/* * Squawk messenger. * Copyright (C) 2019 Yury Gubich <blue@macaw.me> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef CORE_ARCHIVE_H #define CORE_ARCHIVE_H #include <QObject> #include <QCryptographicHash> #include <QMimeDatabase> #include <QMimeType> #include "shared/message.h" #include "shared/exception.h" #include <lmdb.h> #include <list> namespace Core { class Archive : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: class AvatarInfo; Archive(const QString& jid, QObject* parent = 0); ~Archive(); void open(const QString& account); void close(); bool addElement(const Shared::Message& message); unsigned int addElements(const std::list<Shared::Message>& messages); Shared::Message getElement(const QString& id) const; bool hasElement(const QString& id) const; void changeMessage(const QString& id, const QMap<QString, QVariant>& data); Shared::Message oldest(); QString oldestId(); Shared::Message newest(); QString newestId(); void clear(); long unsigned int size() const; std::list<Shared::Message> getBefore(int count, const QString& id); bool isFromTheBeginning(); void setFromTheBeginning(bool is); bool setAvatar(const QByteArray& data, AvatarInfo& info, bool generated = false, const QString& resource = ""); AvatarInfo getAvatarInfo(const QString& resource = "") const; bool readAvatarInfo(AvatarInfo& target, const QString& resource = "") const; void readAllResourcesAvatars(std::map<QString, AvatarInfo>& data) const; QString idByStanzaId(const QString& stanzaId) const; QString stanzaIdById(const QString& id) const; public: const QString jid; public: class Directory: public Utils::Exception { public: Directory(const std::string& p_path):Exception(), path(p_path){} std::string getMessage() const{return "Can't create directory for database at " + path;} private: std::string path; }; class Closed: public Utils::Exception { public: Closed(const std::string& op, const std::string& acc):Exception(), operation(op), account(acc){} std::string getMessage() const{return "An attempt to perform operation " + operation + " on closed archive for " + account;} private: std::string operation; std::string account; }; class NotFound: public Utils::Exception { public: NotFound(const std::string& k, const std::string& acc):Exception(), key(k), account(acc){} std::string getMessage() const{return "Element for id " + key + " wasn't found in database " + account;} private: std::string key; std::string account; }; class Empty: public Utils::Exception { public: Empty(const std::string& acc):Exception(), account(acc){} std::string getMessage() const{return "An attempt to read ordered elements from database " + account + " but it's empty";} private: std::string account; }; class Exist: public Utils::Exception { public: Exist(const std::string& acc, const std::string& p_key):Exception(), account(acc), key(p_key){} std::string getMessage() const{return "An attempt to insert element " + key + " to database " + account + " but it already has an element with given id";} private: std::string account; std::string key; }; class NoAvatar: public Utils::Exception { public: NoAvatar(const std::string& el, const std::string& res):Exception(), element(el), resource(res){ if (resource.size() == 0) { resource = "for himself"; } } std::string getMessage() const{return "Element " + element + " has no avatar for " + resource ;} private: std::string element; std::string resource; }; class Unknown: public Utils::Exception { public: Unknown(const std::string& acc, const std::string& message):Exception(), account(acc), msg(message){} std::string getMessage() const{return "Unknown error on database " + account + ": " + msg;} private: std::string account; std::string msg; }; class AvatarInfo { public: AvatarInfo(); AvatarInfo(const QString& type, const QByteArray& hash, bool autogenerated); void deserialize(char* pointer, uint32_t size); void serialize(QByteArray* ba) const; QString type; QByteArray hash; bool autogenerated; }; private: bool opened; bool fromTheBeginning; MDB_env* environment; MDB_dbi main; //id to message MDB_dbi order; //time to id MDB_dbi stats; MDB_dbi avatars; MDB_dbi sid; //stanzaId to id bool getStatBoolValue(const std::string& id, MDB_txn* txn); std::string getStatStringValue(const std::string& id, MDB_txn* txn); bool setStatValue(const std::string& id, bool value, MDB_txn* txn); bool setStatValue(const std::string& id, const std::string& value, MDB_txn* txn); bool readAvatarInfo(AvatarInfo& target, const std::string& res, MDB_txn* txn) const; void printOrder(); void printKeys(); bool dropAvatar(const std::string& resource); Shared::Message getMessage(const std::string& id, MDB_txn* txn) const; Shared::Message getStoredMessage(MDB_txn *txn, MDB_cursor* cursor, MDB_cursor_op op, MDB_val* key, MDB_val* value, int& rc); Shared::Message edge(bool end); }; } #endif // CORE_ARCHIVE_H