State 0: main ::= * expr string ::= * STRING_LITERAL id ::= * string id ::= * ID eq ::= * id EQ literal and ::= * expr AND expr expr ::= * eq expr ::= * and expr ::= * LCB expr RCB STRING_LITERAL shift-reduce 3 string ::= STRING_LITERAL ID shift-reduce 5 id ::= ID LCB shift 1 main accept expr shift 6 string shift-reduce 4 id ::= string id shift 11 eq shift-reduce 8 expr ::= eq and shift-reduce 9 expr ::= and State 1: string ::= * STRING_LITERAL id ::= * string id ::= * ID eq ::= * id EQ literal and ::= * expr AND expr expr ::= * eq expr ::= * and expr ::= * LCB expr RCB expr ::= LCB * expr RCB STRING_LITERAL shift-reduce 3 string ::= STRING_LITERAL ID shift-reduce 5 id ::= ID LCB shift 1 expr shift 5 string shift-reduce 4 id ::= string id shift 11 eq shift-reduce 8 expr ::= eq and shift-reduce 9 expr ::= and State 2: string ::= * STRING_LITERAL id ::= * string id ::= * ID eq ::= * id EQ literal and ::= * expr AND expr and ::= expr AND * expr expr ::= * eq expr ::= * and expr ::= * LCB expr RCB STRING_LITERAL shift-reduce 3 string ::= STRING_LITERAL ID shift-reduce 5 id ::= ID LCB shift 1 expr shift-reduce 7 and ::= expr AND expr string shift-reduce 4 id ::= string id shift 11 eq shift-reduce 8 expr ::= eq and shift-reduce 9 expr ::= and State 3: integer ::= * INTEGER_LITERAL literal ::= * integer eq ::= id EQ * literal address_literal ::= * ADDRESS LSB address_literal_content_or_empty RSB literal ::= * address_literal INTEGER_LITERAL shift-reduce 1 integer ::= INTEGER_LITERAL ADDRESS shift 10 integer shift-reduce 2 literal ::= integer literal shift-reduce 6 eq ::= id EQ literal address_literal shift-reduce 16 literal ::= address_literal State 4: address_literal_content ::= * STRING_LITERAL address_literal_content ::= * address_literal_content COMMA STRING_LITERAL address_literal_content_or_empty ::= * address_literal_content (14) address_literal_content_or_empty ::= * address_literal ::= ADDRESS LSB * address_literal_content_or_empty RSB STRING_LITERAL shift-reduce 11 address_literal_content ::= STRING_LITERAL address_literal_content shift 9 address_literal_content_or_empty shift 7 {default} reduce 14 address_literal_content_or_empty ::= State 5: and ::= expr * AND expr expr ::= LCB expr * RCB AND shift 2 RCB shift-reduce 10 expr ::= LCB expr RCB State 6: (0) main ::= expr * and ::= expr * AND expr $ reduce 0 main ::= expr AND shift 2 State 7: address_literal ::= ADDRESS LSB address_literal_content_or_empty * RSB RSB shift-reduce 15 address_literal ::= ADDRESS LSB address_literal_content_or_empty RSB State 8: address_literal_content ::= address_literal_content COMMA * STRING_LITERAL STRING_LITERAL shift-reduce 12 address_literal_content ::= address_literal_content COMMA STRING_LITERAL State 9: address_literal_content ::= address_literal_content * COMMA STRING_LITERAL (13) address_literal_content_or_empty ::= address_literal_content * COMMA shift 8 {default} reduce 13 address_literal_content_or_empty ::= address_literal_content State 10: address_literal ::= ADDRESS * LSB address_literal_content_or_empty RSB LSB shift 4 State 11: eq ::= id * EQ literal EQ shift 3 ---------------------------------------------------- Symbols: 0: $: 1: OR 2: AND 3: NOT 4: INTEGER_LITERAL 5: STRING_LITERAL 6: ID 7: EQ 8: LCB 9: RCB 10: COMMA 11: ADDRESS 12: LSB 13: RSB 14: error: 15: main: STRING_LITERAL ID LCB 16: expr: STRING_LITERAL ID LCB 17: integer: INTEGER_LITERAL 18: literal: INTEGER_LITERAL ADDRESS 19: string: STRING_LITERAL 20: id: STRING_LITERAL ID 21: eq: STRING_LITERAL ID 22: and: STRING_LITERAL ID LCB 23: address_literal_content: STRING_LITERAL 24: address_literal_content_or_empty: STRING_LITERAL 25: address_literal: ADDRESS