/* * Squawk messenger. * Copyright (C) 2019 Yury Gubich * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "rosterhandler.h" #include "core/account.h" Core::RosterHandler::RosterHandler(Core::Account* account): QObject(), acc(account), contacts(), conferences(), groups(), queuedContacts(), outOfRosterContacts() {} void Core::RosterHandler::initialize() { connect(acc->rm, &QXmppRosterManager::rosterReceived, this, &RosterHandler::onRosterReceived); connect(acc->rm, &QXmppRosterManager::itemAdded, this, &RosterHandler::onRosterItemAdded); connect(acc->rm, &QXmppRosterManager::itemRemoved, this, &RosterHandler::onRosterItemRemoved); connect(acc->rm, &QXmppRosterManager::itemChanged, this, &RosterHandler::onRosterItemChanged); connect(acc->mm, &QXmppMucManager::roomAdded, this, &RosterHandler::onMucRoomAdded); connect(acc->bm, &QXmppBookmarkManager::bookmarksReceived, this, &RosterHandler::bookmarksReceived); connect(acc, &Account::pepSupportChanged, this, &RosterHandler::onPepSupportedChanged); #if (QXMPP_VERSION) >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(1, 5, 0) connect(acc->th, &TrustHandler::trustLevelsChanged, this, &RosterHandler::onTrustChanged); #endif } Core::RosterHandler::~RosterHandler() { clear(); } void Core::RosterHandler::clear() { for (const std::pair& pair : contacts) delete pair.second; for (const std::pair& pair : conferences) delete pair.second; contacts.clear(); conferences.clear(); } void Core::RosterHandler::onRosterReceived() { QStringList bj = acc->rm->getRosterBareJids(); for (int i = 0; i < bj.size(); ++i) { const QString& jid = bj[i]; addedAccount(jid.toLower()); } } void Core::RosterHandler::onRosterItemAdded(const QString& bareJid) { QString lcJid = bareJid.toLower(); addedAccount(lcJid); std::map::const_iterator itr = queuedContacts.find(lcJid); if (itr != queuedContacts.end()) { acc->rm->subscribe(lcJid, itr->second); queuedContacts.erase(itr); } } void Core::RosterHandler::addedAccount(const QString& jid) { std::map::const_iterator itr = contacts.find(jid); QXmppRosterIq::Item re = acc->rm->getRosterEntry(jid); Contact* contact; bool newContact = false; if (itr == contacts.end()) { newContact = true; contact = new Contact(jid, acc->name); contacts.insert(std::make_pair(jid, contact)); } else { contact = itr->second; } QSet gr = re.groups(); Shared::SubscriptionState state = castSubscriptionState(re.subscriptionType()); contact->setGroups(gr); contact->setSubscriptionState(state); contact->setName(re.name()); if (newContact) { QMap cData = contact->getInfo(); #if (QXMPP_VERSION) >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(1, 5, 0) cData.insert("trust", QVariant::fromValue(acc->th->getSummary(jid))); #endif int grCount = 0; for (QSet::const_iterator itr = gr.begin(), end = gr.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { const QString& groupName = *itr; addToGroup(jid, groupName); emit acc->addContact(jid, groupName, cData); grCount++; } if (grCount == 0) emit acc->addContact(jid, "", cData); if (acc->pepSupport == Shared::Support::supported) { acc->dm->requestInfo(jid); //acc->dm->requestItems(jid); } handleNewContact(contact); } } void Core::RosterHandler::addNewRoom(const QString& jid, const QString& nick, const QString& roomName, bool autoJoin) { QXmppMucRoom* room = acc->mm->addRoom(jid); QString lNick = nick; if (lNick.size() == 0) lNick = acc->getName(); Conference* conf = new Conference(jid, acc->getName(), autoJoin, roomName, lNick, room); conferences.insert(std::make_pair(jid, conf)); handleNewConference(conf); QMap cData = conf->getInfo(); emit acc->addRoom(jid, cData); } void Core::RosterHandler::addContactRequest(const QString& jid, const QString& name, const QSet& groups) { if (acc->state == Shared::ConnectionState::connected) { std::map::const_iterator itr = queuedContacts.find(jid); if (itr != queuedContacts.end()) { qDebug() << "An attempt to add contact " << jid << " to account " << acc->name << " but the account is already queued for adding, skipping"; } else { queuedContacts.insert(std::make_pair(jid, "")); //TODO need to add reason here; acc->rm->addItem(jid, name, groups); } } else { qDebug() << "An attempt to add contact " << jid << " to account " << acc->name << " but the account is not in the connected state, skipping"; } } void Core::RosterHandler::removeContactRequest(const QString& jid) { QString lcJid = jid.toLower(); if (acc->state == Shared::ConnectionState::connected) { std::set::const_iterator itr = outOfRosterContacts.find(lcJid); if (itr != outOfRosterContacts.end()) { outOfRosterContacts.erase(itr); onRosterItemRemoved(lcJid); } else { acc->rm->removeItem(lcJid); } } else { qDebug() << "An attempt to remove contact " << lcJid << " from account " << acc->name << " but the account is not in the connected state, skipping"; } } void Core::RosterHandler::handleNewRosterItem(Core::RosterItem* contact) { connect(contact, &RosterItem::needHistory, this->acc, &Account::onContactNeedHistory); connect(contact, &RosterItem::historyResponse, this->acc, &Account::onContactHistoryResponse); connect(contact, &RosterItem::nameChanged, this, &RosterHandler::onContactNameChanged); connect(contact, &RosterItem::avatarChanged, this, &RosterHandler::onContactAvatarChanged); connect(contact, &RosterItem::encryptionChanged, this, &RosterHandler::onContactEncryptionChanged); connect(contact, &RosterItem::requestVCard, acc->delay, &DelayManager::Manager::getVCard); } void Core::RosterHandler::handleNewContact(Core::Contact* contact) { handleNewRosterItem(contact); connect(contact, &Contact::groupAdded, this, &RosterHandler::onContactGroupAdded); connect(contact, &Contact::groupRemoved, this, &RosterHandler::onContactGroupRemoved); connect(contact, &Contact::subscriptionStateChanged, this, &RosterHandler::onContactSubscriptionStateChanged); } void Core::RosterHandler::handleNewConference(Core::Conference* contact) { handleNewRosterItem(contact); connect(contact, &Conference::nickChanged, this, &RosterHandler::onMucNickNameChanged); connect(contact, &Conference::subjectChanged, this, &RosterHandler::onMucSubjectChanged); connect(contact, &Conference::joinedChanged, this, &RosterHandler::onMucJoinedChanged); connect(contact, &Conference::autoJoinChanged, this, &RosterHandler::onMucAutoJoinChanged); connect(contact, &Conference::addParticipant, this, &RosterHandler::onMucAddParticipant); connect(contact, &Conference::changeParticipant, this, &RosterHandler::onMucChangeParticipant); connect(contact, &Conference::removeParticipant, this, &RosterHandler::onMucRemoveParticipant); } void Core::RosterHandler::onMucAddParticipant(const QString& nickName, const QMap& data) { Conference* room = static_cast(sender()); emit acc->addRoomParticipant(room->jid, nickName, data); } void Core::RosterHandler::onMucChangeParticipant(const QString& nickName, const QMap& data) { Conference* room = static_cast(sender()); emit acc->changeRoomParticipant(room->jid, nickName, data); } void Core::RosterHandler::onMucRemoveParticipant(const QString& nickName) { Conference* room = static_cast(sender()); emit acc->removeRoomParticipant(room->jid, nickName); } void Core::RosterHandler::onMucSubjectChanged(const QString& subject) { Conference* room = static_cast(sender()); emit acc->changeRoom(room->jid, {{"subject", subject}}); } void Core::RosterHandler::onContactGroupAdded(const QString& group) { Contact* contact = static_cast(sender()); if (contact->groupsCount() == 1) { // not sure i need to handle it here, the situation with grouped and ungrouped contacts handled on the client anyway } QMap cData({ {"name", contact->getName()}, {"state", QVariant::fromValue(contact->getSubscriptionState())}, #if (QXMPP_VERSION) >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(1, 5, 0) {"trust", QVariant::fromValue(acc->th->getSummary(contact->jid))}, #endif {"encryption", QVariant::fromValue(contact->encryption())} }); addToGroup(contact->jid, group); emit acc->addContact(contact->jid, group, cData); } void Core::RosterHandler::onContactGroupRemoved(const QString& group) { Contact* contact = static_cast(sender()); if (contact->groupsCount() == 0) { // not sure i need to handle it here, the situation with grouped and ungrouped contacts handled on the client anyway } emit acc->removeContact(contact->jid, group); removeFromGroup(contact->jid, group); } void Core::RosterHandler::onContactNameChanged(const QString& cname) { RosterItem* contact = static_cast(sender()); emit acc->changeContact(contact->jid, {{"name", cname}}); } void Core::RosterHandler::onContactEncryptionChanged(Shared::EncryptionProtocol value) { RosterItem* contact = static_cast(sender()); emit acc->changeContact(contact->jid, {{"encryption", QVariant::fromValue(value)}}); } void Core::RosterHandler::onContactSubscriptionStateChanged(Shared::SubscriptionState cstate) { Contact* contact = static_cast(sender()); emit acc->changeContact(contact->jid, {{"state", QVariant::fromValue(cstate)}}); } void Core::RosterHandler::onTrustChanged(const QString& jid, const Shared::TrustSummary& trust) { emit acc->changeContact(jid, {{"trust", QVariant::fromValue(trust)}}); } void Core::RosterHandler::addToGroup(const QString& jid, const QString& group) { std::map>::iterator gItr = groups.find(group); if (gItr == groups.end()) { gItr = groups.insert(std::make_pair(group, std::set())).first; emit acc->addGroup(group); } gItr->second.insert(jid.toLower()); } void Core::RosterHandler::removeFromGroup(const QString& jid, const QString& group) { QSet toRemove; std::map>::iterator itr = groups.find(group); if (itr == groups.end()) { qDebug() << "An attempt to remove contact" << jid << "of account" << acc->name << "from non existing group" << group << ", skipping"; return; } std::set contacts = itr->second; std::set::const_iterator cItr = contacts.find(jid.toLower()); if (cItr != contacts.end()) { contacts.erase(cItr); if (contacts.size() == 0) { emit acc->removeGroup(group); groups.erase(group); } } } Core::RosterItem* Core::RosterHandler::getRosterItem(const QString& jid) { RosterItem* item = nullptr; QString lcJid = jid.toLower(); std::map::const_iterator citr = contacts.find(lcJid); if (citr != contacts.end()) { item = citr->second; } else { std::map::const_iterator coitr = conferences.find(lcJid); if (coitr != conferences.end()) item = coitr->second; } return item; } Core::Conference* Core::RosterHandler::getConference(const QString& jid) { Conference* item = 0; std::map::const_iterator coitr = conferences.find(jid.toLower()); if (coitr != conferences.end()) item = coitr->second; return item; } Core::Contact* Core::RosterHandler::getContact(const QString& jid) { Contact* item = 0; std::map::const_iterator citr = contacts.find(jid.toLower()); if (citr != contacts.end()) item = citr->second; return item; } Core::Contact* Core::RosterHandler::addOutOfRosterContact(const QString& jid) { QString lcJid = jid.toLower(); Contact* cnt = new Contact(lcJid, acc->name); contacts.insert(std::make_pair(lcJid, cnt)); outOfRosterContacts.insert(lcJid); cnt->setSubscriptionState(Shared::SubscriptionState::unknown); emit acc->addContact(lcJid, "", QMap({ {"state", QVariant::fromValue(Shared::SubscriptionState::unknown)}, {"encryption", QVariant::fromValue(Shared::EncryptionProtocol::none)} })); handleNewContact(cnt); return cnt; } void Core::RosterHandler::onRosterItemChanged(const QString& bareJid) { QString lcJid = bareJid.toLower(); std::map::const_iterator itr = contacts.find(lcJid); if (itr == contacts.end()) { qDebug() << "An attempt to change non existing contact" << lcJid << "from account" << acc->name << ", skipping"; return; } Contact* contact = itr->second; QXmppRosterIq::Item re = acc->rm->getRosterEntry(lcJid); Shared::SubscriptionState state = castSubscriptionState(re.subscriptionType()); contact->setGroups(re.groups()); contact->setSubscriptionState(state); contact->setName(re.name()); } void Core::RosterHandler::onRosterItemRemoved(const QString& bareJid) { QString lcJid = bareJid.toLower(); std::map::const_iterator itr = contacts.find(lcJid); if (itr == contacts.end()) { qDebug() << "An attempt to remove non existing contact" << lcJid << "from account" << acc->name << ", skipping"; return; } Contact* contact = itr->second; contacts.erase(itr); QSet cGroups = contact->getGroups(); for (const QString& group : cGroups) removeFromGroup(lcJid, group); emit acc->removeContact(lcJid); contact->deleteLater(); } void Core::RosterHandler::onMucRoomAdded(QXmppMucRoom* room) { qDebug() << "room" << room->jid() << "added with name" << room->name() << ", account" << acc->getName() << "joined:" << room->isJoined(); } void Core::RosterHandler::bookmarksReceived(const QXmppBookmarkSet& bookmarks) { QList confs = bookmarks.conferences(); for (QList::const_iterator itr = confs.begin(), end = confs.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { const QXmppBookmarkConference& c = *itr; QString jid = c.jid().toLower(); std::map::const_iterator cItr = conferences.find(jid); if (cItr == conferences.end()) { addNewRoom(jid, c.nickName(), c.name(), c.autoJoin()); } else { if (c.autoJoin()) cItr->second->setJoined(true); else cItr->second->setAutoJoin(false); } } } void Core::RosterHandler::onMucJoinedChanged(bool joined){ Conference* room = static_cast(sender()); emit acc->changeRoom(room->jid, {{"joined", joined}}); } void Core::RosterHandler::onMucAutoJoinChanged(bool autoJoin) { storeConferences(); Conference* room = static_cast(sender()); emit acc->changeRoom(room->jid, {{"autoJoin", autoJoin}}); } void Core::RosterHandler::onMucNickNameChanged(const QString& nickName){ storeConferences(); Conference* room = static_cast(sender()); emit acc->changeRoom(room->jid, {{"nick", nickName}}); } Shared::SubscriptionState Core::RosterHandler::castSubscriptionState(QXmppRosterIq::Item::SubscriptionType qs){ Shared::SubscriptionState state; if (qs == QXmppRosterIq::Item::NotSet) state = Shared::SubscriptionState::unknown; else state = static_cast(qs); return state; } void Core::RosterHandler::storeConferences() { QXmppBookmarkSet bms = acc->bm->bookmarks(); QList confs; for (std::map::const_iterator itr = conferences.begin(), end = conferences.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { Conference* conference = itr->second; QXmppBookmarkConference conf; conf.setJid(conference->jid); conf.setName(conference->getName()); conf.setNickName(conference->getNick()); conf.setAutoJoin(conference->getAutoJoin()); confs.push_back(conf); } bms.setConferences(confs); acc->bm->setBookmarks(bms); } void Core::RosterHandler::clearConferences() { for (std::map::const_iterator itr = conferences.begin(), end = conferences.end(); itr != end; itr++) { itr->second->deleteLater(); emit acc->removeRoom(itr->first); } conferences.clear(); } void Core::RosterHandler::removeRoomRequest(const QString& jid) { QString lcJid = jid.toLower(); std::map::const_iterator itr = conferences.find(lcJid); if (itr == conferences.end()) qDebug() << "An attempt to remove non existing room" << lcJid << "from account" << acc->name << ", skipping"; itr->second->deleteLater(); conferences.erase(itr); emit acc->removeRoom(lcJid); storeConferences(); } void Core::RosterHandler::addRoomRequest(const QString& jid, const QString& nick, const QString& password, bool autoJoin) { SHARED_UNUSED(password); QString lcJid = jid.toLower(); std::map::const_iterator cItr = conferences.find(lcJid); if (cItr == conferences.end()) { addNewRoom(lcJid, nick, "", autoJoin); storeConferences(); } else { qDebug() << "An attempt to add a MUC " << lcJid << " which is already present in the rester, skipping"; } } void Core::RosterHandler::addContactToGroupRequest(const QString& jid, const QString& groupName) { QString lcJid = jid.toLower(); std::map::const_iterator itr = contacts.find(lcJid); if (itr == contacts.end()) { qDebug() << "An attempt to add non existing contact" << lcJid << "of account" << acc->name << "to the group" << groupName << ", skipping"; } else { QXmppRosterIq::Item item = acc->rm->getRosterEntry(lcJid); QSet groups = item.groups(); if (groups.find(groupName) == groups.end()) { //TODO need to change it, I guess that sort of code is better in qxmpp lib groups.insert(groupName); item.setGroups(groups); QXmppRosterIq iq; iq.setType(QXmppIq::Set); iq.addItem(item); acc->client.sendPacket(iq); } else { qDebug() << "An attempt to add contact" << jid << "of account" << acc->name << "to the group" << groupName << "but it's already in that group, skipping"; } } } void Core::RosterHandler::removeContactFromGroupRequest(const QString& jid, const QString& groupName) { QString lcJid = jid.toLower(); std::map::const_iterator itr = contacts.find(lcJid); if (itr == contacts.end()) { qDebug() << "An attempt to remove non existing contact" << lcJid << "of account" << acc->name << "from the group" << groupName << ", skipping"; } else { QXmppRosterIq::Item item = acc->rm->getRosterEntry(lcJid); QSet groups = item.groups(); QSet::const_iterator gItr = groups.find(groupName); if (gItr != groups.end()) { groups.erase(gItr); item.setGroups(groups); QXmppRosterIq iq; iq.setType(QXmppIq::Set); iq.addItem(item); acc->client.sendPacket(iq); } else { qDebug() << "An attempt to remove contact" << lcJid << "of account" << acc->name << "from the group" << groupName << "but it's not in that group, skipping"; } } } void Core::RosterHandler::onContactAvatarChanged(Shared::Avatar type, const QString& path) { RosterItem* item = static_cast(sender()); QMap cData({ {"avatarState", QVariant::fromValue(type)}, {"avatarPath", path} }); emit acc->changeContact(item->jid, cData); } void Core::RosterHandler::handleOffline() { for (const std::pair& pair : conferences) { pair.second->clearArchiveRequests(); pair.second->downgradeDatabaseState(); } for (const std::pair& pair : contacts) { pair.second->clearArchiveRequests(); pair.second->downgradeDatabaseState(); } } void Core::RosterHandler::onPepSupportedChanged(Shared::Support support) { if (support == Shared::Support::supported) { for (const std::pair& pair : contacts) { if (pair.second->getPepSupport() == Shared::Support::unknown) acc->dm->requestInfo(pair.first); } } }