/* * Squawk messenger. * Copyright (C) 2019 Yury Gubich * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "messagedelegate.h" #include "ui/models/messagefeed.h" constexpr int avatarHeight = 50; constexpr int margin = 6; constexpr int textMargin = 2; constexpr int statusIconSize = 16; MessageDelegate::MessageDelegate(QObject* parent): QStyledItemDelegate(parent), bodyFont(), nickFont(), dateFont(), bodyMetrics(bodyFont), nickMetrics(nickFont), dateMetrics(dateFont), buttonHeight(0), barHeight(0), buttons(new std::map()), bars(new std::map()), idsToKeep(new std::set()), clearingWidgets(false) { QPushButton btn; buttonHeight = btn.sizeHint().height(); QProgressBar bar; barHeight = bar.sizeHint().height(); } MessageDelegate::~MessageDelegate() { for (const std::pair& pair: *buttons){ delete pair.second; } for (const std::pair& pair: *bars){ delete pair.second; } delete idsToKeep; delete buttons; delete bars; } void MessageDelegate::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const { QVariant vi = index.data(Models::MessageFeed::Bulk); if (!vi.isValid()) { return; } Models::FeedItem data = qvariant_cast(vi); painter->save(); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); if (option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver) { painter->fillRect(option.rect, option.palette.brush(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Highlight)); } QIcon icon(data.avatar); if (data.sentByMe) { painter->drawPixmap(option.rect.width() - avatarHeight - margin, option.rect.y() + margin / 2, icon.pixmap(avatarHeight, avatarHeight)); } else { painter->drawPixmap(margin, option.rect.y() + margin / 2, icon.pixmap(avatarHeight, avatarHeight)); } QStyleOptionViewItem opt = option; QRect messageRect = option.rect.adjusted(margin, margin / 2, -(avatarHeight + 2 * margin), -margin / 2); if (!data.sentByMe) { opt.displayAlignment = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop; messageRect.adjust(avatarHeight + margin, 0, avatarHeight + margin, 0); } else { opt.displayAlignment = Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignTop; } opt.rect = messageRect; QSize messageSize(0, 0); if (data.text.size() > 0) { messageSize = bodyMetrics.boundingRect(messageRect, Qt::TextWordWrap, data.text).size(); } messageSize.rheight() += nickMetrics.lineSpacing(); messageSize.rheight() += dateMetrics.height(); if (messageSize.width() < opt.rect.width()) { QSize senderSize = nickMetrics.boundingRect(messageRect, 0, data.sender).size(); if (senderSize.width() > messageSize.width()) { messageSize.setWidth(senderSize.width()); } } else { messageSize.setWidth(opt.rect.width()); } QRect rect; painter->setFont(nickFont); painter->drawText(opt.rect, opt.displayAlignment, data.sender, &rect); opt.rect.adjust(0, rect.height() + textMargin, 0, 0); painter->save(); switch (data.attach.state) { case Models::none: clearHelperWidget(data); //i can't imagine the situation where it's gonna be needed break; //but it's a possible performance problem case Models::uploading: case Models::downloading: paintBar(getBar(data), painter, data.sentByMe, opt); break; case Models::remote: case Models::local: paintButton(getButton(data), painter, data.sentByMe, opt); break; case Models::ready: clearHelperWidget(data); paintPreview(data, painter, opt); break; case Models::errorDownload: case Models::errorUpload: break; } painter->restore(); int messageLeft = 10000; //TODO if (data.text.size() > 0) { painter->setFont(bodyFont); painter->drawText(opt.rect, opt.displayAlignment | Qt::TextWordWrap, data.text, &rect); opt.rect.adjust(0, rect.height() + textMargin, 0, 0); messageLeft = rect.x(); } painter->setFont(dateFont); QColor q = painter->pen().color(); q.setAlpha(180); painter->setPen(q); painter->drawText(opt.rect, opt.displayAlignment, data.date.toLocalTime().toString(), &rect); if (data.sentByMe) { if (messageLeft > rect.x() - statusIconSize - margin) { messageLeft = rect.x() - statusIconSize - margin; } QIcon q(Shared::icon(Shared::messageStateThemeIcons[static_cast(data.state)])); if (data.state == Shared::Message::State::error) { //TODO handle error tooltip } painter->drawPixmap(messageLeft, opt.rect.y(), q.pixmap(statusIconSize, statusIconSize)); } painter->restore(); if (clearingWidgets) { idsToKeep->insert(data.id); } } QSize MessageDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const { QRect messageRect = option.rect.adjusted(0, margin / 2, -(avatarHeight + 3 * margin), -margin / 2); QStyleOptionViewItem opt = option; opt.rect = messageRect; QVariant va = index.data(Models::MessageFeed::Attach); Models::Attachment attach = qvariant_cast(va); QString body = index.data(Models::MessageFeed::Text).toString(); QSize messageSize(0, 0); if (body.size() > 0) { messageSize = bodyMetrics.boundingRect(messageRect, Qt::TextWordWrap, body).size(); messageSize.rheight() += textMargin; } switch (attach.state) { case Models::none: break; case Models::uploading: case Models::downloading: messageSize.rheight() += barHeight + textMargin; break; case Models::remote: case Models::local: messageSize.rheight() += buttonHeight + textMargin; break; case Models::ready: messageSize.rheight() += calculateAttachSize(attach.localPath, messageRect).height() + textMargin; break; case Models::errorDownload: case Models::errorUpload: break; } messageSize.rheight() += nickMetrics.lineSpacing(); messageSize.rheight() += textMargin; messageSize.rheight() += dateMetrics.height() > statusIconSize ? dateMetrics.height() : statusIconSize; if (messageSize.height() < avatarHeight) { messageSize.setHeight(avatarHeight); } messageSize.rheight() += margin; return messageSize; } void MessageDelegate::initializeFonts(const QFont& font) { bodyFont = font; nickFont = font; dateFont = font; nickFont.setBold(true); float ndps = nickFont.pointSizeF(); if (ndps != -1) { nickFont.setPointSizeF(ndps * 1.2); } else { nickFont.setPointSize(nickFont.pointSize() + 2); } dateFont.setItalic(true); float dps = dateFont.pointSizeF(); if (dps != -1) { dateFont.setPointSizeF(dps * 0.8); } else { dateFont.setPointSize(dateFont.pointSize() - 2); } bodyMetrics = QFontMetrics(bodyFont); nickMetrics = QFontMetrics(nickFont); dateMetrics = QFontMetrics(dateFont); } bool MessageDelegate::editorEvent(QEvent* event, QAbstractItemModel* model, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) { //qDebug() << event->type(); return QStyledItemDelegate::editorEvent(event, model, option, index); } void MessageDelegate::paintButton(QPushButton* btn, QPainter* painter, bool sentByMe, QStyleOptionViewItem& option) const { QPoint start; if (sentByMe) { start = {option.rect.width() - btn->width(), option.rect.top()}; } else { start = option.rect.topLeft(); } QWidget* vp = static_cast(painter->device()); btn->setParent(vp); btn->move(start); btn->show(); option.rect.adjust(0, buttonHeight + textMargin, 0, 0); } void MessageDelegate::paintBar(QProgressBar* bar, QPainter* painter, bool sentByMe, QStyleOptionViewItem& option) const { QPoint start = option.rect.topLeft(); //QWidget* vp = static_cast(painter->device()); // if (bar->parent() != vp) { // bar->setParent(vp); // } // bar->move(start); bar->resize(option.rect.width(), barHeight); // bar->show(); painter->translate(start); bar->render(painter, QPoint(), QRegion(), QWidget::DrawChildren); option.rect.adjust(0, barHeight + textMargin, 0, 0); } void MessageDelegate::paintPreview(const Models::FeedItem& data, QPainter* painter, QStyleOptionViewItem& option) const { Shared::Global::FileInfo info = Shared::Global::getFileInfo(data.attach.localPath); if (info.preview == Shared::Global::FileInfo::Preview::picture) { QSize size = constrainAttachSize(info.size, option.rect.size()); QPoint start; if (data.sentByMe) { start = {option.rect.width() - size.width(), option.rect.top()}; start.rx() += margin; } else { start = option.rect.topLeft(); } QImage img(data.attach.localPath); painter->drawImage(QRect(start, size), img); option.rect.adjust(0, size.height() + textMargin, 0, 0); } } QPushButton * MessageDelegate::getButton(const Models::FeedItem& data) const { std::map::const_iterator itr = buttons->find(data.id); FeedButton* result = 0; if (itr != buttons->end()) { if ( (data.attach.state == Models::remote && itr->second->download) || (data.attach.state == Models::local && !itr->second->download) ) { result = itr->second; } else { delete itr->second; buttons->erase(itr); } } else { std::map::const_iterator barItr = bars->find(data.id); if (barItr != bars->end()) { delete barItr->second; bars->erase(barItr); } } if (result == 0) { result = new FeedButton(); result->messageId = data.id; if (data.attach.state == Models::remote) { result->setText(QCoreApplication::translate("MessageLine", "Download")); result->download = true; } else { result->setText(QCoreApplication::translate("MessageLine", "Upload")); result->download = false; } buttons->insert(std::make_pair(data.id, result)); connect(result, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MessageDelegate::onButtonPushed); } return result; } QProgressBar * MessageDelegate::getBar(const Models::FeedItem& data) const { std::map::const_iterator barItr = bars->find(data.id); QProgressBar* result = 0; if (barItr != bars->end()) { result = barItr->second; } else { std::map::const_iterator itr = buttons->find(data.id); if (itr != buttons->end()) { delete itr->second; buttons->erase(itr); } } if (result == 0) { result = new QProgressBar(); result->setRange(0, 100); bars->insert(std::make_pair(data.id, result)); } result->setValue(data.attach.progress * 100); return result; } void MessageDelegate::beginClearWidgets() { idsToKeep->clear(); clearingWidgets = true; } void MessageDelegate::endClearWidgets() { if (clearingWidgets) { std::set toRemoveButtons; std::set toRemoveBars; for (const std::pair& pair: *buttons) { if (idsToKeep->find(pair.first) == idsToKeep->end()) { delete pair.second; toRemoveButtons.insert(pair.first); } } for (const std::pair& pair: *bars) { if (idsToKeep->find(pair.first) == idsToKeep->end()) { delete pair.second; toRemoveBars.insert(pair.first); } } for (const QString& key : toRemoveButtons) { buttons->erase(key); } for (const QString& key : toRemoveBars) { bars->erase(key); } idsToKeep->clear(); clearingWidgets = false; } } void MessageDelegate::onButtonPushed() const { FeedButton* btn = static_cast(sender()); emit buttonPushed(btn->messageId, btn->download); } void MessageDelegate::clearHelperWidget(const Models::FeedItem& data) const { std::map::const_iterator itr = buttons->find(data.id); if (itr != buttons->end()) { delete itr->second; buttons->erase(itr); } else { std::map::const_iterator barItr = bars->find(data.id); if (barItr != bars->end()) { delete barItr->second; bars->erase(barItr); } } } QSize MessageDelegate::calculateAttachSize(const QString& path, const QRect& bounds) const { Shared::Global::FileInfo info = Shared::Global::getFileInfo(path); return constrainAttachSize(info.size, bounds.size()); } QSize MessageDelegate::constrainAttachSize(QSize src, QSize bounds) const { bounds.setHeight(500); if (src.width() > bounds.width() || src.height() > bounds.height()) { src.scale(bounds, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); } return src; } // void MessageDelegate::setModelData(QWidget* editor, QAbstractItemModel* model, const QModelIndex& index) const // { // // }