// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Yury Gubich // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "helpers.h" #include "iostream" #include #include #include "config.h" static bool installed = false; static std::filesystem::path sPath; bool isSpace(char ch){ return std::isspace(static_cast(ch)); } void setAbsoluteSharedPath () { installed = true; sPath = FULL_DATA_DIR "/" PROJECT_NAME; // should be something like /usr/share/pica or /local/usr/share/pica } void initPaths(const char* programPath) { std::filesystem::path pp(programPath); if (pp.filename() == programPath) return setAbsoluteSharedPath(); std::filesystem::path cp; try { cp = std::filesystem::canonical(pp); } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error& e) { setAbsoluteSharedPath(); return; } if (cp.parent_path() == FULL_BIN_DIR) return setAbsoluteSharedPath(); std::cout << cp << std::endl; std::filesystem::path parent = cp.parent_path(); if (endsWith(parent.string(), BIN_DIR)) { //this is the case when the program is installed somewhere but not system root std::filesystem::path bin(BIN_DIR); //so it will read from something like ../share/pica/ relative to the binary for (const auto& hop : bin) { UNUSED(hop); //I do this just to make as many ups as many members are in bin parent = parent.parent_path(); } sPath = parent / DATA_DIR / PROJECT_NAME; } else { sPath = parent / DATA_DIR; //this should read something like ./share relative to the binary } } const std::filesystem::path& sharedPath() { return sPath; } bool endsWith(const std::string& string, const std::string& query) { std::string::size_type sl = string.length(); std::string::size_type ql = query.length(); if (sl >= ql) { unsigned int result = string.compare(sl - ql, ql, query); return result == 0; } else { return false; } } void ltrim(std::string& string) { string.erase( string.begin(), std::find_if( string.begin(), string.end(), std::not_fn(isSpace) ) ); } void rtrim(std::string& string) { string.erase( std::find_if( string.rbegin(), string.rend(), std::not_fn(isSpace) ).base(), string.end() ); } void trim(std::string& string) { ltrim(string); rtrim(string); } std::string extract(std::string& string, std::string::size_type begin, std::string::size_type end) { std::string result = string.substr(begin, end); if (end == std::string::npos) string.erase(begin, end); else string.erase(begin, result.length() + 1); return result; }