/** * Created by Aleksey Chichenkov on 1/23/19. */ var js_beautify = require("js-beautify"); var args = require("args-parser")(process.argv); var fs = require("fs"); var exec = require('child_process').exec; exec("re2c -i lexer.l", function(err, stdout, stderr) { err && console.log("ERROR: ", err); err && process.exit(1); post_process_lexer(stdout); }); var post_process_lexer = function (_string) { // insert last case for string detect _string = _string.replace(/\}\nENDER}/gm, "yy100000000: { this._searchString(); this._set_next(); return; }}}"); _string = _string.replace(/^.*(_r2c_var_.*;|unsigned int yyaccept = 0;)\n/gm, ""); // replace var yych; _string = _string.replace(/(yych = \*this._yy_cursor);\n/gm, "\tcase 1:\n yych = this._string[this._yy_cursor];\n"); // insert "case 1:" before; _string = _string.replace(/\*(.*?);/gm, "this._string[$1];"); // замена разыменовываний _string = _string.replace(/^yy(\d*?):/gm, "case $1:"); // replace goto marker onto case _string = _string.replace(/\) goto yy(\d*?);/gm, ") { id = $1; break; }"); // replace goto inside if _string = _string.replace(/goto yy(\d*?);/gm, "id = $1; break;"); // replace goto outside if _string = _string.replace(/\{ (addLexeme.*break;) \}/gm, "$1"); // replace addLexeme _string = _string.replace(/\{ (unknownSymbol.*break;) \}/gm, "$1"); // replace unknownSymbol _string = _string.replace(/0x00/gm, 'undefined'); // replace 0x00 // black magic _string = _string.replace(/(switch \(yych\) \{[\s\S]*?})/gm, "(function(){$1}.bind(this))(); break;"); // добавим замыкание что бы обработать свиче в свиче _string = _string.replace(/switch\((id)\)/gm, "switch(this._state)"); // replace id to this._state _string = _string.replace(/id = (\d.*?);/gm, "this._state = $1;"); // replace id = n to this._state = n _string = _string.replace(/yyaccept/gm, "this._yy_accept"); // replace yyaccept to this._yy_accept _string = _string.replace(/yych/gm, "this._yy_char"); // replace yych to this._yy_char if(args["t"] !== undefined) { switch (args["t"]) { case "web": _string = "(function(){\n" + _string + "return Lexer; \n})"; break; case "node": _string += "\n module.exports = Lexer"; break; } } var output = args["o"] || "lexer.js"; if( !(args["no-beautify"] || args["nb"]) ) { _string = js_beautify(_string, {indent_size: 4, space_in_empty_paren: true}); } fs.writeFileSync(output, _string); };