#This file is taken from here https://gitlab.ralph.or.at/causal-rt/causal-cpp/, it was GPLv3 license #Thank you so much, mr. Ralph Alexander Bariz, I hope you don't mind me using your code # Try to find LMDB headers and library. # # Usage of this module as follows: # # find_package(LMDB) # # Variables used by this module, they can change the default behaviour and need # to be set before calling find_package: # # LMDB_ROOT_DIR Set this variable to the root installation of # LMDB if the module has problems finding the # proper installation path. # # Variables defined by this module: # # LMDB_FOUND System has LMDB library/headers. # LMDB_LIBRARIES The LMDB library. # LMDB_INCLUDE_DIRS The location of LMDB headers. find_path(LMDB_ROOT_DIR NAMES include/lmdb.h ) find_library(LMDB_LIBRARIES NAMES lmdb HINTS ${LMDB_ROOT_DIR}/lib ) find_path(LMDB_INCLUDE_DIRS NAMES lmdb.h HINTS ${LMDB_ROOT_DIR}/include ) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(LMDB DEFAULT_MSG LMDB_LIBRARIES LMDB_INCLUDE_DIRS ) mark_as_advanced( LMDB_ROOT_DIR LMDB_LIBRARIES LMDB_INCLUDE_DIRS )