and <span class="HebMatt">
came to Jesus saying, (2) "Why do your disciples transgress the <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
of <span class="HebMatt">
antiquity</span>? For they do not wash their hands <span class="HebMatt">
before eating</span>." (3) And he answered and said to them, "Why do you also transgress the <span class="Tillet">
and <span class="HebMatt">
of God, <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
the Mighty One</span>
because of your <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
tradition</span>? (4) <span class="Tillet">
Is it not written in your Law from the mouth of God</span>, `Honor your father and your mother: and, He that <span class="Tillet">
or <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
father or mother, <span class="HebMatt">
will surely be put to death</span>'? (5) But <span class="GospHebrews">
you say, `Whoever can say to his father or his mother </span>
in financial need<span class="GospHebrews">, "Whatever help you might otherwise have gotten from me was already given as a corban" </span>
that is money donated to the Temple treasury<span class="GospHebrews">, </span>
then<span class="GospHebrews">
he does not </span>
supposedly<span class="GospHebrews">
have to honor his father or mother.' </span>
Thus you make<span class="GospHebrews">
<span class="HebMatt">
any donation he might give </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
for the sake of himself</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
as a sinner </span>
able to wipe out<span class="HebMatt">
this iniquity </span>
against his parents.<span class="HebMatt">
It<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
is </span>
supposedly<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">
and<span class="HebMatt">
will be removed from</span>
him. <span class="GospHebrews">
You have thus made the commandment of God void because of your tradition.</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
(6) <span class="HebMatt">
So he does</span>
not honor his father <span class="HebMatt">
and his mother</span>, and so you <span class="Tillet">
have </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
the word<span class="HebMatt">s</span>
of God, <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
the Mighty One,</span>
because of your <span class="AramaicGosp">
tradition</span>. (7) You hypocrites! Isaiah did correctly prophesy of you, saying, (8) `<span class="HebMatt">
Thus Yahweh says</span>: <span class="HebMatt">
This </span>
people<span class="HebMatt">
has come near me </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
their mouth </span>
<span class="Tillet">
and lips</span>, but their heart is far from me (9) <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
and their </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
reverence toward me </span>
<span class="Tillet">
has become </span>
the observance of<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
commandments taught by men.</span>'" (10) And Jesus called to him the crowd, and said to them, "Hear and <span class="Tillet">
know</span>! (11) It is not that which enters into the mouth which <span class="HebMatt">
soils </span>
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
the man. Rather, it is that which comes out of the mouth that <span class="M&uuml;nster">
renders impure</span>
the man." (12) Then came the disciples, and said to him, "Don't you realize that the Pharisees were <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
by this word</span>
when they heard this saying?" (13) But he answered and said, "Every plant which my heavenly Father did not plant shall be <span class="Tillet">
rooted up</span>. (14) <span class="HebMatt">
them alone. The blind <span class="HebMatt">
are leading</span>
the blind, <span class="HebMatt">
and if a blind man leads another blind man</span>, both shall fall into a <span class="Tillet">
ditch</span>." (15) And Peter answered and said to him, "<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
My Master, my Adon</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
explain </span>
to us the <span class="HebMatt">
riddle</span>." (16) And he said, "Are you also still without <span class="M&uuml;nster">
any understanding</span>? (17) Don't you understand that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the belly, <span class="HebMatt">
and goes on to the natural place?</span>
(18) But the things which come out of the mouth are<span class="HebMatt">
moved by</span>
the heart. And they are what <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
the man. (19) For out of the <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
soiled </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
heart comes evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, <span class="HebMatt">
witness<span class="HebMatt">
of liars,</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="Tillet">
blasphemies</span>. (20) These things <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
render iniquitous</span>
the man. However, to eat with unwashed hands does not <span class="HebMatt">
or <span class="M&uuml;nster">
the man. (20.1) <span class="Didach">
Yet abstain by all means from meat sacrificed to idols; for it is the worship of dead gods</span>." (21) And Jesus went out from there, and withdrew into the parts of Tyre and Sidon. (22) And a Canaanite <span class="Tillet">
woman <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
came out from <span class="HebMatt">
the lands of the east</span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
was crying</span>, saying, "Have mercy on me, Oh <span class="HebMatt">
Master</span>, you son of David. My daughter is tormented by demon<span class="HebMatt">s</span>." (23) But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and asked him, saying, "<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Our Master, our </span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
Adon</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
why do you abandon this woman who is crying out after us?</span>" (24) But he answered and said, "I was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (25) But she came and <span class="Tillet">
prostrated herself to the ground before him</span>, saying, "<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Master</span>, <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
Adon</span>, help me." (26) And he answered and said, "It is not <span class="HebMatt">
good that a man</span>
take bread <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
children and cast it to the dogs." (27) But she said, "<span class="Tillet">
That's certainly true, Lord</span>
<span class="Tillet">
even the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall <span class="Tillet">
their master's table." (28) Then Jesus answered and said to her, "Woman, <span class="Tillet">
great is your <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
belief</span>. It will be done to you even as <span class="Tillet">
it is in your heart</span>
what you <span class="HebMatt">
asked</span>." And her daughter was healed from that hour. (29) And Jesus departed there, and <span class="HebMatt">
he went to the region across Galilee to a mountain</span>. And he went up on the mountain, and as <span class="HebMatt">
he stood</span>
there (30) <span class="HebMatt">
he saw many people</span>
having with them the lame, <span class="HebMatt">
, maimed, and many others. And they threw them<span class="HebMatt">
down at his feet, and he healed them. (31) As a result, the crowd
wondered when they saw those who hadn't been able to speak were
speaking, and <span class="Tillet">
the </span>
crippled were walking, and the blind could see again. And <span class="HebMatt">
all of them</span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="Tillet">
God <span class="Tillet">
of Israel</span>. (32) And Jesus called his disciples, and said, "I have compassion <span class="Tillet">
for the </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
because they continue with me now <span class="HebMatt">
days <span class="HebMatt">
since they came across</span>
and have nothing to eat. And <span class="Tillet">
I will not let them go fasting</span>, and they faint <span class="HebMatt">
away</span>." (33) And the disciples asked him, "Where will we get so many loaves in a desert place to <span class="Tillet">
satisfy this people</span>
?" (34) And Jesus said to them, "How many loaves <span class="Tillet">
of bread</span>
do you have?" And they said, "Seven and a few <span class="Tillet">
fishes." (35) And he commanded the crowd to sit down on the <span class="HebMatt">
grass</span>. (36) And he took the seven loaves, and he <span class="Tillet">
gave thanks</span>
and broke them in pieces, and gave the pieces to the disciples, and the disciples then gave them to the <span class="Tillet">
(37) And they all ate, and were filled. And they took up seven baskets
full of that which remained over of the broken pieces. (38) And they
who ate were four thousand men besides women and children. (39) And he
sent away the crowds, and entered into the boat, and came into the
borders of <span class="HebMatt">
Magdula</span>. </p>
<h2>Chapter Sixteen</h2>
<p>(1) <span class="HebMatt">
and Pharisees <span class="Tillet">
and Zadducees</span>
came, and <span class="HebMatt">
him by asking him to show them a <span class="Tillet">
sign from heaven. (2) **** (3) **** Jesus said: "You know<span class="HebMatt">
how<span class="Tillet">
to judge</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
the <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
face of </span>
the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>
<span class="Thomas">
and the earth, but you have not known what is ahead of you. You do not know how to test this time </span>
and thus<span class="Tillet">
you cannot discern</span>
the signs of the times. (4) <span class="HebMatt">
The offspring of</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
seek after a sign. And no sign shall be given to it except the sign of Jonah <span class="HebMatt">
the Prophet</span>." And he left them, and <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
walked away</span>. (5) And <span class="HebMatt">
when Jesus</span>
came to the <span class="HebMatt">
sea shore</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
he told his disciples to prepare bread. Then he entered a boat with his disciples, </span>
but<span class="HebMatt">
the disciples forgot to take bread. (7)***(8) <span class="HebMatt">
Jesus </span>
then<span class="HebMatt">
said to them, "You have little understanding if you think you have no bread.</span>
(9) Don't you yet understand or remember the five loaves for the five
thousand, and how many baskets you gathered up afterwards? (10) Don't
you remember the <span class="M&uuml;nster">
loaves for the four thousand, and how many baskets you gathered up afterwards?" (10.1)[old 6]<span class="Tillet">
And Jesus said to them, "Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees." </span>
(10.2)[old 7]<span class="Tillet">
And they reasoned among themselves, saying, "Is it because we took no bread?" And when Jesus knew </span>
their thoughts,<span class="Tillet">
he said "What are you thinking, you of little faith, that it is because you have taken no bread </span>
that I say this<span class="Tillet">? </span>
(11) How is it that you do not perceive that I am not talking to you concerning <span class="HebMatt">
round loaves of </span>
bread? But beware of the <span class="HebMatt">
and<span class="HebMatt">
of the Pharisees and Sadducees." (12) <span class="Tillet">
Then they heard and understood that he asked them not to beware the
leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees. </span>
(12.1) <span class="Oxyr">
Jesus explained, "The Pharisee plans in advance. Before doing wrong, he slyly reasons everything out</span>
<span class="Oxy-840">
by making all manner of subtle excuse</span>. <span class="Oxyr">
Take care that you do not end up suffering the same fate as them. For
the wicked of humanity receive judgment not only among the living, but
also they will undergo punishment</span>
<span class="Oxy-840">
and much torment </span>
<span class="Oxyr">
(13) Now when Jesus came into <span class="HebMatt">
Philippi, he asked <span class="Tillet">
one and all of</span>
his disciples, saying, "What do the <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
sons of mankind</span>
say <span class="HebMatt">
about me,</span>
<span class="Tillet">
the Son of Man? </span>
(14) And they said, "Some say you are John the Baptist; some, Elijah;
and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets." (15) He said to them,
"But who do you say that I am?" (16) And Simon <span class="HebMatt">
called </span>
Peter answered and said, "You are the <span class="HebMatt">
Messiah</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
that is the</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
Christ</span>, the Son of the living God <span class="HebMatt">
who has come into this world</span>." (17) And Jesus answered and said to him, "<span class="Tillet">
are you, Simon, <span class="GospHebrews">
Son of John </span>
<span class="Tillet">
for this was not revealed </span>
to you by<span class="Tillet">
flesh and blood, but was revealed to you by my Father who is in heaven</span>. (18) And I also tell you, <span class="HebMatt">
you are a stone and over you</span>
I will build my <span class="HebMatt">
house of prayer</span>
and the <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
of <span class="HebMatt">
shall not <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
gain the upper hand</span>
against <span class="HebMatt">
(19) I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatever
you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you
shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (20) Then he charged
the disciples that they should tell no man that he, <span class="Tillet">
Jesus</span>, was the <span class="HebMatt">
that is the Christ. (21) From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem, and suffer <span class="HebMatt">
the injustice of </span>
many <span class="Tillet">
scourgings and many mockings</span>, from the elders, <span class="Tillet">
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
priests, and be killed, and the third day he would be raised up. (22) And Peter took him <span class="HebMatt">
aside</span>, and began to rebuke him, saying, "<span class="M&uuml;nster">
God forbid</span>, <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Adon </span>
that is Master! <span class="Tillet">
this shall never happen to you." (23) But<span class="HebMatt">
turned, <span class="HebMatt">
looked at him</span>, and said to Peter, "<span class="M&uuml;nster">
Follow after me!</span>
<span class="Tillet">
That is, <span class="HebMatt">
Do not disobey me</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
do not quarrel with me </span>
<span class="HebMattCross">
<span class="HebMatt">
Satanas</span>, that is Adversary! <span class="Tillet">
You are </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
an obstacle</span>
<span class="Tillet">
and<span class="Tillet">
insult to me</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
for you </span>
<span class="Tillet">
do not take pleasure in</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
word of God</span>
but <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
in the <span class="HebMatt">
words of </span>
<span class="Tillet">
men</span>." (24) Then said Jesus to his disciples, "If any man would follow me, he must <span class="Tillet">
himself, and take up his cross, <span class="HebMatt">
that is,</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
offer himself up to death</span>, and follow me, that is become a <span class="HebMatt">
dedicated follower </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
of me</span>. (25) For whoever would save his life will lose it <span class="HebMatt">
for my sake.</span>
And whoever shall lose his life <span class="HebMatt">
in this world</span>
for my sake, <span class="Tillet">
the same will </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
save his soul for the life in the </span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
<span class="HebMatt">
of the <span class="HebMatt">
world to come</span>. (26) For what profit shall a man have if he shall gain the whole world but forfeit his <span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
forever</span>? <span class="HebMatt">
Or what good exchange does the man make if for the present things that are spoil</span>
ing<span class="HebMatt">
he should give his soul to the judgment of Gehenna?</span>
(27) For the Son of <span class="Tillet">
Man </span>
shall come in the glory <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
his Father with his angels. And then he shall <span class="HebMatt">
to every man according to his <span class="HebMatt">
works</span>. (28) <span class="M&uuml;nster">
I tell you that some who stand here shall not taste death until they see the Son of <span class="Tillet">
Man's kingdom that comes</span>.</p>
<h2>Chapter Seventeen</h2>
<p>(1) And six days later, Jesus took Peter and James, and John, his brother, and brought them up into a high mountain <span class="HebMatt">
where he might pray</span>. (2) And <span class="Tillet">
the appearance of his face was altered before them</span>. And <span class="HebMatt">
the skin of</span>
his face did shine as the sun, and his garments became white <span class="HebMatt">
like snow</span>. (3) And Moses and Elijah appeared to them talking with him, <span class="HebMatt">
and they</span>
<span class="HebMatt">told
him all that would happen to him in Jerusalem. Peter and his companions
were asleep. Asleep and not asleep. Awake but not awake.</span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
They saw his body and the two men with him</span>. (4) <span class="HebMatt">
When they went away,</span>
Peter said to Jesus, "It is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will
make here three tabernacles--one for you and one for Moses, and one for
Elijah, <span class="HebMatt">
because he did not know what he was saying</span>. (5) While he was still talking, a cloud overshadowed them, and <span class="HebMatt">
they were greatly alarmed</span>. And a voice out of the cloud said: "This is my Son, <span class="HebMatt">
my beloved, </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">
My delight is in him.</span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
Listen to him</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
You shall obey him.</span>
" (6) And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face<span class="Tillet">
s</span>, and were very afraid. (7) <span class="HebMatt">
When the voice ceased</span>, Jesus <span class="Tillet">
approached and touched them</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
said to them</span>,
"Arise, and be not afraid." (8) And lifting up their eyes, they saw no
one except Jesus only. (9) And as they were coming down from the
mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying, "Do not tell about this vision <span class="Tillet">
which you have seen</span>
to any man until the Son of Man is risen from the dead." (10) And his disciples asked him, saying, "Why do the <span class="HebMatt">
say that Elijah must come first?" (11) And he answered and said, "Elijah indeed comes, and shall <span class="HebMatt">
save all the world</span>
and restore all things (12.1) but I tell you that Elijah came already, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
desired</span>." (13) Then the disciples understood that he spoke about John the Baptist. (12.2) Jesus then said: "Even so shall <span class="HebMatt">
they do to </span>
the Son of Man." (14) And when they approached the crowd, there came to him a <span class="Tillet">
man who <span class="Tillet">
fell on his knees</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
bowing</span>, saying, (15) "Lord, <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
Adon</span>, have <span class="Tillet">
on my son <span class="HebMatt">
because he is </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
and<span class="HebMatt">
terrified of an evil spirit</span>, and <span class="Tillet">
with this sickness he is sore afflicted</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
He grinds his teeth and</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
he foams at the mouth.</span>
And often <span class="HebMatt">
he falls from his place to the ground</span>,
and he falls into the fire, and often into the water. (16) And I
brought him to your disciples, and they could not cure him." (17) And
Jesus answered and said, "O perverse generation! <span class="HebMatt">
Woe to you who deny </span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
How long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear <span class="HebMatt">
your trouble</span>?
Bring him here to me." (18) And Jesus rebuked him. And the demon went
out of him. And the boy was cured from that hour. (19) Then came the
disciples to Jesus <span class="HebMatt">
privately</span>, and said, "Why could we not cast it out?" (20) And he told them, "<span class="HebMatt">
Because of the limitation of your</span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
belief</span>. For truly I tell you, <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
if within you becomes a </span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
as a grain of mustard seed, you shall tell this mountain, `<span class="Tillet">
Move away from here</span>!' and it shall <span class="Tillet">
immediately move</span>
<span class="Tillet">
away</span>. And nothing shall be <span class="HebMatt">
witheld from you</span>. (21) But this kind <span class="HebMatt">
of demon</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
is overcome</span>
only by prayer and fasting." (22) And while they <span class="Tillet">
were going into</span>
Galilee, Jesus told them, "The Son of Man shall be delivered up into
the hands of men. (23) And they shall kill him. And on the third day he
shall be raised up." (24) And when they arrived at Capernaum-<span class="HebMatt">
Martha</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
the tax-collectors</span>
<span class="Tillet">
that received the </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="Tillet">
came to Peter, and said, "<span class="HebMatt">
Your teacher does not follow the custom to pay </span>
<span class="Tillet">
the </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
tax</span>." (25) <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
And </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
said, </span>"<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="Tillet">
certainly</span>." And when Peter came into the house, <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
he preceded Jesus in order to speak to him</span>. And Jesus <span class="HebMatt">
anticipated him</span>
and <span class="Tillet">
prevented him from speaking first</span>, saying, "What do you think, Simon? The kings of the earth, from whom do they receive <span class="Tillet">
tribute? From their <span class="Tillet">
sons, or from <span class="HebMatt">
foreigners</span>?" (26) And when he said, "From <span class="HebMatt">
foreigners</span>," Jesus said to him, "<span class="Tillet">
If so</span>, the sons are free. <span class="HebMatt">
Do not be dismayed at this</span>." (27) <span class="HebMatt">
He said to Peter</span>, "But, so we do not <span class="Tillet">
provoke them</span>, go to the sea, and cast <span class="Tillet">
a baited net</span>, and take up the fish that first comes up. And when you open his mouth, you shall find <span class="M&uuml;nster">
a stater</span>, that is the value of a didrachma coin. That take, and give to them for <span class="HebMatt">
<h2>Chapter Eighteen</h2>
<p>(1) In that hour the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Who then <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
do you regard</span>
is <span class="Tillet">
in the kingdom of heaven?" (2) And he called to himself a little <span class="Tillet">
boy</span>, and set him among them, (3) and said, "Truly I tell you, except you <span class="Tillet">
and turn, and become as <span class="HebMatt">
little child, you shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
s</span>. (4) <span class="Tillet">
Whoever therefore shall humble himself as this boy, the same shall be greatest in the kingdom of heaven</span>. (5) And whoso shall receive one such <span class="Tillet">
<span class="Tillet">
as this</span>
in my name receives me. (6) But whoever shall cause one of these little ones that believes on me to stumble, <span class="HebMatt">
it would be good</span>
<span class="Agrapha">
for him never to have been born</span>. It would be better for him that an <span class="Tillet">
millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be <span class="Tillet">
into the depths of the sea <span class="Agrapha">
than that he should cause one of my chosen to miss the mark.</span>
(7) Woe unto the <span class="HebMatt">
inhabitants of the</span>
world because of <span class="Tillet">
offences</span>. Such <span class="Tillet">
must come. But woe to that man <span class="Tillet">
by whom an offence comes!</span>
(8) And if your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off, and cast it from yourself. It is <span class="HebMatt">
for you to enter into life maimed or <span class="Tillet">
lame</span>, rather than having two hands <span class="HebMatt">
two feet to be cast into the eternal fire. (9) And if your eye causes
you to stumble, pluck it out, and cast it from yourself. It is <span class="HebMatt">
for you to enter into life with one eye rather than having two eyes to be <span class="HebMatt">
given to</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
Gehenna</span>. (10) <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
And you are warned </span>
not to <span class="HebMatt">
one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels do <span class="Tillet">
always <span class="HebMatt">
report on</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
the </span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
<span class="HebMatt">
of </span>
my Father who is in heaven. (11) For the Son of Man <span class="HebMatt">
has devoted himself entirely to saving the enemies </span>
of God<span class="HebMatt">.</span>
(12) What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them <span class="Tillet">
is lost</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
runs off</span>, doesn't he leave the ninety and nine <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
in the mountains</span>, and seek that which <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
were led</span>
astray? (13) And if <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
he happens to find it</span>, <span class="M&uuml;nster">
I tell you he rejoices over it more than over the ninety and nine which have not gone astray. (14) Even so, it is not the <span class="Tillet">
of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should <span class="HebMatt">
be lost</span>. (15) <span class="HebMatt">
At that time Jesus said to Simon, called Peter</span>, "And if your brother sins against you, go, show him his fault <span class="HebMatt">
privately</span>. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. (16) But if he does not listen to you, <span class="HebMatt">
reprove him before another</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
If by every oath he does not listen, add still</span>
one or two more, <span class="HebMatt">
in order that your words might be before</span>
two <span class="HebMatt">
or three witnesses</span>
because by two or three witnesses <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
and <span class="Tillet">
every word</span>
may be established. (17) And if <span class="HebMatt">
by every oath</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
he does not listen</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
tell it in</span>
the <span class="HebMatt">
assembly</span>. And if he also refuses to hear <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
the <span class="HebMatt">
assembly</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
consider him one to be shunned as an enemy and cruel</span>. (18) <span class="M&uuml;nster">
I tell you, what <span class="HebMatt">
you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. And what <span class="HebMatt">
you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (19) Again I tell you that if two of you <span class="Tillet">
shall agree on earth</span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
everything which</span>
you shall ask, it shall be done for you by my Father who is in heaven. (20) For where two or three are <span class="Tillet">
together in my Name, there am I among them. <span class="Agrapha">
Wherever there are two, they are not without God. And wherever there is one alone, I say I am with him</span>." (21) Then came Peter also called<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="Tillet">
and said to him, "Lord, how often shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? <span class="Tillet">
Up to seven times?</span>
" (22) <span class="GospHebrews">
Jesus said to him, "If your brother sin in word and has made amends
with you seven times in a day, receive him." Simon, his disciple, said
unto him, "Seven times in a day?" The Lord answered and said to him "up
to seventy times seven. For the prophets were found with sinful speech</span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
even after they were annointed with the Holy Spirit. </span>
<span class="Oxyr-all_other">
The one who has not forgiven seventy times seven is not worthy of me</span>. (23) Therefore the kingdom of heaven is like a certain <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
who <span class="Tillet">
wished to</span>
make an accounting with his servants. (24) And when he had begun to <span class="Tillet">
make the accounting</span>, one was brought to him that owed him <span class="HebMatt">
ten thousand <span class="HebMatt">
pieces of gold</span>. (25) <span class="HebMatt">
But he had nothing to give</span>
to pay, so his <span class="HebMatt">
commanded him to be sold, and <span class="Tillet">
his wife and</span>
children and all that he had, until<span class="Tillet">
full payment was made to him</span>. (26) The servant therefore fell down <span class="HebMatt">
before his master</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
him <span class="HebMatt">
to have pity on him</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
and to be patient with him because he would repay everything</span>
saying, `Lord, <span class="Tillet">
give me time, and I will pay you all</span>
and have patience with me.' (27) And the <span class="HebMatt">
of that servant <span class="HebMatt">
had pity on him</span>, released him, and forgave him the <span class="HebMatt">
debt. (28) But that servant went out, and found one of his fellow-servants, who owed him a hundred <span class="Tillet">
(that is about 1% of what the unforgiving servant was forgiven) and he laid hold on him, and <span class="Tillet">
held him fast</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
struck him</span>, saying, `Pay what you owe.' (29) So his fellow-servant fell down and begged him, saying, `<span class="HebMatt">
Trust me </span>
<span class="Tillet">
and give me time</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
and have patience with me, and I will pay <span class="HebMatt">
to you.' (30) And he would not <span class="HebMatt">
listen to him. So he</span>
went and cast him into prison until he should pay <span class="Tillet">
that which was due him. (31) So when <span class="HebMatt">
the servants of the king</span>
saw what was done, they were very <span class="HebMatt">
angry</span>, and came and told their <span class="HebMatt">
all that had happened. (32) Then his <span class="HebMatt">
called him, and said to him, `You <span class="HebMatt">
Servant <span class="Tillet">
of Belial</span>, I forgave you all <span class="HebMatt">
debt because you <span class="Tillet">
me. (33) Shouldn't you also <span class="HebMatt">
have </span>
<span class="Tillet">
had pity on</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
and<span class="HebMatt">
forgiven </span>
your servant even as I had <span class="Tillet">
pity on</span>
you?' (34) And his <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
anger was kindled</span>, and<span class="HebMatt">
commanded he be </span>
<span class="Tillet">
delivered to the prison</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
and<span class="HebMatt">
until he should <span class="HebMatt">
pay <span class="HebMatt">
all <span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
debt</span>. (35) So shall also my Father <span class="Tillet">
in Heaven</span>
do to you if you do not forgive your brother <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
in a perfect heart</span>
his <span class="M&uuml;nster">
offenses against you</span>."</p>
<h2>Chapter Nineteen</h2>
<p>(1) And it came to pass when Jesus had finished these words, he departed from Galilee, and came into the region of <span class="HebMatt">
beyond the Jordan. (2) And great crowds followed him. And he healed <span class="HebMatt">
all of</span>
them there. (3) And Pharisees came to him <span class="HebMatt">
to tempt</span>
him, saying, "Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for <span class="HebMatt">
cause <span class="HebMatt">
and to give her a bill of divorce</span>
--<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
a get</span>?" (4) And he answered and said, "Have you not read that the <span class="Coptic">
who made them <span class="HebMatt">
of old</span>, made them male and female?" (5) And <span class="HebMatt">
said, "For this reason shall a man leave his father and mother, and
shall be joined to his wife. And the two shall become one flesh." (6)
So that they are no more two but one flesh. What therefore <span class="HebMatt">
the Creator</span>
has joined together, <span class="HebMatt">
man </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
separate</span>." (7) They asked him, "Why then did Moses command to give her <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
a get</span>
--a bill of divorcement, and to put her away <span class="HebMatt">
from his house</span>?" (8) He said to them, "Moses for your <span class="HebMatt">
suffered you to put away your wives. But from <span class="Tillet">
the beginning</span>, it had not been so. (9) And I tell you, whoever <span class="Tillet">
has put away or</span>
shall put away his wife except for <span class="HebMatt">
and shall marry another, commits adultery. And he that marries her when
she is put away in an unlawful manner commits adultery." (10) The
disciples said him, "If this is the situation between a man and his
wife, it is <span class="HebMatt">
not good to </span>
<span class="Tillet">
marry</span>." (11) He said to them, "<span class="GospHebrews">
Not all can receive this saying</span>.<span class="HebMatt">
[It is]<span class="HebMatt">
only for<span class="HebMatt">
those to whom it has been given</span>. (12) For there are eunuchs that were born as such <span class="Tillet">
from their mother's womb</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
These are those who have not sinned. </span>
And there are eunuchs that were made eunuchs by men. And there are eunuchs that made themselves eunuchs <span class="HebMatt">
who subdue their desire</span>
for the kingdom of heaven's sake. <span class="HebMatt">
These are those who enter into great prominence</span>. <span class="Tillet">
Whoso can accept </span>
it<span class="Tillet">, let him accept it.</span>
And he that is able to <span class="HebMatt">
it, let him <span class="HebMatt">
it." (13) Then little children were brought to him that he should lay his hands on them, and pray <span class="HebMatt">
for them</span>. And <span class="HebMatt">
the disciples were driving them away</span>. (14) But Jesus said, "<span class="HebMatt">
the little children, and <span class="HebMatt">
restrain them not</span>, to come to me. For the kingdom of the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s </span>
belongs to such who are like these children. <span class="HebMatt">
Truly I say to you that one will not enter the kingdom of the heaven</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
except he is like these</span>." (15) And <span class="HebMatt">
he laid his hands on them, and departed from there. (16) And one came to him and said, "<span class="HebMatt">
that is <span class="GospHebrews">
Teacher, what </span>
one<span class="GospHebrews">
good thing shall I do and</span>
thus<span class="GospHebrews">
<span class="Tillet">
in the world to come</span>?" (17) And he said to him: "<span class="HebMatt">
Why do you ask </span>
me<span class="HebMatt">
about </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
good? </span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
There is none good but God only.</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
But if you would <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
into life <span class="Tillet">
of the world to come</span>, <span class="GospHebrews">
perform </span>
and<span class="GospHebrews">
do the Law and the Prophets</span>, that is <span class="HebMatt">
keep the commandments</span>." (18) He said to him, "<span class="HebMatt">
What are they?</span>
<span class="HebMattCross">
" And Jesus said, "You shall not kill, You shall not commit adultery, You shalk not steal, You shalt not bear false witness <span class="HebMatt">
against your neighbor</span>, (19) Honor your father and mother; and, You shalt love your neighbor as yourself." (20) The young man said to him, "<span class="GospHebrews">
All these things have I observed</span>
<span class="Tillet">
from my youth</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
So yet what do I lack?" </span>
(21) Jesus said to him, "If you would be perfect, go, sell that which
you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven,
and come, follow me." (22) But when the <span class="GospHebrews">
man heard this teaching, <span class="GospHebrews">
<span class="GospHebrews">
scratched his head, and it displeased him</span>
and he went away <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
for </span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
<span class="HebMatt">
had<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="GospHebrews">
much property</span>. <span class="GospHebrews">
And the Lord said to him "How do you say `I have performed the law and
the prophets?' seeing that it is written in the Law `You shall love
your neighbour as yourself,' but many of your brothers, sons of
Abraham, are clad with filfth, dying for hunger, and your house is full
of many goods, and nothing at all goes out of it to them."</span>
(23) And Jesus said to <span class="GospHebrews">
Simon, son of John</span>, <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
who was sitting by Him</span>, "Truly I tell you, It is hard for a rich man to <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
into the kingdom of the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>. (24) And again I tell you, it is easier for <span class="AramaicGosp">
camel-rope </span>
to go through the eye of a needle, <span class="Tillet">
than to bring the rich</span>
into the kingdom of the <span class="GospHebrews">
heavens</span>. <span class="GospHebrews">
One in the heavens, grant salvation</span>."
(25) And when the disciples heard it, they were very astonished,
saying, "Who then can be saved?" (26) And Jesus looking upon them said,
"With men <span class="HebMatt">
the matter is difficult</span>; but with God all things are <span class="HebMatt">
(27) Then Peter answered and said to him, "We have left all, and
followed you. What then shall we have?" (28) And Jesus said to them,
"Truly I tell you that you who have followed me, in the <span class="HebMatt">
day of judgement</span>
when the Son of <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
shall sit on <span class="Tillet">
throne of his glory, you also shall sit upon <span class="HebMatt">
twelve thrones <span class="Tillet">
<span class="Tillet">
the twelve tribes of Israel. (29) And every one that has left <span class="HebMatt">
home, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, <span class="HebMatt">
and his wife and his</span>
children, <span class="Tillet">
or lands</span>, for my name's sake, shall receive a hundred <span class="HebMatt">
like them</span>
and shall inherit <span class="HebMatt">
the kingdom of heaven </span>
and <span class="Tillet">
the sublime life</span>. (30) <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Many of the first ones shall be last</span>. <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
And many of the last ones shall be first.</span>"</p>
<h2>Chapter Twenty</h2>
<p>(1) <span class="HebMatt">
After this, Jesus said to his disciples</span>, "For the kingdom of heaven is like a man that was <span class="HebMatt">
a master in his house</span>
who <span class="HebMatt">
and went out early in the morning to hire laborers to work in his vineyard. (2) And when he had agreed with the laborers for <span class="HebMatt">
one </span>
denarius <span class="HebMatt">
for the </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
day</span>, he sent them into his vineyard.
(3) And he went out about nine o'clock in the morning, and saw others
standing idle in the marketplace. (4) And he said to them, `Go also
into the vineyard, and whatever is <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
I will give you.' And they went their way. (5) Again he went out about <span class="HebMatt">
noon </span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
also </span>
at three o'clock, and did likewise. (6) And about five o'clock, he went
out and found others standing around. And he said to them, `Why are you
standing here idle all day?' (7) They said to him, `Because no man has
hired us.' He said to them, `Go also into the vineyard.' (8) And when
even<span class="HebMatt">
had come, the <span class="HebMatt">
of the vineyard said to his <span class="Tillet">
overseer</span>, `Call the laborers, and pay them their wages.' <span class="HebMatt">
He began with the last and finished with the first</span>. (9) <span class="HebMatt">
The last received one </span>
denarius. <span class="Tillet">
And when those came that were hired about </span>
three o'clock<span class="Tillet">, they received each man </span>
a denarius. (10) And when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more <span class="Tillet">
than these</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
But he only gave a </span>
denarius<span class="HebMatt">
to each of them</span>. (11) And when they received it, they murmured against the <span class="HebMatt">
master of the vineyard</span>, (12) saying, `These last have spent but one hour, and you have made them <span class="Tillet">
on a level with us</span>
who have borne the burden of the day and the heat.' (13) But he answered and said to one of them, `<span class="HebMatt">
Friend, I do you no <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">.</span>
Didn't you <span class="Tillet">
with me for <span class="HebMatt">
one </span>
denarius? (14) Take <span class="HebMatt">
and go. <span class="HebMatt">
If I wish</span>
to give to this last, even as to you,<span class="HebMatt">
(15) <span class="HebMatt">
may I not do according to my desire?</span>
Or is <span class="HebMatt">
there evil in your eyes</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
I am good?' (16) So the last shall be first, and the first last. <span class="HebMatt">
Many are called but few are the chosen</span>." (17) And as Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
in secret</span>, and on the way he said to them, (18) "We are going to Jerusalem. And the Son of Man shall be delivered to the chief <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
priests. And they shall condemn him to death. (19) And they shall deliver him to the Gentiles to <span class="HebMatt">
smite and destroy him</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
but on</span>
the third day he shall be raised up." (20) Then the mother of the sons of <span class="Tillet">
with her sons came to him, <span class="HebMatt">
bowing down </span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
before</span> him to ask him some thing.
(21) And he said to her, "What do you want?" She said to him, "Command
that these--my two sons--may sit, one on your right hand, and one on
your left hand, in your kingdom." (22) But Jesus answered and said,
"You do not know what you are asking." Turning to the sons, Jesus
asked: "Are you able <span class="HebMatt">
to endure the suffering and death that I am about to endure?</span>
<span class="Tillet">
Can you drink the cup that I shall drink of, and be immersed in the immersion that I shall be immersed in?</span>" They said to him, "We <span class="Tillet">
can</span>." (23) He said to them, <span class="Tillet">
"Indeed you shall shall drink of my cup, and shall be immersed in the immersion that I shall be immersed in</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
My cup. But to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give <span class="HebMatt">
to you</span>, but it belongs only<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
for whom it is prepared of my Father</span>." (24) And when the ten heard it, they were moved <span class="HebMatt">
with anger in their eyes</span>
concerning the two brethren. (25) But Jesus called them to himself, and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles <span class="Tillet">
it over them, and their great ones <span class="HebMatt">
seek to subdue them</span>
and <span class="Tillet">
exercise authority among them</span>. (26) <span class="HebMatt">
It will not be so among you</span>. But whoever <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
wants to</span>
become great among you shall <span class="HebMatt">
serve you</span>. (27) And whoever <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
wants to</span>
be first among you shall be your servant, (28) even as the Son of Man came not to be <span class="HebMatt">
served</span>, but to <span class="HebMatt">
serve</span>, and to give <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
his soul </span>
as a ransom for many." (28.1) And Jesus later told his disciples: "<span class="GospHebrews">
Seek to grow to be less, and you will grow to be more, while great ones who make no such effort will be brought low</span>. <span class="Codex-D">
And when</span>
<span class="Codex-D">
you go in and have been called upon to dine, do not recline in the most
prominent places, lest one more honorable than you should come and the
one who called the dinner should come to you and say: Your spot is
still lower, and you should be ashamed. But if you sit down at the
lesser place and one lesser than you should come, the one who called
the dinner will say to you: Go still higher, and this will be more
profitable for you</span>. <span class="GreekVariants">
Thus, seek to increase from that which is small, and from the greater to become less." </span>
(29) And as they went <span class="HebMatt">
Jericho, a great crowd followed him. (30) And two blind men <span class="Tillet">
went out and sat</span>
by the way side. When they heard that the <span class="HebMatt">
Jesus <span class="HebMatt">
from </span>
<span class="GreekVariants">
was passing by, they cried out, saying, "<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Master</span>, have mercy on us, <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="Tillet">
Son of David!" (31) And the crowd rebuked them, <span class="HebMatt">
saying: `Be silent!'</span>
that they should hold their peace. But they cried out the more, saying, "Have mercy on us, <span class="HebMatt">
Lord</span>, <span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
son of David!</span>" (32) And Jesus <span class="HebMatt">
stopped</span>, and called them, and said, "What do you want me to do for you?" (33) They said to him, "<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Master</span>, <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
Adon</span>, that our eyes may be <span class="Tillet">
restored to sight</span>." (34) And Jesus,<span class="HebMatt">
having pity on them</span>, touched their eyes. <span class="HebMatt">
And he said to them, "Your </span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
<span class="HebMatt">
has healed you</span>." And immediately they received their sight, <span class="HebMatt">
praised God</span>, and followed him. <span class="HebMatt">
Then, all the people praised God because of this</span>.</p>
<h2>Chapter Twenty-One</h2>
<p>(1) And when they came near to Jerusalem, and arrived at Bethphage <span class="HebMatt">
the mount of Olives, Jesus then sent two disciples, (2) telling them, "Go into the <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
that is opposite from you, and immediately you shall find a <span class="HebMatt">
-ass tied, and a <span class="Tillet">
<span class="Tillet">
by her side</span>. Loose them, and bring them to me. (3) And if any one says anything to you, say to them, "The<span class="HebMatt">
Master</span>, <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
needs them. And he will quickly <span class="HebMatt">
let them go</span>."
(4) Now this came to pass to fulfill what the prophet had said, saying,
(5) "Tell the daughter of Zion, Your King comes to you. <span class="Tillet">
Poor</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
just and victorious is he</span>, riding upon a <span class="HebMatt">
-ass, <span class="Tillet">
upon a colt, the foal of a <span class="HebMatt">
-ass." (6) And the disciples went and did what Jesus told them to do. (7) And they brought the <span class="HebMatt">
-ass and the<span class="Tillet">
foal</span>, and put on them their garments <span class="HebMatt">
and clothes.</span>
<span class="Tillet">
And they mounted him </span>
on the foal.<span class="HebMatt">
Then they made the ascent.</span>
(8) <span class="HebMatt">
in the crowds spread their garments in the way. And others cut <span class="Tillet">
down leafy</span>
branches from the trees, and spread them in the way<span class="HebMatt">
before him and behind him</span>, <span class="Tillet">
carpeting the way</span>. (9) And the crowds cried, saying, "Save us on high!" "<span class="GospHebrews">
Save us</span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
on high</span>. <span class="Tillet">
To the </span>
<span class="Coptic">
<span class="Tillet">
and<span class="Tillet">
Son of David</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
Please save us! Savior of the poor! </span>
Blessed is he that comes in the name of <span class="HebMatt">
Yahweh the Lord </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Adonai</span>. <span class="GospHebrews">
Save us</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
our savior! Please save the weary! May you be glorified in heaven and in earth</span>." (10) And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city <span class="Tillet">
was seething </span>
with interest<span class="Tillet">
and<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
saying, "Who is this?" (11) And the crowds said, "This is Jesus, <span class="HebMatt">
the Prophet</span>
from <span class="GreekVariants">
Nazara</span>." (12) And Jesus entered into the <span class="HebMatt">
of <span class="HebMatt">
Yahweh</span>, and <span class="HebMatt">
found there</span>
them that sold and bought in the Temple. And he overthrew the tables of the money-changers, and the <span class="Tillet">
of them that <span class="HebMatt">
were selling</span>
doves. (12.1) <span class="GospHebrews">
For a certain fiery and starry light shone from His eyes which terrified them and put them to flight. </span>
(13) And he said to them, "It is written, `My house shall be called a house of prayer <span class="HebMatt">
by all the nations</span>, but you make it <span class="Tillet">
a robber's den</span>
--<span class="HebMatt">
a cave of violent men</span>.'" (14) And the blind and the lame came to him in the Temple. And he healed them. (15) The chief <span class="HebMatt">
sages and</span>
priests <span class="HebMatt">
came to see</span>
the wonder<span class="HebMatt">s</span>
that he did, and the children that were crying in the Temple and saying, <span class="HebMatt">
Let the</span>
Son of <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
be praised</span>. <span class="Tillet">
Hoshanna to the </span>
<span class="Coptic">
<span class="Tillet">
of David.</span>" <span class="HebMatt">
The sages</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
mocked </span>
and <span class="Tillet">
were displeased</span>
(16) and said to him, "Do you hear what they are saying?" And Jesus replied to them,<span class="HebMatt">
"<span class="HebMatt">
I heard them</span>. Did you never read, `Out of the mouth of <span class="HebMatt">
children and</span>
babes you have <span class="HebMatt">
established strength</span>?'" (17) And he left them, and went out of the city to Bethany, and lodged there. <span class="HebMatt">
There he was explaining the kingdom of God</span>. (18) Now in the morning as he returned to the city, he was hungry. (19) And seeing a fig tree by the way side, he <span class="HebMatt">
drew near</span>
to it, and found nothing on it, but leaves only. And he said to it,
"Let there be no fruit from you from now and for ever." And immediately
the fig tree <span class="HebMatt">
dried up</span>. (20) And when the disciples saw it, they were amazed, saying, "How did the fig tree immediately <span class="HebMatt">
dry up</span>?" (21) And Jesus answered and said to them, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith <span class="HebMatt">
without doubt</span>,
you shall be able to do not only what was done to the fig tree, but
even if you should say to this mountain, `Be taken up and cast into the
sea,' it shall be done. (22) And all things, whatever you ask in prayer
<span class="Tillet">
and faith</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
believing, you shall receive." (23) And he <span class="HebMatt">
into the Temple <span class="HebMatt">
to teach</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
and there came to him</span>
the <span class="HebMatt">
sages</span>, chief priests and the <span class="HebMatt">
of the people, and said, "By what <span class="HebMatt">
do you do these things? And who gave you this <span class="HebMatt">
(24) And Jesus answered and said to them, "I also will ask you one
question, which if you tell me, I likewise will tell you by what <span class="HebMatt">
I do these things. (25) The baptism of John, from where did it come from? From heaven or from men?" And <span class="HebMatt">
they argued among themselves</span>, saying, "<span class="HebMatt">
What shall we say?</span>
If we shall say, `From heaven,' he will say to us, `Why then did you
not believe him?' (26) But if we shall say, `From men,' we have to fear
the crowd for all <span class="HebMatt">
of them believe</span>
John <span class="HebMatt">
as a prophet." (27) And they answered Jesus, and said, "We do not
know." He also said to them, "Neither then do I tell you by what <span class="HebMatt">
I do these things." (28) <span class="HebMatt">
In that evening Jesus said to his critics</span>: "<span class="HebMatt">
What is your opinion</span>? A man had two sons. And he came to the first, and said, `Son, go work to-day in <span class="HebMatt">
vineyard.' (29) And he answered and said, <span class="HebMatt">
`I do not wish to</span>,' but afterward he <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
was sorry</span>, and went. (30) And he came to the second, and said likewise. And he answered and said, <span class="HebMatt">
`Here I am Sir</span>.' But he did not go. (31) Which of the two did the will of <span class="HebMatt">
father?" They answered: "The first." Jesus said to them, "Truly, I tell you that the <span class="HebMatt">
tax-collectors, violent men</span>
<span class="Tillet">
transgressors, </span>
publicans and the harlots <span class="HebMatt">
will </span>
be advanced over<span class="HebMatt">
into the kingdom of <span class="HebMatt">
heaven</span>. (32) For John came to you in the Way of righteousness, and you did not believe him. But <span class="HebMatt">
tax-collectors, violent men</span>, <span class="Tillet">
transgressors </span>
and the harlots believed him. And you, when you saw it, did not <span class="HebMatt">
turn in repentance</span>
afterward, <span class="HebMatt">
and you did not believe him</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
To him who has ears to hear let him hear in shame</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
disgrace</span>." (33) <span class="HebMatt">
At that time, Jesus said to his disciples and a company of the Jews</span>: "<span class="HebMatt">
Hear now </span>
<span class="Tillet">
another parable</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
--the parable of the Sower</span>. There was a <span class="HebMatt">
certain honorable man</span>
who planted a vineyard, and <span class="HebMatt">
walled it up on every side</span>, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower <span class="HebMatt">
in its midst</span>, and <span class="HebMatt">
entrusted it to </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
to cultivate it</span>, and then went into another country. (34) And when the fruit season approached, he sent his servants to <span class="Tillet">
the vinedressers </span>
--<span class="HebMatt">
those working </span>
-- to receive his <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
profit</span>. (35) <span class="HebMatt">
But the </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another. (36) Again, he sent <span class="HebMatt">
many more</span>
<span class="Tillet">
than the first. And they did to them in the same manner. (37) <span class="HebMatt">
Finally</span>, he sent to them his son, saying, `<span class="HebMatt">
they will <span class="HebMatt">
my son.' (38) But the <span class="Tillet">
when they saw the son, said among themselves, `This is the heir. Come, let us kill him, and <span class="HebMatt">
we will inherit his estate</span>.' (39) And they took him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him. (40) <span class="Tillet">
Think for yourselves</span>
--when the lord of the vineyard shall come, what will he do to <span class="HebMatt">
them</span>? <span class="Tillet">
These vinedressers</span>?" (41) They said to him, <span class="HebMatt">
"As for the wicked </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
the ungodly--</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
he will destroy them in </span>
<span class="Tillet">
their wickedness</span>, and will let out the vineyard to other <span class="HebMatt">
who shall <span class="HebMatt">
render him the <span class="HebMatt">
portion of his</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
profit</span>." (42) Jesus said to them, "Did you never read in the <span class="Tillet">
Psalms</span>, `The stone which the builders rejected, the same was made the head of the corner. This was from <span class="HebMatt">
Yahweh</span>, And it is marvelous in our eyes?' (43) Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of <span class="HebMatt">
shall be taken away from you and shall be given to a nation <span class="HebMatt">
producing fruit</span>. (44) And he that falls on this stone shall be <span class="HebMatt">
cast down</span>
and<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
broken apart</span>."
(45) And when the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parables,
they perceived that he spoke about them. (46) And they sought <span class="HebMatt">
to kill him</span>
but they feared the crowds <span class="HebMatt">
who believed him to be a prophet</span>.</p>
<h2>Chapter Twenty-Two</h2>
<p>(1) And Jesus answered and spoke again in parables to them, saying,
(2) "The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who made a marriage <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
for his son</span>. (3) And he sent out his servants to call them that were <span class="HebMatt">
to the marriage <span class="HebMatt">
ceremony</span>. And they <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
did not want to come</span>. (4) Again he sent out other servants, saying, `Tell them that are invited `I have made ready my dinner. My oxen and <span class="Tillet">
my geese</span>
are killed, and all things are ready. Come to the marriage <span class="HebMatt">
ceremony</span>.' (5) But they <span class="HebMatt">
scorned it</span>
and <span class="Tillet">
were unresponsive</span>,<span class="Tillet">
and went their way, <span class="HebMatt">
some into the city</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
some to their businesses</span>; (6) and <span class="HebMatt">
grabbed his servants, and <span class="HebMatt">
them, and killed them. (7) <span class="HebMatt">
The king heard this, and</span>
<span class="Tillet">
his anger was kindled</span>. And he sent <span class="Tillet">
his hosts</span>
<span class="Tillet">
and destroyed those murderers, </span>
and burned their <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
with fire</span>.
(8) Then he said to his servants, `The wedding is ready, but they that
were invited were not worthy. (9) Go therefore to the <span class="Tillet">
of the highways, and as many as you shall find, invite to the marriage <span class="HebMatt">
(10) And those servants went out into the highways, and gathered
together as many as they found, both bad and good. And the wedding <span class="HebMatt">
was filled with <span class="HebMatt">
those who were eating</span>
<span class="Tillet">
at </span>
the<span class="Tillet">
(11) But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man
who did not have on a wedding-garment. (12) And he said to him, `<span class="HebMatt">
Friend, how did you come in here not having a wedding-garment?' And he was <span class="HebMatt">
silent</span>. (13) Then the king said to the servants, `Bind him hand and foot, and cast him out into the <span class="HebMatt">
nether most and lowest hell</span>. There shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. (14) <span class="HebMatt">
Many are called but few are chosen</span>." (15) Then the Pharisees went and took counsel how they might ensnare him in <span class="HebMatt">
what he said</span>. (16) And they sent to him their disciples, with <span class="HebMatt">
violent men</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
from Herod</span>, saying, "<span class="M&uuml;nster">
Master</span>, we know that you are <span class="HebMatt">
faithful</span>, <span class="Tillet">
sincere</span>, and <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
study </span>
the way of God in truth. <span class="HebMatt">
You fear nothing</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
and do not argue from appearances, </span>
and remain<span class="HebMatt">
--<span class="Tillet">
not influenced by any man</span>. (17) Tell us therefore, what you think. Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not?" (18) But Jesus <span class="HebMatt">
their <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
malisciousness</span>, and said, "Why <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="Tillet">
me, you hypocrites? (19) Show me the <span class="HebMatt">
tax coin</span>
to pay <span class="M&uuml;nster">
tribute</span>." And they brought to him a <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
common one</span>
-- a <span class="M&uuml;nster">
denarius</span>. (20) And he said to them, "Whose <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
is this <span class="M&uuml;nster">
and <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
?" (21) They said to him, "Caesar's." Then he said to them, "<span class="HebMatt">
therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things
that are God's." (22) And when they heard it, they were amazed, and
left him, and went away. (23) On that day there came to him Sadducees, <span class="HebMatt">
and those</span>
that say that <span class="Tillet">
there shall not be a resurrection </span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
of the dead</span>. And they asked him, (24) saying, "<span class="HebMatt">
Moses said, `If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry
his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.' (25) Now there were <span class="HebMatt">
among us</span>
seven brethren. And the first married and deceased, and having no seed
left his wife unto his brother. (26) In like manner the second also,
and the third, unto the seventh. (27) And after them all, the woman
died. (28) <span class="HebMatt">
Since she belonged to all of them</span>, <span class="Tillet">
in the resurrection</span>, therefore whose wife shall she be of the seven? <span class="Tillet">
Because all the seven were her husbands. </span>
(29) But Jesus answered and said to them, "You err, not <span class="HebMatt">
the <span class="HebMatt">
Writings</span>, nor the power of God. (30) For in <span class="HebMatt">
the day of</span>
the resurrection <span class="HebMatt">
men will not take women</span>
nor <span class="HebMatt">
women will take men</span>, but are as angels <span class="HebMatt">
of God</span>
in heaven. (31) But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have you
not read that which was spoken to you by God, saying, (32) `I am the
God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?' <span class="HebMatt">
If so</span>, God is not the God of the dead, but of the living." (33) And when the crowds heard it, they were astonished at his<span class="HebMatt">
wisdom</span>. (34) But the Pharisees <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
saw that the Sadducees had no answer</span>, so <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
they came together</span>
and<span class="HebMatt">
joined his scorners</span>. (35) And one of them, a <span class="HebMatt">
-- a <span class="Tillet">
doctor of the Law</span>
--asked him a question <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
to tempt</span>
him: (36) "<span class="HebMatt">
Rabbi</span>, which is the great<span class="HebMatt">est</span>
commandment in the Law?" (37) And he said to him, "<span class="GospHebrews">
This is the First Commandment: You shall worship the Lord your God,</span>
and shall <span class="HebMatt">
love Yahweh, your God</span>
and <span class="GospHebrews">
Him only</span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
shall you serve with all your heart and with all your strength</span>, and with all your mind. (38) <span class="Tillet">
This is the</span>
<span class="Tillet">
greatest commandment in the whole Law</span>. <span class="Tillet">
And </span>
this is the first. (39) <span class="Tillet">
But the</span>
second <span class="Tillet">
like it, `You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'
(40) On these two commandments <span class="Tillet">
hangs all the Law and the prophets</span>. (40.1) <span class="Didach">
There are two ways, one of life and one of death, and there is a great difference between the two ways. </span>
(40.2) <span class="Didach">
The way of life is this. </span>
(40.3) <span class="Didach">
First of all, you shall love the God that made you</span>.(40.4) <span class="Didach">
Secondly, you shall love your neighbour as yourself.</span>
(40.5) <span class="Didach">
And all things you would not want to happen to yourself, neither do to another. </span>
(40.6). <span class="Didach">
These words are the Teaching of the Way of life."</span>
(41) Now while the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them a question, (42) saying, "What do you think of the <span class="HebMatt">
Messiah</span>? Whose son is he?" They said to him, "The son of David." (43) He said to them, "How then does David <span class="HebMatt">
by </span>
the <span class="HebMatt">
spirit call him <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
Adon </span>
that is <span class="HebMatt">
Master</span>, saying, (44) <span class="HebMatt">
said to <span class="HebMatt">
my </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Adon </span>
that is<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
my<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">
"Sit on my right hand until I <span class="HebMatt">
/ your enemies <span class="HebMatt">
the footstool of your feet</span>?" (45) If David then calls him <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
that is <span class="HebMatt">
Master</span>, how is he his son?" (46) And no one was able to answer him a word, <span class="HebMatt">
from that day <span class="HebMatt">
they feared to</span>
ask him any more questions.</p>
<h2>Chapter Twenty-Three</h2>
<p>(1) Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, (2) saying, "The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat. (3) <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
Now all that</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
that is Moses, <span class="HebMatt">
says to you keep and do</span>
but do not <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
works according to</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
their </span>
<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
for they <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
quote </span>
Moses but do not <span class="M&uuml;nster">
what they quote. (4) Yes, <span class="HebMatt">
they demand</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
set forth</span>
heavy burdens<span class="HebMatt">
that the shoulders of men are not able to bear</span>, <span class="Tillet">
and put them on men's shoulders</span>
<span class="Tillet">
but they </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
themselves will not lift a finger</span>
to help<span class="HebMatt">
move them. </span>
(5) But all their <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="Tillet">
they do for <span class="HebMatt">
--<span class="Tillet">
to be seen by the children of men.</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
They wear expensive garments</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
and large </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
(6) and love <span class="Tillet">
the principal couches and seats at dinner</span>, and <span class="HebMatt">
to be seated first</span>
in the synagogues <span class="Tillet">
and </span>
at<span class="Tillet">
(7) and to be called Rabbi <span class="Tillet">
in the marketplaces</span>. (8) <span class="HebMatt">
As to you, do not desire to be</span>
called Rabbi. <span class="Tillet">
But you shall not be called Rabbi. </span>
For one is your <span class="HebMatt">
that is your teacher, <span class="Tillet">
that is the Messiah</span>, and you are all brothers. (9) <span class="Tillet">
Also do not be called father upon the earth</span>. Likewise,<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
don't you call</span>
any man on the earth your father because one is your Father--He who is in heaven. (10) Neither be called <span class="Tillet">
or <span class="HebMatt">
for one is your <span class="Tillet">
even the <span class="HebMatt">
Messiah</span>. (11) <span class="HebMatt">
greatest among you shall <span class="HebMatt">
serve you</span>. (12) And whoever shall exalt himself shall be humbled. And whoever shall humble himself shall be exalted. (13) But woe to you <span class="HebMatt">
sages</span>, <span class="Thomas">
and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you have <span class="Thomas">
received the keys of knowledge and have hidden them</span>
and shut the kingdom of heaven against <span class="Tillet">
the children of</span>
men, and<span class="Muslim">
you have not yourselves entered the kingdom</span>. And <span class="Oxyr">
to them that were entering you did not open</span>
or<span class="HebMatt">
them to enter, even those <span class="HebMatt">
who </span>
<span class="Tillet">
ly<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
to enter. (14) Woe to you <span class="HebMatt">
and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you <span class="HebMatt">
divide and </span>
devour widows' houses <span class="HebMatt">
with lengthy exposition</span>
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
long speeches</span>. Therefore you shall receive <span class="Tillet">
a lengthy </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
punishment</span>. (15) <span class="M&uuml;nster">
Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees! Hypocrites!</span>
For you travel <span class="M&uuml;nster">
a circuit of</span>
sea and land to <span class="HebMatt">
bind the heart of one man</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
in your faith</span>
<span class="Muslim">
as a disciple</span>. And when <span class="Muslim">
you find one</span>, <span class="Muslim">
you teach him your ways</span>
<span class="Muslim">
so he becomes</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
doubly worse</span>
<span class="Muslim">
than you</span>, and thus<span class="Tillet">
twice more a son of hell than yourselves</span>. <span class="Muslim">
You have not let other people enter the kingdom of heaven since you yourself have not entered it</span>. (16) Woe to you, <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
seat of the</span>
blind <span class="M&uuml;nster">
guides</span>, that say, `Whoever shall swear by the temple, <span class="HebMatt">
he is not obligated</span>
and <span class="Tillet">
it is nothing</span>, but whoever shall swear by <span class="HebMatt">
anything which is consecrated to </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
the structure</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
of the temple</span>
such as the <span class="Tillet">
gold of the temple</span>
he is <span class="HebMatt">
obligated to pay</span>. (17) You <span class="HebMatt">
and blind! For which is greater? <span class="Tillet">
The gold? Or the Temple that sanctifies the gold?</span>
The temple? Or <span class="HebMatt">
that which is consecrated to the temple?</span>
(18) And you say, `Whoever shall swear by the altar, <span class="HebMatt">
is not obligated</span>
and <span class="Tillet">
it is nothing</span>
<span class="Tillet">
but whosoever shall </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
swear that he will make a </span>
gift<span class="HebMatt">
- offering</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
then he is obligated to give it</span>.' (19) You blind! For which is greater, the gift or the altar <span class="Tillet">
that sanctifies the gift</span>? <span class="HebMatt">
The temple or the gift</span>? (20) He therefore that swears by the altar, swears by it, and by all things upon it. (21)...(22) And he that swears by <span class="HebMatt">
the throne of God</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
swears by it</span>
and by Him that <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
abides therein</span>. (23) Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you <span class="M&uuml;nster">
pay tithes of</span>
mint, <span class="HebMatt">
dill</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="Tillet">
cummin</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
but commit robbery</span>
and have left undone <span class="HebMatt">
that which</span>
are <span class="Tillet">
the weightiest</span>
matters <span class="Tillet">
in the Law</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
that is the judgments of the Torah</span>
--<span class="Luke">
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
kindness, </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
and<span class="HebMatt">
truth</span>.<span class="HebMatt">
These are commands worthy of doing. One should not forget them</span>. (24) <span class="HebMatt">
Offspring of</span>
blind <span class="HebMatt">
leaders</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
who strain out the gnat, and swallow the camel! (25) Woe to you,
scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you wash the outside of the cup<span class="GospHebrews">s</span>
and of the platter<span class="GospHebrews">s</span>, but <span class="HebMatt">
inside them it is</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
full of wickedness, </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
and<span class="HebMatt">
uncleanness</span>. (26) <span class="HebMatt">
Wash first the inside of the cup <span class="HebMatt">
in order that the outside might become pure</span>. (27) Woe to you <span class="HebMatt">
and Pharisees! Hypocrites! For you are like white-washed sepulchres which outwardly appear beautiful <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
and <span class="Tillet">
the children of men</span>, but inwardly are full of <span class="HebMatt">
bones <span class="HebMatt">
of the dead</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
the filfthy</span>. (28) <span class="Tillet">
you also outwardly appear righteous to the <span class="Tillet">
children of</span>
men, but inwardly you are full of <span class="Tillet">
depravity</span>, hypocrisy and <span class="Tillet">
violence</span>. (29) Woe to you <span class="HebMatt">
and Pharisees! Hypocrites! For you build the sepulchres of the
prophets, and garnish the tombs of the righteous, (30) and say, `If we
had been alive in the days of our fathers, we should not have <span class="HebMatt">
permitted them to put to death</span>
the prophets. (31) Wherefore you <span class="HebMatt">
witness <span class="HebMatt">
yourselves that you are sons of them that slew the prophets. (32) <span class="HebMatt">
You behave according to the deeds of </span>
your fathers. (33) You serpents! You offspring of vipers! How shall you escape the judgment of hell <span class="HebMatt">
if you do not turn in repentance</span>
?" (34) <span class="HebMatt">
At that time </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
said to the crowd of Jews</span>, "Therefore, I send to you prophets, and <span class="HebMatt">
sages</span>, and scribes. Some of them shall you kill and some of them you shall <span class="HebMatt">
you <span class="Tillet">
with whips</span>
in your synagogues, and <span class="HebMatt">
from city to city (35) that upon you may come all the righteous blood
shed on the earth, from the blood of Abel the righteous unto the blood
of Zachariah son of <span class="GospHebrews">
whom you slew between the sanctuary and the altar. (36) Truly I tell you, all these things shall come upon this generation <span class="HebMatt">
and upon</span>
(37) Jerusalem, <span class="HebMatt">
kills the prophets, and <span class="HebMatt">
removes those</span>
that are sent to her! How often would I have gathered your children
together, even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, and you
would not! (38) Behold, <span class="HebMatt">
you will leave</span>
your hous<span class="HebMatt">
desolate. (39) For I say unto you, you shall not see me hereafter until
you shall say, `Blessed is he that comes in the name of <span class="HebMatt">
our savior--</span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
he that comes in the name of</span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
<h2>Chapter Twenty-Four</h2>
<p>[John 8:1] Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. [John 8:2] And early
in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came
to him. And he sat down, and taught them. [John 8:3] And the scribes
and the Pharisees brought a woman taken in <span class="GospHebrews">
many sins</span>
of adultery. And having set her in the midst, [John 8:4] they said to
him, "Teacher, this woman has been taken in adultery, in the very act.
[John 8:5] Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such a person.
What then do you say about her? [John 8:6] And this they said, trying
him, that they might have something to accuse him about. But Jesus
stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground. [John 8:7] But
when they continued asking him, he lifted himself up, and said to them,
"He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at
her." [John 8:8] And again he stooped down, and with his finger wrote
on the ground. [John 8:9] And they, when they heard it, went out one by
one, beginning from the oldest, even to the last. And Jesus was left
alone, and the woman, where she was, in the midst. [John 8:10] And
Jesus lifted himself up, and said to her, "Woman, where are they? Does
no man condemn you?" [John 8: 11] And she said, "No man, Lord." And
Jesus said, "Neither will I condemn you. Go your way. From now on sin
no more." (1) And Jesus went out from the Temple, and was going on his
way. And his disciples came to him to show him the buildings of the
Temple. (2) But he answered and said to them, "Don't you see all these
things? <span class="M&uuml;nster">
I tell you, there shall not be left here one <span class="Tillet">
stone upon stone</span>." (3) And as he sat on the mount of Olives <span class="HebMatt">
opposite the Temple</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
Peter, John, and Andrew</span>
came to him privately, saying, "Tell us, when shall these things take place? And <span class="HebMatt">
what shall be the sign of when all these matters take place</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
and </span>
<span class="Tillet">
what sign shall be at your coming</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
and the end of the world</span>?" (4) And Jesus
answered and said to them, "Take heed that no man lead you astray. (5)
For many shall come in My Name saying `I am <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
He</span>, the <span class="HebMatt">
that is, `<span class="M&uuml;nster">
I am Christ</span>," and shall <span class="Tillet">
deceive </span>
and lead <span class="HebMatt">
astray. (6) And you shall hear of wars and <span class="HebMatt">
of wars. See that you are not <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="Tillet">
for these things must come to pass. But the end is not yet. (7) For
nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And
there shall be <span class="Tillet">
pestilence</span>, famines and earthquakes in various places. (8) But all these things are the beginning of travail. (9) Then shall they <span class="Tillet">
give you over to </span>
tribulation, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all the nations, that is the Gentiles <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
because of My Name</span>. (10) And then shall many <span class="HebMatt">
be perturbed</span>
and shall <span class="HebMatt">
deal treacherously</span>
with <span class="Tillet">
his neighbor</span>, and shall be <span class="HebMatt">
enraged </span>
<span class="Tillet">
against his</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
brother</span>. (11) And many false prophets shall arise, and shall lead many astray. (12) <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
shall <span class="Tillet">
abound</span>, the <span class="M&uuml;nster">
and love of the many <span class="HebMatt">
shall grow faint</span>
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
cold</span>. (13) But he that <span class="M&uuml;nster">
remains standing firm</span>
and<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="AramaicGosp">
<span class="HebMatt">
waits until</span>
the end, the same shall be saved and <span class="AramaicGosp">
have life</span>. (14) And this gospel of the kingdom <span class="HebMatt">
that is the evungili</span>, shall be preached in the whole world for a testimony to all the <span class="Tillet">
Gentiles</span>, that is the nations <span class="HebMatt">
concerning me</span>, and then shall the end come. (15) <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt"> this is the Anti-Christ and this is the
abomination that desolates which was spoken of by Daniel as standing in
the holy place. Let the one who reads understand.</span>
(16) Then let them that are in <span class="Tillet">
flee to the mountains. (17) Let him that is on the housetop not go down
to take out things that are in his house. (18) And let him that is in
the field not return back to take his <span class="Tillet">
clothes</span>. (19) But woe unto them that are <span class="Tillet">
about to bear</span>
a child and to them that <span class="HebMatt">
nurse children</span>
in those days! (20) And pray <span class="HebMatt">
to God</span>
that your flight is not in the winter, neither on a<span class="Tillet">
Day of Rest, (21) for then shall be great tribulation, such as has not
been from the beginning of the world until now, no, nor ever shall be <span class="Tillet">
after it</span>. (22) And except those days had been shortened, no flesh would have been saved. But for <span class="HebMatt">
the chosen's</span>
sake, those days shall be shortened. (23) If any man shall say to you, `Lo, here is the <span class="HebMatt">
that is Christ, or, Here,' don't believe it. (24) For there shall arise false <span class="HebMatt">
messiahs</span>, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, <span class="HebMatt">
so that if it can be they will come to lead</span>
astray <span class="HebMatt">
the chosen</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
If therefore they shall say to you, `Behold, he is in the <span class="M&uuml;nster">
or wilderness,' do not go out to see; or if they shall say `Behold, he is in the inner rooms,' don't believe it. <span class="HebMatt">
Behold, I have told you beforehand." (27) <span class="HebMatt">
Again Jesus said to his disciples</span>,
"For as the lightning comes forth from the east, and is seen even unto
the west, so shall be the coming of the Son of Man." (28) "Wherever the
<span class="HebMatt">
is, there will the <span class="HebMatt">
be gathered together. (29) <span class="HebMatt">
At that time</span>,
after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be darkened, and the
moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven,
and the <span class="HebMatt">
of the heavens shall be shaken: (30) and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s.</span>
And then shall all the <span class="HebMatt">
of the land mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
many warriors</span>
and <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
a very great fortification</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
with dreadful appearance</span>
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
great power and glory</span>. (31) And he shall send his angels with a trumpet, and <span class="HebMatt">
with a great shout</span>
shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the <span class="Tillet">
of heaven to the <span class="M&uuml;nster">
farthest ends</span>. (32) Now from the fig tree learn her parable. <span class="HebMatt">
When you see its branches and leaves sprouting</span>, <span class="Tillet">
you know that the ripe fruit is near. </span>
(33) <span class="Tillet">
So likewise you, when you shall see all these things</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
know that he is near the gates</span>, <span class="Tillet">
even at the doors</span>. (34) <span class="M&uuml;nster">
I tell you, this race of mankind shall not pass away, until all these
things be accomplished. (35) Heaven and earth shall pass away <span class="M&uuml;nster">
but my words shall not pass away</span>. (36) <span class="Tillet">
Of that day and concerning that hour</span>
<span class="Tillet">
there shall be no man that knows</span>. Only the Father knows." (37) <span class="HebMatt">
And Jesus said to his disciples</span>:
"And as were the days of Noah, so shall be the coming of the Son of
Man. (38) For as in those days which were before the flood they were
eating and drinking, <span class="HebMatt">
being fruitful and multiplying</span>,
until the day that Noah entered into the ark, (39) and they did not
know the end was near until the flood came, and took them all away; so
shall be the coming of the Son of Man. (40) Then shall two men be in
the field, <span class="HebMatt">
one righteous and the other evil</span>; <span class="HebMatt">
the </span>
one is taken, and <span class="HebMatt">
the other</span>
is left: (41) <span class="Tillet">
two shall be in one bed; one shall be taken, and one shall be left</span>; two women shall be grinding at the mill; one is taken, and <span class="HebMatt">
the other</span>
is left. <span class="HebMatt">
This is because the angels at the end of the world will remove the
stumbling blocks from the world and will separate the good from the
evil.</span>" (42) <span class="HebMatt">
Then Jesus said to his disciples</span>: "<span class="Tillet">
Be therefore alert</span>
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
For you do not know <span class="Tillet">
what <span class="HebMatt">
your Lord wil come. (43) <span class="HebMatt">
This you know</span>, that if the master of the house had known in what watch the thief was coming, <span class="Tillet">
in truth</span>
he would have <span class="Tillet">
been alert</span>
and<span class="M&uuml;nster">
vigilant</span>, and would not have suffered his house to be broken into. (44) Therefore also be <span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
because you do not know at what hour the Son of Man is going to come</span>. (45) <span class="HebMatt">
What do you think of</span>
the faithful and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
servant whom his lord has set over <span class="HebMatt">
the children</span>
to give them their <span class="Tillet">
in <span class="HebMatt">
its time</span>? (46) Blessed is that servant whom his lord finds him doing so when he comes. (47) <span class="M&uuml;nster">
I tell you that <span class="HebMatt">
he will place him over </span>
<span class="Tillet">
all his substance</span>. (48) But if that servant <span class="HebMatt">
should be evil</span>
and shall say <span class="Tillet">
in his heart, `My lord tarries <span class="Tillet">
to come</span>,' (49) and shall begin to beat <span class="Tillet">
servants <span class="Tillet">
which are with him</span>, and shall eat and drink with <span class="HebMatt">
gluttons</span>; (50) the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he <span class="HebMatt">
is not expecting</span>, and <span class="HebMatt">
at a time</span>
when he does not know he is coming. (51) And shall cut him asunder, and
appoint his portion with the hypocrites. There shall be the weeping and
the gnashing of teeth."</p>
<h2>Chapter Twenty-Five</h2>
<p>(1) <span class="HebMatt">
Again Jesus said to his disciples</span>, "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom <span class="HebMatt">
and a bride</span>. (2) And five of them were <span class="HebMatt">
laz fools</span>, and five were <span class="HebMatt">
alert and</span>
<span class="Tillet">
prudent</span>. (3) For the <span class="HebMatt">
foolish, when they took their lamps, they took no oil with them (4) but the <span class="Tillet">
took oil in their vessels with their lamps. (5) Now while the bridegroom <span class="Tillet">
was delayed</span>, they all <span class="HebMatt">
and slept. (6) But at midnight there is a cry, `Behold, the bridegroom! Come out <span class="Tillet">
to meet him.' (7) Then all those virgins arose, and <span class="Tillet">
made ready</span>
their lamps. (8) And the foolish said to the <span class="Tillet">
prudent</span>, `Give us of your oil. For our lamps <span class="HebMatt">
have gone out</span>.' (9) But the <span class="Tillet">
answered, saying, `<span class="Tillet">We may not give you</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
there will not be enough for us and you. Go rather to them that sell,
and buy for yourselves.' (10) And while they went away to buy, the
bridegroom came. And they that were ready went in with him to the <span class="AramaicGosp">
banquet-hall</span>. And the door was <span class="AramaicGosp">
<span class="HebMatt">
closed</span>. (11) Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, `<span class="HebMatt">Our</span>
Lord, <span class="Tillet">
Lord</span>! Open to us.' (12) But he answered and said, `<span class="M&uuml;nster">Amen</span>
I tell you, I do not know you.' (13) <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
And therefore you</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
be careful</span>, <span class="AramaicGosp">
alert </span>
and<span class="AramaicGosp">
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
For you do not know the day nor the hour <span class="HebMatt">
when the bridegroom will come</span>." (14) <span class="HebMatt">
Again </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
told his disciples another example</span>: "The kingdom of the heaven<span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>
is like a man going <span class="GospHebrews">
on a </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="GospHebrews">
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
to a strange country</span>
<span class="Tillet">
abroad, seafaring</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
called his own servants, and delivered to them his <span class="HebMatt">
(15) And to one he gave <span class="HebMatt">
five coins of gold</span>, to another two <span class="HebMatt">
coins of gold</span>, to another one; to each according to <span class="GospHebrews">
his ability</span>
--<span class="HebMatt">
what was suitable for him</span>. And he went on his journey. (16) Immediately he that <span class="M&uuml;nster">
the five <span class="HebMatt">
coins of gold</span>
went and traded with them, and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
five gold coins.</span>
(17) He that <span class="M&uuml;nster">
two <span class="GospHebrews">
went at once and squandered the substance with harlots and flute-women</span>. (18) And he that received the one went away and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money <span class="Tillet">
in the earth</span>. (19) Now after a long time the lord of those servants returned, and made an accounting with them. (20) And he that <span class="M&uuml;nster">
had accepted</span>
the five <span class="HebMatt">
gold coins</span>
came <span class="HebMatt">
near</span>, saying, `Lord, you delivered to me five talents, <span class="M&uuml;nster">
and here are ten, including another five</span>
which I have gained <span class="HebMatt">
for you</span>.' (21) His lord said to him, "Well done. <span class="HebMatt">
Truly you are a</span>
good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things. I
will set you over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord. (22) He
that <span class="M&uuml;nster">
the two <span class="HebMatt">
coins of gold</span>
and squandered them on harlots and flute women <span class="GospHebrews">
was shut up in prison.</span>
(30) His Lord said: `And cast out this <span class="GospHebrews">
and <span class="HebMatt">
servant into <span class="GospHebrews">
in <span class="HebMatt">
the lowest places</span>. There shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.' (24) And he also that had <span class="M&uuml;nster">
the one talent came <span class="HebMatt">
and said, `Lord, I knew that you are a <span class="HebMatt">
firm and</span>
hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did
not scatter. (25) And I was afraid, and went away and hid your <span class="HebMatt">
coin of gold</span>
in the earth. Here, you have back your own.' (26) But his lord answered
and said to him, `You wicked and lazy servant. You knew that I reap
where I did not sow, and gathered where I did not scatter. (27) You
ought therefore to have put my money to <span class="HebMatt">
my money-changers</span>, and at my return I should have received back mine own with <span class="HebMatt">
profit</span>. (28) Take away therefore the <span class="HebMatt">
coin of gold</span>
from him, and give it to him that has the ten talents.' (29) For to every one that has shall <span class="GospHebrews">
more </span>
be given, and he shall have abundance. But from him that does not have any profit to show, even that which <span class="GospHebrews">
he has</span>
and <span class="HebMatt">
was intended for him</span>
shall be taken away." (31) <span class="HebMatt">
And again </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
said to his disciples</span>: "But when the Son of Man shall come in his <span class="HebMatt">
revelation</span>, and all the angels with him, then he shall sit on <span class="Tillet">
his glorious</span>
throne: (32) and before him shall be gathered all the nations. And he shall separate <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
them one from another, <span class="Tillet">
these from those</span>
as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. (33) And he shall
set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left <span class="Tillet">
hand</span>. (34) Then shall <span class="HebMatt">
say to them on his right hand, `Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the <span class="HebMatt">
of the world <span class="HebMatt">
until now.</span>
(35) For I was hungry, and you gave me to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me drink. I was a <span class="HebMatt">
and you took me in. (36) Naked, and you clothed me. I was sick, and you
visited me. I was in prison, and you came to me.' (37) Then shall the
righteous <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
answer him, saying, `<span class="HebMatt">
Oh our</span>
Lord, when did we see you hungry, and feed you? Or thirsty, and gave you something to drink? (38) <span class="Tillet">
And </span>
when did we<span class="Tillet">
see you a stranger and took you in?</span>
Or naked, and clothed you? (39) And when did we see you sick, or in
prison, and came to you?' (40) And the King shall answer and say to
them, `<span class="M&uuml;nster">Amen</span>
I tell you, <span class="HebMatt">
every time</span>
you did it to one <span class="HebMatt">
of the needy</span>
of these <span class="Tillet">
which are </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
brothers </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
even the little ones like these</span>, <span class="Tillet">
it is as if</span>
you have done it to me.' (41) Then he shall also say to them on the left hand, `Depart from me, you cursed, <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
and </span>
<span class="Tillet">
get </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
into the eternal fire, <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
into the place</span>
prepared for <span class="HebMatt">
Satan </span>
<span class="AramaicGosp">
the Adversary</span>
and his angels. (42) <span class="HebMatt">
Because </span>
I was hungry, and you did not give me anything to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me no drink. (43) I was a <span class="HebMatt">
and you did not take me in. Naked, and you did not clothe me. Sick, and
in prison, and you did not visit me.' (44) Then shall they also answer,
saying, `<span class="HebMatt">Oh our </span>
Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or a <span class="HebMatt">
wayfarer</span>, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not <span class="HebMatt">
serve </span>
you? ` (45) Then shall he answer them, saying, `<span class="M&uuml;nster">Amen</span>
I tell you, <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
you didn't do this</span>
and <span class="AramaicGosp">
neglected to do so</span>
to <span class="HebMatt">
these needy</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
even the little ones like these</span>, you did not do it to me.' (46) And these shall go away into eternal <span class="Tillet">
but the righteous into eternal life."</p>
<h2>Chapter Twenty-Six</h2>
<p>(1) And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished all these words, he
said to his disciples, (2) "You know that after two days the Passover
arrives, and the Son of Man is <span class="Tillet">
betrayed and bound</span>
/ delivered up <span class="M&uuml;nster">
to be crucified</span>. (3) Then were gathered together the <span class="HebMatt">
rulers of </span>
the priests, <span class="AramaicGosp">
the scribes</span>, and the <span class="HebMatt">
great ones</span>
of the people, at the court of the high priest, who was called <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Kayafa</span>. (4) And they took counsel together that they might take Jesus by <span class="HebMatt">
and kill him. (5) But they said, "Not during the <span class="M&uuml;nster">
solemn day</span>
of the feast, otherwise a tumult will arise among the people." (6) Now
when Jesus was in the City of Hananya [aka Bet Hananya aka Bethany], in
the house of Simon the jarmaker, (7) there came to him a woman having a
<span class="HebMatt">
of <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="AramaicGosp">
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
oil</span>, and she poured it upon his head, as he <span class="HebMatt">
was reclining at the table</span>. (8) <span class="HebMatt">
But </span>
the disciples<span class="HebMatt">
grumbled</span>, <span class="AramaicGosp">
were upset</span>
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
this waste.</span>
(9) For this <span class="M&uuml;nster">
might have been sold for <span class="HebMatt">
a great price</span>, and given to the poor. (10) But Jesus <span class="HebMatt">
who knows everything in regard to any matter done</span>, said to them, "<span class="HebMatt">
Are you making an accusation against this woman? </span>
/ <span class="AramaicGosp">
Why do you criticize the woman?</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
In truth</span>, she has done a good <span class="HebMatt">
and marvelous</span>
work for me. (11) For you have the poor always with you. But you do not always have me. (12) <span class="HebMatt">
Her placing this </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
on my body refers to my burial.</span>
(13) <span class="M&uuml;nster">
I tell you, wherever this <span class="HebMatt">
shall be preached in the whole world, that which this woman has done shall also be spoken about <span class="M&uuml;nster">
in memory of her</span>." (14) Then one of the twelve, who was called <span class="M&uuml;nster">
Iscariot went to the chief <span class="HebMatt">
religious officers</span>, (15) and said, "What are you willing to give me, and I will deliver Jesus to you?" And they <span class="AramaicGosp">
promised him</span>
thirty pieces of silver. (16) And from that time he sought <span class="M&uuml;nster">
an opportune time</span>
to deliver him to them. (17) Now on the first day of unleavened bread known as <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Chag HaMatzot</span>
the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Where do you wish that we prepare for you to eat the passover?" (17.1) Jesus answered: "<span class="Ebionite">With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you</span>." (18) And he said, "Go into the city to <span class="HebMatt">
a certain</span>
man <span class="HebMatt">
who will be a volunteer for the task</span>, and tell him, The Teacher says, `My time is <span class="HebMatt">
near</span>. I along with my disciples keep the Passover <span class="HebMatt">
with you</span>.'
(19) And the disciples did as Jesus asked them. And they made ready the
passover. (20) Now when evening was come, he was sitting at a meal <span class="M&uuml;nster">
at a table</span>
with the twelve disciples. (21) And as they were eating, he said, "<span class="M&uuml;nster">Amen</span>
I tell you, that one of you shall <span class="HebMatt">
inform against</span>
me." (22) And they were very saddened, and began to ask him <span class="HebMatt">
each </span>
one, `Is it I, Lord?' (23) And he answered and said, "He that <span class="HebMatt">
his hand with me in the dish, the same shall <span class="HebMatt">
me." <span class="HebMatt">
All of them were eating from one dish. Therefore, they did not
recognize him, because if they had recognized him, they would have
destroyed him.</span>
(24) "The Son of Man goes <span class="AramaicGosp">
to his fate</span>,
even as it is written of him: but woe to that man through whom the Son
of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had
never been born." (25) And Judas who <span class="HebMatt">
him, answered and said,"<span class="AramaicGosp">
it is I, Rabbi?" He replied to him, "<span class="HebMatt">
You have said </span>
it<span class="HebMatt">.</span>
" (26) And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed God, and <span class="HebMatt">
divided it</span>, and he gave it to the disciples, and said, "Take, eat! This <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
- it</span>
is my body." (27) And he took a cup, and gave<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">
to his Father</span>, and gave it to them, saying, "Drink <span class="HebMatt">
from this</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
all of you</span>; (28) for this is my blood of the <span class="HebMatt">
covenant, which <span class="HebMatt">
will be</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
poured out for many for the <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
of sinners</span>.
(29) But I tell you, I shall not drink from this time forward of this
fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in <span class="HebMatt">
kingdom <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">
heaven</span><span class="HebMatt-nccg">s</span>." (30) <span class="Tillet">
And when they had recited the Psalm</span>, <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
they returned</span>
and they went out to the mount of Olives. (31) Then Jesus told them, "Come all of you, <span class="HebMatt">
be in grief because of me </span>
this night. `For it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered.' (32) But <span class="HebMatt">
after my resurrection from death</span>, I will <span class="HebMatt">
be revealed to </span>
you in Galilee." (33) But Peter answered and said to him, "If all shall be <span class="HebMatt">
angry with</span>
you and <span class="AramaicGosp">
lose faith in you</span>, I will never <span class="HebMatt">
be grieved</span>
at you or <span class="AramaicGosp">
lose faith in you</span>."
(34) Jesus said to him, "Truly I tell you that this night, before the
cock crows, you shall deny me three times." (35) Peter responded to
him, "Even if <span class="HebMatt">
it is arranged for me that</span>
I must die with you, yet will I not deny you." Also all the disciples
said the same thing. (36) Then Jesus went with them to a place called <span class="Tillet">
and said to his disciples, "Sit here while I go over there to pray."
(37) And he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee<span class="HebMatt">
l</span>, and began to be sorrowful, <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
grieved </span>
<span class="Tillet">
and downcast</span>. (38) Then he said to them, "My soul is <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
more than</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
grieving unto death</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
Support me</span>, and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
keep watch</span>
with me." (39) And he <span class="HebMatt">
went forward a little, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, "My Father, if <span class="M&uuml;nster">
it is</span>
possible, <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">
take this cup from me</span>: nevertheless, <span class="HebMatt">
let it not be </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
as I will but </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">
according to your will</span>."<span class="HebMatt">
(39.1) <span class="GospHebrews">
And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him</span>. (40) And he returned to the disciples, and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, "What, you couldn't be <span class="M&uuml;nster">
and <span class="AramaicGosp">
stay awake</span>
with me one hour? (41) <span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
and pray that you do not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed willing <span class="HebMatt">
to go (to its creator)</span>, but the flesh is weak <span class="HebMatt">
and sick</span>. But <span class="Agrapha">
that which is weak shall be saved through that which is strong</span>." (42) Again a second time he went away, and prayed, saying, "<span class="M&uuml;nster">My Father</span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
if this cup cannot pass unless I drink it</span>
--<span class="HebMatt">
if you are not able to remove this cup except I should drink it, </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
your will be done.</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
Let it be done according to your will</span>."
(43) And he came again and found them sleeping, for their eyes were
heavy. (44) And he left them again, and went away, and prayed a third
time, saying <span class="M&uuml;nster">
the same prayer</span>
<span class="Tillet">
as he said already</span>. (45) Then he returned to the disciples, and told them, "Sleep on now, and take your rest. Behold, <span class="HebMatt">
the time has come near</span>, and the Son of Man is <span class="HebMatt">
into the hands of sinners. (46) Arise, let us be going. Behold, he is at hand that betrays <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
me</span>." (47) And while he still was speaking, Judas, one of the twelve <span class="HebMatt">
disciples</span>, came, and with him a great crowd with swords and <span class="Tillet">
spears</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
clubs</span>, from the chief priest and <span class="HebMatt">
the princes</span>
of the people. (48) Now he that betrayed him gave them a sign, saying, "Whomever I shall kiss <span class="HebMatt">
is the one you should arrest</span>." (49) And directly he came to Jesus, and said, "<span class="Tillet">Shalom</span>
Rabbi." And <span class="HebMatt">
then he</span>
kissed him. (50) And Jesus said to him, "<span class="HebMatt">My</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
dear </span>
Friend, <span class="HebMatt">
what have you done</span>? <span class="M&uuml;nster">
To what end have you come?</span>" Then they came <span class="Tillet">
and grabbed Jesus, and <span class="Tillet">
seized him</span>. (51) And one of them that were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and smote the servant of <span class="HebMatt">
one of </span>
the priest<span class="HebMatt">s</span>, and struck off his ear. (52) Then Jesus told him, "Put up again your sword into its place. For all they that <span class="HebMatt">
the sword shall <span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
by the sword</span>. (53) <span class="HebMatt">
Do you not understand I </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
am able to meet</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
my enemies </span>
<span class="Tillet">
if I ask my Father</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
And indeed there will be for me</span>
more than twelve legions of angels? (54) <span class="Tillet">
how then should the scriptures be fulfilled what<span class="HebMatt">
is intended to be done?</span>" (55) In that <span class="Tillet">
hour Jesus said to the crowd, "Have you come out as against robber<span class="HebMatt">s</span>
with swords and <span class="Tillet">
spears</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="M&uuml;nster">
to seize me? I sat daily <span class="Tillet">
beside you</span>
in the temple teaching <span class="HebMatt">
you</span>, and you did not take me. (56) But all this is come to pass <span class="Tillet">
to establish</span>
the <span class="HebMatt">
writings </span>
of the prophets." Then all the disciples left him, and fled. (57) <span class="Tillet">
So they seized </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="Tillet">
led him away to the house of <span class="Tillet">
Kaiaphah</span>, the high priest where the scribes and <span class="HebMatt">
were gathered together. (58) But Peter followed him afar off to the court of the high priest, and entered in, and sat with the <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="Tillet">
to see the end. (59) Now the chief priests and <span class="HebMatt">
the Pharisees</span>
<span class="Tillet">
and the whole council</span>
sought false witness against Jesus, that they might put him to death. (60) And they found <span class="HebMatt">
not even one</span>, though many false witnesses came <span class="Tillet">
forward</span>. But afterward came <span class="HebMatt">
two <span class="HebMatt">
false witnesses</span>, (61) and said, "This man said I am able to destroy the Temple of God, and to <span class="HebMatt">
it in three days." (62) And the high priest stood up, and said to him, "Do you answer nothing to what these witness<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
are bearing</span>
against you?" (63) But Jesus <span class="HebMatt">
answered not a word</span>. And the high priest said to him, "I adjure you by the living God, that you tell us whether you are the <span class="HebMatt">
Messiah</span>, the Christ, the Son of God." (64) Jesus said to him, "<span class="HebMatt">
You said it.</span>
Nevertheless I <span class="HebMatt">
say to you, <span class="HebMatt">
you have yet to see</span>
the Son of <span class="Tillet">
sitting at the right hand of <span class="HebMatt">
Power <span class="HebMatt">
of God </span>
and coming on the clouds of heaven." (65) Then the high priest tore his garments, saying, "He has <span class="HebMatt">
cursed God</span>
and <span class="Tillet">
blasphemed</span>. What further need do we have of witnesses? You have now heard <span class="HebMatt">
how he cursed God</span>. (66) What do you think <span class="HebMatt">
can be done</span>?" They answered and said, "He is worthy of death." (67) Then they spit in his face and some smote him with the <span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
on his back</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
and others slapped him in the face</span>, (68) saying, "Prophesy for us, you <span class="HebMatt">
Messiah</span>, who is it that struck you?" (69) Now Peter was sitting <span class="HebMatt">
at the entrance of</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
the courtyward</span>
and a <span class="Tillet">
came to him, saying, "<span class="HebMatt">Were</span>
you <span class="HebMatt">
also <span class="HebMatt">
with Jesus the Galilaean<span class="HebMatt">?</span>" (70) But <span class="HebMatt">
Peter </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
denied unto</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
her</span>, saying, "I do not know what you are talking about." (71) And when he was gone out into the porch, another <span class="Tillet">
saw him, and said to them that were there, "This man also was <span class="HebMatt">
with Jesus <span class="Tillet">
the Nazarene</span>." (72) And again he denied Jesus with an oath, <span class="Tillet">
and said, "I do not know him." </span>
(73) And after a little while they that stood by came and said to Peter, "Truly you also are <span class="HebMatt">
from this prophet's group</span>
for <span class="HebMatt">
it is clear from your</span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
<span class="Tillet">
Your tongue betrays you.</span>" (74) Then he began <span class="HebMatt">
to deny,</span><span class="GospHebrews"> and to curse</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
and to swear "<span class="GospHebrews">
I know not the man</span>."<span class="GospHebrews">
And <span class="Tillet">
the cock crowed. (75) And Peter remembered the word which Jesus had
said, "Before the cock crows, you shall deny me three times." And he
went out<span class="HebMatt">
side</span>, and wept <span class="HebMatt">
with bitterness of soul</span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
from heartfelt love</span>.</p>
<h2>Chapter Twenty-Seven</h2>
<p>(1) Now when morning came, all the chief<span class="HebMatt">
and the elders of the people <span class="Tillet">
were in conclave together</span>
<span class="Tillet">
Jesus to <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
to death. (2) And they bound him, and led him away, and delivered him up to <span class="HebMatt">
Pilate, the governor. (3) Then Judas <span class="HebMatt">
Iscariot</span>, when he saw that he was condemned, <span class="HebMatt">
began to turn in repentance</span>
and brought back the thirty <span class="HebMatt">
to the <span class="HebMatt">
priest and elders <span class="HebMatt">
of the people</span>, (4) saying, "I have sinned in that <span class="HebMatt">
I have </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="Tillet">
the blood of the righteous</span>." But they said, "What is that to us? You see to it." (5) And he cast down the <span class="HebMatt">
into the <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="Tillet">
treasury chest</span>, and departed. And he went away <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
and took for himself a rope </span>
and hanged himself. (6) And the chief priests took the pieces of silver, and said, "It is not lawful to put <span class="HebMatt">
these coins</span>
into the temple treasury -- the <span class="M&uuml;nster">
Corbanam</span>, since it is the <span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
given for the blood of </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
Jesus</span>." (7) And they took counsel, and bought with them the field of <span class="HebMatt">
a certain</span>
potter <span class="HebMatt">
of clay</span>, to bury strangers in. (8) As a result, that field was called the field of blood, that is <span class="M&uuml;nster">
Hakal Dama</span>, until this day. (9) Then was fulfilled that which was spoken through <span class="HebMatt">
the prophet, saying, "<span class="HebMatt">I
said to them: if it is good in your eyes, multiply my wages, but if
not, forebear. So they weighed for my wages thirty pieces of silver</span>."<span class="HebMatt">
Then Yahweh said to me: </span>
"<span class="HebMatt">
Cast it unto the potter</span>." <span class="HebMatt">
This is for the man who forms clay. </span>
(10.1) <span class="HebMattCross">
And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was priced, whom certain of the children of Israel did price;</span>
And as the prophet <span class="Tillet">
Jeremiah said, </span>
"<span class="Tillet">
And they took the thirty pieces of silver, a goodly price of him that
was valued, whom they valued of the children of Israel; and </span>
(10)<span class="Tillet">
gave them for the potter's portion,</span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
as <span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
me." (11) Now Jesus stood before <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
asked him, "Are you the King of the Jews?" And Jesus replied, "You said it." (12) And when he was <span class="Tillet">
and <span class="HebMatt">
by the chief priests and elders <span class="HebMatt">
with regard to some word they spoke against him</span>,
he answered nothing. (13) Then Pilate said to him, "Don't you hear the
many things they testify against you?" (14) And he gave him no answer,
and <span class="HebMatt">
greatly marvelled. (15) <span class="HebMatt">
And </span>
at<span class="HebMatt">
the honored feast of the Passover</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
it was the custom of the commander of the city to give</span>
to the crowds one prisoner <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
from among the prisoners</span>, whom<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
they <span class="HebMatt">
wished</span>. (16) <span class="HebMatt">
Pilate had a prisoner who was almost crazy</span>
called <span class="GreekVariants">
the <span class="GospHebrews">
Son of the Teacher</span>
that is <span class="Tillet">
Bar-Rabba</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
taken in a case of murder </span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
and sedition</span>,<span class="HebMatt">
and<span class="HebMatt">
he had placed him in a dungeon.</span>
(17) When therefore they were gathered together, Pilate said to them, "Whom do you wish that I should release to you? <span class="GreekVariants">
the <span class="GospHebrews">
Son of the Teacher</span>, that is <span class="Tillet">
Bar-Rabba</span>, or Jesus who is called <span class="HebMatt">
Messiah</span>?" (18) For he knew that for <span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
without cause</span>
they had delivered him up. (19) And while he was sitting on the judgment-seat, his wife sent to him <span class="HebMatt">
a messenger</span>, saying, "<span class="HebMatt">
I implore you</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
that in no matter should you speak a word against this</span>
righteous man. For I have suffered many things this day in a <span class="HebMatt">
vision </span>
because of him." (20) Now the chief priests and the elders <span class="HebMatt">
of the Law </span>
persuaded the crowds that they should ask for [the] <span class="GospHebrews">
Son of the Teacher</span>
that is <span class="Tillet">
<span class="HebMatt">
that </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
might die</span>. (21) But the governor answered and said to them, "Which of the two do you wish that I release to you? And they said,<span class="GospHebrews">
"Son of the Teacher"</span>
that is <span class="Tillet">
Bar-Rabba</span>." (22) Pilate said to them, "What then shall I do to Jesus who is called <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Mashiach</span>?" They all said, "Let him be <span class="HebMatt">
hung</span>." (23) And he said, "Why? What evil has he done?" But they greatly cried out, saying, "<span class="HebMatt">Let them hang him</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
let them hang him, let them hang him</span>!" (24) So when Pilate saw that he had <span class="HebMatt">
no power of resistance</span>
and <span class="Tillet">
prevailed nothing</span>
but rather that a <span class="Tillet">
tumult was rising, he took water, and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of the blood of <span class="Tillet">
this righteous man</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
Be careful what you do. </span>
<span class="Tillet">
See you to it</span>." (25) And all the people answered and said, "His blood be on us, and <span class="HebMatt">
upon our seed</span>." (26) Then released him to them <span class="Tillet">
Bar-Rabbah</span>. But he <span class="HebMatt">
delivered to them</span>
Jesus <span class="HebMatt">
for beating and affliction </span>
<span class="Tillet">
with whips</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
that they might hang him</span>.(27) Then the <span class="Tillet">
soldiers of the governor</span>
-- the <span class="HebMatt">
horsemen of the court</span>
-- took Jesus <span class="HebMatt">
under guard</span>
<span class="Tillet">
and delivered him to them in the court of justice</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
where<span class="HebMatt">
had come together a great company. </span>
(28) <span class="Tillet">
And they stripped him</span>. They clothed him with <span class="HebMatt">
silk garments</span>
and put on him <span class="HebMatt">
a greenish silk robe</span>. (29) And they <span class="Tillet">
encircled </span>
his head<span class="Tillet">
a crown of thorns, and <span class="Tillet">
a reed in his right hand. And they kneeled down before him, and mocked him, saying, "<span class="HebMatt">Peace, Shalom be unto you!</span>
King of the Jews!" (30) And they spat <span class="HebMatt">
in his face</span>
and took the reed and hit him on the head. (31) And when they had
mocked him, they took off from him the robe, and put on him his <span class="HebMatt">
garments, and led him away to <span class="HebMatt">
him. (32) And as they came out <span class="HebMatt">
from the city, </span> they found a man <span class="Tillet">
of Cyrene</span>, Simon. They compelled him to <span class="HebMatt">
carry the </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
beam</span><span class="HebMatt">,</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
that is, 'The Cross.'</span>
(32.1) <span class="Luke">
[Luke 23:27] And there followed him a great crowd of people, and of women who bewailed and lamented him. </span>
(32.2)<span class="Luke">
[Luke 23:28] But Jesus turning to them said, "Daughters of Jerusalem!
Weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. </span>
(32.3)<span class="Luke">
[Luke 23:29] For behold, the days are coming, in which they shall say,
Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the breasts
that never gave suck. </span>
(32.4)<span class="Luke">
[Luke 23:30] Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us. </span>
(32.5)<span class="Luke">
[Luke 23:31] For if they do these things in the green tree, what shall be done in the dry?</span>
" (33) And they arrived at a place called <span class="Tillet">
Golgoltha </span>
that is to say, <span class="HebMatt">
Mount </span>
of the Skull<span class="HebMatt">
or Mount Calvary. </span>
(34) They gave him wine <span class="Tillet">
mingled with opium</span>
to drink. And when <span class="HebMatt">
he began to drink</span>, and <span class="Tillet">
had tasted it,</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
he perceived </span>
what it was and he would not drink. (35) And when they had <span class="HebMatt">
placed him on the gallows</span>, they parted his garments among themselves, casting lots. (36) <span class="Tillet">
And they sat down and guarded him</span>. (37) And they set up <span class="Tillet">
his sentence</span>
over his head <span class="HebMatt">
a writing</span>
"THIS IS <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
OF </span>
<span class="GreekVariants">
NAZARA</span>, THE KING OF <span class="HebMatt">
ISRAEL</span>." (38) Then were crucified with him two robbers, one on the right hand and one on the left. (39) And those who passed by <span class="Tillet">
were reviling him</span>, wagging their heads, (40) and saying, "<span class="HebMatt">See how</span>
you would destroy the temple <span class="HebMatt">
of God</span>
and in <span class="HebMatt">
three days build it. Save yourself. If you are the Son of God, come down from <span class="HebMatt">
the gallows</span>." (41) In like manner also the chief priests mocking him, with the <span class="Tillet">
scribes and</span>
elders, said, (42) "He saved others. He cannot save himself. <span class="HebMatt">
If </span>
he is the King of Israel, let him now come down from <span class="HebMatt">
the tree</span>, and we will believe <span class="Tillet">
in him</span>. (43) He trusts on God. Let him deliver him now if he <span class="Tillet">
delights </span>
in him. For he said, 'I am the Son of God.'" (44) And the robbers also that were <span class="HebMatt">
with him <span class="Tillet">
reproached him</span>
with <span class="HebMatt">
these very same words</span>. (45.1) And Jesus prayed <span class="GospHebrews">
"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." And because
of this word of the Lord, many thousands of Jews and some others who
stood around the cross afterwards believed.</span>
(45) Now from the sixth hour until the ninth hour there was darkness
over all the land. (46) And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
mighty </span>
voice, <span class="HebMatt">
saying in the holy language</span>, "<span class="HebMatt-yaha">
that is My God, My God, <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
Why have you forsaken me?</span>"
(47) And some of them standing there when they heard it said, "This man
calls for Elijah." (48) And immediately one of them ran, and took <span class="HebMatt">
and filled it with vinegar, and gave him to drink. (49) And the rest
said, "Let us see whether Elijah comes to save him." (50) And Jesus
cried again with a loud voice, and <span class="HebMatt">
up his spirit <span class="HebMatt">
to his Father</span>. (51) <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
At once</span>, a <span class="GospHebrews">
massive lintel</span>
of the temple was <span class="GospHebrews">
split in two</span>
from the top to the bottom. And <span class="GospHebrews">
the earth did quake; and the rocks were rent.</span>
(52) And the tombs were opened. And many bodies of <span class="HebMatt">
that had fallen asleep <span class="HebMatt">
in the dust</span>
were raised. (53) And upon coming out of the tombs after his resurrection, they entered into the holy city and were <span class="HebMatt">
revealed </span>
to many. (54) Now the centurion, and they that were with him <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
to guard </span>
Jesus, when they saw the earthquake, and the things that were done, were very fearful, saying, "<span class="M&uuml;nster">Vere filius dei suit iste</span>," that is, "Truly! This was the Son of God!" (55) And many women were there watching from a distance who had <span class="HebMatt">
Jesus from Galilee <span class="HebMatt">
until that time</span>, <span class="M&uuml;nster">
ministering to him</span>. (56) Among them was <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Mary from Magdala</span>, and Mary <span class="Tillet">
the daughter</span>
of James, and <span class="Tillet">
the mother of</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
Joseph</span>, and the mother of the sons of <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Zavdai</span>. (57) And when evening arrived, there came a rich man from <span class="Tillet">
named Joseph, who was also himself a disciple of Jesus. (58) This man
went to Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded
it to be given up. (59) And Joseph took the body, and wrapped it in <span class="Tillet">
pure linen</span>, (60) and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had <span class="HebMatt">
hewn out in the rock. And he rolled a great stone <span class="HebMatt">
over the entrance </span>
of the tomb. (61) <span class="Tillet">
And there were present </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="Tillet">
the Magdalene and the other </span>
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
<span class="Tillet">
sitting over against the sepulchre.</span>
(62) Now on the next day which was <span class="M&uuml;nster">
the day after the Preparation</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
of the Passover</span>,
the chief priests and the Pharisees were gathered together before
Pilate, (63) saying, "Sir, we remember that this deceiver said while he
was yet alive, 'After three days <span class="Tillet">
of my death I will </span>
rise again <span class="HebMatt">
and come to life</span>.'
(64) Therefore, command that the sepulchre be made sure until the third
day. Otherwise, his disciples may come and steal him away, and say to
the people, 'He is risen from the dead.' And the last <span class="Tillet">
will be worse than the first." (65) Pilate said to them, "<span class="HebMatt">Search out guards </span>
and <span class="GospHebrews">
make it as sure as you can.</span>" (66) <span class="GospHebrews">
And he gave them armed men to sit right in front of the cave and guard it day and night.</span>
So they went, and <span class="HebMatt">
completed the structure of the tomb</span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
<span class="GospHebrews">
sealing the stone</span>, and <span class="Tillet">
making the sepulchre inaccessible </span>
by<span class="HebMatt">
placing a guard there</span>.</p>
<h2>Chapter Twenty-Eight</h2>
<p>(1) <span class="GreekVariants">
In </span>
the end of the second Sabbath that week, <span class="M&uuml;nster">
as the sun began to dawn </span>
<span class="Tillet">
<span class="M&uuml;nster">
day one of the week</span>
came Mary <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. (2) <span class="Tillet">
And behold</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
then the earth shook</span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
Then an angel of <span class="M&uuml;nster">
descended from heaven <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
to the tomb</span>, and came and rolled away the stone, <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
and stood up </span>
<span class="Tillet">
and sat upon it.</span>
(3) His appearance was <span class="HebMatt">
like </span>
<span class="Tillet">
lightning</span>, and his raiment as snow. (4) And for fear of him the <span class="HebMatt">
did quake, and became as dead men. (5) And the angel answered and said
to the women, "Do not fear. For I know that you seek Jesus, who <span class="M&uuml;nster">
was crucified</span>. (6) He is not here. For he is <span class="HebMatt">
already alive</span>, even as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord <span class="HebMatt">
arose</span>. (7) And go quickly, and tell his disciples, that the<span class="HebMatt">
is risen from the dead. And he is going before you <span class="Tillet">
into Galilee</span>. There you shall see him <span class="HebMatt">
as he told you</span>." (8) And they departed quickly from the tomb with fear <span class="HebMatt">
because they had seen the angel</span>, <span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
with </span>
great joy <span class="HebMatt">
because the Lord had </span>
<span class="HebMatt-nccg">
<span class="HebMatt">
to life. </span>
They<span class="HebMatt">
ran to bring his disciples word. (9) <span class="HebMatt">
As they were going </span>
<span class="HebMatt">
<span class="HebMatt">
passed before them saying:</span>
"<span class="Tillet">Peace, Shalom, be with you</span>. <span class="HebMatt">
May Yahweh deliver you</span>." And they came <span class="HebMatt">
and <span class="HebMatt">
bowed down to him</span>
<span class="Tillet">
and held him by the feet</span>, and <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
bowed down before</span>
him. (10) Then Jesus said to them, "Do not fear. Go tell my brothers
that they should depart for Galilee. There they shall see me." (11) Now
while they were going, some of the guard came into the city, and told
the chief priests all the things that <span class="HebMatt">
had happened</span>. (12) And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave a great amount of money to the <span class="HebMatt">
horsemen</span>, (13) saying, "Say that his disciples came by night, and stole him away while <span class="HebMatt">
slept. (14) And if this come to the ears <span class="HebMatt">
of Pilate</span>, we will persuade him to<span class="HebMatt">
leave you alone</span>, <span class="Tillet">
and </span>
thereby<span class="Tillet">
protect you</span>." (15) So they took the money, and did as they were told. And this saying was <span class="Tillet">
among the Jews, and continues until this day. (16) But the <span class="HebMatt">
disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had instructed them. (17) And when they saw him, they <span class="HebMatt-yaha">
bowed down before</span>
him. But some doubted <span class="HebMatt">
him</span>. (17.1) <span class="GospHebrews">
I </span>
Matthew<span class="GospHebrews">
also truly saw him in the flesh after the resurrection, and believe
that he is. And, when he came to Peter and to those who were with</span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
Peter, he said to</span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
them: "Take, feel me and see that I am not an incorporeal daemon." And immediately they touched him and believed.</span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
He said to them: "Why are you troubled, and thoughts ascend in your
hearts? See my hands and feet, that it is I myself. Handle and discern,
because a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have."
And, when he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet. </span>
(17.2) <span class="Thomas">
The disciples said to Jesus: "We know you will leave us. Who is going
to then lead us?" Jesus said to them: "No matter where you reside, you
are to go to James the Just, for whose sake heaven and earth came into
being." </span>
(17.3) <span class="GospHebrews">
And when the Lord had given his shroud to a servant of the priest he
went to James and appeared to him. For James had sworn that he would
not eat bread from that hour wherein he had drunk the cup of the Lord
until he saw him rising from the dead....</span>
Jesus said to James<span class="GospHebrews">: "Bring a table and the bread." And </span>
Jesus<span class="GospHebrews">
took up the bread and blessed </span>
God<span class="GospHebrews">
and broke </span>
it<span class="GospHebrews">
and afterwards gave to James the Just and said to him: "My brother, eat your</span>
<span class="GospHebrews">
bread for the Son of Man is risen from them that sleep."</span>
(18) And Jesus came to the disciples and spoke to them, saying, "All
authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth." (19) "Go<span class="HebMatt">
to them</span>
and <span class="Ebionite">
make disciples of all nations in my name</span>. (20.1) <span class="HebMatt-nccg">
And guard and</span>
teach them to <span class="HebMatt">
carry out</span>
<span class="HebMatt">
all things whatever I commanded you. (20.2) <span class="Muslim">
Act as you have seen me act, </span>
and<span class="Muslim">
instruct people in accordance with instructions I have given you</span>. (20.3) <span class="M&uuml;nster">
And behold, I am with you until the consummation of the ages.</span>" (Luke 24:50) <span class="Luke">
When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them</span>
. (Luke 24:51) <span class="Luke">
While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven</span>. (Luke 24:52) <span class="Luke">
Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy</span>. (Luke 24:53) <span class="Luke">
And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God</span>.</p>
<p>And, just as it is said in the gospel of the Nazaraeans, <span class="GospHebrews">
he had kissed the feet of each.</span>
<p>"<span class="GospHebrews">
Unless you cease from sacrificing, the wrath of God shall not cease from you</span>." </p>
<p>1. A Messianic leader friend familiar with Hebrew advises: "The
Hebrew word for woman in Howard's Hebrew Matthew is eeshah." In
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions, eeshah means "woman, wife,
female." See also Strong's 802 (identical) available here: <a href="http://www.searchgodsword.org/lex/heb/view.cgi?number=0802" title="searchgodsword.org" target="_blank">http://www.searchgodsword.org/lex/heb/view.cgi?number=0802</a>.</p>
<p>Page URL: <a href="http://jesuswordsonly.com/images/stories/JWOBook/ogm2012.htm">http://jesuswordsonly.com/images/stories/JWOBook/ogm2012.htm</a></p>
<p>Web site:<a href="http://jesuswordsonly.com" target="_blank"> href="http://jesuswordsonly.com</a></p>
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