# LMDBAL - Lightning Memory Data Base Abstraction Level [![AUR license](https://img.shields.io/aur/license/lmdbal?style=flat-square)](https://git.macaw.me/blue/lmdbal/raw/branch/master/LICENSE.md) [![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/version/lmdbal?style=flat-square)](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lmdbal/) [![Liberapay patrons](https://img.shields.io/liberapay/patrons/macaw.me?logo=liberapay&style=flat-square)](https://liberapay.com/macaw.me) ### Prerequisites - QT 5 *(lower versions might work but it wasn't tested)* - lmdb - CMake 3.16 or higher ### Using with CMake #### As a system library If you're using LMDBAL as a system library you probably have no control over it's build options. The easiest way to include the project is to add following ``` find_package(lmdbal) if (LMDBAL_FOUND) target_include_directories(yourTarget PRIVATE {LMDBAL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(yourTarget PRIVATE LMDBAL::LMDBAL) endif() ``` #### As an embeded subproject //TODO ### Building LMDBAL uses CMake as a build system. Please check the prerequisites and install them before building. Here is an easy way to build a project ``` $ git clone https://git.macaw.me/blue/lmdbal $ cd lmdbal $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. [ *optional keys* ] $ cmake --build . $ cmake --install . --prefix install ``` This way will create you a `lmdbal/build` directory with temporary files, and `lmdbal/build/install` with all the export files for installation to the system. After `cmake ..` you can specify keys to alter the building process. In this context building keys are transfered like so ``` cmake .. -D KEY1=VALUE1 -D KEY2=VALUE2 ... ``` #### List of keys Here is the list of keys you can pass to configuration phase of `cmake ..`: - `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` - `Debug` just builds showing all warnings, `Release` builds with no warnings and applies optimizations (default is `Debug`); - `BUILD_STATIC` - `True` builds project as a static library, `False` builds as dynamic (default is `False`); - `BUILD_TESTS` - `True` build unit tests, `False` does not (default is `False`); - `QT_VERSION_MAJOR` - `5` links against Qt5, `6` links agains Qt6, there is no default, so, if you didn't specify it the project will chose automatically; #### Running tests If you built the library with `-D BUILD_TESTS=True`, then there will be `lmdbal/build/tests/runUnitTests` executable file. You can simply run it as ``` ./runUnitTests ``` if you're in the same directory with it ## License This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details