/* * Squawk messenger. * Copyright (C) 2019 Yury Gubich * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "feedview.h" #include #include #include #include constexpr int maxMessageHeight = 10000; constexpr int approximateSingleMessageHeight = 20; FeedView::FeedView(QWidget* parent): QAbstractItemView(parent), hints(), vo(0) { horizontalScrollBar()->setRange(0, 0); verticalScrollBar()->setSingleStep(approximateSingleMessageHeight); } FeedView::~FeedView() { } QModelIndex FeedView::indexAt(const QPoint& point) const { int32_t totalHeight = viewport()->height() + vo; if (point.y() <= totalHeight) { //if it's bigger - someone wants to know the index below the feed beginning, it's invalid uint32_t y = totalHeight - point.y(); for (std::deque::size_type i = 0; i < hints.size(); ++i) { if (y > hints[i].offset) { return model()->index(i - 1, 0, rootIndex()); } } } return QModelIndex(); } void FeedView::scrollTo(const QModelIndex& index, QAbstractItemView::ScrollHint hint) { } QRect FeedView::visualRect(const QModelIndex& index) const { if (!index.isValid() || index.row() >= hints.size()) { qDebug() << "visualRect for" << index.row(); return QRect(); } else { const Hint& hint = hints.at(index.row()); const QWidget* vp = viewport(); return QRect(0, vp->height() - hint.height - hint.offset + vo, vp->width(), hint.height); } } int FeedView::horizontalOffset() const { return 0; } bool FeedView::isIndexHidden(const QModelIndex& index) const { return false; } QModelIndex FeedView::moveCursor(QAbstractItemView::CursorAction cursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) { return QModelIndex(); } void FeedView::setSelection(const QRect& rect, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command) { } int FeedView::verticalOffset() const { return vo; } QRegion FeedView::visualRegionForSelection(const QItemSelection& selection) const { return QRegion(); } void FeedView::rowsInserted(const QModelIndex& parent, int start, int end) { updateGeometries(); QAbstractItemView::rowsInserted(parent, start, end); } void FeedView::updateGeometries() { qDebug() << "updateGeometries"; QScrollBar* bar = verticalScrollBar(); QAbstractItemView::updateGeometries(); const QStyle* st = style(); const QAbstractItemModel* m = model(); QRect layoutBounds = QRect(QPoint(), maximumViewportSize()); QStyleOptionViewItem option = viewOptions(); option.rect.setHeight(maxMessageHeight); option.rect.setWidth(layoutBounds.width()); int frameAroundContents = 0; int verticalScrollBarExtent = st->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent, 0, bar); bool layedOut = false; if (verticalScrollBarExtent != 0 && verticalScrollBarPolicy() == Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded && m->rowCount() * approximateSingleMessageHeight < layoutBounds.height()) { hints.clear(); layedOut = tryToCalculateGeometriesWithNoScrollbars(option, m, layoutBounds.height()); } if (layedOut) { bar->setRange(0, 0); } else { int verticalMargin = 0; if (st->styleHint(QStyle::SH_ScrollView_FrameOnlyAroundContents)) { frameAroundContents = st->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth) * 2; } if (verticalScrollBarPolicy() == Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded) { verticalMargin = verticalScrollBarExtent + frameAroundContents; } layoutBounds.adjust(0, 0, -verticalMargin, 0); option.features |= QStyleOptionViewItem::WrapText; option.rect.setWidth(layoutBounds.width()); hints.clear(); uint32_t previousOffset = 0; for (int i = 0, size = m->rowCount(); i < size; ++i) { QModelIndex index = m->index(i, 0, rootIndex()); int height = itemDelegate(index)->sizeHint(option, index).height(); hints.emplace_back(Hint({ false, previousOffset, static_cast(height) })); previousOffset += height; } bar->setRange(0, previousOffset - layoutBounds.height()); bar->setPageStep(layoutBounds.height()); bar->setValue(previousOffset - layoutBounds.height() - vo); } } bool FeedView::tryToCalculateGeometriesWithNoScrollbars(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QAbstractItemModel* m, uint32_t totalHeight) { uint32_t previousOffset = 0; bool success = true; for (int i = 0, size = m->rowCount(); i < size; ++i) { QModelIndex index = m->index(i, 0, rootIndex()); int height = itemDelegate(index)->sizeHint(option, index).height(); if (previousOffset + height > totalHeight) { success = false; break; } hints.emplace_back(Hint({ false, previousOffset, static_cast(height) })); previousOffset += height; } return success; } void FeedView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) { qDebug() << "paint" << event->rect(); const QAbstractItemModel* m = model(); QWidget* vp = viewport(); QRect zone = event->rect().translated(0, -vo); uint32_t vph = vp->height(); int32_t y1 = zone.y(); int32_t y2 = y1 + zone.height(); bool inZone = false; std::deque toRener; for (std::deque::size_type i = 0; i < hints.size(); ++i) { const Hint& hint = hints[i]; int32_t relativeY1 = vph - hint.offset - hint.height; if (!inZone) { if (y2 > relativeY1) { inZone = true; } } if (inZone) { toRener.emplace_back(m->index(i, 0, rootIndex())); } if (y1 > relativeY1) { break; } } QPainter painter(vp); QStyleOptionViewItem option = viewOptions(); option.features = QStyleOptionViewItem::WrapText; for (const QModelIndex& index : toRener) { option.rect = visualRect(index); itemDelegate(index)->paint(&painter, option, index); } } void FeedView::verticalScrollbarValueChanged(int value) { vo = verticalScrollBar()->maximum() - value; QAbstractItemView::verticalScrollbarValueChanged(vo); }