"use strict"; (function errorsPrivateClosure () { class BasicError { /** * @param {String} path - path to the file that caused an error * @param {String} originalName - original name of the loading file * */ constructor(path, originalName) { this.path = path; this.originalName = originalName; } get message () {return "Unknown error about file " + this.originalName + " (" + this.path + ")"}; } /** * This error happens when Mimicry couldn't access a file * */ class LoadError extends BasicError { get message () { return "Couldn't load file " + this.originalName + " (" + this.path + ")"; } } /** * This error happens when Mimicry couldn't evaluate a file * */ class FileError extends BasicError { constructor(path, originalName, message, line, col, nativeError) { super(path, originalName); this._message = message; this._line = line; this._col = col; this._err = nativeError; } get message () {return this._message;} get native () {return this._err;} } if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) module.exports = {BasicError, LoadError, FileError}; else window.__MimicryErrors__ = {BasicError, LoadError, FileError}; })();