/* * Squawk messenger. * Copyright (C) 2019 Yury Gubich <blue@macaw.me> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "conversation.h" #include "ui_conversation.h" #include <QDebug> #include <QScrollBar> #include <QTimer> #include <QGraphicsDropShadowEffect> #include <QFileDialog> #include <QMimeDatabase> Conversation::Conversation(bool muc, const QString& mJid, const QString mRes, const QString pJid, const QString pRes, const QString& acc, QWidget* parent): QWidget(parent), isMuc(muc), myJid(mJid), myResource(mRes), palJid(pJid), activePalResource(pRes), account(acc), line(new MessageLine(muc)), m_ui(new Ui::Conversation()), ker(), res(), vis(), thread(), statusIcon(0), statusLabel(0), filesLayout(0), filesToAttach(), scroll(down), manualSliderChange(false), requestingHistory(false), everShown(false) { m_ui->setupUi(this); filesLayout = new FlowLayout(m_ui->filesPanel, 0); m_ui->filesPanel->setLayout(filesLayout); m_ui->splitter->setSizes({300, 0}); m_ui->splitter->setStretchFactor(1, 0); statusIcon = m_ui->statusIcon; statusLabel = m_ui->statusLabel; connect(&ker, SIGNAL(enterPressed()), this, SLOT(onEnterPressed())); connect(&res, SIGNAL(resized()), this, SLOT(onScrollResize())); connect(&vis, SIGNAL(shown()), this, SLOT(onScrollResize())); connect(&vis, SIGNAL(hidden()), this, SLOT(onScrollResize())); connect(m_ui->sendButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(onEnterPressed())); connect(line, SIGNAL(resize(int)), this, SLOT(onMessagesResize(int))); connect(line, SIGNAL(downloadFile(const QString&, const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(downloadFile(const QString&, const QString&))); connect(line, SIGNAL(requestLocalFile(const QString&, const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(requestLocalFile(const QString&, const QString&))); connect(m_ui->attachButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(onAttach())); m_ui->messageEditor->installEventFilter(&ker); QScrollBar* vs = m_ui->scrollArea->verticalScrollBar(); m_ui->scrollArea->setWidget(line); vs->installEventFilter(&vis); vs->setBackgroundRole(QPalette::Base); vs->setAutoFillBackground(true); connect(vs, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onSliderValueChanged(int))); m_ui->scrollArea->installEventFilter(&res); applyVisualEffects(); } Conversation::~Conversation() { } void Conversation::applyVisualEffects() { QGraphicsDropShadowEffect *e1 = new QGraphicsDropShadowEffect; e1->setBlurRadius(10); e1->setXOffset(0); e1->setYOffset(-2); e1->setColor(Qt::black); m_ui->bl->setGraphicsEffect(e1); QGraphicsDropShadowEffect *e2 = new QGraphicsDropShadowEffect; e2->setBlurRadius(7); e2->setXOffset(0); e2->setYOffset(2); e2->setColor(Qt::black); m_ui->ul->setGraphicsEffect(e2); QGraphicsDropShadowEffect *e3 = new QGraphicsDropShadowEffect; e3->setBlurRadius(10); e3->setXOffset(0); e3->setYOffset(2); e3->setColor(Qt::black); m_ui->ut->setGraphicsEffect(e3); } void Conversation::setName(const QString& name) { m_ui->nameLabel->setText(name); setWindowTitle(name); } QString Conversation::getAccount() const { return account; } QString Conversation::getJid() const { return palJid; } void Conversation::addMessage(const Shared::Message& data) { int pos = m_ui->scrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->sliderPosition(); int max = m_ui->scrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->maximum(); MessageLine::Position place = line->message(data); if (place == MessageLine::invalid) { return; } } KeyEnterReceiver::KeyEnterReceiver(QObject* parent): QObject(parent), ownEvent(false) {} bool KeyEnterReceiver::eventFilter(QObject* obj, QEvent* event) { QEvent::Type type = event->type(); if (type == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent* key = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event); int k = key->key(); if (k == Qt::Key_Enter || k == Qt::Key_Return) { Qt::KeyboardModifiers mod = key->modifiers(); if (mod & Qt::ControlModifier) { mod = mod & ~Qt::ControlModifier; QKeyEvent* nEvent = new QKeyEvent(event->type(), k, mod, key->text(), key->isAutoRepeat(), key->count()); QCoreApplication::postEvent(obj, nEvent); ownEvent = true; return true; } else { if (ownEvent) { ownEvent = false; } else { emit enterPressed(); return true; } } } } return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); } QString Conversation::getPalResource() const { return activePalResource; } void Conversation::setPalResource(const QString& res) { activePalResource = res; } void Conversation::onEnterPressed() { QString body(m_ui->messageEditor->toPlainText()); if (body.size() > 0) { m_ui->messageEditor->clear(); handleSendMessage(body); } } void Conversation::onMessagesResize(int amount) { manualSliderChange = true; switch (scroll) { case down: m_ui->scrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(m_ui->scrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->maximum()); break; case keep: { int max = m_ui->scrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->maximum(); int value = m_ui->scrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->value() + amount; m_ui->scrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(value); if (value == max) { scroll = down; } else { scroll = nothing; } } break; default: break; } manualSliderChange = false; } void Conversation::onSliderValueChanged(int value) { if (!manualSliderChange) { if (value == m_ui->scrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->maximum()) { scroll = down; } else { if (!requestingHistory && value == 0) { requestingHistory = true; line->showBusyIndicator(); emit requestArchive(line->firstMessageId()); scroll = keep; } else { scroll = nothing; } } } } void Conversation::responseArchive(const std::list<Shared::Message> list) { requestingHistory = false; scroll = keep; line->hideBusyIndicator(); for (std::list<Shared::Message>::const_iterator itr = list.begin(), end = list.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { addMessage(*itr); } } void Conversation::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) { if (!everShown) { everShown = true; line->showBusyIndicator(); requestingHistory = true; scroll = keep; emit requestArchive(line->firstMessageId()); } emit shown(); QWidget::showEvent(event); } void Conversation::onAttach() { QFileDialog* d = new QFileDialog(this, "Chose a file to send"); d->setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFile); connect(d, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(onFileSelected())); connect(d, SIGNAL(rejected()), d, SLOT(deleteLater())); d->show(); } void Conversation::onFileSelected() { QFileDialog* d = static_cast<QFileDialog*>(sender()); for (const QString& path : d->selectedFiles()) { addAttachedFile(path); } d->deleteLater(); } void Conversation::setStatus(const QString& status) { statusLabel->setText(status); } void Conversation::onScrollResize() { if (everShown) { int size = m_ui->scrollArea->width(); QScrollBar* bar = m_ui->scrollArea->verticalScrollBar(); if (bar->isVisible()) { size -= bar->width(); } line->setMaximumWidth(size); } } void Conversation::responseDownloadProgress(const QString& messageId, qreal progress) { line->responseDownloadProgress(messageId, progress); } void Conversation::downloadError(const QString& messageId, const QString& error) { line->downloadError(messageId, error); } void Conversation::responseLocalFile(const QString& messageId, const QString& path) { line->responseLocalFile(messageId, path); } void Conversation::addAttachedFile(const QString& path) { QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType type = db.mimeTypeForFile(path); QFileInfo info(path); Badge* badge = new Badge(path, info.fileName(), QIcon::fromTheme(type.iconName())); connect(badge, SIGNAL(close()), this, SLOT(onBadgeClose())); filesToAttach.push_back(badge); //TODO neet to check if there are any duplicated ids filesLayout->addWidget(badge); if (filesLayout->count() == 1) { filesLayout->setContentsMargins(3, 3, 3, 3); } } void Conversation::removeAttachedFile(Badge* badge) { W::Order<Badge*, Badge::Comparator>::const_iterator itr = filesToAttach.find(badge); if (itr != filesToAttach.end()) { filesToAttach.erase(badge); if (filesLayout->count() == 1) { filesLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); } badge->deleteLater(); } } void Conversation::onBadgeClose() { Badge* badge = static_cast<Badge*>(sender()); removeAttachedFile(badge); } void Conversation::clearAttachedFiles() { for (Badge* badge : filesToAttach) { badge->deleteLater(); } filesToAttach.clear(); filesLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); } bool VisibilityCatcher::eventFilter(QObject* obj, QEvent* event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::Show) { emit shown(); } if (event->type() == QEvent::Hide) { emit hidden(); } return false; } VisibilityCatcher::VisibilityCatcher(QWidget* parent): QObject(parent) { }