import os import random PATH = '/home/arthur/img/Wallpapers/wallpyper/'# path to media (wallpaper) files = os.listdir(PATH) def run(command,output=False): devNull = ">/dev/null" if output == True: os.system(command) else: os.system(command + devNull) def kill(): ''' will output artifacts if run more 2 processes It function read PID in /tmp/, and kill process. ''' with open('/tmp/','r') as file: for pid in file: run(f'kill {pid}') def setWallPaper(): media = random.choices(files)[0] if media[-4:] != '.gif': run(f"feh --bg-scale {PATH}{media}") else: run(f" auto {PATH}{media} & echo $! > /tmp/",True) # > tmp/ write PID for kill()