"use strict"; var Class = require("./class"); var Enum = Class.inherit({ className: "Enum", constructor: function(name, additional) { if (typeof name !== "string" || name.length === 0) { throw new Error("An attempt to register enum with wrong or empty name"); } if (storage[name]) { throw new Error("An attempt to register enum " + name + " for the second time"); } Class.fn.constructor.call(this); this.name = name; this.straight = Object.create(null); this.reversed = Object.create(null); this.additional = Object.create(null); this._additionals = additional || []; this._lastId = 0; storage[name] = this; }, add: function(name, additional, id) { if (typeof name !== "string" || name.length === 0) { throw new Error("An attempt to add an entry with invalid name to enum " + name); } if (!id) { id = this._lastId + 1; } if (this.straight[id] !== undefined) { throw new Error("Id duplication in enum " + this.name + " during an attempt to add entry " + name); } if (this.reversed[name] !== undefined) { throw new Error("Name duplication in enum " + this.name + " during an attempt to add entry " + name); } this.straight[name] = id; this.reversed[id] = name; this.additional[id] = Object.create(null); for (var i = 0; i < this._additionals.length; ++i) { var key = this._additionals[i]; var aVal = additional[key]; if (aVal === undefined) { throw new Error("An attempt to add an entry " + name + " into enum " + this.name + " without providing additional value " + key); } this.additional[id][key] = aVal; } this._lastId = id; }, hasAdditional: function(name) { return this._additionals.indexOf(name) !== -1; } }); var storage = Object.create(null); Enum.storage = storage; module.exports = Enum;