import UI from "../ui.js"; class NumericBox extends UI { constructor(width, height) { super(document.createElement("div"), width, height); this._valid = false; this._value = true; this._createInput(); this._bindEvents(); } destructor() { this._input.removeEventListener("keyPress", this._boundKeyPress); this._input.removeEventListener("input", this._boundInput); delete this._boundKeyPress; delete this._boundInput; delete this._input; super.destructor(); } get value() { if (this._valid) { return this._value; } else { throw new Error("An attempt to get value of invalid NumericBox"); } } setValue(value) { let val = parseFloat(value); this._value = val; this._input.value = val.toString(); this._valid = true; } _bindEvents() { this._boundInput = this._onInput.bind(this); this._boundKeyPress = this._onKeyPress.bind(this); this._input.addEventListener("keyPress", this._boundKeyPress); this._input.addEventListener("input", this._boundInput); } _createInput() { this._input = document.createElement("div"); this._input.classList.add("numericBox"); this.element.appendChild(this._input); } _onInput(e) { let oldVal = this._value; let newVal = this._input.value; if (newVal === "" || newVal === "-" || newVal === ".") { if (newVal === ".") { this.setValue(0); this._input.value += '.'; } else { this._input.value = newVal; this._value = null; this._valid = false; } } else if (!newVal.match(/^\-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?$/)) { if (oldVal === null) { this._input.value = ""; this._valid = false; this._value = null; } else { this.setValue(oldVal); } } else { let dotIndex = newVal.indexOf('.'); if (newVal[newVal.length-1] === '.') { this.setValue(parseFloat(newVal)); this._input.value += '.'; } else if (dotIndex > 0 && newVal[newVal.length-1] === "0") { this.setValue(parseFloat(newVal)); this._input.value = newVal; } else { this.setValue(parseFloat(newVal)); } } } _onKeyPress(e) { switch (e.charCode) { case 45: // "-" case 1102: case 46: // "." case 48: //zero case 49: //other digits case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: break; default: e.preventDefault(); break; } } } export default NumericBox;