/* * Squawk messenger. * Copyright (C) 2019 Yury Gubich <blue@macaw.me> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "vcard.h" Shared::VCard::Contact::Contact(Shared::VCard::Contact::Role p_role, bool p_prefered): role(p_role), prefered(p_prefered) {} Shared::VCard::Email::Email(const QString& addr, Shared::VCard::Contact::Role p_role, bool p_prefered): Contact(p_role, p_prefered), address(addr) {} Shared::VCard::Phone::Phone(const QString& nmbr, Shared::VCard::Phone::Type p_type, Shared::VCard::Contact::Role p_role, bool p_prefered): Contact(p_role, p_prefered), number(nmbr), type(p_type) {} Shared::VCard::Address::Address(const QString& zCode, const QString& cntry, const QString& rgn, const QString& lclty, const QString& strt, const QString& ext, Shared::VCard::Contact::Role p_role, bool p_prefered): Contact(p_role, p_prefered), zipCode(zCode), country(cntry), region(rgn), locality(lclty), street(strt), external(ext) {} Shared::VCard::VCard(): fullName(), firstName(), middleName(), lastName(), nickName(), description(), url(), organizationName(), organizationUnit(), organizationRole(), jobTitle(), birthday(), photoType(Avatar::empty), photoPath(), receivingTime(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()), emails(), phones(), addresses() {} Shared::VCard::VCard(const QDateTime& creationTime): fullName(), firstName(), middleName(), lastName(), nickName(), description(), url(), organizationName(), organizationUnit(), organizationRole(), jobTitle(), birthday(), photoType(Avatar::empty), photoPath(), receivingTime(creationTime), emails(), phones(), addresses() {} QString Shared::VCard::getAvatarPath() const { return photoPath; } Shared::Avatar Shared::VCard::getAvatarType() const { return photoType; } QDate Shared::VCard::getBirthday() const { return birthday; } QString Shared::VCard::getDescription() const { return description; } QString Shared::VCard::getFirstName() const { return firstName; } QString Shared::VCard::getLastName() const { return lastName; } QString Shared::VCard::getMiddleName() const { return middleName; } QString Shared::VCard::getNickName() const { return nickName; } void Shared::VCard::setAvatarPath(const QString& path) { if (path != photoPath) { photoPath = path; } } void Shared::VCard::setAvatarType(Shared::Avatar type) { if (photoType != type) { photoType = type; } } void Shared::VCard::setBirthday(const QDate& date) { if (date.isValid() && birthday != date) { birthday = date; } } void Shared::VCard::setDescription(const QString& descr) { if (description != descr) { description = descr; } } void Shared::VCard::setFirstName(const QString& first) { if (firstName != first) { firstName = first; } } void Shared::VCard::setLastName(const QString& last) { if (lastName != last) { lastName = last; } } void Shared::VCard::setMiddleName(const QString& middle) { if (middleName != middle) { middleName = middle; } } void Shared::VCard::setNickName(const QString& nick) { if (nickName != nick) { nickName = nick; } } QString Shared::VCard::getFullName() const { return fullName; } QString Shared::VCard::getUrl() const { return url; } void Shared::VCard::setFullName(const QString& name) { if (fullName != name) { fullName = name; } } void Shared::VCard::setUrl(const QString& u) { if (url != u) { url = u; } } QString Shared::VCard::getOrgName() const { return organizationName; } QString Shared::VCard::getOrgRole() const { return organizationRole; } QString Shared::VCard::getOrgTitle() const { return jobTitle; } QString Shared::VCard::getOrgUnit() const { return organizationUnit; } void Shared::VCard::setOrgName(const QString& name) { if (organizationName != name) { organizationName = name; } } void Shared::VCard::setOrgRole(const QString& role) { if (organizationRole != role) { organizationRole = role; } } void Shared::VCard::setOrgTitle(const QString& title) { if (jobTitle != title) { jobTitle = title; } } void Shared::VCard::setOrgUnit(const QString& unit) { if (organizationUnit != unit) { organizationUnit = unit; } } QDateTime Shared::VCard::getReceivingTime() const { return receivingTime; } std::deque<Shared::VCard::Email> & Shared::VCard::getEmails() { return emails; } std::deque<Shared::VCard::Address> & Shared::VCard::getAddresses() { return addresses; } std::deque<Shared::VCard::Phone> & Shared::VCard::getPhones() { return phones; } const std::deque<Shared::VCard::Email> & Shared::VCard::getEmails() const { return emails; } const std::deque<Shared::VCard::Address> & Shared::VCard::getAddresses() const { return addresses; } const std::deque<Shared::VCard::Phone> & Shared::VCard::getPhones() const { return phones; } const std::deque<QString>Shared::VCard::Contact::roleNames = {"Not specified", "Personal", "Business"}; const std::deque<QString>Shared::VCard::Phone::typeNames = {"Fax", "Pager", "Voice", "Cell", "Video", "Modem", "Other"};