"use strict"; var counter = 0; var Subscribable = require("../utils/subscribable"); var Handler = require("../wDispatcher/handler"); var Address = require("../wType/address"); var String = require("../wType/string"); var Vocabulary = require("../wType/vocabulary"); var Event = require("../wType/event"); var counter = 0; var Controller = Subscribable.inherit({ "className": "Controller", "constructor": function(addr) { Subscribable.fn.constructor.call(this); this.id = ++counter; this.initialized = false; this._subscribed = false; this._registered = false; this._pairAddress = addr; this._address = new Address([this.className.toString() + counter++]); this._handlers = []; this._controllers = []; this.properties = []; this._foreignControllers = []; this.addHandler("properties"); }, "destructor": function() { var i; if (this._subscribed) { this.unsubscribe(); } if (this._registered) { this.unregister(); } for (i = 0; i < this._foreignControllers.length; ++i) { this._foreignControllers[i].c.destructor(); } for (i = 0; i < this._controllers.length; ++i) { this._controllers[i].destructor(); } for (i = 0; i < this._handlers.length; ++i) { this._handlers[i].destructor(); } this._pairAddress.destructor(); this._address.destructor(); Subscribable.fn.destructor.call(this); }, "addController": function(controller, before) { if (!(controller instanceof Controller)) { throw new Error("An attempt to add not a controller into " + this.className); } controller.on("serviceMessage", this._onControllerServiceMessage, this); var index = this._controllers.length; if (before === undefined) { this._controllers.push(controller); } else { index = before; this._controllers.splice(before, 0, controller); } if (this._registered) { controller.register(this._dp, this._socket); } if (this._subscribed && !controller._subscribed) { this._subscribeChildController(index); } this.trigger("newController", controller, index); }, "addForeignController": function(nodeName, ctrl) { if (!(ctrl instanceof Controller)) { throw new Error("An attempt to add not a controller into " + this.className); } this._foreignControllers.push({n: nodeName, c: ctrl}); ctrl.on("serviceMessage", this._onControllerServiceMessage, this); if (this._registered) { global.registerForeignController(nodeName, ctrl); } if (this._subscribed) { global.subscribeForeignController(nodeName, ctrl); } }, "addHandler": function(name) { if (!(this["_h_" + name] instanceof Function)) { throw new Error("An attempt to create handler without a handling method"); } var handler = new Handler(this._address["+"](new Address([name])), this, this["_h_" + name]); this._handlers.push(handler); if (this._registered) { this._dp.registerHandler(handler); } }, "clearChildren": function() { while (this._controllers.length) { var controller = this._controllers[this._controllers.length - 1] this._removeController(controller); controller.destructor(); } }, "_createSubscriptionVC": function() { return new Vocabulary(); }, "getPairAddress": function() { return this._pairAddress.clone(); }, "_h_properties": function(ev) { this.trigger("clearProperties"); this.properties = []; var data = ev.getData(); var list = data.at("properties"); var size = list.length(); for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) { var vc = list.at(i); var pair = {p: vc.at("property").toString(), k: vc.at("key").toString()}; this.properties.push(pair); this.trigger("addProperty", pair.k, pair.p); } }, "_onControllerServiceMessage": function(msg, severity) { this.trigger("serviceMessage", msg, severity); }, "_onSocketDisconnected": function() { this._subscribed = false; }, "register": function(dp, socket) { var i; if (this._registered) { throw new Error("Controller " + this._address.toString() + " is already registered"); } this._dp = dp; this._socket = socket; socket.on("disconnected", this._onSocketDisconnected, this); for (i = 0; i < this._controllers.length; ++i) { this._controllers[i].register(this._dp, this._socket); } for (i = 0; i < this._handlers.length; ++i) { dp.registerHandler(this._handlers[i]); } for (i = 0; i < this._foreignControllers.length; ++i) { var pair = this._foreignControllers[i] global.registerForeignController(pair.n, pair.c); } this._registered = true; }, "removeController": function(ctrl) { if (!(ctrl instanceof Controller)) { throw new Error("An attempt to remove not a controller from " + this.className); } var index = this._controllers.indexOf(ctrl); if (index !== -1) { this._removeControllerByIndex(index); } else { throw new Error("An attempt to remove not not existing controller from " + this.className); } }, "removeForeignController": function(ctrl) { if (!(ctrl instanceof Controller)) { throw new Error("An attempt to remove not a controller from " + this.className); } for (var i = 0; i < this._foreignControllers.length; ++i) { if (this._foreignControllers[i].c === ctrl) { break; } } if (i === this._foreignControllers.length) { throw new Error("An attempt to remove not not existing controller from " + this.className); } else { var pair = this._foreignControllers[i]; if (this._subscribed) { global.unsubscribeForeignController(pair.n, pair.c); } if (this._registered) { global.registerForeignController(pair.n, pair.c); } pair.c.off("serviceMessage", this._onControllerServiceMessage, this); this._foreignControllers.splice(i, 1); } }, "_removeControllerByIndex": function(index) { var ctrl = this._controllers[index]; if (this._subscribed) { this._unsubscribeChildController(index); } if (this._dp) { ctrl.unregister(); } this._controllers.splice(index, 1); this.trigger("removedController", ctrl, index); }, "send": function(vc, handler) { if (!this._registered) { throw new Error("An attempt to send event from model " + this._address.toString() + " which is not registered"); } var addr = this._pairAddress["+"](new Address([handler])); var id = this._socket.getId().clone(); vc.insert("source", this._address.clone()); var ev = new Event(addr, vc); ev.setSenderId(id); this._socket.send(ev); ev.destructor(); }, "subscribe": function() { if (this._subscribed) { throw new Error("An attempt to subscribe model " + this._address.toString() + " which is already subscribed"); } this._subscribed = true; var vc = this._createSubscriptionVC(); this.send(vc, "subscribe"); for (var i = 0; i < this._controllers.length; ++i) { this._subscribeChildController(i) } for (var i = 0; i < this._foreignControllers.length; ++i) { var pair = this._foreignControllers[i] global.subscribeForeignController(pair.n, pair.c); } }, "_subscribeChildController": function(index) { var ctrl = this._controllers[index]; ctrl.subscribe(); }, "unregister": function() { if (!this._registered) { throw new Error("Controller " + this._address.toString() + " is not registered"); } var i; for (i = 0; i < this._foreignControllers.length; ++i) { var pair = this._foreignControllers[i] global.unregisterForeignController(pair.n, pair.c); } for (i = 0; i < this._controllers.length; ++i) { this._controllers[i].unregister(); } for (i = 0; i < this._handlers.length; ++i) { this._dp.unregisterHandler(this._handlers[i]); } this._socket.off("disconnected", this._onSocketDisconnected, this); delete this._dp; delete this._socket; this._registered = false; }, "unsubscribe": function() { if (!this._subscribed) { throw new Error("An attempt to unsubscribe model " + this._address.toString() + " which is not subscribed"); } this._subscribed = false; if (this._socket.isOpened()) { var vc = new Vocabulary(); this.send(vc, "unsubscribe"); } for (var i = 0; i < this._foreignControllers.length; ++i) { var pair = this._foreignControllers[i] global.unsubscribeForeignController(pair.n, pair.c); } for (var i = 0; i < this._controllers.length; ++i) { this._unsubscribeChildController(i); } }, "_unsubscribeChildController": function(index) { var ctrl = this._controllers[index]; ctrl.unsubscribe(); } }); Controller.createByType = function(type, address) { var typeName = this.ReversedModelType[type]; if (typeName === undefined) { throw new Error("Unknown ModelType: " + type); } var Type = this.constructors[typeName]; if (Type === undefined) { throw new Error("Constructor is not loaded yet, something is wrong"); } return new Type(address); } Controller.initialize = function(rc, cb) { var deps = []; var types = []; for (var key in this.ModelTypesPaths) { if (this.ModelTypesPaths.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (!rc || rc.indexOf(key) !== -1) { deps.push(this.ModelTypesPaths[key]); types.push(key); } } } require(deps, function() { for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) { Controller.constructors[types[i]] = arguments[i]; } cb(); }); } Controller.ModelType = { String: 0, List: 1, Vocabulary: 2, Image: 3, Controller: 4, Attributes: 50, GlobalControls: 100, Link: 101, Page: 102, PageStorage: 103, PanesList: 104, Theme: 105, ThemeStorage: 106 }; Controller.ReversedModelType = { "0": "String", "1": "List", "2": "Vocabulary", "3": "Image", "4": "Controller", "50": "Attributes", "100": "GlobalControls", "101": "Link", "102": "Page", "103": "PageStorage", "104": "PanesList", "105": "Theme", "106": "ThemeStorage" }; Controller.ModelTypesPaths = { String: "./string", //resolve as dependency List: "./list", //resolve as dependency Vocabulary: "./vocabulary", //resolve as dependency Attributes: "./attributes", //resolve as dependency GlobalControls: "./globalControls", //resolve as dependency Link: "./link", //resolve as dependency Page: "./page", //resolve as dependency PageStorage: "./pageStorage", //resolve as dependency PanesList: "./panesList", //resolve as dependency Theme: "./theme", //resolve as dependency ThemeStorage: "./themeStorage", //resolve as dependency Image: "./image" //resolve as dependency }; Controller.constructors = { Controller: Controller }; module.exports = Controller;