/* * Squawk messenger. * Copyright (C) 2019 Yury Gubich <blue@macaw.me> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "dropshadoweffect.h" #include "QtMath" static const int tileSize = 32; template <class T> static inline void qt_memrotate90_tiled(const T *src, int w, int h, int sstride, T *dest, int dstride) { sstride /= sizeof(T); dstride /= sizeof(T); const int pack = sizeof(quint32) / sizeof(T); const int unaligned = qMin(uint((quintptr(dest) & (sizeof(quint32)-1)) / sizeof(T)), uint(h)); const int restX = w % tileSize; const int restY = (h - unaligned) % tileSize; const int unoptimizedY = restY % pack; const int numTilesX = w / tileSize + (restX > 0); const int numTilesY = (h - unaligned) / tileSize + (restY >= pack); for (int tx = 0; tx < numTilesX; ++tx) { const int startx = w - tx * tileSize - 1; const int stopx = qMax(startx - tileSize, 0); if (unaligned) { for (int x = startx; x >= stopx; --x) { T *d = dest + (w - x - 1) * dstride; for (int y = 0; y < unaligned; ++y) { *d++ = src[y * sstride + x]; } } } for (int ty = 0; ty < numTilesY; ++ty) { const int starty = ty * tileSize + unaligned; const int stopy = qMin(starty + tileSize, h - unoptimizedY); for (int x = startx; x >= stopx; --x) { quint32 *d = reinterpret_cast<quint32*>(dest + (w - x - 1) * dstride + starty); for (int y = starty; y < stopy; y += pack) { quint32 c = src[y * sstride + x]; for (int i = 1; i < pack; ++i) { const int shift = (sizeof(T) * 8 * i); const T color = src[(y + i) * sstride + x]; c |= color << shift; } *d++ = c; } } } if (unoptimizedY) { const int starty = h - unoptimizedY; for (int x = startx; x >= stopx; --x) { T *d = dest + (w - x - 1) * dstride + starty; for (int y = starty; y < h; ++y) { *d++ = src[y * sstride + x]; } } } } } template <class T> static inline void qt_memrotate90_tiled_unpacked(const T *src, int w, int h, int sstride, T *dest, int dstride) { const int numTilesX = (w + tileSize - 1) / tileSize; const int numTilesY = (h + tileSize - 1) / tileSize; for (int tx = 0; tx < numTilesX; ++tx) { const int startx = w - tx * tileSize - 1; const int stopx = qMax(startx - tileSize, 0); for (int ty = 0; ty < numTilesY; ++ty) { const int starty = ty * tileSize; const int stopy = qMin(starty + tileSize, h); for (int x = startx; x >= stopx; --x) { T *d = (T *)((char*)dest + (w - x - 1) * dstride) + starty; const char *s = (const char*)(src + x) + starty * sstride; for (int y = starty; y < stopy; ++y) { *d++ = *(const T *)(s); s += sstride; } } } } } template <class T> static inline void qt_memrotate270_tiled(const T *src, int w, int h, int sstride, T *dest, int dstride) { sstride /= sizeof(T); dstride /= sizeof(T); const int pack = sizeof(quint32) / sizeof(T); const int unaligned = qMin(uint((quintptr(dest) & (sizeof(quint32)-1)) / sizeof(T)), uint(h)); const int restX = w % tileSize; const int restY = (h - unaligned) % tileSize; const int unoptimizedY = restY % pack; const int numTilesX = w / tileSize + (restX > 0); const int numTilesY = (h - unaligned) / tileSize + (restY >= pack); for (int tx = 0; tx < numTilesX; ++tx) { const int startx = tx * tileSize; const int stopx = qMin(startx + tileSize, w); if (unaligned) { for (int x = startx; x < stopx; ++x) { T *d = dest + x * dstride; for (int y = h - 1; y >= h - unaligned; --y) { *d++ = src[y * sstride + x]; } } } for (int ty = 0; ty < numTilesY; ++ty) { const int starty = h - 1 - unaligned - ty * tileSize; const int stopy = qMax(starty - tileSize, unoptimizedY); for (int x = startx; x < stopx; ++x) { quint32 *d = reinterpret_cast<quint32*>(dest + x * dstride + h - 1 - starty); for (int y = starty; y >= stopy; y -= pack) { quint32 c = src[y * sstride + x]; for (int i = 1; i < pack; ++i) { const int shift = (sizeof(T) * 8 * i); const T color = src[(y - i) * sstride + x]; c |= color << shift; } *d++ = c; } } } if (unoptimizedY) { const int starty = unoptimizedY - 1; for (int x = startx; x < stopx; ++x) { T *d = dest + x * dstride + h - 1 - starty; for (int y = starty; y >= 0; --y) { *d++ = src[y * sstride + x]; } } } } } template <class T> static inline void qt_memrotate270_tiled_unpacked(const T *src, int w, int h, int sstride, T *dest, int dstride) { const int numTilesX = (w + tileSize - 1) / tileSize; const int numTilesY = (h + tileSize - 1) / tileSize; for (int tx = 0; tx < numTilesX; ++tx) { const int startx = tx * tileSize; const int stopx = qMin(startx + tileSize, w); for (int ty = 0; ty < numTilesY; ++ty) { const int starty = h - 1 - ty * tileSize; const int stopy = qMax(starty - tileSize, 0); for (int x = startx; x < stopx; ++x) { T *d = (T*)((char*)dest + x * dstride) + h - 1 - starty; const char *s = (const char*)(src + x) + starty * sstride; for (int y = starty; y >= stopy; --y) { *d++ = *(const T*)s; s -= sstride; } } } } } template <class T> static inline void qt_memrotate90_template(const T *src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int srcStride, T *dest, int dstStride) { #if Q_BYTE_ORDER == Q_LITTLE_ENDIAN // packed algorithm assumes little endian and that sizeof(quint32)/sizeof(T) is an integer if (sizeof(quint32) % sizeof(T) == 0) qt_memrotate90_tiled<T>(src, srcWidth, srcHeight, srcStride, dest, dstStride); else #endif qt_memrotate90_tiled_unpacked<T>(src, srcWidth, srcHeight, srcStride, dest, dstStride); } template <> inline void qt_memrotate90_template<quint32>(const quint32 *src, int w, int h, int sstride, quint32 *dest, int dstride) { // packed algorithm doesn't have any benefit for quint32 qt_memrotate90_tiled_unpacked(src, w, h, sstride, dest, dstride); } template <> inline void qt_memrotate90_template<quint64>(const quint64 *src, int w, int h, int sstride, quint64 *dest, int dstride) { qt_memrotate90_tiled_unpacked(src, w, h, sstride, dest, dstride); } template <class T> static inline void qt_memrotate180_template(const T *src, int w, int h, int sstride, T *dest, int dstride) { const char *s = (const char*)(src) + (h - 1) * sstride; for (int dy = 0; dy < h; ++dy) { T *d = reinterpret_cast<T*>((char *)(dest) + dy * dstride); src = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(s); for (int dx = 0; dx < w; ++dx) { d[dx] = src[w - 1 - dx]; } s -= sstride; } } template <class T> static inline void qt_memrotate270_template(const T *src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int srcStride, T *dest, int dstStride) { #if Q_BYTE_ORDER == Q_LITTLE_ENDIAN // packed algorithm assumes little endian and that sizeof(quint32)/sizeof(T) is an integer if (sizeof(quint32) % sizeof(T) == 0) qt_memrotate270_tiled<T>(src, srcWidth, srcHeight, srcStride, dest, dstStride); else #endif qt_memrotate270_tiled_unpacked<T>(src, srcWidth, srcHeight, srcStride, dest, dstStride); } template <> inline void qt_memrotate270_template<quint32>(const quint32 *src, int w, int h, int sstride, quint32 *dest, int dstride) { // packed algorithm doesn't have any benefit for quint32 qt_memrotate270_tiled_unpacked(src, w, h, sstride, dest, dstride); } template <> inline void qt_memrotate270_template<quint64>(const quint64 *src, int w, int h, int sstride, quint64 *dest, int dstride) { qt_memrotate270_tiled_unpacked(src, w, h, sstride, dest, dstride); } #define QT_IMPL_MEMROTATE(type) \ void qt_memrotate90(const type *src, int w, int h, int sstride, \ type *dest, int dstride) \ { \ qt_memrotate90_template(src, w, h, sstride, dest, dstride); \ } \ void qt_memrotate180(const type *src, int w, int h, int sstride, \ type *dest, int dstride) \ { \ qt_memrotate180_template(src, w, h, sstride, dest, dstride); \ } \ void qt_memrotate270(const type *src, int w, int h, int sstride, \ type *dest, int dstride) \ { \ qt_memrotate270_template(src, w, h, sstride, dest, dstride); \ } #define QT_IMPL_SIMPLE_MEMROTATE(type) \ void qt_memrotate90(const type *src, int w, int h, int sstride, \ type *dest, int dstride) \ { \ qt_memrotate90_tiled_unpacked(src, w, h, sstride, dest, dstride); \ } \ void qt_memrotate180(const type *src, int w, int h, int sstride, \ type *dest, int dstride) \ { \ qt_memrotate180_template(src, w, h, sstride, dest, dstride); \ } \ void qt_memrotate270(const type *src, int w, int h, int sstride, \ type *dest, int dstride) \ { \ qt_memrotate270_tiled_unpacked(src, w, h, sstride, dest, dstride); \ } QT_IMPL_MEMROTATE(quint64) QT_IMPL_MEMROTATE(quint32) QT_IMPL_MEMROTATE(quint16) QT_IMPL_MEMROTATE(quint8) void qt_memrotate90_8(const uchar *srcPixels, int w, int h, int sbpl, uchar *destPixels, int dbpl) { qt_memrotate90(srcPixels, w, h, sbpl, destPixels, dbpl); } void qt_memrotate180_8(const uchar *srcPixels, int w, int h, int sbpl, uchar *destPixels, int dbpl) { qt_memrotate180(srcPixels, w, h, sbpl, destPixels, dbpl); } void qt_memrotate270_8(const uchar *srcPixels, int w, int h, int sbpl, uchar *destPixels, int dbpl) { qt_memrotate270(srcPixels, w, h, sbpl, destPixels, dbpl); } void qt_memrotate90_16(const uchar *srcPixels, int w, int h, int sbpl, uchar *destPixels, int dbpl) { qt_memrotate90((const ushort *)srcPixels, w, h, sbpl, (ushort *)destPixels, dbpl); } void qt_memrotate180_16(const uchar *srcPixels, int w, int h, int sbpl, uchar *destPixels, int dbpl) { qt_memrotate180((const ushort *)srcPixels, w, h, sbpl, (ushort *)destPixels, dbpl); } void qt_memrotate270_16(const uchar *srcPixels, int w, int h, int sbpl, uchar *destPixels, int dbpl) { qt_memrotate270((const ushort *)srcPixels, w, h, sbpl, (ushort *)destPixels, dbpl); } void qt_memrotate90_32(const uchar *srcPixels, int w, int h, int sbpl, uchar *destPixels, int dbpl) { qt_memrotate90((const uint *)srcPixels, w, h, sbpl, (uint *)destPixels, dbpl); } void qt_memrotate180_32(const uchar *srcPixels, int w, int h, int sbpl, uchar *destPixels, int dbpl) { qt_memrotate180((const uint *)srcPixels, w, h, sbpl, (uint *)destPixels, dbpl); } void qt_memrotate270_32(const uchar *srcPixels, int w, int h, int sbpl, uchar *destPixels, int dbpl) { qt_memrotate270((const uint *)srcPixels, w, h, sbpl, (uint *)destPixels, dbpl); } void qt_memrotate90_64(const uchar *srcPixels, int w, int h, int sbpl, uchar *destPixels, int dbpl) { qt_memrotate90((const quint64 *)srcPixels, w, h, sbpl, (quint64 *)destPixels, dbpl); } void qt_memrotate180_64(const uchar *srcPixels, int w, int h, int sbpl, uchar *destPixels, int dbpl) { qt_memrotate180((const quint64 *)srcPixels, w, h, sbpl, (quint64 *)destPixels, dbpl); } void qt_memrotate270_64(const uchar *srcPixels, int w, int h, int sbpl, uchar *destPixels, int dbpl) { qt_memrotate270((const quint64 *)srcPixels, w, h, sbpl, (quint64 *)destPixels, dbpl); } #define AVG(a,b) ( ((((a)^(b)) & 0xfefefefeUL) >> 1) + ((a)&(b)) ) #define AVG16(a,b) ( ((((a)^(b)) & 0xf7deUL) >> 1) + ((a)&(b)) ) const int alphaIndex = (QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::BigEndian ? 0 : 3); QImage qt_halfScaled(const QImage &source) { if (source.width() < 2 || source.height() < 2) return QImage(); QImage srcImage = source; if (source.format() == QImage::Format_Indexed8 || source.format() == QImage::Format_Grayscale8) { // assumes grayscale QImage dest(source.width() / 2, source.height() / 2, srcImage.format()); dest.setDevicePixelRatio(source.devicePixelRatioF()); const uchar *src = reinterpret_cast<const uchar*>(const_cast<const QImage &>(srcImage).bits()); qsizetype sx = srcImage.bytesPerLine(); qsizetype sx2 = sx << 1; uchar *dst = reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(dest.bits()); qsizetype dx = dest.bytesPerLine(); int ww = dest.width(); int hh = dest.height(); for (int y = hh; y; --y, dst += dx, src += sx2) { const uchar *p1 = src; const uchar *p2 = src + sx; uchar *q = dst; for (int x = ww; x; --x, ++q, p1 += 2, p2 += 2) *q = ((int(p1[0]) + int(p1[1]) + int(p2[0]) + int(p2[1])) + 2) >> 2; } return dest; } else if (source.format() == QImage::Format_ARGB8565_Premultiplied) { QImage dest(source.width() / 2, source.height() / 2, srcImage.format()); dest.setDevicePixelRatio(source.devicePixelRatioF()); const uchar *src = reinterpret_cast<const uchar*>(const_cast<const QImage &>(srcImage).bits()); qsizetype sx = srcImage.bytesPerLine(); qsizetype sx2 = sx << 1; uchar *dst = reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(dest.bits()); qsizetype dx = dest.bytesPerLine(); int ww = dest.width(); int hh = dest.height(); for (int y = hh; y; --y, dst += dx, src += sx2) { const uchar *p1 = src; const uchar *p2 = src + sx; uchar *q = dst; for (int x = ww; x; --x, q += 3, p1 += 6, p2 += 6) { // alpha q[0] = AVG(AVG(p1[0], p1[3]), AVG(p2[0], p2[3])); // rgb const quint16 p16_1 = (p1[2] << 8) | p1[1]; const quint16 p16_2 = (p1[5] << 8) | p1[4]; const quint16 p16_3 = (p2[2] << 8) | p2[1]; const quint16 p16_4 = (p2[5] << 8) | p2[4]; const quint16 result = AVG16(AVG16(p16_1, p16_2), AVG16(p16_3, p16_4)); q[1] = result & 0xff; q[2] = result >> 8; } } return dest; } else if (source.format() != QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied && source.format() != QImage::Format_RGB32) { srcImage = source.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); } QImage dest(source.width() / 2, source.height() / 2, srcImage.format()); dest.setDevicePixelRatio(source.devicePixelRatioF()); const quint32 *src = reinterpret_cast<const quint32*>(const_cast<const QImage &>(srcImage).bits()); qsizetype sx = srcImage.bytesPerLine() >> 2; qsizetype sx2 = sx << 1; quint32 *dst = reinterpret_cast<quint32*>(dest.bits()); qsizetype dx = dest.bytesPerLine() >> 2; int ww = dest.width(); int hh = dest.height(); for (int y = hh; y; --y, dst += dx, src += sx2) { const quint32 *p1 = src; const quint32 *p2 = src + sx; quint32 *q = dst; for (int x = ww; x; --x, q++, p1 += 2, p2 += 2) *q = AVG(AVG(p1[0], p1[1]), AVG(p2[0], p2[1])); } return dest; } template <int shift> inline int qt_static_shift(int value) { if (shift == 0) return value; else if (shift > 0) return value << (uint(shift) & 0x1f); else return value >> (uint(-shift) & 0x1f); } template<int aprec, int zprec> inline void qt_blurinner(uchar *bptr, int &zR, int &zG, int &zB, int &zA, int alpha) { QRgb *pixel = (QRgb *)bptr; #define Z_MASK (0xff << zprec) const int A_zprec = qt_static_shift<zprec - 24>(*pixel) & Z_MASK; const int R_zprec = qt_static_shift<zprec - 16>(*pixel) & Z_MASK; const int G_zprec = qt_static_shift<zprec - 8>(*pixel) & Z_MASK; const int B_zprec = qt_static_shift<zprec>(*pixel) & Z_MASK; #undef Z_MASK const int zR_zprec = zR >> aprec; const int zG_zprec = zG >> aprec; const int zB_zprec = zB >> aprec; const int zA_zprec = zA >> aprec; zR += alpha * (R_zprec - zR_zprec); zG += alpha * (G_zprec - zG_zprec); zB += alpha * (B_zprec - zB_zprec); zA += alpha * (A_zprec - zA_zprec); #define ZA_MASK (0xff << (zprec + aprec)) *pixel = qt_static_shift<24 - zprec - aprec>(zA & ZA_MASK) | qt_static_shift<16 - zprec - aprec>(zR & ZA_MASK) | qt_static_shift<8 - zprec - aprec>(zG & ZA_MASK) | qt_static_shift<-zprec - aprec>(zB & ZA_MASK); #undef ZA_MASK } template<int aprec, int zprec> inline void qt_blurinner_alphaOnly(uchar *bptr, int &z, int alpha) { const int A_zprec = int(*(bptr)) << zprec; const int z_zprec = z >> aprec; z += alpha * (A_zprec - z_zprec); *(bptr) = z >> (zprec + aprec); } template<int aprec, int zprec, bool alphaOnly> inline void qt_blurrow(QImage & im, int line, int alpha) { uchar *bptr = im.scanLine(line); int zR = 0, zG = 0, zB = 0, zA = 0; if (alphaOnly && im.format() != QImage::Format_Indexed8) bptr += alphaIndex; const int stride = im.depth() >> 3; const int im_width = im.width(); for (int index = 0; index < im_width; ++index) { if (alphaOnly) qt_blurinner_alphaOnly<aprec, zprec>(bptr, zA, alpha); else qt_blurinner<aprec, zprec>(bptr, zR, zG, zB, zA, alpha); bptr += stride; } bptr -= stride; for (int index = im_width - 2; index >= 0; --index) { bptr -= stride; if (alphaOnly) qt_blurinner_alphaOnly<aprec, zprec>(bptr, zA, alpha); else qt_blurinner<aprec, zprec>(bptr, zR, zG, zB, zA, alpha); } } template <int aprec, int zprec, bool alphaOnly> void expblur(QImage &img, qreal radius, bool improvedQuality = false, int transposed = 0) { // halve the radius if we're using two passes if (improvedQuality) radius *= qreal(0.5); Q_ASSERT(img.format() == QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied || img.format() == QImage::Format_RGB32 || img.format() == QImage::Format_Indexed8 || img.format() == QImage::Format_Grayscale8); // choose the alpha such that pixels at radius distance from a fully // saturated pixel will have an alpha component of no greater than // the cutOffIntensity const qreal cutOffIntensity = 2; int alpha = radius <= qreal(1e-5) ? ((1 << aprec)-1) : qRound((1<<aprec)*(1 - qPow(cutOffIntensity * (1 / qreal(255)), 1 / radius))); int img_height = img.height(); for (int row = 0; row < img_height; ++row) { for (int i = 0; i <= int(improvedQuality); ++i) qt_blurrow<aprec, zprec, alphaOnly>(img, row, alpha); } QImage temp(img.height(), img.width(), img.format()); temp.setDevicePixelRatio(img.devicePixelRatioF()); if (transposed >= 0) { if (img.depth() == 8) { qt_memrotate270(reinterpret_cast<const quint8*>(img.bits()), img.width(), img.height(), img.bytesPerLine(), reinterpret_cast<quint8*>(temp.bits()), temp.bytesPerLine()); } else { qt_memrotate270(reinterpret_cast<const quint32*>(img.bits()), img.width(), img.height(), img.bytesPerLine(), reinterpret_cast<quint32*>(temp.bits()), temp.bytesPerLine()); } } else { if (img.depth() == 8) { qt_memrotate90(reinterpret_cast<const quint8*>(img.bits()), img.width(), img.height(), img.bytesPerLine(), reinterpret_cast<quint8*>(temp.bits()), temp.bytesPerLine()); } else { qt_memrotate90(reinterpret_cast<const quint32*>(img.bits()), img.width(), img.height(), img.bytesPerLine(), reinterpret_cast<quint32*>(temp.bits()), temp.bytesPerLine()); } } img_height = temp.height(); for (int row = 0; row < img_height; ++row) { for (int i = 0; i <= int(improvedQuality); ++i) qt_blurrow<aprec, zprec, alphaOnly>(temp, row, alpha); } if (transposed == 0) { if (img.depth() == 8) { qt_memrotate90(reinterpret_cast<const quint8*>(temp.bits()), temp.width(), temp.height(), temp.bytesPerLine(), reinterpret_cast<quint8*>(img.bits()), img.bytesPerLine()); } else { qt_memrotate90(reinterpret_cast<const quint32*>(temp.bits()), temp.width(), temp.height(), temp.bytesPerLine(), reinterpret_cast<quint32*>(img.bits()), img.bytesPerLine()); } } else { img = temp; } } PixmapFilter::PixmapFilter(QObject* parent):QObject(parent) {} PixmapFilter::~PixmapFilter(){} QRectF PixmapFilter::boundingRectFor(const QRectF &rect) const {return rect;} PixmapDropShadowFilter::PixmapDropShadowFilter(QObject *parent): PixmapFilter(parent), mColor(63, 63, 63, 180), mRadius(1), mThickness(2), top(true), right(true), bottom(true), left(true){} PixmapDropShadowFilter::~PixmapDropShadowFilter() {} qreal PixmapDropShadowFilter::blurRadius() const {return mRadius;} void PixmapDropShadowFilter::setBlurRadius(qreal radius) {mRadius = radius;} QColor PixmapDropShadowFilter::color() const {return mColor;} void PixmapDropShadowFilter::setColor(const QColor &color) {mColor = color;} qreal PixmapDropShadowFilter::thickness() const {return mThickness;} void PixmapDropShadowFilter::setThickness(qreal thickness) {mThickness = thickness;} void PixmapDropShadowFilter::setFrame(bool ptop, bool pright, bool pbottom, bool pleft) { top = ptop; right = pright; bottom = pbottom; left = pleft; } void DropShadowEffect::setThickness(qreal thickness) { if (filter.thickness() == thickness) return; filter.setThickness(thickness); update(); } void PixmapDropShadowFilter::draw(QPainter *p, const QPointF &pos, const QPixmap &px, const QRectF &src) const { if (px.isNull()) return; QImage tmp({px.width(), px.height() + int(mThickness)}, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); tmp.setDevicePixelRatio(px.devicePixelRatioF()); tmp.fill(0); QPainter tmpPainter(&tmp); tmpPainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); if (top) { QRectF shadow(0, 0, px.width(), mThickness); tmpPainter.fillRect(shadow, mColor); } if (right) { QRectF shadow(px.width() - mThickness, 0, mThickness, px.height()); tmpPainter.fillRect(shadow, mColor); } if (bottom) { QRectF shadow(0, px.height() - mThickness, px.width(), mThickness * 2); //i have no idea why, but it leaves some unpainted stripe without some spare space tmpPainter.fillRect(shadow, mColor); } if (left) { QRectF shadow(0, 0, mThickness, px.height()); tmpPainter.fillRect(shadow, mColor); } expblur<12, 10, false>(tmp, mRadius, false, 0); tmpPainter.end(); // Draw the actual pixmap... p->drawPixmap(pos, px, src); // draw the blurred drop shadow... p->drawImage(pos, tmp); } qreal DropShadowEffect::blurRadius() const {return filter.blurRadius();} void DropShadowEffect::setBlurRadius(qreal blurRadius) { if (qFuzzyCompare(filter.blurRadius(), blurRadius)) return; filter.setBlurRadius(blurRadius); updateBoundingRect(); emit blurRadiusChanged(blurRadius); } void DropShadowEffect::setFrame(bool top, bool right, bool bottom, bool left) { filter.setFrame(top, right, bottom, left); update(); } QColor DropShadowEffect::color() const {return filter.color();} void DropShadowEffect::setColor(const QColor &color) { if (filter.color() == color) return; filter.setColor(color); update(); emit colorChanged(color); } void DropShadowEffect::draw(QPainter* painter) { if (filter.blurRadius() <= 0 && filter.thickness() == 0) { drawSource(painter); return; } PixmapPadMode mode = PadToEffectiveBoundingRect; // Draw pixmap in device coordinates to avoid pixmap scaling. QPoint offset; const QPixmap pixmap = sourcePixmap(Qt::DeviceCoordinates, &offset, mode); if (pixmap.isNull()) return; QTransform restoreTransform = painter->worldTransform(); painter->setWorldTransform(QTransform()); filter.draw(painter, offset, pixmap); painter->setWorldTransform(restoreTransform); }