"use strict"; var Address = require("../wType/address"); var Vocabulary = require("./vocabulary"); var File = require("./file/file"); var LM = require("./localModel"); var ImagePane = Vocabulary.inherit({ "className": "ImagePane", "constructor": function(addr) { Vocabulary.fn.constructor.call(this, addr); this._actions = []; this._hasPageLink = false; this._hasImage = false; this.image = null; }, "_actionActivate": function(name) { var actObj = standardActions[name]; actObj.handler(this); }, "addAction": function(action) { var type = action.at("type").valueOf(); var obj = Object.create(null); var supported = true; obj.type = type; switch (type) { case 0: var act = action.at("action").toString(); var actObj = standardActions[act]; if (actObj === undefined) { this.trigger("seviceMessage", "Action " + act + " is not supported in ImagePanel, skipping"); supported = false; } var model = new LM(actionProps, ""); model.enabled = true; model.hasLabel = true; model.label = new LM(actionLabelProps, actObj.name); model.addController(model.label); model.activate = this._actionActivate.bind(this, act); obj.model = model; obj.action = act; break; } if (supported) { this._actions.push(obj); this.trigger("addAction", obj.model); } }, "addElement": function(key, element) { switch (key) { case "image": if (!this._hasImage) { this._hasImage = true; this.image = new File(new Address(["images", element.toString()])); this.addForeignController("Corax", this.image); } break; case "hasPageLink": this._hasPageLink = element.valueOf(); break; case "actions": var size = element.length(); for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) { this.addAction(element.at(i)); } } Vocabulary.fn.addElement.call(this, key, element); }, "getActions": function() { var models = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._actions.length; ++i) { models.push(this._actions[i].model); } return models; }, "getPageLink": function() { if (this._hasPageLink) { return this.data.at("pageLink").clone(); } else { throw new Error("An attempt to request a page link from pane which doesn't have it"); } }, "hasImage": function() { return this._hasImage; }, "hasPageLink": function() { return this._hasPageLink; }, "removeElement": function(key) { Vocabulary.fn.removeElement.call(this, key); if (key === "image" && this._hasImage) { this.removeForeignController(this.image); this._hasImage = false; this.image.destructor(); this.image = null; } } }); var standardActions = { "play": { handler: function (obj) { var id = obj._pairAddress.back(); //todo it's a kind of crutch, need to do something about it in the future window.play(id); id.destructor(); }, name: "Play" } }; var actionProps = { "backgroundColor": "primaryColor" }; var actionLabelProps = { "fontFamily": "casualFont", "fontSize": "casualFontSize", "color": "primaryFontColor" } module.exports = ImagePane;