/* * Squawk messenger. * Copyright (C) 2019 Yury Gubich <blue@macaw.me> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <QDebug> #include "omemohandler.h" #include "core/account.h" #include "core/adapterfunctions.h" Core::OmemoHandler::OmemoHandler(Account* account) : QObject(), QXmppOmemoStorage(), acc(account), ownDevice(std::nullopt), db(acc->getName() + "/omemo"), meta(db.addCache<QString, QVariant>("meta")), devices(db.addCache<QString, QHash<uint32_t, Device>>("devices")), preKeyPairs(db.addCache<uint32_t, QByteArray>("preKeyPairs")), signedPreKeyPairs(db.addCache<uint32_t, SignedPreKeyPair>("signedPreKeyPairs")) { db.open(); try { QVariant own = meta->getRecord("ownDevice"); ownDevice = own.value<OwnDevice>(); qDebug() << "Successfully found own device omemo data for account" << acc->getName(); } catch (const LMDBAL::NotFound& e) { qDebug() << "No device omemo data was found for account" << acc->getName(); } } Core::OmemoHandler::~OmemoHandler() { db.close(); } bool Core::OmemoHandler::hasOwnDevice() { return ownDevice.has_value(); } QXmppTask<QXmppOmemoStorage::OmemoData> Core::OmemoHandler::allData() { OmemoData data; data.ownDevice = ownDevice; LMDBAL::Transaction txn = db.beginReadOnlyTransaction(); std::map<uint32_t, QByteArray> pkeys = preKeyPairs->readAll(txn); for (const std::pair<const uint32_t, QByteArray>& pair : pkeys) data.preKeyPairs.insert(pair.first, pair.second); std::map<uint32_t, SignedPreKeyPair> spre = signedPreKeyPairs->readAll(txn); for (const std::pair<const uint32_t, SignedPreKeyPair>& pair : spre) { QXmppOmemoStorage::SignedPreKeyPair qxpair = {pair.second.first, pair.second.second}; data.signedPreKeyPairs.insert(pair.first, qxpair); } std::map<QString, QHash<uint32_t, Device>> devs = devices->readAll(txn); for (const std::pair<const QString, QHash<uint32_t, Device>>& pair : devs) data.devices.insert(pair.first, pair.second); return Core::makeReadyTask(std::move(data)); } QXmppTask<void> Core::OmemoHandler::addDevice(const QString& jid, uint32_t deviceId, const QXmppOmemoStorage::Device& device) { QHash<uint32_t, Device> devs; LMDBAL::WriteTransaction txn = db.beginTransaction(); bool had = true; try { devices->getRecord(jid, devs, txn); } catch (const LMDBAL::NotFound& error) { had = false; } devs.insert(deviceId, device); //overwrites if (had) devices->changeRecord(jid, devs, txn); else devices->addRecord(jid, devs, txn); txn.commit(); return Core::makeReadyTask(); } QXmppTask<void> Core::OmemoHandler::addPreKeyPairs(const QHash<uint32_t, QByteArray>& keyPairs) { LMDBAL::WriteTransaction txn = db.beginTransaction(); for (QHash<uint32_t, QByteArray>::const_iterator itr = keyPairs.begin(), end = keyPairs.end(); itr != end; ++itr) preKeyPairs->forceRecord(itr.key(), itr.value(), txn); txn.commit(); return Core::makeReadyTask(); } QXmppTask<void> Core::OmemoHandler::addSignedPreKeyPair(uint32_t keyId, const QXmppOmemoStorage::SignedPreKeyPair& keyPair) { signedPreKeyPairs->forceRecord(keyId, std::make_pair(keyPair.creationDate, keyPair.data)); return Core::makeReadyTask(); } QXmppTask<void> Core::OmemoHandler::removeDevice(const QString& jid, uint32_t deviceId) { LMDBAL::WriteTransaction txn = db.beginTransaction(); QHash<uint32_t, Device> devs = devices->getRecord(jid, txn); devs.remove(deviceId); if (devs.isEmpty()) devices->removeRecord(jid, txn); else devices->changeRecord(jid, devs, txn); txn.commit(); return Core::makeReadyTask(); } QXmppTask<void> Core::OmemoHandler::removeDevices(const QString& jid) { devices->removeRecord(jid); return Core::makeReadyTask(); } QXmppTask<void> Core::OmemoHandler::removePreKeyPair(uint32_t keyId) { try { preKeyPairs->removeRecord(keyId); } catch (const LMDBAL::NotFound& e) { qDebug() << "Couldn't remove preKeyPair " << e.what(); } return Core::makeReadyTask(); } QXmppTask<void> Core::OmemoHandler::removeSignedPreKeyPair(uint32_t keyId) { try { signedPreKeyPairs->removeRecord(keyId); } catch (const LMDBAL::NotFound& e) {} return Core::makeReadyTask(); } QXmppTask<void> Core::OmemoHandler::setOwnDevice(const std::optional<OwnDevice>& device) { bool had = ownDevice.has_value(); ownDevice = device; if (ownDevice.has_value()) { if (had) meta->changeRecord("ownDevice", QVariant::fromValue(ownDevice.value())); else meta->addRecord("ownDevice", QVariant::fromValue(ownDevice.value())); } else if (had) { meta->removeRecord("ownDevice"); } return Core::makeReadyTask(); } QXmppTask<void> Core::OmemoHandler::resetAll() { ownDevice = std::nullopt; db.drop(); return Core::makeReadyTask(); } void Core::OmemoHandler::getDevices(const QString& jid, std::list<Shared::KeyInfo>& out) const { QHash<uint32_t, Device> devs; try { devices->getRecord(jid, devs); } catch (const LMDBAL::NotFound& error) {} for (QHash<uint32_t, Device>::const_iterator itr = devs.begin(), end = devs.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { const Device& dev = itr.value(); out.emplace_back( itr.key(), dev.keyId, dev.label, dev.removalFromDeviceListDate, Shared::TrustLevel::undecided, Shared::EncryptionProtocol::omemo2, false ); } } void Core::OmemoHandler::requestBundles(const QString& jid) { QXmppTask<void> task = acc->om->buildMissingSessions({jid}); Contact* cnt = acc->rh->getContact(jid); if (cnt) cnt->omemoBundles = Shared::Possible::discovering; task.then(this, std::bind(&OmemoHandler::onBundlesReceived, this, jid)); } void Core::OmemoHandler::requestOwnBundles() { QXmppTask<void> task = acc->om->buildMissingSessions({acc->getBareJid()}); task.then(this, std::bind(&OmemoHandler::onOwnBundlesReceived, this)); } void Core::OmemoHandler::onBundlesReceived(const QString& jid) { std::list<Shared::KeyInfo> keys = readKeys(jid); Contact* cnt = acc->rh->getContact(jid); if (cnt) cnt->omemoBundles = Shared::Possible::present; acc->delay->receivedBundles(jid, keys); } void Core::OmemoHandler::onOwnBundlesReceived() { std::list<Shared::KeyInfo> keys = readKeys(acc->getBareJid()); if (ownDevice) keys.emplace_front( ownDevice->id, ownDevice->publicIdentityKey, ownDevice->label, QDateTime::currentDateTime(), Shared::TrustLevel::authenticated, Shared::EncryptionProtocol::omemo2, true ); acc->delay->receivedOwnBundles(keys); } std::list<Shared::KeyInfo> Core::OmemoHandler::readKeys(const QString& jid) { std::list<Shared::KeyInfo> keys; getDevices(jid, keys); std::map<QByteArray, Shared::TrustLevel> trustLevels = acc->th->getKeys(Shared::EncryptionProtocol::omemo2, jid); for (Shared::KeyInfo& key : keys) { std::map<QByteArray, Shared::TrustLevel>::const_iterator itr = trustLevels.find(key.fingerPrint); if (itr != trustLevels.end()) key.trustLevel = itr->second; } return keys; } void Core::OmemoHandler::onOmemoDeviceAdded(const QString& jid, uint32_t id) { SHARED_UNUSED(id); qDebug() << "OMEMO device added for" << jid; } QDataStream & operator >> (QDataStream& in, QXmppOmemoStorage::Device& device) { in >> device.label; in >> device.keyId; in >> device.session; in >> device.unrespondedSentStanzasCount; in >> device.unrespondedReceivedStanzasCount; in >> device.removalFromDeviceListDate; return in; } QDataStream & operator << (QDataStream& out, const QXmppOmemoStorage::Device& device) { out << device.label; out << device.keyId; out << device.session; out << device.unrespondedSentStanzasCount; out << device.unrespondedReceivedStanzasCount; out << device.removalFromDeviceListDate; return out; } QDataStream & operator >> (QDataStream& in, QXmppOmemoStorage::OwnDevice& device) { in >> device.id; in >> device.label; in >> device.privateIdentityKey; in >> device.publicIdentityKey; in >> device.latestSignedPreKeyId; in >> device.latestPreKeyId; return in; } QDataStream & operator << (QDataStream& out, const QXmppOmemoStorage::OwnDevice& device) { out << device.id; out << device.label; out << device.privateIdentityKey; out << device.publicIdentityKey; out << device.latestSignedPreKeyId; out << device.latestPreKeyId; return out; }