#include "contact.h" #include <QDebug> #include "account.h" Models::Contact::Contact(const QString& p_jid ,const QMap<QString, QVariant> &data, Item *parentItem): Item(Item::contact, data, parentItem), jid(p_jid), availability(Shared::offline), state(Shared::none), presences(), messages(), childMessages(0) { QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator itr = data.find("state"); if (itr != data.end()) { setState(itr.value().toUInt()); } } Models::Contact::~Contact() { } QString Models::Contact::getJid() const { return jid; } void Models::Contact::setJid(const QString p_jid) { if (jid != p_jid) { jid = p_jid; changed(1); } } void Models::Contact::setAvailability(unsigned int p_state) { if (p_state <= Shared::availabilityHighest) { Shared::Availability state = static_cast<Shared::Availability>(p_state); setAvailability(state); } else { qDebug() << "An attempt to set invalid availability " << p_state << " to the contact " << jid; } } void Models::Contact::setState(unsigned int p_state) { if (p_state <= Shared::subscriptionStateHighest) { Shared::SubscriptionState state = static_cast<Shared::SubscriptionState>(p_state); setState(state); } else { qDebug() << "An attempt to set invalid subscription state " << p_state << " to the contact " << jid; } } Shared::Availability Models::Contact::getAvailability() const { return availability; } void Models::Contact::setAvailability(Shared::Availability p_state) { if (availability != p_state) { availability = p_state; changed(3); } } int Models::Contact::columnCount() const { return 5; } QVariant Models::Contact::data(int column) const { switch (column) { case 0: if (name == "") { return jid; } else { return Item::data(column); } case 1: return jid; case 2: return state; case 3: return availability; case 4: return getMessagesCount(); default: return QVariant(); } } void Models::Contact::update(const QString& field, const QVariant& value) { if (field == "name") { setName(value.toString()); } else if (field == "jid") { setJid(value.toString()); } else if (field == "availability") { setAvailability(value.toUInt()); } else if (field == "state") { setState(value.toUInt()); } } void Models::Contact::addPresence(const QString& p_name, const QMap<QString, QVariant>& data) { QMap<QString, Presence*>::iterator itr = presences.find(p_name); if (itr == presences.end()) { Presence* pr = new Presence(data); pr->setName(p_name); presences.insert(p_name, pr); appendChild(pr); } else { Presence* pr = itr.value(); for (QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator itr = data.begin(), end = data.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { pr->update(itr.key(), itr.value()); } } } void Models::Contact::removePresence(const QString& name) { QMap<QString, Presence*>::iterator itr = presences.find(name); if (itr == presences.end()) { qDebug() << "an attempt to remove non existing presence " << name << " from the contact " << jid << " of account " << getAccountName() << ", skipping"; } else { Presence* pr = itr.value(); presences.erase(itr); removeChild(pr->row()); } } void Models::Contact::refresh() { QDateTime lastActivity; Presence* presence = 0; unsigned int count = 0; for (QMap<QString, Presence*>::iterator itr = presences.begin(), end = presences.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { Presence* pr = itr.value(); QDateTime la = pr->getLastActivity(); count += pr->getMessagesCount(); if (la > lastActivity) { lastActivity = la; presence = pr; } } if (presence != 0) { setAvailability(presence->getAvailability()); } else { setAvailability(Shared::offline); } if (childMessages != count) { childMessages = count; changed(4); } } void Models::Contact::_removeChild(int index) { Item* child = childItems[index]; disconnect(child, SIGNAL(childChanged(Models::Item*, int, int)), this, SLOT(refresh())); Item::_removeChild(index); refresh(); } void Models::Contact::appendChild(Models::Item* child) { Item::appendChild(child); connect(child, SIGNAL(childChanged(Models::Item*, int, int)), this, SLOT(refresh())); refresh(); } Shared::SubscriptionState Models::Contact::getState() const { return state; } void Models::Contact::setState(Shared::SubscriptionState p_state) { if (state != p_state) { state = p_state; changed(2); } } QIcon Models::Contact::getStatusIcon() const { if (getMessagesCount() > 0) { return QIcon::fromTheme("mail-message"); } else if (state == Shared::both) { return QIcon::fromTheme(Shared::availabilityThemeIcons[availability]); } else { return QIcon::fromTheme(Shared::subscriptionStateThemeIcons[state]); } } QString Models::Contact::getAccountName() const { const Account* acc = getParentAccount(); if (acc == 0) { qDebug() << "An attempt to request account name of the contact " << jid << " but the parent account wasn't found, returning empty string"; return ""; } return acc->getName(); } void Models::Contact::addMessage(const Shared::Message& data) { const QString& res = data.getPenPalResource(); if (res.size() > 0) { QMap<QString, Presence*>::iterator itr = presences.find(res); if (itr == presences.end()) { qDebug() << "An attempt to add message to the roster to the unknown resource " << res << " of contact " << jid << " in account " << getAccountName() << ", skipping"; return; } itr.value()->addMessage(data); } else { messages.emplace_back(data); changed(4); } } unsigned int Models::Contact::getMessagesCount() const { return messages.size() + childMessages; } void Models::Contact::dropMessages() { if (messages.size() > 0) { messages.clear(); changed(4); } for (QMap<QString, Presence*>::iterator itr = presences.begin(), end = presences.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { itr.value()->dropMessages(); } } void Models::Contact::getMessages(Models::Contact::Messages& container) const { for (Messages::const_iterator itr = messages.begin(), end = messages.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { const Shared::Message& msg = *itr; container.push_back(msg); } for (QMap<QString, Presence*>::const_iterator itr = presences.begin(), end = presences.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { itr.value()->getMessages(container); } } QString Models::Contact::getAccountJid() const { const Account* acc = getParentAccount(); if (acc == 0) { qDebug() << "An attempt to request account jid of the contact " << jid << " but the parent account wasn't found, returning empty string"; return ""; } return acc->getLogin() + "@" + acc->getServer(); } QString Models::Contact::getAccountResource() const { const Account* acc = getParentAccount(); if (acc == 0) { qDebug() << "An attempt to request account resource of the contact " << jid << " but the parent account wasn't found, returning empty string"; return ""; } return acc->getResource(); } const Models::Account * Models::Contact::getParentAccount() const { const Item* p = this; do { p = p->parentItemConst(); } while (p != 0 && p->type != Item::account); return static_cast<const Account*>(p); }