# WallPyper WallPyPer - is small utility, work via [foo-Wallpaper-Feh-Gif ](https://github.com/thomas10-10/foo-Wallpaper-Feh-Gif) and [feh](https://github.com/derf/feh). [](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/51211371/177040973-fca8885d-167e-4945-a4b6-48336e92e3c1.gif) WallPyPer can work with images and gifs. ## Install Dependencies: * [feh](https://github.com/derf/feh) * [foo-Wallpaper-Feh-Gif ](https://github.com/thomas10-10/foo-Wallpaper-Feh-Gif) * [pytomlpp](https://github.com/bobfang1992/pytomlpp) **feh** is most likely already in your list of repositories. Debiadn/Ubuntu: ``` sudo apt install feh ``` Arch: ``` pacman -S feh ``` --- **foo-Wallpaper-feh-gif** is just bash script, you can download it [here](https://github.com/thomas10-10/foo-Wallpaper-Feh-Gif/blob/master/back4.sh) ``` curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thomas10-10/foo-Wallpaper-Feh-Gif/master/install.sh | bash ``` --- Install pytomlpp ``` pip install pytomlpp ``` --- Then download WallPyPer and install it. ``` git clone https://github.com/KarimullinArthur/WallPyPer.git cd WallPyPer chmod +x install.sh ./install.sh ``` ## Configuration Create conifg in *~/.config/wallpyper/config* Example: ``` # WallPyPer default_theme = "main" [new] type = "static" random = true path = "~/.bg/" [main] type = "static" url = "~/.bg/1.jpg" [dynamic] type = "dynamic" path = "~/.bg/" delay = "10:00" ``` ## Auto Start For **i3wm** add in your ~/.conifg/i3/config one string: ``` exec wallpyper ```