import factory from "./painting/factory.js"; import Shape from "./painting/shape.js"; import Canvas from "./ui/canvas.js"; import Button from "./ui/button.js"; import Panel from "./ui/panel.js"; import Form from "./ui/editors/form.js"; import NumericBox from "./ui/editors/numericBox.js"; import SwitchBox from "./ui/editors/switchBox.js"; document.body.innerHTML = ""; const maxPanelWidth = 300; const panelPaddingTop = 90; Shape.setBounding(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); let canvas = new Canvas(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); let paintButton = new Button("paint"); paintButton.addHandler(paint); let panelWidth = Math.min(maxPanelWidth ,window.innerWidth - 20); let panelHeight = window.innerHeight - 20; let panel = new Panel(panelWidth, panelHeight); = panelPaddingTop + "px"; panel.setPosition(10, 10); let settings = new Button("gear"); settings.addHandler(panel.toggle.bind(panel)); let clear = new Button("blank"); clear.addHandler(canvas.clear.bind(canvas)); window.addEventListener("resize", onWindowResize, false); let form = new Form(panelWidth, panelHeight - panelPaddingTop); let coloringBox = new SwitchBox(true, 40, 20); let randomBox = new SwitchBox(true, 40, 20); let amountBox = new NumericBox(100, 30); amountBox.setValue(100); let circlesBox = new SwitchBox(true, 40, 20); let rectanglesBox = new SwitchBox(true, 40, 20); let trianglesBox = new SwitchBox(true, 40, 20); let blurBox = new NumericBox(100, 30); blurBox.setValue(0); form.addLine("coloring", "Colored shapes", coloringBox); form.addLine("random", "Random amount of shapes", randomBox); form.addLine("amount", "Amount of shapes", amountBox); form.addLine("circles", "Probability of circles", circlesBox); form.addLine("rectangles", "Probability of rectangles", rectanglesBox); form.addLine("triangles", "Probability of triangles", trianglesBox); form.addLine("blur", "Blur strength", blurBox); panel.add(form); document.body.appendChild(canvas.element); document.body.appendChild(panel.element); document.body.appendChild(paintButton.element); document.body.appendChild(settings.element); document.body.appendChild(clear.element); adjustButtons(panelWidth); paint(); function onWindowResize(e) { Shape.setBounding(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); canvas.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); let panelWidth = Math.min(maxPanelWidth ,window.innerWidth - 20); panel.setSize(panelWidth, window.innerHeight - 20); adjustButtons(panelWidth); } function paint() { canvas.setBlurStrength(blurBox.value); Shape.setColoring(coloringBox.value); factory.setCollection({ rectangle: rectanglesBox.value, circle: circlesBox.value, triangle: trianglesBox.value }); let amount; if (randomBox.value) { amount = Math.floor(Math.random() * amountBox.value); } else { amount = amountBox.value; } for (let i = 0; i < amount; ++i) { let shape = factory.createRandomShape(); canvas.draw(shape); } } function adjustButtons(width) { paintButton.setPosition(width / 4 - Button.width + 10, 25); settings.setPosition(width / 2 - Button.width / 2 + 10, 25); clear.setPosition(width * 0.75 + 10, 25); }