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extends Node3D
@export var AnimatedSprite: AnimatedSprite2D # 2d sprite
@export var Camera: Camera3D # current camera
@export var CharacterBody: Node3D # 3d object
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
# TODO: optimize to ensure it doesn't use CPU when both camera and object is idle
func _process(_delta):
const Z_MULTIPLIER = 10 # number of z indexes that 1m will take
# set 2d sprite z index (render order) to 3d object z coordinate, multiply by Z_MULTIPLIER
AnimatedSprite.z_index = CharacterBody.global_position.z * Z_MULTIPLIER
if not Camera.is_position_behind(CharacterBody.global_position): # if not outide of camera range
AnimatedSprite.global_position = Camera.unproject_position(CharacterBody.global_position) # set sprite position to where 3d object is from camera's POV
var distance = pow(CharacterBody.global_position.distance_to(Camera.global_position),0.25) # calculate distance between camera and 3d object and smooth it out
if distance < 2:
AnimatedSprite.scale = Vector2(2,2) - Vector2(distance,distance) # the more distance the smaller is the scale of sprite
AnimatedSprite.scale = Vector2(0,0) # is distance big, prevent from going to negative